Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Date ❯ Unexpected Surprise ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sakura: Jason is so cute!

Everyone except Jason, Sakura, and Syaoron: *Sweat drops*

Kero: I don't get her. Oh well. THANK YOU LilShampoo for the cake and the review. And thank you Soni for the review!

Kay: Yeah, thank you, I don't think I would have given him anymore cake. And you'll find out who Madison is thinking about. *giggles a bit* and also thank you Soni for the review. *Goes into little world*

Madison: Hello Kay. *waves hand in front of face* what are we going to do about Syaoron chasing Jason.

Kay: *light bulb turns on, on top of her head* I got an idea! *Grabs extra large mallet, again, and hits Syaoron hard in stomach* Syaoron…DON'T KILL THE CAST!

Sakura: Freeze card, freeze Syaoron's feet!

Syaoron: Why did you freeze my feet?

Jason: *hides behind Kay* Please keep me away from him.

Sakura: Because Jason is a part of the cast, and he is going to be involved somehow in the rest of this fic!

Syaoron: Okay. I guess I just got a little jealous.

Kay: Alright, now that we have straightened that out, I would like to make an important statement. The Disclaimer! And one more thing, it is Tuesday in this fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS or CC, only the plot and the OC.

Eli and Madison: Hope you enjoy the chapter!


~*~The same day, starting from the end of Sakura's last class~*~

`Only 30 seconds to go, must stay awake' Sakura thought. '20 seconds, I can do this, 10 seconds, must survive! 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, come on Sakura you can stay awake.' *The bell rings* `Yes!' *Sakura walks to the front of the school* `It's snowing' she thought.

"Hey Madison, how was your day?"

"It was pretty good Sakura," she replied.

"Well we better start walking,"


"Hey, wait up for us!" *Both Sakura and Madison turn around to see Eli and Jason running towards them*

"Hey Jason." Said Sakura

"Hey Eli," Madison said as Eli takes her hand.

"Hi," both boys said in unison.

"Hey do you want to come over to my house for a while?" asked Sakura.

"Sure," they said in unison, again.

*All of them started walking in the direction of Sakura's house*

~*~Tori's POV, starting from end of last class~*~

`This is really getting boring! At least it is just the last few minutes of this class' *Looks over to Nakuru, who is listening to the teacher* `I wonder if she is really listening? Well she probably is, I mean she has changed a lot in the last six years' *Nakuru turns around and notices that Tori is looking at her so she smiles* `Close your mouth, and look out the window. Why are you starring at her Tori, you never use to care for her? Are you starting to like her Tori?! NO, NO, NO NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, and is it snowing outside?' he thought *the bell rings* `I have an idea' *Heads out to the front of the school* "Hey it's starting to snow" he said to no one in particular.

When he reached the front of the school he saw Julien waiting for him.

"Hey Julien."

"Hey Tori, I can't walk with you today, I have to go look something up in the library."

"Okay, well see ya later" `this will work out just fine' he thought.

`There's Nakuru, alright Tori, you can ask her, I mean it is just Nakuru' his mind said. "Hey Nakuru" he said.

"Hi Tori, I kind of have to go." She replied. `NO! Tori don't let her get away from you!' *Tori reached and grabbed her hand with a slight blush*

"Please, will you let me walk you home?"

"Sure, I don't see the harm in it. But where is Julien, isn't he going to walk with us?" She questioned with a small smile.

"Uh…no…you see, he has to go to the library today to look something up."

"Okay, I don't see why you can't walk me home," she said as she looked down at her hand, the one that was holding Tori's hand.

*Tori took back his hand*

"Sorry, I didn't mean-" but he was cut off.

"It's okay. I don't mind holding your hand," she replied with a smile, and then took Tori's hand.

"Well we better start walking," she continued as they both started to walk in the direction of her house, hand in hand. <It is in the same direction as the Avalon's house, only her house is just a few blocks down.>

`She really has changed. I mean she isn't pulling me around, she isn't on my back. She is actually walking with me, and holding my hand.' He thought as he heard a voice in the back of his head say "No, you can't! YOU DON"T LIKE HER, YOU NEVER WILL!" the voice screamed but Tori just ignored it.

~*~Back to Sakura POV~*~

*Sees her bother with Nakuru walking towards them.*

"Hide everyone, NOW!"

*Everyone hides in the bush, just as Tori and Nakuru stop a few meters from where they are*

"What's going on?" asked Jason.

"Eli, Madison you know how I told you about what happened earlier today"

"Yes." They said together.

"Well Tori and Nakuru are right over there and I have a little idea, but I'm going to need your help Jason."

"Okay, just what is it, and why do you need me?" He asked smoothly.

"Well Tori is my brother and he knows Madison and Eli, but the thing is he doesn't know who you are"

"That answers one of my questions Sakura, now what do I have to do?"

"Okay here is what you have to do…"*she whispers in his ear.*

"Smooth, I can do this. No problem."

~*~Tori's POV right now~*~

*Tori suddenly stopped*

"What's the matter Tori?" Nakuru asked confused as she stood in front of him still holding his hand. "It's just a little farther."

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about the winter festival and …" he mumbled something at the end that no one could hear.

"And what? You know I couldn't hear the last part"

"I'm sorry Nakuru, something got in my throat."

"I guess its okay *grins* as long as you tell me what you said or were going to say"

`DANGER, DANGER, she may find out that you're starting to like her' he thought as the sirens went off in his head.


"I still didn't understand that," she said as she leaned a little closer so that there lips were only a couple inches apart.

"I know." He said with a grin as he leaned down closer so that there lips were close enough to one another, that they could feel each others breath. A voice in Tori's head started to scream "WHAT ARE YOU DOING PULL AWAY, PULL AWAY" `I don't know what I'm doing' he thought `please let something ruin this'………….


Someone collided with Nakuru. Nakuru was pushed into Tori's arms who fell onto the snowy ground, because he wasn't ready for it, with Nakuru on him, and just as Sakura planned, < you guessed it!> both lips met. For a few seconds neither of them knew what was going on, for they didn't turn it into a passionate kiss, but neither pulled away. Tori wanted to start kissing her, and felt something pushing against his lips and decided to open his mouth a little. For a moment both tongues met, but when he realized what was going on, he immediately got up. `Perfect! It was a direct hit. Now act like it was an accident and run' thought Jason.

"I'm really sorry, but I'm in a hurry right now." The boy said as he took off running.

"Wait, what's your name?" Nakuru yelled after him.

Jason almost decided to just keep running and not say anything, but instead, gave them a name. "The name is Lee. Goodbye, I got to go," he yelled back to them.

"That kid was in a hurry." Tori said with a blush as he looked at Nakuru, who was still on the ground.

"Yeah" replied Nakuru with a smile.

"Are you okay Nakuru?" he asked holding his hand out.

She took his hand with a blush "I guess." Was her only response. When she got up they both gazed into each others eyes, neither of them knew what to say about what just happened until Tori broke the silence.

"Come on; let's just go back to my house. It's starting to snow harder."

"Okay" replied Nakuru as they headed in the direction of Tori's house.

`If I ever find that boy again, I'm going to thank him big time. And I'm also going to scold him till he is up against the wall for not making sure we were both okay' Tori then took Nakuru hand.

"Do you mind if I hold your hand?" he said as he blushed harder.

"N-No…you can hold my hand anytime you want." She replied, also blushing harder. They started walking back to Tori's house in silence.

~*~Back to Sakura and Co. ~*~

"Yes, it worked, thank you Jason." Yelled Sakura.

"Yeah…hey Sakura is he running to your house?" asked Madison.

"Yes, he is, why do you ask that?"

"Because after that little kiss, Tori and Nakuru are heading in the direction of your house." Replied Eli.

"Uh oh, that means if he sees Jason there he may-"

"Most likely." Was all Madison could say to a now worried Sakura.

"Wait I have an idea, Sakura" Said Eli out of the blue.

"What is it and will it save Jason?"

"Yes, it will Sakura. Use the time card."

"Great Idea Eli." She summoned her wand using her incarnations.<I don't know what there called. It's those words she says to summon her wand.> It was a pink wand with a white bird shaped head at the top. "TIME, Freeze time now! TIME." Everything stopped moving except for Sakura, Eli, and Madison.

"Okay lets run until we find Jason then get into my house!"

*they begin running*

"There he is!" reported Eli, after they had been running for a little.

"TIME CARD, UNFREEZE TIME!" Sakura yelled.

"HEY JASON," Yelled Eli.

"Oh hey everyone. How did you catch up with me I thought you were still back there?"

"We started running before you." Madison replied.

"Okay lets get to my house before my brother and Nakuru catch up."

"OKAY," everyone said as they started to walk to Sakura's house.

After a while of walking they finally got to Sakura's house.

"Alright everyone, lets go inside and do something before Tori gets in, that way it doesn't look like we were the ones to push them together," Sakura said.

"Alright, Madison and I will make hot chocolate. Is that okay with you Madison?" Eli said.

"It's fine with me," said Madison.

"Alright, I'll make some cookies. Do you want to help Jason?" asked Sakura.

"Sure," replied Jason.

"Oh yeah…Jason you may want to hide your jacket when you get inside."

"Why Sakura?"

"Well he saw you with it, and he may get a little mad at the fact that you're the one who pushed them together if he remembers what you look like."

"Good point."

~*~Back to Tori and Nakuru walking~*~

`You kissed her Tori, you kissed her, and now you're holding hands with her. Okay maybe it wasn't exactly a kiss, but still our lips met. So thank you Lee, or whoever you were for running into us, hey maybe she will go to the winter festival with me' he thought. They reached his house and it started to snow even harder. They reached the porch, and Tori held her back from opening the door.

"Are you thinking about what happened, you know the kiss and everything?"

"Yeah I guess I am a little. Why?"

"Well I'm kind of thinking about it too."


"And I'm kind of wondering if you will go to the winter festival with me?"

"Sure Tori!" *hugs him* "You know I will."

*tightens his grip around her waist* `Thank you!' He liked that they were so close, and that they could feel each others heat. It remained like that for several moments, until he heard someone yell inside the house.

"CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!" it was Sakura and Madison.

Tori and Nakuru sweat drops, as they look at the open door, directly at Sakura and right behind her was Jason, Madison and Eli.

"And I got it all on film," Madison reported.

*Everyone falls over anime style,* except Madison.

`Just like Madison' thought Sakura.


Tori: Okay…How come I asked her to go with me, and how come I KISSED HER?

Kay: I thought you liked her.

Tori: ……

Kay: DON'T YOU LIKE HER? *Starts tapping foot* WELL…

Tori: ……

Kay: If you don't give me an answer I'll *whispers in ear*

Tori: You wouldn't…I'm one of your favorite characters…sometimes

Kay: Is this the face of someone who would lie?

Tori: Okay I like her!

Kay: Good. *puts on an evil smile*
Sakura: Okay the next chapter will most likely start from the end of this chapter.

Kero: Alright Kay why did you pair up Jason and Sakura to do cookies?

Kay: Because it is my fic and I can do whatever I want, so deal with it. *sticks tongue out at Kero* And because he is going to help Sakura later on, and I'm not going to tell you how.

Syaoron: Okay, can you answer this question for me Kay? When-

Kay: You just asked one, and the answer is soon.

Syaoron: Oh…

Nakuru: Okay *clears throat* PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP! read and review.

Kay: How did YOU get in here, and how did Tori get in too?!

Tori: We unlocked the door with the key under the welcome mat.

Kay: oh…well… hope everyone enjoyed this chap. Sorry about getting it up late. But I made it pretty long.

Eli: Hope you enjoyed. Bye.