Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Falling Star ❯ A Heart Wrenching Surprise ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Thank you guys so much for the reviews! I'm so happy that you like how the story is going on. TO J.J: The fic is going to be over 20 chapters. I know this because I have written most. So all of y'all hold tight. This is the twister of the whole entire fic!!!
^*^*^*^WISH UPON A FALLING STAR^*^*^*^
by: maixwolfblossom
--Chappie Eleven--
--A Heart Wrenching Surprise--
“Syaoran-kun I--”
She didn't know if it was the breeze from the balcony or the nearness of Syaoran that made her shiver.
All she knew was that he was there, hugging her caringly.
She felt weak in his arms.
She also felt safe and couldn't help but hold on, afraid to lose the heat of him.
She moved closer to his lips, realizing how soft they looked.
He began to move in as well.
They moved closer………
And Closer………
And closer………
And closer………
Their lips barely touched as a knock was heard at the door.
(A/N: Doesn't that suck? >.< *Catgirl MM comes into view* Uh oh!!! Catgirl MM is chasing me!!! AHHHH SAVE ME OR THERE WILL NOT BE A maixwolfblossom nemore!!!! )
Sakura broke out of her reverie while Syaoran looked disappointed.
Whoever that was knocking on my door is going to pay.
(A/N: Hehehe I'm so mean. But well well well, S+S had their first kiss newayz OW *cookie drops on head, again!!!*)
I ignored the knock and looked at Sakura.
I decided it was now or never, “Sakura, I l--”
“Li Xiao Lang, open this door, right this minute!”
~*~Normal POV~*~
Syaoran jumped up hearing his mother's stern voice.
Sakura looked at him, wondering what he wanted to say to her.
He let go of Sakura eventually and walked to the door.
Sakura got up from his bed reluctantly, and watched Syaoran as he opened the door seeing his noble woman of a mother.
“Xiao Lang, I need a word with you if you may?”
Syaoran turned bright red, “Um………sorry, mother, but I'm kind of busy………”
Yelan stood rigidly at the spot, “ I need to speak to you right away. Meaning _now_!”
She pushed open his bedroom door and met scared emerald eyes.
Deep inside, Yelan, was a little relieved that her only son had found himself a girlfriend, but the things she had to do for duty.
She really loved her son and didn't want to rob him of his birthright, so the best way to raise him was without her love.
“Xiao Lang, who is this girl?”
Yelan could've sworn she heard her son mutter, `Like you'd care', which really hurt her deeply.
“Yes I care, Xiao Lang and this latest decision of the elders may ruin your relationship with this girl.”
Syaoran looked up immediately at his mother, whose grave eyes were overlooking Sakura carefully.
Sakura stared at Yelan's strict, but beautiful features, “Li-san? May I say something?”
Yelan looked at her, “Yes, you may.”
Sakura bowed, “Well, hi, my name is Kinomoto Sakura and well……...”
Yelan looked intently at Sakura hearing her old friend's last name.
“Excuse me, Kinomoto-san, are you to any relations of Kinomoto Nadeshiko and Kinomoto Fujitaka?”
(A/N: Yes, readers, Yelan knows Nadeshiko in this fic. Watch out for that cookie!!! *cookie hits Catgirl MM, cherry, and Meow the chibi neko* oopz, now all of you are chasing me!!!!!)
Sakura and Syaoran gazed at Yelan in awe.
“Y-yes………I'm their daughter and………how did you know………I mean, that's rude. How do you know my parents, Li-san?”
Yelan regained her manner and sadness filled her already darkened emotions, “Well, your mother and I were very good friends when we were younger. Her grandfather would always bring her to Hong Kong to visit and through the years we obtained a strong friendship. But sadly we lost contact after, Touya, your older brother was born. And when I went to Tomoeda, I heard she died a few years back………”
Syaoran looked at his mother, shock obvious on his face.
Sakura frowned at the thought of her brother and then smiled wistfully, “I think I've heard my mother talk of you before, though I was only three, she always told me about her friend in Hong Kong.”
Yelan smiled contently shocking Syaoran; he never seen his mother's smile.
“Well, that's good. What were you going to say, my dear child? May I call you, Sakura?”
Yelan looked at Sakura lovingly. Nadeshiko was one of the best friends she had acquired during her childhood and she didn't want to lose connections to the Kinomoto family.
“Hai (yeah), and as I was saying Syaoran and I are just friends. ”
To Yelan it didn't look like they were just friends.
She could feel a sense of affection that her son was showing to Sakura. She knew that Syaoran didn't let any girls in his room, unless he liked them a lot……...
(A/N: Wait!………he never brought a female into his bedroom! Right?! RIGHT?!
*Lost others, but Catgirl MM is _still_ chasing* *cookies still raining around*)
And he also didn't let nobody who was not really really close to him call him by his first name.
She looked at Syaoran who cast a sad look at Sakura, disappointed.
Yelan knew her suspicions were correct and also can see that Sakura was dense.
`_Ah! So much like her mother………_'
“Oh really, Sakura-san?”
Yelan gave an interested look at Syaoran.
“N-no, we j-just met a few days ago, mother” Syaoran stuttered, he was afraid of his mother but didn't hide the nervousness out of his voice.
Yelan bowed to Sakura with an apologetic air to it, “I see, I'm sorry for my misunderstanding. Then this latest decision from the elders will not change your friendly relationship.”
Syaoran looked up, wondering what the decisions that may ruin relationship that he may have with _any_ woman.
“If you'll excuse us, Sakura-san, I have to talk to Xiao Lang alone.”
Sakura bowed respectfully to Yelan and nodded her head at Syaoran before leaving.
“I hope we can chat later, Sakura-san?” Yelan looked at Sakura and she nodded.
“Ask Meiling for my phone number and we'll talk sometime, Li-san”
“Please call me, Yelan”
Sakura nodded and skipped off, in good spirits.
When she was out of earshot, Yelan looked her son.
“Xiao Lang, the elders want to have a talk with you in the solarium in a few minutes. You are to arrive there promptly and dressed properly. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, mother.”
Yelan left without another word.
Kuso! (Damn) I was close to telling her! And my mother knows her mother, what are the odds of that!?
`_Don't beat yourself, buddy. I wonder what the elders want to say to us._'
………Sakura was scared and I was nervous and angry at the same time.
`_Did you hear me? Don't you want to know what decision the elders made?_'
…………Her innocent sparkling eyes were too painful to watch, especially when she saw my mother burst open my door! The agony the agony!!!
`_HEY! Aren't you supposed to be in the Elder's Solarium, by now?! XIAO LANG LET'S GET GOING!!!_'
………………right……R 30;
~*~NORMAL POV (Saku, Tomo, Mei, & Eri)~*~
“Sakura-chan?! Where have you been?!”
Tomoyo saw Sakura emerge from the kitchen entrance alone.
Meiling, Eriol, and Tomoyo were all looking for Sakura and Syaoran went all that time. When they all met up in the living room couch, they just gave up.
“We were worried about you and my sweet sweet, cousin.” Meiling looked at Sakura, who dropped to the sofa, exhausted.
Sakura smiled warmly thinking really fast and then it hit her, “Oh, we were looking for you guys. Remember you just disappeared and I noticed. So Syaoran-kun………sho--Umm why are you guys grinning like that?”
Eriol, Tomoyo, and Meiling wiped the smirks off their faces. But they couldn't help but flicker the smiles they hid hearing, `Syaoran-kun'.
Eriol answered, “Nothing, Sakura-chan, continue.”
Sakura looked at them strangely, “Well, okay, we wandered around and Syaoran's okaa-san (mother) called him. So they wanted privacy and I just left.”
Both Eriol and Meiling's eyes widened.
“Auntie Yelan is here?!”
“Well, yeah, she's just upstairs.”
“YAY! Let's go Eriol!………and you too Sakura and Tomoyo-chan!”
“But they wanted privacy, Meiling-chan.” Sakura said.
“I know, but she won't mind if you go to our room. It's right next to the meeting room, in other words: The Solarium. Where they are most likely in, right now!”
(A/N: *pant* still………*pant* running away……… a solarium is *pant* a meeting room)
“Oh ok”
So they all went to the main stairway to find Syaoran and his mother.
Syaoran grudgingly walked to the meeting room.
He hated meeting the elders, every time they met, you can never tell if it's good or bad news.
When he came to the door he knocked.
An eerie voice called out, “You may come in, Li Xiao Lang, son of Li Ziao Hun.”
(A/N: made up I dunno his father's name, if you do, plz tell me!)”
The doors opened to reveal blinding sunlight that surrounded the room.
All twelve chairs of the elders were filled except for three: his mother's, his chair, and another one that was not supposed to be there.
Syaoran walked up to his chair and bowed respectfully to the elders, who nodded their heads, and he sat down.
A few seconds later, Yelan came in huffily not liking the decision made by her husband's relatives.
When all were seated and quieted down, the lead elder, known as: Li Hynh, spoke up, “We are here today to tell you, Li Xiao Lang, that you are ripe for marriage………”
Syaoran opened his mouth in protest.
Li Hynh held up his hand, “We know that you are approaching the age of 21 in less than two years, but to be able to uphold the position of Li-clan leader and ownership of Li-miya Company (A/N: That company name is not a typo, if you're wondering) you have to be married before the age of 20 and 6 months old.”
(A/N: I know I know, stupid rule, but hey! I LoOoOoOoVe stupid rules. They make the story interesting. *Reviewers growl* ok ok mebe not!)
Syaoran slapped a hand to his forehead, “Do we have to go through this again? _I_ am _not_ going to marry Meiling!”
~~~~***~***~~~~***Meanwhile Outside the Solarium***~~~~***~***~~~~
Sakura, Meiling, Eriol, and Tomoyo heard the last bit of what Syaoran said.
Meiling fumed, “Oh no! Not again, _I_ am not going to be engaged to _my_ cousin again! He's like a brother!”
Before Eriol could stop Meiling, she stomped the doors open and paraded inside the room with Sakura, Eriol and Tomoyo following behind.
The heavy oak doors burst open as a very scary crimson-eyed girl stomped into their midst.
Everybody's attention was too a very _very_ angry Meiling who stormed in the room.
“Listen here, Hynh-san! _I_ will not be engaged to Xiao Lang again! I love Kai and I don't wanna break it off with him!”
Syaoran stood up and protested along with Meiling, “Hynh-san, Meiling and I love each other like brother and sister, not more than that!”
Li Hynh, stood up and gave a smile that did not reach his cold features.
“Ya know, now that I think about--………S”
Kiosk broke out when he couldn't be heard.
The whole group settled down.
“Li Meiling, I will inform your mother of your intrusion on our special meeting.”
Meiling looked aghast, “But I didn't intrude! I was merely defending myself for my own good.”
“We are not going to engage you and Xiao Lang together, again.”
There was ringing silence from both Syaoran and Meiling.
Together they broke it, “W-we're not en-engaged?”
Li Hynh sat back down and looked at Xiao Lang, “You may be happy with our decision, Li Xiao Lang, or you may not. We have engaged you to someone you know _very_ well.”
Syaoran didn't know what the elder were talking about.
`_Me? Be happy? No I won't, I won't be happy unless it's someone I love._'
Syaoran noticed that Eriol, Tomoyo, and Sakura were there, hearing this news.
His heart broke in pieces when he saw Sakura's downcast expression.
“We have arranged you to marry someone who is your cousin that you knew not as your cousin but as someone who was in your best interest. She has a child, but we have made an exception since we had considered her situation personal and sorrowful. We have chosen, Seshumi Li Rioka………”
As soon as her name was announced, Rioka emerged from the shadows.
A breeze blew into the warm room, which was filling with uneasiness and to some, shock.
Rioka's stringy dark brown hair hung limply around her beautiful face half covering her neon green eyes.
(A/N: Shocking resemblance to Sakura!!! Oh yeah………remember the figure hidden in the shadows mysteriously watching Syaoran train on the third chappie? And _his_ girlfriend??? Will guess who it was………^_^ I'm EVIL!!!)
A/N: I should end it here. That's all I have to say………You hate me and I love it!………
Should I leave it a cliffy or keep going………
I think I'll keep going………^^or else u guys are forced to kill me………*gulp*
Syaoran's eyes widened.
He forgot Sakura was even in the room along with the other people.
All he can process was the hurt from the past two years that he kept inside.
Flashes of painful memories sprung on him, tugging his wounding heart.
And she had a child?
He knew immediately it was not his because he never………*shrug* touched her………
Neither did he know that she was his cousin.
He felt dirty and sickened in falling in love with his _own_ cousin, his own flesh and blood. He even kissed her and what made it worst was, he kissed her more than a friendly kiss.
The thoughts kept revolving in his head like a sick joke.
But the one thing that kept popping up in his mind was, `_Do I still love her?_'
He was confused beyond words and thoughts.
Syaoran knew he grew to love Sakura, but can Rioka's comeback re-ignite the passion that was once there?
Can his salvaged feelings for Rioka from the past get in the way of what he feels about Sakura?
(A/N: If you guys are lost, don't you remember Syaoran had a girlfriend???!?!?!? Yeah, that was waaaaaaayyyy back in the prologue!!!)
Syaoran didn't realize when Rioka stood next to him standing straight in front of the elders and she held on to his arm, smiling happily.
He didn't have time for protests, he was in shock, and what made it so horrible was he wasn't stopping the engagement announcement!
“I, Li Hynh, propose Seshumi Li Rioka and Li Xiao Lang to be betrothed from this day forward, until Li Xiao Lang is 20 years and 6 months old. On that day, January 13, they will marry and uphold the contract of upholding the Li-miya Company. This engagement cannot be broken unless Seshumi Li Rioka breaks it off or she dies. I hand over the heirloom ring in her care until she fulfills her side of agreement and marries or breaks off the engagement.”
Rioka walked up to the elders and received the heirloom ring that symbolized their agreement.
It was over; Li Xiao Lang was officially engaged in front of the elders, his mother, Meiling, Eriol, Tomoyo, and………………Sakura……… 230;……
(“)(“) (*)(*) (“) (”) (“)_(“) (“\^_^/”) (“)(“) (*)(*) (“) (”) (“)_(“) (“\^_^/”)
*~*~A/N: Yes………u hate me now! I LOVE THIS PART. THIS WAS NOT EXPECTED, HUH????
IF YOU DID, THEN U ARE SO SMART LIKE A FOX AND DESERVE A TREAT………but who could predict what happens next?!!!!!
This will decide their fate and will their “secret love prevail”???!!!
Will the comeback of Rioka change how Syaoran feels?
Is Syaoran still in love with Rioka?
Can he sort out his feelings?
And what about Sakura?
How does she feel?
Find out next update on………WISH UPON A FALLING STAR!