Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ XIAOLANG- little wolf ❯ Hold it in your head ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own fifty cents, and a CD, that's about it, oh and CLAMP owns CCS not me :D

Dedicated to:

By Sujakata

AN/ whoa long time no update, ok hope you enjoy this information that's in this fic. It'll help you understand why Xiaolang is so damned messed up! Oh my gosh guess what my cousin gets to go to JAPAN how lucky is he? Oooh he so better send me some great anime things from anime central!

IMPORTANT: if you want Mei Lin with someone then tell me….maybe I can bring the real Xan Lee back in, or have Trae???? Oooh there will be E&T and definitely S&S moments, (not yaoi) memories and such.

XIAOLANG- little wolf

Chapter Three: Hold it in your head

The lights were way too bright and burned through her closed eyelids to sear themselves on her eyes, pictures came back to her, of cold, distant amber eyes, a sneering smirk and the harsh grating voice of the man she loved. Tears prickled at the corners of her closed eyes but she refused to let them fall, again she blamed the increased testosterone levels of the body she inhibited. She could hear lowered voices, a woman's annoying voice and a males. Sakura having enough of this slowly opened her eyes, all too mindful of the brightness of the room she was in. she grunted in pain and her eyes were blurry but the image soon came into focus. There stood her `mother' and Trae, her weird `friend.'

"he's awake"

"oh thank goodness your alright son" Sakura rolled her eyes at this woman, usually she wasn't this nasty to people, but this woman controlled the poor boys life to the max. "what were you thinking? Trying to fight that horrible evil man that has killed thousands" Sakura growled

"watch what you say onna, he once was a close friend"

"um, Xan, I've never seen him before, and I've been your friend on and off for your entire life" Sakura ignored Trae and pushed herself up off of the hospital bed, ever mindful of how much her midsection pained her, she felt the skin stretch slightly and assumed that it was stitches.

"I've got a call to make, don't follow me" Sakura ran a shaking hand through her hair, `I should have done this as soon as I came into this form.' Quickly going over to the pay phone she punched the machine hard enough for it to think that she had paid it the money and she dialled the number that she wanted. There were a few rings before someone picked up the phone.

"hello, you have called the Zaiozu Martial Arts School in Hong Kong, this is Mou Tatsu speaking, how can I help you?" Sakura didn't speak for a while, it was so good to hear a familiar voice that she forgot to speak "….hello? is anyone there?"

"oh gomen, I ah, need to speak to either Mei Lin Rae or Yelan Li please" there was silence for a moment

"who is this?" it was still Mou and Sakura sighed

"They call me Xan Lee, but I am actually Sakura Kinomoto inside this person, and hell I wouldn't believe me if I just heard that, but I need help and it concerns Xiaolang" again there was silence, and Sakura thought that maybe Mou had hung up and she just wouldn't allow herself to hear the beeping when a deep breath was heard on the other end.

"if you are Sakura, then tell me something that only she would know" Sakura groaned, `well, what should I know that no one else knows….'

"Tomoyo has a habit of walking around naked in our dorm when no one else is in there, Mei Lin goes around pinching boys butts and then blames it on me, Xiaolang would then get all jealous and ask why I didn't pinch his butt, and you would sit there and laugh at me….I also saved you from Jin when we first met, but everyone at the school knows that." There was muffled talking on the other end of the phone and Sakura strained her hearing to listen to what was being said. Then there was another voice, stronger and much more sophisticated….Yelan Li.

"Sakura?" Sakura almost burst into tears at the sound of Xiaolang's mother.

"yes, yes its me"

"Alright, stay where you are, Mei Lin has got a lock down on where you are, we're coming" and then the phone went dead. Sakura confused as ever hung up the phone slowly and turned around, only to be bombarded with hugs from five females.

"wha….how?" Fan Ren laughed and ruffled Sakura's black hair

"teleportation spell silly" Sakura smiled and hugged them all back fiercely.

"well….you've changed some" Tomoyo said taking a step back. Sakura blushed while Mou and Mei Lin laughed.

"come, we will bring you back to Hong Kong with us, Eriol has undone his spell and told us what is going on, and-"

"HEY, who are you people? Get away from Xan" all five women were pushed rudely away from Sakura who rolled and eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

"Yelan, Fan Ren, Mei Lin, Tomoyo, Mou, this is Trae" Mei Lin growled and pushed the boy away from Sakura

"don't go using you superior height to get your way baka, we were talking"

"my what? Look girl shut up and get away from us" Mei Lin's eye twitched and she stepped menacingly forwards, Trae stood his ground, a little girl wasn't going to push him around

"what did you say?"

"are you deaf? Or just dumb I said get away from us you baka gaki" Mei Lin's eyes did this crazy thing and Sakura stood in front of Trae to protect the unsuspecting fool.

"Mei Lin, calm down, lets just get out of here ok?" Sakura asked, using her male puppy dog eyes to get Mie Lin to back down.

"ok Sakura, whatever you say"

"HUH? Sakura? What? His name is Xan" all turned back to Trae and rolled their eyes.

"Should we bring him with us, I mean, he's seen too much, and well, it would be better for Eriol to do the memory charm then us." Fan ren said, Yelan nodded her head with a thoughtful look.

"but, I don't think we should use a memory charm, there is something about him, he may not have magic, but he is with Sakura for a reason, enough of this chatter though girls the sooner we get back to Hong Kong the faster we will be able to come up with something to help Sakura and Xiaolang"

"Hong Kong?" Trae scratched his head, `these people are crazy pizza, I have no idea what they are going on about' but before he could even ask them what they were on half of them disappeared.

"Sakura?" Yelan asked as she just stood there.

"no magic" Yelan had that oh look that people of her high standing get and held out a fine boned hand to her. Sakura took it then grabbed Trae's hand and all three of them disappeared a long with the two others that had waited for Sakura.


The reaper stopped short on what he was about to do, the child had watery green eyes `just like Sakura' his breathing became irregular as he thought back to the boy he had fought, and what he had said what of Sakura?

The reaper snarled and pulled the trembling boy closer to his face

"I have no soul, understand?" his vice was but a whisper and the terrified child started to cry more. `she was my soul'


Sakura smiled and pulled Xiaolang closer to her

"guess what?" Xiaolang put on a thoughtful look and she giggled, her smile was just so bright and she looked so happy

"hmm, you found a piece of chocolate?" Sakura shook her head her eyes alight with love "what about you just realised that you love me so much and you cant live without me?" Sakura pulled Xiaolang in for a small kiss

"yes that too, but something else" he watched her, could feel her, she was just so happy she looked about ready to burst at the seams.

"I…don't have a clue" Sakura sighed in disappointment, but that didn't last too long. She grinned as she lent forwards, her breath on Xiaolang's neck as she whispered the two words that would forever be ingrained in his mind.

"I'm pregnant"


The Reaper looked back at the small boy, he couldn't kill him now, no, he couldn't kill another child for as long as he lived, all of them would now remind him of the child that he had lost, and he couldn't bare the thought of killing one that looked so much like Sakura, she was his soul. The Reaper threw the child away as if it were a piece of garbage and continued on to find others to mute the pain for him.

He watched as the small humans ran from him, screaming, crying. They were feeling what was raging inside him like a never ending storm, and they would feel it for as long as he felt it. He would have killed himself as soon as Sakura had died, but for some reason the `Thing' had forbidden him from doing that and he obeyed, he didn't know why he obeyed the `Thing' but the power that emitted from him persuaded his mind and body not to destroy its own life, but the lives of others.

The Reaper walked forwards and then stopped, he'd felt a pull on his magic, the familiar pink swirl with other colours wrapped around it had flashed in his mind for a second, and it brought immediate peace to his trouble mind, he'd felt his soul for a moment, but the peace was all consuming, and he stopped his rampaging to sit on the ground and let the peace over take his body. For the rest of the day The Reaper was once again Xiaolang Li.


Seven people mysteriously landed at the front gates of the Zaiozu Martial Arts School in Hong Kong, five female and two male, one of the males however fainted upon arrival and all present rolled their eyes. All turned their eyes to Mei Lin

"nah uh, no way am I letting anything of mine touch him, lest of all my magic!" Tomoyo nudged the rough edged Chinese girl

"oh come on Mei Lin, look at us, were all tired, don't let us think that your tired as well and cant lift a baka boy into the school" Mei Lin snorted and without using her magic slung the tall boy with burgundy hair over her shoulder

"the things I do for all of you" she growled as all seven made their way inside to the school, Sakura was almost bouncing with excitement, she would see get to see her annoying brother again.


Next Chapter: They figure out what spell is needed for Sakura to go back into her body, we find out if her baby will come alive when her body does, and Xiaolang starts his journey home hoping to find his soul. Shiienpo becomes more dangerous.