Claymore Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Love ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author Note: This is mostly the first time I've written a story with such obvious crossover hints to another anime. Normally I find this incredibly hard to wrap together but for some reason it didn't with this story. Maybe it's the story line that keeps it all ties knotted nicely. I just hope that you will like this one too.

Summary: Over 100 years ago Sesshoumaru saw his half brother being eaten before his very eyes. Now, his father has called upon the help of claymores for the upcoming war against China. Sesshoumaru comes face to face with an older looking version of his dead little brother.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Claymore. I just worship them.

Warning: Slight crossover with Claymore, Yaoi, Inc., anal, oral, etc.

Pairing: Sesshoumaru x InuYasha.

Read, Enjoy & Review. Any comment of encouragement, happiness, questions or the like are welcome.

Raging Love
By Monkan

Chapter 1 of 7


The older demon walked over the grass as he called out the name, searching for his little brother. Sesshoumaru looked around carefully so that he wouldn't miss his brother in case he was hiding somewhere close. His ears and eyes searched the garden as he kept on calling.

Suddenly a rustle in the leafs of a tall tree caught his attention. His eyes narrowed and focused on it, despite that he couldn't see InuYasha he could still sense the youki of the little pup. His face didn't show anything as he pretended to keep on walking.

Up high in the tree a little white haired pup hunched close to the trunk. He smiled as he saw his older brother finally walk past him but what he wasn't ready for was the sudden appearance of the same brother behind him.

"I found you." Sesshoumaru whispered, startling the pup.

InuYasha snapped his head around with wide eyes and stared in wonder at his brother. The elegant youkai sat kneeling behind him on another branch. The leaf framed him, marking him but not so much as it looked like the leafs melted into his long flowing hair, like jewels. With a laugh and quick movement InuYasha flung himself at his older brother, making the youkai tense his legs as he caught the child with his arms, preventing them from falling.

"You're amazing brother." InuYasha admirably said, "You always find me no matter where I hide."

Sesshoumaru petted InuYasha's hair as a rare smile crossed his lips. "Of course I will find you. I will always watch over you." He wrapped his arms protectively around InuYasha and jumped down to land gracefully on his feet with perfect balance.

The puppy dog ears on top of InuYasha's head twitched as a leaf landed next to it in his hair. Sesshoumaru reached up and removed it with a simple flick of his fingers before he stroked the silky ears. The sign of InuYasha's mixed origin of youkai and human.

Sesshoumaru still couldn't fully accept InuYasha's human mother but InuYasha was a different matter. He couldn't bring himself to hate the hanyou, this adorable little pup that relayed on him to protect him. The age difference between them was big but that was to be expected when two worlds was compared. Sesshoumaru had long since grown up, even battled in a few of the many wars before InuYasha was born. When he first had heard that he would have a hanyou little brother he had convinced himself that he didn't have to force himself to care, he would leave them all alone. But after InuYasha was old enough to crawl and walk he had to go look for his hanyou brother many times, otherwise his father had threaten that he would suffer for his actions.

At first it had been just find him and bring him back at the neck of his cloths and dump him in the lap of his mother and walk away again. Then, slowly as it seemed, he started to enjoy finding InuYasha and it seemed the pup made it a regular game to hide from his brother. He hadn't needed it, the feelings were unwanted but after a few years he had grown affectionate of his brother.

Now he searched for the child and played with him when he felt like it. From time to time InuYasha would find him and pull at his cloths to make him come and play with him. It was clear to their parents that InuYasha loved his brother, in his own childish way and that Sesshoumaru had come to a liking of his brother. Both of which made their parents happy with. It meant the edge between them would shrink with the years to come and hopefully they could be real brothers.

Sesshoumaru walked up to the castle and directly to InuYasha's room. The pup in his arms were already on the brink of falling asleep, his head resting against the youkai's chest with steady breathing.

When he came to the closed doors he balanced InuYasha on one arm as he opened the wooden door and entered. The child's room was a mess and he had to hold back a frown as he took it in. No matter how much he cared for his little brother, the pup could never learn to clean up his room.

With experience from many battles and excellent skills Sesshoumaru made his way through the room and laid InuYasha down on his bed. He pulled the cover up over the small shoulders and without knowing it gave a small smile of affection down to the sleeping child. He stroked the soft pup ear once more, making InuYasha lean against the touch for a moment, looking content before returning to the world of dreams.

The Daiyoukai left the room without making any sound. He walked down to the training area, called forth his whip and continued with his training. He kept at it all night long, being a full blooded youkai he didn't need to sleep more than one every five day, unless he had been injured and his body needed to heal. As he bathed in the first rays of the morning sun, his body perfectly clean except for the dust on his feet, he stopped and walked back to the castle. He needed to wake InuYasha, for the pup had made it a habit that unless Sesshoumaru woke him up he would just fall back to sleep and ultimately miss breakfast. Which would result in an un-happy puppy.

As Sesshoumaru took his first step up on the stairs he felt nothing wrong or out of the ordinary. As he kept on walking his mind was at peace as he let the morning fill his mind and everything that were going on at the moment. The few servants who were working, preparing their first meal for the day. The others that continued with their tasks since last day. His parents that were still sleeping but he sensed that his father would soon rise.

It was the perfect morning like many others and it would have continued like normal until Sesshoumaru placed his hand on the door knob. His whole being froze as his senses were assaulted by something. An uneasiness filled his mind, and his instincts screamed something was wrong.

"InuYasha." he whispered to himself as he soundlessly opened the door to the child's room in a flash.

Blood. That was the first and only thing that hit him on all senses. He smelled the blood stained room. He smelled the bitter sting of blood of an inu youkai and the less noticeably human blood in it. He could hear it drip from various toys. He could practically taste it on his tongue and the sticky liquid would no doubt touch his hands.

"InuYasha." he called for the pup with fear creeping into his heart. "InuYasha answer me." he commanded but no sign was seen or heard. He searched the room until he came to a stop by the open window, the blood smell lead outside.

Without much thinking Sesshoumaru leaped out through the window and followed the faint scent to the woods. He raced through it while following his nose. All the time his only thought was that he had to protect InuYasha.

With a mighty leap he crossed a great distance but when he once again landed the blood drained from his face and heart.

Within a few paces sat an overgrown youkai chewing on the remains of its dinner. The blood stains around its gruesome jaws was oozing with the smell of InuYasha's blood. The youkai was to hungry to notice him and took another big chew, consuming a little limb that belonged to a child dressed in white cloth. The sound of the bones breaking and snapping under the strength of the monsters jaw echoed in his ears.

The youkai didn't even have the time to notice what was going on when it's big head was crushed in a single grip. It crashed to the ground. Sesshoumaru stared blindly ahead at the few bloody lumps of flesh before him. Some of them were still dressed in the cloths InuYasha had worn when he was tucked to bed.

Sesshoumaru reached down and picked a torn rag of the cloth up in his hand and stared at it numbly. Maybe hours passed by as his entire body were hollow but then again it could had been minutes. Without taking anything else in he turned around and walked back slowly, away from the stench of InuYasha's blood. It made his head spin. But no matter where he walked it still trailed after him. It haunted him. When he reached the castle the whole place was in a frenzy as his parents had no doubt found the blood stained room by now.

He wasn't sure how much time passed but eventually he came back as his father shook him with a desperate look in his eyes.

Sesshoumaru's eyes remained impassive as he raised his hand and held up the rag. Somewhere he could hear the human woman break down and his father trying to deny it. Was it really happening? But the smell of InuYasha's blood still lingered around him and he wondered why. He looked down at his hand and noticed how it was stained by blood. His whole forearm was dirty with it.

So that was why he couldn't escape the smell.

His father tried to make him talk, tell him what happened to their little child but Sesshoumaru didn't say anything.

If he opened his mouth....

He was sure that he would throw up his broken heart.


Many decades later, not much had changed since that day. With the exception of the death of the human woman. The Lord of the West still grieved the death of his youngest child as he kept on ruling his land.

Even if he wanted to give in to the sorrow he had a duty to those that trusted him that prevented him from doing otherwise. He had a responsibility to those that were weaker than him and depended on him for protection.

He couldn't say the same for Sesshoumaru though.

Ever since that day he had found InuYasha killed he had forever changed. His manners became cold, he didn't let anyone inside his heart. His actions against those he didn't like had become ruthless if they agitated him. If they insulted him even the slightest he killed them without second thought. He rarely said anything private to his father when they were alone. In fact he hadn't talked since that day about anything private or personal.

Before that he had managed to get out a few words of like or dislike from his son but now it was impossible.

Even the smile had disappeared from his face since that day. He no longer had a reason to smile or so he said.

It saddened him to no ends that he couldn't help his other son. He had been so indulged in his own grief and duty that he hadn't been there for Sesshoumaru when he had been hurting the most.

He really was a failure as a father.

But he didn't have much time to think about that at the moment because they were preparing for war. China had finally made it's move and raised their weapons against them. They were ready to defend themselves and he were gathering those willing to fight of the enemy. There were also something else that he were doing.

Over the last 20-30 years a new organization had risen from the dusk. They specialized in killing youkais. They had a number of 49 member and all were hanyou's. Hanyous especially picked out to kill youkais. Hanyous with superior abilities, strength, speed, healing, anything. They were the outcast's of the outcast's. No one of the youkai, or humans for that matter, wanted anything to do with them. Their rules were iron and they all proved service for those that paid them.

He had called upon this Order to help him in the war. Just two days later he had gotten reply that they would send 24 of their Claymore's.

His youki could already sense the first one coming closer as it hissed in resentment to the foul smell.

Claymore, neither youkai nor human. More than both but less than either. There were those that were once humans among them that had been sold to the order and made hanyou's. There were so many rumors of how the Order got their Claymore's that even made him feel disgusted.

A servant came running, saying the first group of claymore's had arrived.

“Show them to the great hall. I will be there shortly.”

The servant nodded and left just as fast.

From another room in the castle stood Sesshoumaru. He gazed out over the land and the lonely figures closing in. His eyes were dead and showed nothing but he felt a bad taste in his mouth as his youki sensed the Claymore's youki. He knew they would be valuable assets to the war so he shouldn't hurt them. He held no interest in them, he could care less what happened to them.


Far from the castle of the Lord of the West walked a lonely figure, his armor clinked as he walked and the mantle around him flapped in the wind. His sword were strapped on his back, looking all to big for him to use.

His amber eyes looked forward as he walked. His hair, braided into a single plait, hanged over one shoulder. It's top touching his hips and swayed with the even rhythm of his steps. He could sense the others from the Order ahead of him. Should he keep up this pace he would be there in less than a day.

Then they would go to war and hopefully....

He would die.

To Be Continued.