Claymore Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Love ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Note: I had some unknown trouble accessing mediaminer but I somehow solved it. I'm preparing a big update wave again, so look forward to it. As for this chapter, I gave it some thought but it was hard to chose how I wanted it to move on but I just can't seem to leave them alone.
Summary: Over 100 years ago Sesshoumaru saw his half brother being eaten before his very eyes. Now, his father has called upon the help of claymores for the upcoming war against China. Sesshoumaru comes face to face with an older looking version of his dead little brother.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Claymore. I just worship them.
Warning: Slight crossover with Claymore, Yaoi, Inc., anal, oral, etc.
Pairing: Sesshoumaru x InuYasha.
Read, Enjoy & Review. Any comment of encouragement, happiness, questions or the like are welcome.
Raging Love
By Monkan
Chapter 2 of 7
“Welcome, Claymores.” InuTaisho said loud enough to make it echo through the great hall of his castle. “I'm the ruler of the West, InuTaisho. This,” he gestured to his right. “Is my son and heir, Sesshoumaru.”
The Claymore at the front stepped forward and bowed respectfully to the Lord. She was a beautiful creature, pale and seemed lithe but she wore armour and a broad sword on her back. Her hair was short and ended with slight waves around her neck. Her eyes were silver and emotionless but they still held authority.
“I'm number 5, my name is Lilith. I'm the highest ranking and leader of the Claymore present.”
InuTaisho nodded once, “Tomorrow we will go to the border where the rest of the armies stand ready. We will divide into three different groups and charge the enemy from three places. Taking them by surprise and eliminating them as fast as possible. I and Sesshoumaru will lead a group each and you will take charge of the third. There will no doubt be a gruesome battle and we will lose many kin-in-arms but with great skill we will persevere and win this war.”
Lilith nodded in understanding. “Then, if you allow it my Lord. I will divide us into three groups based on their skills and experience. With your permission we will take camp outside afterwards, for various reasons.”
While InuTaisho made a sound of agreement Sesshoumaru threw a look over the Claymores. Most of them were female, all looking the same pale skinned, haired, silvery eyed hanyou's like the next to them. None of them looked great for impression but then again there were some exceptions. Like the leader Lilith. Even though she suppressed her youki with great skill she couldn't hide the deadliness around her. She could be a worthy opponent.
From the corner of his eyes he caught sight of something strange in the mix of females. He narrowed his eyes and focused on the creature among them. He noted there were a male among them. “How rare.”
When the male Claymore turned so he could have a better look it felt like his heart took its first beat in years. He could taste it in his mouth as he stared in silent shock at the face. It wasn't possible.
“Sesshoumaru.” InuTaisho called and it snapped his son out of his dream-like state.
Sesshoumaru was still mildly in shock but he noticed everything around him again. Like how the Claymores were leaving the Great Hall.
“Nothing, father.” he said as he too walked out but a small distance from the Claymores. He didn't want to be close to them but he had to make sure of what he had seen.
Some of the Claymores looked at him to judge if he was a threat but ignored him soon enough because they still couldn't harm him even if they wanted to, even to them he was to strong.
Sesshoumaru looked around discreetly for the male hanyou but had lost sight of him. The females spilled out to the front yard where they would stay for the night. He walked past the gate and up the stair to the second floor to get to his room. When he passed a window on the second floor he saw him.
The male hanyou were alone in the dim light of the ending day. He was practising with his broad sword who looked a little bigger than the females but that was to be expected from his physical. Sesshoumaru watched him to see if he had just seen a ghost of his mind but the more he watched the hanyou jump forth and back while swinging his sword he saw again and again the image of his little InuYasha over lapping the male Claymore.
Even though he knew InuYasha was dead and it hurt him even now he couldn't let go of the similarities between this hanyou and his little brother. The rational part of his youki told him to let it go and leave but the desperate part of his youki told him to accept this hanyou as InuYasha's older self.
The male noticed Sesshoumaru and stopped his training. The young Daiyoukai jumped down with little effort and walked the small distance between them. They stared at each other as if they were waiting for the other to take actions.
“You are male.” stated Sesshoumaru rather obvious.
“Yes.” the male said calmly as if he had always accepted it.
“The others are female but only you are male. How come.” Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed.
The hanyou seethed his sword in the ground before sitting down with his back resting to it. “I'm the last male Claymore around. All the other males have expired.”
“They died?”
“Yes. They surrendered to their instincts too easily, if they weren't killed in battle.”
Sesshoumaru knelt down next to him. “Surrendered?”
The male looked at him with the same expressionless eyes as Lilith had. “We succumb to our inner youkai, fall into the lust and hunger of our most basic instinct and go berserk. There are many examples and names for that but because of the danger we pose in our berserk state they are immediately killed by the others in the Organization. Males fall more easily for their youkai so I'm the last one, the rest and future are entirely female.”
“I see.”
“You don't seem to hate me.” he stated simply. “You clearly showed your distaste for us when we met you earlier.”
“I still do.” Sesshoumaru state simply and truthfully. “I want to retch just from the smell of you.”
“Then why?”
“To me, you look like my little brother. That's why I'm even talking to you.”
“You don't like the fact we look alike?” he asked with little interest to whom he looked similar to. “Sorry to offend him but I didn't chose this face on my own.”
“He's dead.” Sesshoumaru said, earning a surprised look from the male. “He was killed many years ago in front of me. I saw him being torn apart and eaten by another youkai.”
The male looked at him with surprised eyes. “I'm sorry.” he stated honestly as he caught Sesshoumaru's eyes.
The intense look in his eyes made it hard to look away. Sesshoumaru leaned forward so they were almost face to face before his arms came out and wrapped around the hanyou. He held him close as his eyes drifted shut and he felt a wave of peace wash over his being. The warmth from the hanyou melted into his body and he felt the other move his arms up until they held him around his waist.
When they parted Sesshoumaru wasn't really aware of what he was doing. With his eyes half hidden behind his eye lids he looked down at the pale face of “InuYasha” in his arms, he leaned forward and gently stole the lips of the other in a tender kiss. He took another and it still wasn't enough for him, he took another taste and lost himself to what he was doing.
“InuYasha” was responding as well to the kisses so he was in a blissful state.
As they pulled apart from each other Sesshoumaru was meet by the silver stare of the hanyou and those eyes somewhat unsettled him.
“Is this what you wanted to do to your brother?” he asked bluntly.
The words washed over him like cold water and woke him up with terror striking his mind. Roughly and without holding back he pushed the male back stood up with anger flaring in his golden eyes. His youki was on edge and fizzling before he stalked away and back into his home, leaving the male alone in the dark of the falling night.
Sesshoumaru went straight to his room and anyone he met jumped out of his way as his youki still signed his fury.
Once he was inside he slammed the door shut, ignoring the groan the wood did at being abused. His mind raced, refusing to shut down.
The kisses played over and over and over in his mind. Some more vivid than the rest.
He stopped suddenly and reached up to touch his lips, the warmth still in them and the sensation of pressing them against the others soft lips. The sweet but still slightly bitter taste of them, the feel of the others body against his.
His fist connected painfully with the wall, cracks running up the wall as small pieces fell to the floor with a good bit of pulverized stone.
'Is this what you wanted to do to your brother?'
The more he thought about it the more details he remembered. His body was flushed and he was also disgusted with himself. He hated to admit even though he could do it rather easily at this moment.
When he had held the older “InuYasha” in his arms he had truly wanted it. He wanted nothing more than to kiss him and never let him disappear again.
Now when he thought about it he wanted to lay “InuYasha” down, touch him, kiss him, and take him.
Sesshoumaru shook his head roughly, letting his hair fly all over his head without caring. His hands came up and pressed against his head as he denied the images that went through his head at this moment. All these dirty, disgraceful thoughts of someone who no longer were alive. Someone he had looked after as a child, someone he had honestly and innocently loved. Someone that had always held a special place in his heart with it's short life. The childish smile and playfulness. He had disgraced everything.
Falling to his knees while clutching his head he did his best to deny it. He wanted to deny it.
'Is this what you wanted to do to your brother?'
Those words echoed in his head over and over again. That face as they kissed and when they parted, how he even now yearned for him.
Would this have happened if InuYasha had been alive? Would this unforgivable yearning still manifest inside him if InuYasha hadn't died that day? Or was this just a sudden confusion by the fact a look-alike was next to him, conjuring up feelings he had killed long ago?
This had to be a trick by his unstable mind to handle all those feelings he had felt so long ago. He was mixing up his brotherly love for his InuYasha.
--HIS-- InuYasha??
No this couldn't be happening to him.
His body was betraying him. Lust coursed through his blood as it demanded attention. But he refused to give it what it wanted.
He would never sink so low as to do something like that to the image of someone he had held dearer than his own life. Someone he had truly loved.
Truly................... loved?
“I'm condemned.” he whispered while holding his own body, alone and scared of himself.
Down below, also alone in the dark of the night sat the male Claymore as he thought about what had happened. Since his feelings weren't as complex as Sesshoumaru's he had no remorse of what had happened and he felt nothing in particular about what had happened.
“Number 49.” a voice called.
He looked up to see the Claymore Lilith coming closer. He remained seated, resting against his sword as she stood before him. Her armour removed as she only wore a simply outfit of well forming trousers and tank-top. She had well formed breasts that were normally hidden by the armour and she walked with a slight sway to her hips.
“You are in group 3 tomorrow. Our orders are simple, fight until the end or die along the war. Either way you are free to chose your path but remember that should you fall tomorrow I will be there to kill you.”
“I'm thankful number 5.”
She looked him over once before reaching out and ruffling his hair in a friendly manner before moving back. “Don't fall Yasha.” she whispered for him to hear.
“I won't.” he replied just enough for her ears only.
When he was alone once more he looked up at the growing moon.
His fingertips reached up and touched his lips.
He still remembered the feeling of the others lips.
To Be Continued.