Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ The Revenge of Lord Barkis ❯ Emily's worst Nightmare! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lord Barkis and Barrack touched down with their tornado at the castle early before sunrise. Barrack sure was dizzy though. “Ooh… I'm going to be sick in morning, Yes sir.” He moaned.
Barkis just bashed him on the noggin. “Would you stop complaining already!” he grumbled. “It's bad enough that I have to see you do nothing useful rather than hear you too.”
He then used his Reliquary to project a image of what we were doing down below in the jungle. “Ah, good… they're waking up now.” he chuckled as he conjured up smoke monsters the same size as he. “There I think this should do it.”
“Now listen carefully my minions. You will go down to the jungle and capture Emily, do as you wish to the others but want Emily here in one piece you hear!”
“And don't worry about their Reliquaries, they can't you too much. Now Fly… FLY I SAY!!” and as he ordered the demons began flying off towards the jungle.
The wind began rustling up around our campsite, and the howling of the wind suddenly became high pitched as if something were crying out over the distance.
Well all looked up and gasped at what we saw. A whole swarm of green smoky creatures were coming right for us, and Our Reliquaries weren't strong enough to fend them off.
They finally reached the ground, and most of them began chasing after Emily. “Help! Help!” she cried as she ran and in the chaos she dropped her reliquary.
Victor was surrounded from all ends. “Stay away… Stay away from me I warn you!” he cried.
“Help! Get them off me!” I cried as at least four of the demons jumped all over my body and tore me to shreds.
Victoria climbed up to a safe tree limb and looked down to see the monsters grabbing Emily and lifting her into high into the air. “No! No! Put me down!” she screamed. “HELP!!!”
“EMILY!!” cried Victor as he watched his wife being carried off towards the castle. The Rest of the demons began flying away.
I was in a big mess. Me head was sitting on a rock. My Arms were free, Etc, Etc. “Help… Help.” I called as Victoria and Victor came up to me.
“Mykan… what happened to you?” asked Victoria.
“They tore my legs off and they threw over there. Then they tore my arms off and there them over there, and--”
“Oh, that's you all over.”
“My goodness, Mykan. You're a mess.” Said Victor.
“Don't stand there talking, Put me back together. We've got to find Emily.”
Meanwhile, in the land of the dead
Elder Gutknecht saw everything. “Oh, my… this is rather serious indeed.” he said.
“Obviously. We can see too you know.” Said Emily's Maggot. “The question is what can we do to save her? I don't want to have to find a new head to live in.”
Scraps nodded and barked in agreement.
Elder scratched his head. What they needed to do was have someone guide them to the Castle, but also tell them where Emily was so we could get in and out.
Finally, Elder had an idea. He mixed a small amount from the potion used to make Emily's Reliquary which was still laying on the mountain, unharmed though.
“What? Don't tell me that you're actually going up there to help them?” asked the Maggot.
“What, me… don't be ridiculous.” said Elder. “But Scraps is.”
Scraps looked up.
“What, him?” asked the Maggot. “How can he be of much help to them? He can't even talk.”
Scraps growled angrily. “Now, now Scraps. You are going because you are the best choice amongst us here.” Said Elder.
Maggot suddenly got the message. Elder Gutknecht couldn't go because he'd never be able to get up r down the mountain in one piece, and Maggot was too small, he'd get crushed. “Sometimes… being little is a BIG problem.”
So it was settled. “Just remember young Scraps… when you want to return, just bark ten times in a row.”
Scraps barked twice, meaning that he understood. He certainly was a clever dog. “Right, off you go then.” Said Elder as he dropped some magical dust onto Scraps, casing him to vanish.
“Well… now all we can do is wait.”
The Maggot looked up at Elder. “I'd prefer to Sit and wait if you don't mind.”
Emily was all tied up in the top tower where she finally confronted Lord Barkis, and she may have known it was him all along. “So delighted you could join us, my dear.” he said.
Emily struggled to break the chains, but they were composed of magic threads, even if she separated her bones it wouldn't help. “I don't know what you're planning you fiend!” she growled, “But you'll never get away with it!”
“Hmm, mm, mm… oh how cliché of you, Emily.” Replied Barkis, “And just who is going to stop me, that timid little husband of yours? Your brother, whom I've never met, or my widow Victoria?”
“Unfortunately, Emily… you sometimes in the world. Evil quite often prevails.” He then revealed to all of the prisoners in his dungeon and what he planned to do with them.
“I don't understand… why would you do this?” Emily asked.
“To become rich and powerful.” Said Barrack.
“SHUT UP!!” shouted Barkis. Barrack went all pink.
“I'll tell you why.” He said to Emily. “To gain back what is rightfully mine. To put revenge upon all those who humiliated me. Namely, You and your three family friends.”
“Well very soon, you won't be here to see them fall.” He motioned to Barrack to hand him the water pitcher on the table. “You see this…” he said.
Water… something that could weaken a Corpse or skeleton. But if forced at just right, it could shrivel them up into dust piles.
Then Barkis indicated that when an hourglass with exactly one hour of sand in it emptied, the entire chamber would flood, washing out everything inside.
“You'd better enjoy your last minutes, my dear. While I prepare for the rest of your friends to join you.” Said Barkis. He changed into a tornado again, “Come Barrack!”
“Oh… not again… Whoooooooooooa!!”
“This time Emily… you will really be gone.” Barkis shouted as he used his magic to lock the doors tight and tip the hourglass.
Emily just kept on Struggling. “IT WON'T END LIKE THIS!!!” she shouted.