Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ A Promise Made ❯ A Promise Made ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cowboy Bebop: A Promise Made

The day was somewhat cloudy and cold. This was typical for winter on mars. A lone woman walked slowly among lonely graves, eyes darting around every so often to see if she was alone. She wore a long black coat that reached a little past her knees. She had on black jeans and a white long sleeve shirt that was not tucked in. Her messy mop of red hair blew around in the light breeze. She carried three long stem roses in her hand.

It had been many years since she had last stepped foot on Mars. She hadn't since he died. She came to the funeral and then returned to Earth, unable to stay with those who brought back his memory. She made a promise that day that she would follow in his footsteps. The others laughed at her. Back then, she was just a hyperactive girl who knew nothing about the world. Now she was a bounty hunter; one people didn't want to mess with.

She had spent two years chasing her father around earth, forcing him to tech her martial arts and how to shoot a gun. She then began hitchhiking from planet to planet, learning different languages and how to survive. Soon she began taking in small bounties and using her hacking skill to make money. Once she had enough, she tracked down a certain ship she wanted: the Swordfish II. It had been his ship, his baby. She fixed it up and set out to play in the big leagues.

Now, here she was on Mars fourteen years after his death. She was 27 now, the same age he was. She stopped at three graves that were set apart for the rest. The first one bore the name Julia and the date of death. He used to mumble about her in his sleep sometime. She had asked about her once and he said, "She's the one that got away." She laid one of the roses down on the grave and moved to the next one, Vicious.

Vicious had been the archenemy, the nemesis. She had never seen him. She hoped that he had somehow found peace in death and placed another of the roses down. The third grave was marked Spike Spiegel. She kneeled down in front of it.

She had always admired him from afar. He usually stayed away from her, saying he didn't like kids. She never realized until he died how much she really loved him.

"You never realize what you have till you loose it," she said to the head stone. "I guess that's how you felt about Julia. You have no idea how much you held us all together. Jet, Faye, and me…we all fell apart. Faye took off and we haven't heard from her in years. Jet still brings in bounties but he's quiet. He blamed himself, as does Faye. We all do…" she trailed off as grief threatened to overwhelm her. She could feel tears running down her face and waited for them to pass.

"I made a promise that day that I wouldn't return until I was following in your footsteps. It's taken my fourteen years spike. But I quess you know that. Your probably watching all of us. Well, I'm going to go back to the Bebop now. I know Jet could use the company. Oh, the Swordfish runs like a dream," she said, wiped her eyes and place the last rose on his grave. She stood up and glanced up at the sky. It was starting to get dark. She turned to leave. After two steps she paused and looked back at the grave.

"I, Radical Edward, love you Spike Spiegle," she said quietly as she raised her right hand, formed her fingers into the shape of a gun, and pointed it at his headstone. She smiled as a tear ran down her face.

