Crescent Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire's Touch ❯ Spies ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey people! This is my first ever fanfic, Vampire's Touch. I'm new at this, and I hope you like it!
Now on with the show! Er…story.
Disclaimer: This is a fanfic site, people! Do I need to say that I don't own Crescent Moon?
Apparently I do, for all those readers just waiting to sue me, I DON'T OWN CRESCENT MOON!
There, satisfied?!
Chapter 1 Spies
Nozomu walked in between the dark brown trunks of the many trees that took home in the forest.
Clop, clop.
His sensitive ears picked up the sounds of a horse's hooves. By the sounds of it, the horse was not far ahead. His curiosity got the better of him; he went to investigate.
Nozomu coming closer to a small clearing, he snuck to the tree line. He peaked through the bush in front of him to watch a girl, who looked around 18 years old, ride into the clearing on a midnight black stallion. The mighty black horse had a crescent moon shaped mark on it's forehead and a huge wolf beside of it.
At first glance, the vampire thought the huge wolf was Akira, but there were 3 problems with that suggestion:
1. Akira is brown, not silver
2. The wolf he was looking at was not wearing Akira's outfit, nor was he large enough and
3. Akira was out on a date right now.
The black-haired girl jumped off the horse with amazing grace, then her sharp, dark blue eyes darted quickly around, taking in all her surroundings. Luckily, she didn't seem to notice Nozomu, who was still sitting in his bush, spying.
The wolf padded up to her and nudged her torn pants knee. She bent down so the silver wolf could get closer to her ear.
The wolf spoke to her softly, in a language that very few new (all of those being lunar beings). The blonde bloodsucker knew some of the language himself, but the wolf was speaking to quietly, he couldn't hear what the canine had to say.
But the wolf's words were of Nozomu himself, though he didn't know…

Hi! Thank you for reading the first chapter of `Vampire's Touch'. If you haven't, what the hell are you doing down here then?! Go back up and read the danm story! This is the first fanfic I have ever written, so review.
Remember: no reviews, no writing!
(no flames please)