Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ A New World Away ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
If you are reading this, then I welcome you to the latest Naruto crossover story in my idea banks. This idea comes from the latest arc from the Naruto anime/manga, the Infinite Tsukuyomi arc, in which Team 7 are fighting to save the world from the evil ‘ultimate Genjutsu’ and the mother of the Six Path Sage, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who has a major ‘deity complex’, possible more so than Pain did. Basically, in short, this is AU of Naruto manga chapters 685-690 with elements of the future final chapters/episodes of the Naruto manga/anime coming into play. So, there is spoiler warning, folks! This crossover story is Naruto/Sailor Moon/Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden with a few other crossovers that will be a minor part in this story, but play a major role in the future story. Yes, this story is just the first of two stories in this crossover story saga! What will this story be about? You will just have to read and find out, folks!

I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16
Sakura Haruno: Age 16
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 1: A New World Away

In a place filled with pyramid-shaped ground, there is a group of five people fighting against one other person. This ‘other person’ is a female in possession of very delicate facial features, she also has long, sweeping light colored hair that touched the ground. Most noticeably were two horn like protrusions which stuck out from her head – appendages inherited by both her sons. This woman also possesses the Byakugan, and also has a Sharingan third eye on the center of her forehead that's eyelids parted vertically. Her eyebrows were cut very short, which is a symbol of nobility, and she wore a dark shade of lipstick on her lips and a dark shade of nail polish on her long fingernails. She is wearing the transitional high-collared hime-kimono which was adored with intricate lines and tomoe running down the center and edges of the gown.

This woman is Kaguya Otsutsuki, the mother of a legendary figure in this world known as Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Six Path Sage, the savior of this world, and his brother, Hamura Otsutsuki, who tried to take the power of chakra that her sons were born with in her obsession with power feeling that all chakra belongs to her. She used such power to enslave the world in a forced peace and her sons sealed her away long ago, but now, she has been revived by the manifestation of her will, a black mass known as Black Zetsu, which is now part of her left arm. Black Zetsu has plot the revival of his ‘mother’ for centuries by causing chaos in order to have a descendant of Hagoromo harness the power of his mother via the Ten-Tails and enslave the world in a technique known as the Infinite Tsukuyomi, a Genjutsu trapping people in a dream illusion which included by entrapping people inside of cocoons from branches of the Shinju via God: Nativity of a World of Trees to keep them eternally alive, but in an eternal sleep while using their chakra to create new chakra fruit for the Shinju until the people trapped in the Genjutsu are reduced to mindless beings known as White Zetsu, slaves to Kaguya.

The people that she is fighting are the only ones that weren’t trapped and the only ones that can stop them. First, there is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, son of the Leaf Village’s famous Yellow Flash and Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, one of the last of Uzumaki clan, cousin clan to the Senju clan of the Leaf, and descendants of the younger of the twin sons of Hagoromo, Asura, who is the ancestor of both the Uzumaki and Senju clans. However, Naruto is also the reincarnation of Asura and after receiving half of the power of his ‘ancestral father’, the Six Path Sage, who he was said to be the ‘Child of the Prophecy’, one who is said by the Great Elder of the Toad Summoning Clan to unite the nine entities created by the chakra of the Ten-Tails, the nine Biju, in an attempt to keep the Ten-Tails and thus, his mother, from being revived and also to be the ‘savior of the world’, a ‘chosen one’ destined to revolutionize his world by either saving it or destroying it through in this case, he is trying to save it and the people in it.

Second, there is Sasuke Uchiha, last of the Uchiha clan, the descendant of the older brother of Hagoromo, Indra, who once wanted to destroy his current former home of the Leaf Village for the destruction of his clan by, what he felt earlier, was using his older brother, Itachi Uchiha, as their instrument, but after Itachi, after being revived by a jutsu known Reanimation for a time, showed that he truly destroyed his clansman because he desired nothing, but peace, Sasuke wants nothing to fulfill Itachi’s will and ensure that what happened to his clan doesn’t happen again. He is aiding Naruto and he has been infused with the other half of the power of the Six Path Sage, giving him the power of the Sage’s dojutsu, Rinnegan, in one of his eyes. With Naruto, the two of them hold the power of a powerful sealing jutsu that could seal away Kaguya once and for all and save the world if they used it on her.

The next person is Sakura Haruno, the teammate of Naruto and Sasuke when a Leaf ninja team known as Team 7, and the student of Tsunade Senju and due to the fact, she has become an excellent medical ninja in fact becoming the rival of her legendary teacher. She is assisting her team as best as she can.

The fourth person is Kakashi Hatake, former student of Naruto’s father, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and once known as Sharingan Kakashi due to the fact that he was given a Sharingan eye from his friend, Obito Uchiha, when he supposed died on a mission when he was younger during the Third Great Ninja War. However, he recently lost the eye and Naruto’s new power from the Sage allowed his original eye to be regenerated. He is doing what he can to assist his three former students, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to defeat Kaguya and save the world.

The final person is that said person that gave Kakashi the Sharingan eye, Obito, who didn’t die during the last war. He was saved by Madara Uchiha, who was the previous reincarnation/incarnation of Indra before Sasuke and was supposed killed by the previous reincarnation/incarnation of Asura, Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage of the Leaf Village, but he had used a forbidden Uchiha to save himself from death. He had taken a piece of flesh from the First Hokage and fused it with himself and gaining the power of Asura’s chakra and combined with Indra’s chakra, he gained the power of the Rinnegan allowing him to remove the seal on the Ten-Tails’ body on the moon and starting moving on with the plan to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi, unknowingly fulfilling the will of Kaguya and Black Zetsu. He had manipulated events including having Obito’s and Kakashi’s teammate killed in a way to make Obito willing to follow his plan, the ‘Eye of the Moon Plan’, which he did without hesitation including betraying his sensei on the day of his son’s birth, manipulating the Fourth Mizukage to cause a civil war, and whatnot. However, during this, the Fourth Great Ninja War, after he was beaten trying to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi his own way, he had a change of heart and he is now fighting against Kaguya to save the world.

Right now, they are within one of Kaguya’s unique ‘personal dimensions’ where there is incredible amount of gravity and everyone is hard pressed to move even Kaguya herself. She is attempting to use her All-Killing Ash Bones, in which bones come out of her body and if they pierce an opponent that reduces a person to ash by destroying them at a molecular level, to kill Naruto and Sasuke, knowing that they are the greatest threat to her. She had tried to gain the power of her son within them, but now, she knows that they are too dangerous to attempt it since it could give them a chance to defeat her. She fires her bones as arrows, but Naruto and Sasuke barely manage to duck under the first assault.

Black Zetsu says, “Is the gravity deviating it?”

Kaguya responds, “I fixed it. Next time, it will work.” She unleashes her next attack at Naruto and Sasuke, again, and Kakashi and Obito run to Naruto and Sasuke to shield them with their bodies, knowing that it was certain death, in order to ensure that they would survive to stop Kaguya. However, both of them trip due to the gravity restricting their moves.

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “No, we won’t get there in time!” Kakashi then thinks fast and uses a lightning chakra infused kunai to take out the bone heading for Sasuke.

At the same time, Obito thinks in his mind, “One chance!” Obito, with his eye that he gave Kakashi restored to him, uses the power of his space-time jutsu, Kamui, to save Naruto.

Black Zetsu sees this and he says, “Kamui, huh? I don’t think so!”

Kaguya says, “Understood.” Kaguya then unleashes her own space-time jutsu on Naruto and it causes the two space-time jutsu to collide and warp reality around Naruto.

Naruto yells out, “Hey, what’s going on?”

Seeing what’s happening, Sakura shouts out, “What’s going on?!”

Obito thinks in his mind, shocked, “No! She caused both space-time jutsu to create a warp in space and time! Neither of us can control it!”

Sasuke shouts out, stunned, “Naruto!” Naruto screams out as he is sucked into a space-time vortex created by clashing of the two space-time techniques before vortex ‘shatters’ into pieces.

Sakura shouts out, horrified, “No, Naruto!”

Kakashi says, stunned, “Oh no.”

Obito yells out, “The space-time jutsu mixed together and created a tear in the fabric of space-time! I can’t be sure where or when he could have gone!”

Sakura shouts out, “You mean that Naruto could have gone back in time?!”

Kakashi says, with a serious tone, “Or into another dimension, Sakura.”

Sasuke says, with a nod, “Who knows where Naruto was sent off too!”

Black Zetsu says, with a sneer, “If he had survived! Going through an uncontrollable space-time vortex unusually means that an ordinary mortal is ripped apart by the unstable space-time forces! Face it! Your ‘savior’! The Sage’s chosen heir is dead!”

Sakura shouts out, “No! You’re lying! Naruto won’t die so easily!”

Black Zetsu says, “Believe what you want! And Hatake, if you wish to join your precious Rin, then you can die right now!” Kaguya unleashes another attack on Kakashi, but Obito teleports in using Kamui and takes the blow.

Kakashi says, shocked, “Obito!”

Obito says, as his body starts to crumble at a molecular level, “Don’t follow me, Kakashi… You are needed here… to guide them… and Naruto… Minato-sensei’s son… isn’t one to die… so easily… he’s alive… and you are needed here… to help him… fulfill his destiny… when he returns… tell him… thank you… for opening my eyes… and tell him to become Hokage… for both of us…”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “I will.” Soon after, Obito turns into a pile of ash that lands on the ground and Sakura can’t help to shed tears while Sasuke looks at the crescent moon sigil, the Six Path Yin Seal, in which Sasuke then ‘feels’ Naruto and gains an imagine of Naruto in his mind.

Sasuke says, with a smirk, “He’s right. The Dobe is alive.”

Kakashi and Sakura look at Sasuke and Kakashi asks, “How can you be so sure?”

Sasuke says, displaying his Yin seal, “Thanks to the seals that the Six Path Sage gave us, we can sense each other and somehow, I am able to sense Naruto. I KNOW that the Dobe was still alive or my seal would say so.”

Sakura tells Sasuke, “But we don’t know if Naruto can come back.”

Sasuke says, with a grin, “You know that Naruto has never failed before and he won’t now, Sakura. All we need to do is survive long enough to allow him to return and something tells me that once he does, he will be more powerful than ever.”

Seeing the conviction in Naruto’s eyes, Kakashi says, with a nod, “You’re right, Sasuke.”

As Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura prepare to fight on, Kaguya says, “They are fools.”

Black Zetsu responds, “Maybe, but don’t underestimate Asura’s reincarnation, mother. He has proven to do the impossible and when his other opponents underestimated him, they ended up dead. Someone like him can’t kill you, but he is a great danger and if he is still alive, as long as he lives, the possibility of you being sealed, forever this time, is strong.”

Kaguya nods her head and she responds, “Yes, you sensed it too.”

Black Zetsu says, “I did, mother. Asura was nothing and then he awoke a great power from Hagoromo to rival his brother, Indra. Uzumaki is the same and if what we sensed is exactly like Asura, he will prove to be a great danger than your sons ever were.”

Kaguya responds, “You are right, Zetsu. He must die.”

Black Zetsu says, “We are going to need to return to your original dimension to recharge mother.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Indeed.” Kaguya and Black Zetsu look at Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke as they prepare to fight back against her and try to survive until Naruto returns back. With Naruto, he is in the space-time vortex and he screams out as he is getting torn apart.

Naruto shouts out, “What’s going on?! I’m feels like I’m getting… turned inside out!”

Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox Biju also known as Kyuubi, shouts out, “Kit, cover yourself in your Truth Seeker Balls! You are in an unstable space-time vortex and even with the power of the body of father, you will get ripped apart! You need your Yin-Yang Release to protect you! Do it now!”

Naruto yells out, “Easy for you to say, Kurama!” Naruto then feels himself getting torn apart by the unstable space-time vortex, but he has enough focus to cover himself in Truth Seeker Balls, the power of Yin-Yang Release, to protect himself form the space-time forces as he is thrown into a gateway to who knows where.

(On another world; A short time later on)

On the planet that we know as Earth, we head into the city of Tokyo, a massive metropolis in the island nation of Japan, the skies darken as the sky seems to split open and a familiar ‘black human-shaped cocoon’ comes out and slams into the roof of one of the Tokyo sky scrapers. Soon after, the ‘split’ in the sky closes and the skies return to normal. Out of the ‘cocoon’, Naruto, lying on his back and still in his ‘Six Path Senjutsu Mode’, is breathing heavily.

Naruto asks, weakly, “Anyone got the number of that bus?”

Kurama responds, “Be glad that we got out of there alive, kit! Any mortal would have been ripped apart by the chaotic forces of an unstable space-time vortex, but your Yin-Yang Release managed to protect you.”

Naruto says, “Goody for me.” In his weakened form, Naruto’s Six Path Senjutsu Mode deactivates and he rolls over as he struggles to get to his feet, but he keeps falling down.

Just then a woman’s voice says, “So it’s you.” Naruto weakly looks up to see a lovely woman with dark skin, long green hair that flows down just above her kneecaps behind her back with some of it tied in a bun, a golden tiara with a dark violet jewel in the center on her forehead, violet eyes, deep and lovely violet-pink lips, and she is wearing a white and black sailor fuku with a pair of knee-high high-heeled boots. In her hands is a key-like staff with a like shaped orb on top.

Naruto says, weakly, “I must be dreaming.” However, overcome with weakness, Naruto collapses onto the ground as the woman goes over to him.

The woman says, “What a strange boy and he also got a strange power, but it also feels familiar.” The woman then knees in front of Naruto, cautious of him, and she touches him in which she gets some imagines into her mind including about young boy/man with short, spiky brown hair – two locks of which were wrapped in bandages framing either side of his face in a similar manner to his brother. He also wore what seemed to be a blank forehead protector. He wore a light-colored kimono which was adorned with magatama around the collar. The kimono was held closed by a dark-colored sash. Underneath all of this he wore a black full-body suit. The woman winched back and she asks, stunned, “Asura-dono?!” The woman then takes Naruto into her arms and starts bounding from rooftop to rooftop with super-human speed and ability that are only matched by the people of Naruto’s home world.

Kurama, within Naruto, says, lowly, “The time guardian? So, we are in her part of the universe after our world has been cut off for so long, huh? This is starting to be interesting.”

(Returning to Naruto’s home world; Later on)

Right now, outside of Kaguya’s dimension, the recently revived four Hokages of the Leaf Village, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Minato Namikaze, Naruto’s father, are visible form of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, one of the two sons of Kaguya and known as the legendary Six Path Sage, who is using the energy from a piece of Madara’s body that was cut off him from after he become the ‘container’ for the Ten-Tails, Kaguya’s ‘monstrous form’, to allow him to be seen. However, the Sage then looks up into the sky.

Hashirama asks, “Sage-dono, what’s wrong?”

Hagoromo responds, “I can sense the reincarnation of my son, Asura, has left this world.”

There are gasps and Hiruzen asks, “You mean…?”

Hagoromo responds, shaking his head, “Maybe I poorly put my words. Naruto is not dead in which due to him having my power, I can tell if he is dead or in the afterlife, but he is no longer on this planet. He has been transported into another world.”

There are more gasps from the Hokage and Minato asks, “Into another world? How?”

Hagoromo responds, “I am not sure, Minato-san, but I’m sure that my mother unintentionally was involved in it. Thankfully, having the power of my Six Path Senjutsu allowed him to survive the track between worlds, but it won’t be easy for him to get back to our world. Since I am one with the spiritual plane, I can sense him even though he has been sent into another part of our universe, but our world has been surrounded by space-time cosmic storms for centuries and putting our planet slightly out of phase with the rest of our universe.”

Hiruzen asks, “Out of phase of our universe?”

Minato asks, “Does this mean that there is no way for my son to get home?”

Hagoromo responds, shaking his head, “He got out through a tear in space-time and as the saying goes ‘if there is a way to get in, there is a way to get out’. However, it will be difficult for him to replicate a similar space-time technique to return him home. And there is more danger. My mother won’t stop until he is dead.”

There are more gasps and Tobirama says, “She is filled with hatred for you that she would pursue your reincarnated children? How sick!”

Hagoromo says, shaking his head, “It is only part of the reason, Tobirama-san.” Everyone looks at Hagoromo and he says, “I sensed Naruto’s potential and he is like Asura. Waiting inside of him is a great power just awaiting to burst out and my mother sensed that potential. He knows that young Naruto has the power, alone, not to just seal her, but destroy her completely. She and Black Zetsu won’t admit it, but they fear that power.”

Hiruzen asks, amazed, “Naruto is THAT powerful?”

Hagoromo says, with a nod, “Like my son, his potential is limitless and Black Zetsu knows better in which he knows that young Naruto is the ultimate threat. However, once they discover which world he is on, they will want to go after him more, but not just for Naruto alone. I know exactly what world he is on.”

Hashirama asks, “What world, Sage-dono?”

Hagoromo responds, “A world where in that part of the universe there once lived a gorgeous queen with a jewel of incredible power. Power beyond the Shinju’s fruit and thus, beyond my mother, which can only be held by the bloodline of that woman. A woman of strong will yet gently nature helped my brother and I defeat our mother so long ago and she was our adoptive mother in many respects. A woman that inspired me to create the way of ninshu, the way of peace.”

There are gasps of shock and Minato asks, stunned, “A jewel that’s beyond your mother and thus, beyond you, Sage-sama? It is hard to believe! But wait! That was centuries ago! Why would she care now?”

Hagoromo responds, “Because the reincarnation of her daughter lives on that world and she welds the same crystal that allowed my brother and I seal to seal our mother away. Once my mother knows, she will do anything to ensure that powerful gem never threatens her again. This war has become a ‘war of the worlds’ and now, two worlds are threatened and this ‘other world’ has human life, but they have no defense since they don’t weld chakra like we do and they have close to seven billion people on that world.”

More gasps ring out and Hiruzen yells out, “Sage-sama, there must be something that we can do!”

Hagoromo responds, “Prepare for the worst, young Hiruzen-san. However, we have to have faith in young Naruto. As I have told you, he and the Biju believe that he is the ‘chosen one’ and we must have faith in him because hopefully, he will have the help of ‘another savior’ to end this war.”

Minato asks, “Another savior?”

Hagoromo says, “The ‘chosen one’ of that world, young Minato. Like Naruto, she is the chosen one of that world destined to be its great guardian and led the humans of that world into a new age.”

Hashirama asks, surprised, “She?”

Hagoromo responds, “The daughter of the women that I just mentioned Asura’s previous incarnation.” The four Hokage give looks of shock and Hagoromo says, “I believed that the Elder Gamamaru was correct in his words that Naruto will be the one to change the world. However, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need help. I will pray that the unity of the ‘chosen ones’ of two worlds will save them both in which they may need each other to fulfill our world’s prophecy.”

Hiruzen says, looking at the cocoon people above them, “It is all up to Naruto and this other ‘chosen one’.”

Hagoromo nods his head and Minato thinks in his mind, “Don’t give up, Naruto. Come home and save the world.”

(At the ‘other world’; later on)

Inside of a bedroom, we find Naruto sleeping on top of a bed and he groans as sunlight hits him in the eyes from a window and slowly wakes up before he snaps up to a sitting position to find himself on a bed and wearing a basic pair of black short and a tight fitting muscle shirt.

Naruto asks, “What the fuck?”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Welcome back to the land of the living, kit.”

Naruto asks, “What’s going on Kurama?”

Kurama responds, “Don’t tell me that you forgot that we almost got torn apart by a space-time vortex created by Kaguya when she used her own space-time powers to try to mess up that Uchiha’s jutsu to teleport you out of danger?”

Naruto then remembers and he responds, “Oh, fuck! I remember now! It felt that I was getting turned inside out!”

Kurama tells Naruto, “That’s a good way of putting it, kit! Normally, when you got through a space-time storm like that, you would be dead! However, you had the power of my father’s Six Path Senjutsu mode, the combination of our power and Senjutsu, in which the Yin-Yang Truth Seeker Balls protected you. Remember, Yin-Yang is how my man gave birth to use us, Biju. It protected you.”

Naruto says, “That’s good, but now, there is this place.”

Kurama responds, “You are in another world, kit.”

Naruto responds, stunned, “What?!”

Another of the Biju, Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Monkey, responds, “Kurama is right. The space-time vortex sent you across the universe to another world.”

Naruto yells out, “How can you be sure?”

Kurama replies, “Look outside and you’ll know, kit.” Naruto then goes to a window that’s covered up and when he opens the window, he gasps to see a huge city than anything in the Elemental Countries.

Naruto thinks in his mind, “No way! I must be dreaming or this is some kind of Genjutsu!” Naruto pinches himself and tries to uses his technique for undoing Genjutsu, but everything is the same.

Kurama tells Naruto, “This is no Genjutsu and you aren’t dreaming, kit. Kaguya’s interference in the Kamui used on you flung you from our world into this world.”

Naruto yells out, “I can’t be in another world! Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei need me! My world… our world is in danger with everyone else going to be turned into mindless zombies after Kaguya drains them dry!”

Kurama responds, “Do you know how to create a space-time kit?!” Naruto becomes solemn as he knows what Kurama is implying and he is right, but Kurama says, “However, there is someone that might be able to help you here, kit.”

Naruto asks, confused, “Huh?”

Just then Naruto hears a female voice shout out from the door to the room which is cracked open, “If he is just like us in a way, then he is needed back at his home! His world is depending on him!”

Another female voice says, “Yes, I know, Amara. However, his world has been cut off for centuries after Queen Serenity helped Hagoromo-dono and Hamura-dono stop the Ten-Tails and their mother. I believe that it was a result of end of the Silver Millennium that created the space-time storms in the first place.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Hold up? Did she just mention Old Man Hagoromo by name?” Naruto comes out of the room and using his ninja skills sneaks around to see the lovely woman with dark skin, long green hair that flows down just above her kneecaps behind her back with some of it tied in a bun, violet eyes, and pink-violet lips, but she is not wearing the sailor fuku and instead, she is wearing the clothing a female lab scientist. With her, there is a young teen girl and two young women.

The first woman is a tall and lovely woman of 18 years of age with short, pale blond hair and dark blue wearing male type clothing including a T-shirt and jeans in which she could be mistaken for a male.

The second woman is a lovely 18 year old with deep blue eyes and wavy teal hair that falls just past her shoulders along with pink lips and wearing a gorgeous aqua-blue dress.

The third female is a 14 year old teen girl with short dark purple hair, violet eyes, and pale skin. Right now, she is wearing a black mini dress, and dark blue pantyhose.

The second woman, the one with teal hair, is holding a strange mirror with a golden handle and blue-green back with a strange symbol on the back and she says, “For now, I don’t see anything.”

The dark skinned woman says, “That’s good to know, but based on what I heard when I talked with Kurama-san, she won’t hesitate to come after him.”

Naruto says, “Hold up! Did she just say that you talked with that woman?”

Kurama responds, “Indeed, kit. Let’s just say that she is an ‘old friend’.”

The short blond haired female says, “And I don’t like that possibility, Trista. Based on what you said is true, she will come after our princess just because Queen Serenity aided in turning her children against her though I doubt she had any right to them after what she did.”

The aqua blue-green haired female says, “Yes, she sounds like Beryl.”

The dark skinned woman says, “And that’s why we are going to need his help until we can get him home.”

The short blond haired female says, “Hold that thought.” The short blond haired female then glances in Naruto’s direction and she says, “Not bad, kid. I almost didn’t sense you there.”

Naruto yelps and he thinks, “Is she a ninja of this world?”

Kurama responds, “Doubtful, kit. If she is who I think she is, then she is someone with senses like a shinobi of our world.”

The four females are looking in his direction and dark skinned woman says, with a smile, “I see that you are up, Naruto-san.”

Naruto comes out into the open and he asks, “Hey, you know my name?”

The dark skinned woman responds, “I talked with your ‘tenant’.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Didn’t I just mention that?” When Naruto takes a good look at them, he winches as images pour into his mind and he sees the dark skinned woman in her sailor fuku outfit and he then sees the other females similar sailor fuku outfits.

Naruto thinks in his mind, holding his head, “What was that?”

Kurama responds, “Memories of your past life as Asura, kit.” Naruto gives a look of surprise and Kurama tells him, “Remember, you hold Asura’s spirit and chakra within you, but unlike Hashirama before you, you are truly ‘in tune’ with the spirit of Asura, not just your past life’s chakra. You are truly becoming one with Asura and his spirit and yours will be truly and completely one and the same. And before you rant about you not being you, remember, Asura is you and you are Asura, kit. You are the living legacy of my father, who is in all rights, your ancestral father, kit. Never forget that.”

Naruto replies, “I won’t, Kurama.”

The aqua haired female asks, “Are you okay?”

Naruto says, “Yeah.”

The dark skinned female says, “You must be getting memories of your past life. Kurama mentioned that you and Asura are very much alike.”

Naruto asks, “How do you know about Kurama?”

The dark skinned female replies, “We met when shortly after he was born.”

Naruto yells out, “That’s impossible! You would have to be centuries old!”

The dark skinned female giggles and she responds, “Who to say that I’m not, but I wish that you not speak it.” Naruto’s jaw nearly drops to the floor with that remark causing the aqua-haired female to giggle.

Kurama tells Naruto, “Before you say something stupid, kit, I would suggest that you listen to their story first.” Naruto gives a snarl as he goes over and sits down on a seat provided by them.

The dark skinned female says, “Before we explain our story, allow us to introduce ourselves: I’m Trista Meiou.”

The aqua-blue haired woman says, with a smile, “I’m Michelle Kaiou.” She then points to blond haired somewhat masculine looking female and she says, “And this is Amara Kaiou and yes, she is a woman, but she prefers men’s clothing. And actually, she has the qualities of both men and women.”

Naruto says, with a shrug, “Doesn’t bother me. I met a boy that looks like a pretty girl and dressed like one.” Naruto thinks in his mind, with a sigh, “Haku. What would you think of me now?”

The young teen girl says, with a kind smile, “And I’m Hotaru Tomoe. And Trista-mama, Amara-papa, and Michelle-mama are my adoptive parents.”

Naruto asks, “They are your parents and wait?! Amara-papa? But she…”

The aqua-blue haired woman, Michelle Kaiou, responds, with a smile, “Like I said, Amara has the qualities of both men and women while she is completely woman in body.”

The dark skinned woman, Trista Meiou, says, “Anyway, Naruto-san, it is best that we explain about who we are, what we are, and how our past has connection to your world.” Soon enough, the four of them explain about the Moon Kingdom, a gorgeous kingdom on the surface of the moon of this planet, which is known as Earth, and their planets also had kingdoms that were part of the Silver Alliance, a group of planetary kingdoms in which the Moon Kingdom was the ‘center’ of the Alliance, in which the princesses of those planets became the guardians of the princess of the Moon Kingdom and of the kingdom itself, known as the Sailor Senshi, which in Naruto’s native tongue and also known as Japanese on Earth, means Soldier or Warrior, heir to its throne, the jewel held by the Moon Kingdom royals, known as the Imperium Silver Crystal, one of the most powerful items in the universe, the Silver Millennium, the golden age of peace in their solar system, and how it ended as well as how it relates to them today. As they explained about it, Naruto can’t help to have various images surge through his mind, like long lost memories coming back to him, and especially, the memory of a black haired male dressed like knight/prince and lovely young woman with golden-blond hair done in two long pigtails with the buns shaped like meatballs, a golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead, blue eyes, and a pearly white royal dress.

When they were done and Naruto is sorting through the images in his mind, he asks, “So, all of you, minus Trista-san, are the reincarnation of alien princesses with special magical powers and you are supposed to protect this planet as well as the girl that’s the heir to this kingdom who holds a powerful crystal in her possession.”

Amara says, “Pretty much, kid.”

Michelle says, “This must be much to take in.”

Naruto says, “Well… I’ve seen stranger. And I’m kind of like you since I’m the reincarnation of the son of a legend in my world. And for some reason, I can’t help to believe you.”

Trista says, “That’s because your world, which we known as Gaea, and our solar system are connected. Long ago, in the battle with the Ten-Tails, our Queen Serenity fought with Hagoromo-dono and his brother, Hamura, using the power of the Silver Crystal and three legendary weapons, against their mother and the monstrosity that she created.”

Naruto yells out, “No way!”

Kurama responds, “Yes, way, kit! Our father, before he died, told us about Queen Serenity and how she inspired him and his way of ninshu.”

Trista says, with a sigh, “Queen Serenity wanted to purify the Shinju of Kaguya, but it would mean the destruction of Kaguya herself. Despite what she had become, Hagoromo and Hamura still loved their mother and they weren’t sure the purification of the Shinju would or wouldn’t cause damage to the earth itself. They weren’t concerned for other people since they were the only ones with chakra at the time. Remember, the Shinju was once part of your planet. Because of those reasons, our queen stayed her hand.”

Kurama tells Naruto, who is amazed, “It might be the greatest regret in our father’s life, kit. Actually, Hamura regretted the choice of not destroying their mother and purifying the Shinju. He feared her return and the fate of our world in the process as well as its people even more so when our father started giving chakra to other people to try to bring peace through the way of ninshu. From what little I know, he may have tried to developed a technique using one of those ‘legendary weapons’ to purify the Shinju while destroying Kaguya from it completely. I’m not certain since our father’s brother stayed in the shadows a lot, kit. He felt that our father was the sun, the light, and he had to be the shadows that protected that light.”

Naruto says, “Sounds like he was as much a Sage as Old Man Hagoromo.”

Kurama responds, with a nod, “He was. And he would be appalled on what his descendants become. Remember, he is the ancestor of the Hyuga clan from his mother. He believed in peace like his brother and he believed in peace without force, but he was more of realist while our father was an idealist, kit.”

Trista asks, “Has Kurama confirmed what I said?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Yeah. And something tells me that Asura was a part of this too.”

Trista says, with a nod, “He was. Before our kingdom feel, the Sage and his family visited our kingdom. We and the Sage had our ways. Anyway, Asura was in fact a good friend of our princess. A very precious friend and best friends to our princess’ prince.” Trista says, looking at Amara, “However, Amara wasn’t too friendly with Asura especially after he had beaten her after he discovered his own power.”

Michelle says, “She had a bad twitch and she was curious why.”

Amara says, glaring at Naruto, “And now, I know.”

Naruto says, nervously, “That wasn’t me, it was Asura!”

Amara responds, “You are Asura, remember?”

Kurama responds, “Got you there, kit.”

Naruto retorts, “Shut it, baka fox!”

Trista says, “Anyway, you know about us and we know about you.”

Amara says, “And your current situation.”

Naruto says, remembering what happened, “Oh, shit! I can’t stay here! I have to get back to Sasuke-teme and the others! They need me to defeat Kaguya!”

Trista says, “We understand and normally, I could help you! I am the guardian of time and basically, space-time. However, to keep it short, I have ‘certain abilities’ like helping people go into other worlds even if they are in other dimensions if I’m allowed to do so. While there is no problem for me to transport you to your world…”

Naruto yells out, excitedly, “All right, let’s go!”

Amara tells Naruto, “Sit down, kid. There is a major ‘but’ in here.”

Naruto says, concerned, “Oh, crap. That’s not a good thing.”

Trista says, with a sigh, “Normally, I would be able to transport you back home, but your world has been covered in space-time cosmic storms and has been slightly out of phase of our universe. Think of it being like Obito Uchiha’s Kamui.”

Naruto asks, “You mean another dimension created by a space-time jutsu?”

Trista says, with a nod, “Correct, Naruto-san.” Trista says, solemnly, “For some reason, it prevents me from returning you home.”

Naruto yells out, stunned, “What?”

Trista says, “I have been trying to get to Gaea for centuries, Naruto-san. I’ve had no success. I’ve tried after I made sure that you were safe here after I had learned the situation, but I have had no success. Somehow, the combination of the two space-time techniques that mashed chaotic to create the space-time vortex that allowed you to break through the space-time storms and bring you here, but it could have been a one in a million chance.”

Amara tells Naruto, “Meaning it was dumb luck that you were transported here.”

Kurama says, “I hate to break to you, kit. The time guardian is most likely right about this. It was a miracle that you survived the space-time vortex, thanks to the Yin-Yang power in your Six Path Senjutsu mode, but it is also a miracle that you got through the space-time storms surrounding our world and disconnecting it from the rest of our universe for centuries. It was a miracle that you didn’t get flung out of universe and into another universe completely!”

Naruto asks, solemnly, “You mean… I can’t get home?”

Trista responds, shaking her head, “I’m sorry, Naruto-san. Not at this moment. There is a good possibility that what happened to you created a ‘break’ in the space-time storm, but it isn’t large enough for me to create a passageway through for you.”

Naruto yells out, in disbelief, “You have got to be kidding! If you know who I am, then you know that I’m needed back on my world! My comrades… my friends… my whole world is counting on me… I’m supposed to be the one to save my world!”

Michelle says, with a sigh, “We know, Naruto-san.”

Naruto stands on his feet and he yells out, “No, you don’t! If I don’t get there and save everyone! They are going to get turned into mindless zombie plant monsters called Zetsu and permanently enslaved to Kaguya’s will!”

Amara stands and she says, sternly, “Trista told us about that, kid! And if she could get you, she could get you back in a heartbeat! She is the guardian of time and thus, space AND time!”

Kurama tells Naruto, “The guardian of wind is right, kit. The time guardian is also a space-time guardian and she has been around for centuries, kit. So, she has knowledge of quite a few ‘space-time tricks’. If she can’t get you back right now, then no one can!”

Naruto thinks in his mind, horrified, “This can’t be.” His mind returns to all of the comrades and especially his friends back home as well as all the people that he met on his journey as a ninja, starting from Tazuna and his family to Shizuka of the Nadeshiko Village, and beyond as well as knowing plenty of their hopes and dreams. And then in Naruto’s mind, they shatter like glass. And in a roar of frustration and despair, Naruto slams his fist into the table and splits in half much to the shock of the four Outer Sailor Soldiers.

Hotaru says, shocked, “Oh my.”

Naruto says, as tears fall from his eyes, “It’s over. I failed. Everyone was counting me. I’m supposed to be the heir to Old Man Hagoromo’s title of ‘Savior of the World’.”

Amara says, “Hey! It’s not over, kid!”

Naruto yells out, angrily, “Don’t call me, kid! And how can you say that! You said it yourself! Not even Trista-san, a ‘space-time guardian’ or whatever, can get me back home! I can’t get back home, I can’t help Sasuke seal away Kaguya since I hold half of the seal needed to use the sealing technique to seal her away, and that means he can’t do it without me as I can’t do it without him! And while Sasuke also has half of the power of the Six Path Sage, he has the eyes and not the body which means his physical endurance and stamina as well as levels of chakra aren’t as high as mine! He can’t last one-on-one with Kaguya as long as I could have! And for all I know, they are dead which means Kaguya has already won! And now, my friends and precious ones are trapped and enslaved in a dream world until they are turned into mindless zombies for Kaguya! I’ve failed them! I’ve failed Old Man Hagoromo! I’ve failed my whole world!”

Naruto starts to run off and Amara asks, “Are you going to go out in that?”

Michelle says, pointing to Naruto’s folded up and slightly torn clothing, “Your clothes were dirty and I had washed them.”

Naruto says, with tears of anger and sorrow in his eyes, “Thank you.” Naruto then takes his clothing and runs to the room that he woke up in.

Amara says, “We had better call the other girls.”

Michelle says, with a nod, “We can’t have him running in an unfamiliar land especially facing his ‘darkest hour’.”

Hotaru asks, “Don’t you think we should have told that possibility?”

Trista says, “It may have made him more upset since it would require Kaguya to create a gateway and open the ‘breech’ even more and the knowledge that time progression has changed between his world and the rest of the universe in which a day there will be multiple days here.”

Amara says, with a nod, “Agreed, Trista. However, I think that this is his ‘ultimate test’.”

Michelle asks, “Test?”

Amara responds, “That’s right, Michelle. He conquered hatred, but he foolishly believed that he had conquered his own darkness. Far from it. A ‘sinister darkness’ is more than just hatred. It is also despair, hopelessness, and more. This is his test to prove that he can be a true hero.”

Trista says, with a nod, “Yes, Amara. He needs to rise above this to become a ‘true savior’. And I fear that we will need him in order to aid our world’s savior.”

Hotaru says, “Our princess.”

Trista says, with a nod, “As Sailor Moon, she is the protector of this planet and proven to be as much a ‘savior’ as Naruto-san is in his world. Both worlds are in danger of destruction and we may need Naruto-san’s help.”

Amara says, “I think that we can handle some overgrown ancient princess with a deity complex.”

Trista tells Amara, “Don’t underestimate Kaguya, Amara. She isn’t the ‘Demonic Rabbit Goddess’ for nothing.”

Michelle says, “We can only hope that the ‘fox’ will get the strength to hunt the rabbit.” Back with Naruto, he falls down on his bed provided to him and he starts to cry feeling that he has completely failed his comrades, his friends, and his whole world since he feels there is no hope for getting home or at least in time to save his world.

(On the meanwhile; back on Naruto’s home world)

Returning to Naruto’s home world, we are inside of one of Kaguya’s dimensions and we are in a mountainous region that’s the central ‘region’ in all of Kaguya’s dimensions where we find said ‘oni’ AKA Kaguya is facing off against Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke in which she easily fends off Sakura and Kakashi, but Sasuke, with his Rinnegan and his half of the power from the Six Path Sage, is another story. Sasuke is managing to fend off Kaguya, but barely.

Sasuke says, with a sneer, “Trying to finish me off before going after the Dobe? Typical coward.”

Black Zetsu responds, with a sly tone, “Finish you? No! We are just getting what we need from you!”

Sasuke asks, surprised, “What?” Sasuke dodges a strike from Kaguya’s All-Killing Ash Bones, but Black Zetsu zips out from under Kaguya’s left arm and sleeve of her kimono in which he attaches to Sasuke’s hand where the Yin Seal in which he uses the ‘link’ between the two seals to trace Naruto until he gains an image of Naruto in the home of the Outer Sailor Scouts on Earth.

Black Zetsu yells out, excitedly, “Gotcha!” Black Zetsu then detaches himself from Sasuke and returns back Sasuke can slice him in half with a lightning chakra coated sword.

Sasuke yells out, as Sakura and Kakashi join him, “What did you do?!”

Black Zetsu responds, “Nothing much, Sasuke. I just used the link between your seal and Uzumaki’s seal to track him down. And you are right. He is alive, but not for long.”

Sakura asks, shocked, “Naruto’s alive?”

Black Zetsu replies, “That’s right, little girl. However, he is too much of threat to my mother. Remember, he is the reincarnation of Asura and Asura was once nothing, but he then unlocked a great power to rival his own brother, Indra. We can’t let someone like that alive, can we?”

Kaguya says, plainly, “No. Asura must die.”

Sasuke says, seriously, “I don’t think so!” Sasuke leaps into the air, activates his Perfect Susanoo, and tries to crush Kaguya under his sword, but Kaguya goes through one of her space-time portals and vanishes from sight.

When Sasuke returns, Kakashi says, “She is going after Naruto!”

Sakura asks, “Why? With Sasuke and Naruto separated, I thought that she would be focused on destroying Sasuke to get rid of the seal!”

Sasuke says, “It isn’t the seal that she is afraid of. It is the Dobe’s potential. She feels that Naruto has the power to gain power that far exceeds even her and remember, the Sage and Biju said that they feel that Naruto is some kind of ‘chosen one’ that will change our world.”

Kakashi says, “The ‘Chosen One’ of the Toad Prophecies.” When Sasuke and Sakura look at Kakashi, he talks about Jiraiya and what he had heard from Elder Toad.

When he is done, Sakura asks, with a gasp, “Are you saying that Naruto is supposed to be the ‘savior of the world’?”

Kakashi says, “And Kaguya is the great threat that he is supposed to save the world from. As long as Naruto lives, the threat to her remains, but if he dies…”

Sasuke says, “The world belongs to her forever. However, there is nothing that we can do. The Dobe is on his own.”

Sakura says, drolly, “Great.” Sakura thinks in her mind, “Naruto, please find a way home! We need you!”

(Later on; Back on Earth)

Inside of the Outer Sailor Scouts’ home, Hotaru knocks on the door to his room and she opens it to see a lump covered by bed sheets.

Hotaru asks, “Naruto-san, we have some food ready. Would you like ramen?” However, the lump doesn’t move at all in which Hotaru is concerned in which she removes the sheets and she gasps only to find a cartoon doll-like dummy of Naruto in the bed.

Amara, Michelle, and Trista show themselves and Michelle says, “The kid has a sense of humor.”

Amara asks, curiously, “Where did he get a doll like that so quickly?”

Trista says, “Well, they are ninja after all, Amara.”

Amara says, “Anyway, we had better call the other Scouts. We can’t have him running around and the governments of the world would love to get their hands on him.”

Michelle says, “Japan’s government might think him part of the ninja clans of our world.”

Trista says, “Until they determine that, they may call on Hayabusa-dono to ‘deal’ with Naruto-san.”

Amara says, “We or the other Sailor Scouts had better get to him first. Let’s go.” Soon enough, the four Outer Sailor Scouts then move out and prepare their henshin wands to turn into scout forms and look for Naruto. Speaking said blond haired ninja sage, Naruto is hiding among the rooftops of the highest buildings in the district of Juuban.

Naruto thinks in his mind, as the images of who he considers precious comes to his mind, “Sakura… Kakashi-sensei… Granny Tsunade… Konohamaru… Iruka-sensei… Hinata… I’m so sorry… I’ve failed you all…”

Kurama retorts, “Hey, brat! Where is the kid that kept screaming about how he would be Hokage no matter what those assholes in the village did to him?! Where is the kid that defeated even the greatest foes despite the worst possible situation?! Where is the Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze that told Pain to give up to make him give up?!”

Naruto yells out, “Do you know of a way to get through some kind of ‘barrier’ that not even the guardian of all space and time can’t break through, fox?! Do you?!”

Kurama responds, “No, but there is a point. When you got sucked through to here, on Earth, there might have been a break and if Kaguya comes after you, she could widen the breach to allow a gateway to form, brat!”

Naruto responds, “Oh, yeah! And let another world be in danger from Old Man Hagoromo sicko mother?! I don’t like it! And if she thinks I’m still alive and wants to come after me, which I know she does, how long before she does?! Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei, and Sakura could be dead already and the world could be turned into an army of mindless White Zetsu, namely slaves to Kaguya forever like those that we fought! By the time that I have to get back, I won’t have a world to go back to! You can’t assure that there is a chance that this won’t happen, do you?!”

Kurama replies, “No, I don’t, kit, but there is still hope that you can still save everyone.”

Naruto prepares to responds, but he then senses something or should I say, multiple people in which after a minute, he says, “You know, you really need to work up on sneaking up on people, you know? I can feel you a mile away, believe it.” Naruto whips his head to see all of the Sailor Scouts, in their Scout forms, in front of him and he asks, quirking an eyebrow, “Really? Evil is supposed to be afraid of you?”

Sailor Jupiter, age 16, yells out, annoyed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Naruto responds, “I’m no pervert and I hate perverts in fact, but you look like something like my prevent teacher, Pervy Sage, would love to write about in one of his smut if he wasn’t dead, believe it.”

Sailor Mars, age 16, says, annoyed, “Hey!”

Naruto says, “I’m just saying.”

Sailor Mercury, age 16, says, with a slight blush, “He does have a point since we do give off a ‘suggestive look’.”

Sailor Venus, age 16, says, with a grin, “What we can we say? When you got it, you got it.” When Sailor Moon decides to walk up to him, Naruto gets images of Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon’s past self, in her mind and he holds his back.

Naruto thinks in his mind, “What was that?!”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Be respectful to this one, brat! She is the reincarnation of Princess Serenity, daughter of Queen Serenity, the one that helped my father and my uncle, my father’s brother, take down the Ten-Tails AKA Kaguya centuries ago.”

Naruto thinks in her mind, “She kind of looks like what I turn into when I perform my Sexy Jutsu.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “This girl isn’t one of your anti-pervert jutsu, brat! This is the heiress of the Lunarian throne and most likely, the protector of this world. She was your best friend in your past life along with her love, Prince Endymon of Earth, heir to the throne of this planet, brat!”

Naruto tells Kurama, “Stop calling me, brat, fox!”

Kurama retorts, “When you stop continuing on with this stupid ‘pity party’ and get back on your feet to prepare to go home and kick Kaguya’s ass, I’ll consider it, gaki!”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Wiseass, fox.” Soon enough, Sailor Moon’s broach opens, revealing her Imperium Silver Crystal, and she transforms into the same princess that Naruto saw in his ‘visions’.

The other Sailor Scouts are shocked and Sailor Saturn says, “Princess Serenity!”

Naruto says, amazed, “Okay, that’s new to me!”

Princess Serenity tells Naruto, “I’m Sailor Moon, but in this form, I am Princess Serenity, daughter of Queen Serenity, who you probably heard about. Pluto told me about your situation.”

Naruto says, solemnly, “Yeah. The failure of a savior.”

Princess Serenity tells Naruto, “You are a failure if you give up. It may seem that you can’t get home, but there might be a way.”

Naruto responds, “I rather not wait for Old Man Hagoromo’s insane deity-complex mother to cause trouble here and if she comes, it may be too late for my world and my people might be turned into mindless plant zombies known as White Zetsu and forever Kaguya’s mindless slaves.”

Princess Serenity and a few of the Sailor Scouts shiver at the word ‘zombies’ and Princess Serenity says, showing her crystal, “It may not be hopeless even it comes to that. I have returned people to normal even when they were turned into evil monsters.” Naruto looks at Princess Serenity and she says, “I weld one of the most powerful objects in the universe. This is the Imperium Silver Crystal and as long as my heart and will is strong enough, it can perform any miracle, Naruto-san.”

Naruto asks, “Any miracle?”

Kurama responds, “No fucking kidding, gaki. I only seen that piece of jewelry once and I can smell the raw power coming from that thing! Basically, it has the power to blow up a star, kit.”

Naruto asks, shocked, “Blow up a star?!”

Kurama replies, “Yep! If it can do, you think that transforming people that have been turned into White Zetsu might be quite easy for it. It has the power of purification and that means getting rid of any ‘corrupting force’ done to and within an object and especially living beings!”

Naruto says, “That means even if everyone is turned into those mindless White Zetsu, the jewel in her hands can save them!”

Kurama responds, “That’s right, kit. However, it can only be welded by those of the Moon Kingdom bloodline, gaki. Well, normally. There are other ways, but you need to find an ‘alternate means’ to do that.”

Naruto asks Princess Serenity, though knowing the answer, “So, it can possibility restore a person back to normal?”

Princess Serenity says, “It is highly possible, Naruto-san. My crystal can purify any ‘corrupting force’ from a person and if a person is transformed into these ‘White Zetsu monsters’, since it is unnatural, my crystal can restore them.”

Sailor Uranus says, “However, the crystal can only be used by our princess and even then if she uses her full power, it will take her life.”

Naruto asks, shocked, “Her life?”

Princess Serenity says, “That’s correct.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “Then no deal. I’m fucking tired of having to sacrifice people. No more sacrifices.”

Sailor Pluto tells Naruto, “It doesn’t have to be.” Naruto looks at Sailor Pluto and she says, “If you give our princess your power, your chakra, you can enhance her strength to the point where she can use the crystal to perform that kind of miracle. You hold the ‘body’ of the Six Path Sage and the raw strength, stamina, and power of Hagoromo. You have a noble and caring heart as you have got demonstrated now, Naruto-san. The crystal will accept those feelings and your power and give our princess the strength to use the crystal to break them free of illusion and even transform them back if they have been turned into Kaguya’s slaves.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “The time guardian is right, brat. Give her your strength and she won’t die in which she can use her crystal’s power to help you save your world. And I’m not saying this to cheer you up, gaki. It is a fact. I know that crystal. You still have a chance and our world still has a chance.”

Just then a male voice says, “You have to listen to Pluto, Naruto-san.” Everyone looks to see Tuxedo Mask then appear on the scene and he ‘transforms’ into Prince Endymon.

Naruto asks, “Who the heck are you? And why do I feel that I know you from somewhere?”

Prince Endymon replies, “I am Prince Endymon, heir to the throne of Earth, and the beloved of my lovely princess, Serenity.”

Princess Serenity giggles and Sailor Pluto tells Naruto, “You knew him as Asura, Naruto-san. You and our princess were among your best of friends. You were very good at making them.”

Prince Endymon says, with a plain tone, “And Pluto is right. You can’t give up hope. If you give up hope, then it is truly over and your enemy has won. You said that you were done with ‘sacrificing’ and that means that many people must have sacrificed to get where you were before coming here. I have to ask: Do you let their sacrifices be in vain? Is that their hopes in you worth nothing?”

Naruto says, with a serious tone, “What? How dare you? They didn’t just throw away their lives for nothing!”

Prince Endymon responds, sternly, “If you give up now, then they did do that! You let all those that died in the hopes for a brighter future for those loved and left behind go the waste, Naruto-san! If you are the hero that they had hoped for, then you need to act like it!”

Princess Serenity says, concerned, “Endymon…”

Sailor Uranus tells Princess Serenity, “No, princess. Your prince is exactly right. He needs a kick in his pants and stop with the fucking ‘pity party’.”

Prince Endymon asks Naruto, “Naruto-san, why do we fall?”

Naruto asks, “Huh? What kind of question is that?”

Prince Endymon responds, “Why do we fall, Naruto-san?”

Naruto replies, nervously, “Well…”

Prince Endymon replies, “To pick ourselves back up and grow stronger from the fall, Naruto-san.” Prince Endymon tells Naruto, “Are you willing to get back up again?” Naruto closes his eyes and he thinks back to his battles before especially his battle with Pain causing him to tighten his right hand into fist.

Naruto says, his expression becoming more determined, “Yeah, I am, believe it.”

Sailor Venus says, with a bubbly smile, “He is really cute with those whisker marks.”

Sailor Jupiter says, with a warm smile, “He looks like my sempai only cuter.”

Sailor Mars asks, drolly, “Seriously?!”

Sailor Pluto says, “And I may know a place where he can stay and get training to prepare for the battles ahead.”

Everyone looks at Pluto and Sailor Saturn asks, “Where?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “With Earth’s ninja clans.”

There are gasps of surprise and Sailor Venus asks, “We have ninjas too?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Yes, we do. They are different from the ninjas of Naruto-san’s world, but they can give him and us the help that we need for the battles ahead. It is not a matter of if, but I believe when Kaguya comes.”

The other Sailor Scouts nod and Naruto thinks in his mind, “Sasuke… Sakura… Kakashi-sensei… everyone… I don’t know if you are still… okay or not… but I’m on my way… I’ll find a way home… believe it…” Naruto’s will and determination starts to burn brighter within him once more and Kurama and the ‘spirits’ of the other eight Biju smirk at this knowing that there is hope as long as Naruto lives and never gives up.

And that’s the chapter, everyone! Like much of my current stories, I’m hoping that this story will be short with ten to twenty chapters, but I’m going to have to wait and see. Anyway, there might be a bit ‘fluffy’, but there isn’t going to be much romance other than Serena/Darien moment through that will end soon and not because they are going to break up if you know what I mean. I’m a fan of Serena/Darien romances, but when I don’t want Darien as a couple with Serena, you can probably get what happens in my previous Mega crossover stories. Anyway, please read and review my stories and later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!