Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ Looking Back and Battling Forward ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
In the case of this story, you are going to wonder why I put the Digimon as part of the disclaimer, correct? Well, they are going to play a minor role in this story and yes, I am giving a slight spoiler here, but they are going to play a major role in the sequel to this story, everyone. You are going to have to read and find out, folks!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16
Sakura Haruno: Age 16
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 2: Looking Back and Battling Forward

Deep within an unknown realm back on Gaea, the name of Naruto’s home world, Kaguya Otsutsuki, with the being made from her own will, Black Zetsu, attached to her left arm, is together and Kaguya is preparing to find Naruto, who has been sent to another world due to the threat that he present to Kaguya for reasons only known to Black Zetsu, Kaguya, and most likely, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Six Path Sage, himself.

Black Zetsu says, “I have managed to get what I needed from Sasuke to connect to the ‘link’ between Sasuke’s Yin Seal and Naruto’s Yang Seal.”

Kaguya says, “Good, Zetsu. Asura is a great threat and he must destroyed. We sensed it.”

Black Zetsu says, “I agree, mother. When I was draining his chakra, I sensed it and he was the one to break out of our hold, not Sasuke.”

Kaguya says, “Yes, I agree. Let us begin.” Soon enough, Black Zetsu and Kaguya connect to the ‘link’ between Naruto’s Yang Seal and Sasuke’s Yin Seal for the sealing jutsu specially designed for Kaguya and when they are able to ‘connect’, they gain brief images of Earth and then see images of Naruto’s meeting with the Sailor Scouts causing Kaguya to gasp and cut the connection.

Black Zetsu says, flabbergasted, “Impossible! It has been thousands of years! How can they still be around? And their kingdom was destroyed… How? Wait! They must have been reborn…!!” However, Black Zetsu stops as he senses his ‘mother’s’ rage and anger in which her Byakugan eyes activate and a look of pure rage comes over her features.

Kaguya says, enraged, “Queen Serenity… her wretched legacy… has been reborn?! That wretched outsider wench! Serenity!!! SERENITY!!!” Her voice booms so loudly that even Hagoromo and the reanimated Hokage can hear it.

Hiruzen asks, shocked, “What was that?”

Tobirama says, “Such rage.”

Hagoromo says, with a plain tone, “That was my mother’s voice.”

Minato asks, “Your mother’s voice, Sage-sama?”

Hagoromo says, with a nod, “Yes. I believe that she knows that young Naruto has met up with the reincarnated daughter of the great Moon Queen that helped me so long ago. Her rage has been ignited more than ever before. She will seek to destroy both young Naruto and the reincarnation of Queen Serenity’s daughter. Her target is the world that Naruto is in now.”

Minato says, with a sneer, “And we sit and can do nothing!”

Hagoromo says, “We only do nothing if you believe that we aren’t, Minato. We must prepare for the future and pray that Naruto does return. The future is always in motion, but if we believe in our sons, they will return and most likely, Naruto will be more powerful than ever before.”

Tobirama asks, “How can you be so sure, Sage-sama?”

Hagoromo says, “He has done the impossible before, Tobirama-san.”

Hiruzen says, with a smile, “He has, Sage-sama.”

(On Earth; Later on)

Speaking of Naruto, he is looking out into the sky and he is wearing a new attire which consists of black tabi boots, black ninja head piece, black and orange sleeveless vest with Kevlar in it, and shin/forearm guards are reminiscent of the ancient ninja warrior with the red whirlpool spiral of the Uzumaki.

Kurama says, “I knew that you wouldn’t get rid of orange in any outfit despite what your newest teacher told you.”

Naruto tells Kurama in his mind, “Believe it, Kurama. And I have to say that Ryu-sensei is quite mellow, but he is also like the Sage in a young man’s body.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Unlike you, kit, he may use to apply his brain correctly.”

Naruto retorts, with a snort, “Very funny, Kurama.”

Kurama snickers and he says, “Anyway, kit, you have leaped by incredible bounds and you will be ready to take care of Kaguya in no time!”

Naruto responds, with a more plain tone, “Time, yeah.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “If what Sailor Pluto said is true, kit, I doubt that even a day passed back at home.”

Naruto responds, “Yeah, I know. But I don’t know anything else. I can now tell that Sasuke thanks to the link that his Yin Seal has with my Yang Seal, but I’m not sure if Sakura or Kakashi-sensei are alive with him or he is alone fighting for his life with Kaguya ready to ring his neck!”

Kurama replies, “Kit, the only reason that I care for any Uchiha is because he is necessary for you to get rid of that mother of the father of me and my fellow Biju! However, if anything, an Uchiha is like roach and roaches are really hard to kill.”

Naruto retorts, “Real comforting, fox. And every single minute that passes, the people that are precious to me, all of them, are closer to being mindless White Zetsu.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Kit, remember, we know that the Silver Crystal can purify them if they are corrupted into White Zetsu. In fact, we tested if your chakra can boost the Moon Princess’ strength and it worked completely! In fact, you might be able to negate the Infinite Tsukuyomi with the Moon Princess’ help.”

Naruto responds, “No duh! That’s why I’m building up my chakra reserves! I’m going to need all of the power that I can get if I’m going to get Serena-san the energy that she needs to heal my world and not die! I only signed up to this plan because I could prevent her from dying! I said it before, I had enough of others sacrificing themselves! I’m taking the bull by the horns or should I say, Kaguya by hers and kicking her back into history!”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Good attitude, kit. It is about time. And thanks to that Dragon ninja, you are developing the skills that you will need.” Naruto nods his head as he remembers when he met his newest teacher.

Flashback; One week ago

Right now, we find the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask and Naruto in one of the mountainous regions of Japan with Sailor Pluto leading the way.

Sailor Jupiter says, “This place is lovely.”

Sailor Mars asks, “But are you sure that the people that you mentioned are here?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “They are. Their home is not well known to the public and it shouldn’t be surprising since ninja keep to the shadows.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “No joke, Pluto-san. But I’m not sure if they can help me since you guys don’t have chakra.”

Sailor Pluto says, “True, but they have ‘super human abilities’ similar to yours. They use Ninpo, which is similar to your ninjutsu, but it is more mystical energy based rather than the physical and spiritual energy combination of your ninjutsu.”

Sailor Uranus says, “And there is also the fact that while you are powerful, there are a lot of holes in your abilities, kid. When it comes to hand to hand combat, you fight more like a brawler or didn’t Jupiter’s judo throw knock some sense into you? I know that it knocked you for a loop.”

Naruto says, with a snort, “I was just surprised, okay? It won’t happen again.”

Sailor Uranus tells Naruto, “Surprised doesn’t cut it in your profession, kid. Nor does it in ours when the world is at stake. We fight and we win or we lose, we die, and everyone else pays for our mistakes.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I know.”

Sailor Pluto says, “And since Kaguya relies too much on her powers, if you are better in hand to hand, you will have an edge over her.”

Kurama replies, “Pluto has a good point, kit. Remember when you started hand to hand combat with a mass of your clones? She had trouble fighting you.”

Naruto responds, with a nod, “Good point, Kurama. That bitch focuses on her powers and jutsu type abilities, but her hand to hand combat skills are pathetic. If I keep the combat to close range hand to hand, avoid those stupid bones, and make her fight a Taijutsu fight, there is a good chance that can give me the edge.”

Kurama retorts, “I guess that miracles can happen and you can think for once.”

Naruto retorts, with a snort, “Wiseass fox.”

Just then Naruto stops in his tracks and Sailor Moon asks, “What is it, Naruto-san?”

Naruto says, “We aren’t alone. There is someone here.”

Sailor Mars says, seriously, “He is right.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a nod, “Yeah.”

Just then a male voice says, “Very good, my friends.” Everyone whips to the sound of the voice to see a masked ninja with a black sleeveless vest, black tabi boots, black ninja head piece, and shin/forearm guards in the trees nearby.

Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “Ryu-dono.”

The ninja leaps from the trees and he says, “Pluto-dono, it has been a long time.”

Sailor Pluto says, “Yes, it has.”

Sailor Saturn asks, “You know him, Pluto?”

Sailor Pluto says, pointing to Ryu, “This is Ryu Hayabusa, son of Jo Hayabusa, head of the Hayabusa clan.”

Ryu says, with a kind nod, “Nice to meet you all.” Everyone else bows their heads in greeting and Ryu says, looking at Naruto, “This young lad. I can tell that he isn’t an ordinary human… at least for our world. I sense a great power inside of him.”
Sailor Pluto says, with a serious tone, “Yes, Ryu-dono. And that’s why we have come here. A new crises is about to befall our planet, but this time, it will engulf two worlds. Our world and the world that young Naruto, here, comes in which he needs to master the ways of ninja on our planet.”

Ryu says, his eyes narrowing, “I see. Follow me. We need to discuss the situation with my father and the rest of the clan.” Ryu walks off in which Sailor Pluto motions to follow them in which everyone else does so.

End Flashback; Return to the Present

At Ryu’s home village, the girls, Tuxedo Mask, and Naruto met with Ryu’s father, Jo Hayabusa, head of the Hayabusa, in which they explain the situation to them and thankfully, being a very wise leader, he knows that Kaguya won’t stop until he destroys Naruto since he is the hope of his world. Jo agreed to allow Naruto to stay in their village and train in which Sailor Pluto helped due to being a space-time guardian, she had knowledge on how to open a gateway to a ‘hyperbolic time chamber’, an area that’s used for training where one day in the ‘outside world’ equals a year in there, but Naruto didn’t age past the one day in the ‘outside world’.

Thanks to his training with Ryu and his clan, Naruto’s own chakra has increased to incredibly high levels and he has completely mastered and harnessed the powers of his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode as well as Six Path Senjutsu Mode. He also learned that thanks to the Six Path Senjutsu chakra, the pieces of his parents that were sealed within him have also ‘regenerated’ stronger than before, allow them to transfer their knowledge into Naruto and helping become an Uzumaki level seal master and even learning the Hirashin. He also learned that he is such a ‘pure reincarnation’ of Asura and he has ‘bonded’ with both his chakra and spirit, Naruto gained the power of the First Hokage: The Wood Style. Thankfully, Kurama remembers well the jutsu of the First Hokage and Naruto remembers all of the jutsu used by Yamato in which he gains a good handle on the power of Wood Style through he doubts that he is at the level of the First Hokage, yet.

Naruto also learned the ways of the Hayabusa and their allies, the Mugen Tenshin, in which he has become excellent in weapons especially swords in which he learned the techniques known as the Violet Wind, Violent Gale, Flying Swallow, Flock of Flying Swallows, and Izuna Drop. During the week that he has been with the Hayabusa clan, he has helped both it and the Mugen Tenshin as thanks for giving him the help though Naruto tended to ‘overdo’ on the help which wasn’t a bad thing in this case. However, as a reward for going beyond what Jo and Ryu felt as repayment, they made Naruto an honorary member of the Dragon Clan in which he felt that they didn’t need, but decided not to regret them when they insisted.

Later on, he met with a master sword smith that gave him a pair of unusual weapons.

Flashback; Some time ago

Naruto is with Ryu as they go into a shop where they find someone that looks like little feeble old man with a long white beard waiting for them.

The elderly male tells Ryu, “Ryu.”

Naruto asks Ryu, “Ryu-sensei, who is the old man?” Just then Naruto yelps as he is hit over the head by a sword still in its scabbard by the old man.

The elderly male responds, “I may be an old man, but I can give you a good whopping, you young whipper snapper.”

Ryu tells Naruto, “This man is Muramasa, a legendary weapon smith and trader. He has forged some of the best weapons used by our ninja clan and our allies, the Mugen Tenshin.”

Naruto asks, “Really?”

The elderly male says, “Indeed, young man. Your father told me about him. There is something that I need to give you.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Me?”

The elderly male, the legendary weapon smith, Muramasa, says, taking out what looks like an old samurai sword in an plain old sheath, “Yes, this.”

Naruto asks, “What? An old rusted sword?”

Muramasa tells Naruto, “Weren’t you taught the basic rule of the ninja? Never take things at ‘face value’.”

Naruto says, curiously, “Yeah…” Naruto takes the seemly rusted sword into his hands and he then senses something.

Kurama tells Naruto, “Kit, the rusted sword is not what it seems to be. I sense a great power hidden in it.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Are you sure, Kurama?”

Kurama retorts, annoyed, “Don’t tell me that you didn’t sense that the instant that you touched the sword, brat?”

Naruto growls in annoyance at being called ‘brat’, but he says, “Yeah, I did. So, you think that it is sealed or something?”

Kurama replies, “Most likely, kit, but something tells me that when the time is right, the sword will reveal its secrets to us.”

Naruto says, trying to sound annoyed, “Thanks a lot, old man.”

Muramasa responds, “You’re welcome.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “He isn’t fooled kit. He may be a bag of bones, but he is a wise sage.”

Ryu looks at Muramasa, the old man gives a nod of his head, and Ryu asks, “And what else?”

Muramasa says, taking out another kitana, but this one has a pearly white blade, “And there is this.”

Naruto asks, “Whoa! Where did you get this?”

Muramasa says, “I made it myself. I found an unusual bone which seemed to cause organic life to turn into dust and ash.”

Naruto gasps and he yells out, “Are you sure, old man?!”

Muramasa responds, “My old eyes might have deceived me, but I did. And I sense a sinister aura coming from it. However, I managed to purify the bone, which was in the form of a spike, of the dark energy surrounding it and turned into a fine sword.” Muramasa gives the kitana to Naruto and when Naruto grabs the grip, which is in the form of a dragon’s head in which a slight glow came from the pearly white blade.

Kurama tells Naruto, “This sword was made from Kaguya’s Bone Pulse. I can tell kit.”

Naruto says, “How did that old man do that?!”

Kurama says, “The old man managed to figure that the bone’s spike focuses the power to destroy things at a cellular levels, which is most likely living organic things, and he made sure to carrying it with something made from NON-organic materials in which he purified it to make it into a sword which will most likely be deadly.”

Muramasa takes out a special sheath and he says, “You had better watch out for that blade my boy. If you are cut by it, I doubt that there would be much left to fit in a tea cup.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Believe it.” Muramasa puts the blade of the sword into the sheath and hands it to Naruto.

Muramasa says, “I believe that this sword would be in your hands.”

Naruto asks, “Are you really sure, old man?”

Muramasa says, with a grin, “I know so, you whipper snapper. I’ve been doing this since you were still training to go the bathroom.”

Kurama retorts, “And most likely, he isn’t kidding, gaki. He has been around the block and he knows a thing or two.”

Naruto tells Muramasa, “Thank you, Old Man Muramasa.”

Muramasa says, “No problem, kiddo. Anyway, what are you going to call the sword?”

Naruto looks at the blade and he responds, “The Jubi’s Fang.”

End Flashback; Return to the Present

After the visit to Muramasa, Naruto had the sword ‘checked out’ by the Sailor Scouts and while Raye and Trista do sense a ‘sealed power’ within, they feel that it will only release when the time is right. With the Sailor Scouts, he also got martial arts training from Mina, Lita, Raye, and Amara in which he managed to get the basics of karate, Kung Fu, and judo down pretty well, but he is also advanced in level and nowhere near expert, just yet. With the knowledge of the Hayabusa combat training and martial arts training, Naruto knows that he will have an edge on Kaguya, as long as he makes sure that he makes a pure hand to hand combat fight and make sure that she doesn’t use any of her powers against him including her Bone Pulse attacks.

Just then a female voice says, “Naruto-san.” When Naruto looks to the source, he sees a young woman of 21 years of age with amber eyes and long black hair tied in a ponytail. She is mostly seen in an outfit with a white top with red ribboned edges and red kunoichi styled pants.

Naruto says, “Hi, Momiji.”

The young kunoichi asks Naruto, “What are you doing?”

Naruto responds, “Just taking a breather, Momiji.”

Momiji asks, “It’s hard knowing that your world is in mortal danger, huh?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Yeah, it is.”

Momiji tells Naruto, with a smile, “I know that you’ll find a way.”

Naruto tells Momiji, “You barely know me, Momiji-san.”

Momiji says, “I can tell that you are a good person, Naruto-san.”

Naruto says, “Personally, I don’t think being a ‘good person’ is enough to be a ‘savior of the world’.”

Momiji tells Naruto, “We never know what we can do unless we try, Naruto-san.”

Naruto asks, “A lesson from Ryu-sensei?”

Momiji says, with a nod, “Yes.” Momiji tells Naruto, “But there is more on your mind other than that, isn’t that? It is what the Sailor Scouts told you, isn’t it?”

Naruto asks, “Did Ryu-sensei tell you that too?” Momiji nods her head and Naruto can’t help to remember his ‘talk’ with the other Sailor Scouts.

Flashback; A good time ago

Naruto is with the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask in their ‘civilian forms’ of Ami Mizuno, Mina Aino, Raye Hino, Lita Kino, Serena Tsukino, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, Trista, and Darien Shields for Tuxedo Mask.
Naruto tells Mina, Raye, Lita, and Amara, “Man! I didn’t think that there were so many different kinds of Taijutsu in your world!”

Lita says, with a grin, “Man! You are such a natural at this Naruto!”

Amara tells Lita, “He is trained to be a warrior, Lita.”

Raye says, “And not to mention that his parents were ninja too.”

Darien tells Naruto, “Your parents are actually part of the reason why we want to talk to you, Naruto.”

Naruto asks, “Huh?”

Trista tells Naruto, “As you know, Naruto, I went through your memories in order to find out who you are.”

Naruto tells Trista, “Yeah, Trista. I’m surprised that someone like you didn’t go crazy from them.”

Raye tells Naruto, “We’re surprised that you didn’t go crazy from the shit that you were put through.”

Naruto asks, surprised, “Huh? You know?”

Serena responds, solemnly, “Trista uses her powers to create a crystal ball that showed us your life and to be honest, I thought that I was going to be sick.”

Lita says, “No joke! I don’t get how you can support a place that spat on your parents graves like that!”

Naruto was about to say something and Darien tells Naruto, “Lita is right, Naruto-san. We are saying this because we know that you are a good person and I mean a really good person from what we have seen in you and learned about you. Naruto, your father was the leader of the village, the Hokage, right. And he was also a ‘hero’ that protected them in a previous war, correct?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “My dad was awesome.”

Amara tells Naruto, “Riddle me this, Naruto? If the people truly cared and truly respected your dad, why didn’t they honor his last wish by giving a decent life? And don’t give us any bull. If they truly and really truly respected and cared about your father, even though they didn’t know it at the time, if he was such a ‘great hero’, they would have believed in his work and his words, they would have honored his word completely.”

Darien says, “I’m not sure if I respect his choice in what he did with you, but I understand the situation. He didn’t have any backup plans because he felt that the birth was going to go well, you were to be born, Kurama was to remain in your mother’s body until it was time, the transfer would happen in secret, and no one would have known about.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “That’s how it went with Kushina and Mito, kit. Most likely, it was the original plan for you and no one was to ever known that you had me inside of you, ever.”

Darien then tells Naruto, “What happened when that guy attacked your family and released Kurama and after your dad broke him from the man’s control, he couldn’t just let him go. I mean, in his enraged condition, he could have gone on a rampage and destroyed your home and much more.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Yeah, kit. The prince has another good point. I was so pissed at being sealed and controlled that I would have most likely done those things.”

Naruto retorts, “Like no fucking duh, Kurama. You don’t think that I don’t get that by now?”

Amara tells Naruto, “Kid, they kept saying that they honored and respect your father, but even though they didn’t know your ‘connection’ between your dad and you, they spat on his grave and they knew that they spat on his grave knowing about this wish. Your father made begged and pleaded with his final breathe to give you a regular life. They didn’t do that, kid. They spat on his grave with every single horror thing that they did throughout your childhood, if we can call what happened to you a childhood, and say that they honored your dad? They are not only monsters, they are hypocrites, Naruto! They were betraying your dad and they knew it!”

Kurama shouts out, “Finally, someone gives you the message right in your face, kit! And don’t give me any dirty look or at them! They are exactly right, Naruto! They are absolutely right and you know it!”

Raye tells Naruto, “We aren’t telling you this to hurt you, but to be smarter about your future once you saved your world. Right now, you need to focus on saving your world, but you have to realize things including your life, your dreams, and your future. We aren’t saying that all of the people of your home are hypocritical assholes. They are good people that know better like your teacher during Academy years for example.”

Trista tells Naruto, “And don’t let this fact weaken your resolve since people like Iruka represent humanity better. You know, better than anyone, the truth ‘face’ of the human spirit.”

Naruto says, “No kidding, Trista-san. People like Iruka-sensei and others shown me the light at the end of the tunnel. It is people like that Haku that showed me that only through bonds can we truly be strong.”

Amara says, with a smile, “Got that right, kid.”

Darien says, with a smile, “Yes. Only though unity can people truly be strong, Naruto.” Darien then says, with a serious tone, “However, what we want to ‘show you’ is not everyone is like the true face of humanity and keeping those that would dare to exploit from having a chance to. You, once, talking about being Hokage to get everyone’s respect. You don’t need it.”

Naruto asks, surprised, “Huh?”

Raye tells Naruto, with a serious tone, “You never needed that respect because they don’t fucking deserve your respect. They should have been respecting you for keeping them safe. They should have respect you as a person in the first place. They should have respected your father completely and truly honored him and not do this thing where they honored him in public while spitting on his grave with every single horrible thing that they did to you. You don’t need their respect especially since you proved that you are better than them. And what I mean is a better human being.”

Naruto gives a confused look and Amara says, “They did almost of the worst things that human beings could ever do especially to an innocent child like you, Naruto. And yet, you refused to let them break you. You may have hated them, but you refused to become scum like them. Remember your teacher’s, Kakashi’s, words? Those who don’t follow the rules are scum, but those that betray comrades are lower than scum. And you are a ‘comrade’ of the village. A member of the village and the majority of the village proved less than scum with what they did to you. That shows that you are truly strong human being, Naruto.”

Michelle says, with a nod, “You never ever went to their level and that’s to be respected, Naruto. You proved to be a better human being than the majority of your home could ever hope to be.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “They hit the nail in the coffin, kit. Look! That’s the point! You don’t need those assholes respect at all! You never did and never will! You prove by your own actions and by rising up to be a better person that you are never scum like them!”

Naruto retorts, with a sly tone, “Is that great Kyuubi actually giving me praise? I should take a picture.”

Kurama responds, drolly, “Very funny, brat. Don’t get used it. I’m just stating a simple fact which you never got knocked into that thick skull of yours.”

Trista tells Naruto, “And you are the chosen one of your world, Naruto. It means that you are the heir to Hagoromo and you intent to follow his way of ninshu and that means you can’t be ‘bound’ to one village.” Naruto looks at Trista and she says, “You will be like us and reasonable for the peace and stability of the world, Naruto. You can’t be ‘bound’ to one village or there might be people that think you would favor your home over everyone else. It may not be true, but there might be people that think so especially if you become leader of it.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “No fucking kidding, gaki. The Time Guardian got it right on the yen. If you are going to follow in the footsteps of my father, you can’t just be ‘bound’ to one village or one nation, your responsibility will be to the world, kit. It isn’t just peace for the Leaf, for the Land of Fire, or for any one or two places. It has to be peace for everyone or it doesn’t work at all. Ninshu is linking every fucking one together.” Naruto can’t help to admit it, but he knew in his heart, Kurama and Trista were right. If he wanted peace for everyone, it had to be for everyone. Not only for the Leaf, not for Land of Fire, not for two or more villages and/or nation, it has to be for everyone or it won’t work at all. Practically everyone has to be united in their hearts as one for peace and unity.

Darien tells Naruto, “We don’t want to hurt you, but in order to bring peace to the world, you need understand your world and your people better to make sure that you are doing things right and things don’t go ‘wrong’ even with your good intentions Naruto. However, I must say that you and my Meatball Head are a lot alike.”

Naruto and Serena ask in unison, “Huh?”

Trista says, with a smile, “Both you are among the purest of hearts in which is shown in your greatest battles. Our princess fought for Galaxia despite even Galaxia, the true Galaxia, believed there was no hope for her when Chaos possessed her body, but our princess refused to give up on her and he saved her in the end.”

Raye says, with a grin, “And you have the uncanny ability to bring back light into the hearts of people that should have been completely corrupted by the sinister darkness put in their hearts like Nagato and Obito for example.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “What can I say? I’m just that likeable.”

Mina says, with a grin, “And quite cute too.”

Naruto blushes and Raye asks Mina, drolly, “Seriously, Mina-chan?”

Naruto then says, “However, before you say anything about Sasuke, I already get it. He did make his choice by betraying the Leaf, his teammates, and especially me. He made his choice of his own freewill and what he is doing for our world now won’t erase all of the ‘bad stuff’ that he has done, believe it. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t good in Sasuke. The teme is the ultimate pain in the ass, but he was my brother in our past lives. What kind of brother wouldn’t believe in family? I remember that despite what happened, Asura believed in Indra even until the end and I think that he may have known about Black Zetsu, the spore. I’ve seen the true good in humanity and I won’t stop believing in the good in everyone unless I know that they are without beyond a doubt can’t and shouldn’t be ‘saved’.” Naruto’s eyes narrow and he says, with a determined tone, “And Madara is one of them. Madara listened to a stupid prophecy in stone and he didn’t even check to see if they were the words of the Sage. He just believed them over First Hokage-sama in which based on what I know, I think that Madara and First Hokage-sama respected each other and they may have been friends in sort of a weird way since they had a similar dream at one point. However, Madara took the words a piece of rock over the person that he respected and may have been friends with. There is going to be no reasoning, I just know it. When I help my friends crush Kaguya, if Madara is revived through we gotten rid of her, he won’t stop this madness, I know it. And I won’t hesitate at all.”

Amara says, with a nod, “No kidding, kid.”

Naruto says, with a determined expression on his face, “Anyway, who comes up with this plan is a true ‘ultimate loser’ because this plan shows that he has lost faith in the true heart of the human spirit. I can’t allow that kind of person to continue on or he will bring more hatred in which that nightmare may restart again.”

Raye tells Naruto, “I’m not sure if you can call someone like that human anymore.”

Naruto responds, “He is very much human, Raye-san. He is represents the greatest insanity of humanity.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Wow! So the gaki can use that thing that he calls a ‘brain’! You really do make miracles happen!”

Naruto yells out, annoyed, “Can it, fox!”

Serena tells Naruto, with a kind tone, “I’m sorry that if we hurt you in anyway.”

Naruto tells Serena, with a kind smile, “No, Serena-san. I understand that you want to help me. I’m surprised that you do want to help me knowing the situation.”

Amara tells Naruto, “For one thing, our planet and our princess is under threat, so, we can’t allow that to happen.”

Michelle says, with a smile, “And two, you are a nice person put under extreme circumstances and in a way, you are like us, protector of your home world.”

Naruto says, “I never asked to be a hero and I don’t think of myself as a hero.”

Ami tells Naruto, “We don’t think ourselves as heroes either. We think of ourselves as protectors and what we do is our job and our duty.”

Naruto says, “And I feel the same way. I do what I do for my ‘duty’ to my friends and my precious people. You are right about the Leaf, but you are also right that not everyone is guilty as sin in betraying my dad. And it is those people that I wish to protect along with those that are good and innocent along with those that I consider precious.”

Darien says, with a nod, “We would have it any other way.”

End Flashback; Return to the Present

Back with Naruto and Momiji, Naruto tells Momiji, “After that talk with Darien-san and the others, I couldn’t help to accept that they had a point. And also, they had betrayed my mother’s and my clan. The Uzumaki clan. I mean, during the whole time in the Academy, I had never heard of them and they were the ‘cousin clan’ to the Senju, they had such long lives and vitality, and they were well-known. Then they just ‘disappear from history’? That’s bullshit all over. I didn’t have time to think about it before, but now that I do, they tried to erase my clan from history and it is a clan that Granny Tsunade is a part of since First Hokage-sama’s wife was an Uzumaki herself. It shows that the majority of the Leaf is guilty of a great betrayal.”

Momiji says, “Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “However, it doesn’t change my opinion. They don’t respect humanity as a whole and I still believe in the good in humanity, believe it. People like Iruka-sensei, Konohamaru, Pervy Sage, despite being a pervert, Tazuna, Inari, Tsunami, and plenty of others, they truly respect the true spirit of humanity. And that’s the people that I will protect and I will save them, believe it.”

Momiji says, “That’s good to hear, Naruto. However, it does change your opinion about your dream to become Hokage.”

Naruto sighs and he says, “If you asked me even several days ago, I would say that you are crazy, but now, in which I can’t believe that I’m saying this, it really does. And Darien-san and the girls do have a point. Why do I need their respect when I’ve shown to risen above their attempts to bring me to their ‘dark level’? I’ve gained the respect of people all over our world. Leaders of nations like Shion-chan and Koyuki-chan. I’ve proven myself as a person to many others and shown that I’m nowhere close to the demon that they tried to make me out to be.”

Momiji says, “In my opinion, those horrible people are just as terrible as the fiends that Ryu-sama fought.” Naruto nods his head and Momiji asks, “Does this ruin your dream, Naruto?”

Naruto responds, with a smile, “Maybe. Or it makes wonder if I just find a bigger dream?”

Kurama says, with a smirk, “I’m not surprised, kit. You never let anything keep you down.”

Naruto replies, “Believe it, Kurama.”

Momiji asks Naruto, “Anyway, Naruto-san, are you still mad at Ayane?”

Naruto responds, with a sigh, “She really did get me mad.”

Flashback; Some time ago

Inside of the another ninja village, known as the Mugen Tenshin, the allies of the Hayabusa clan/village, where Ryu and Naruto, wearing his current outfit, is meeting with Hayate, age 25, and current head of the Mugen Tenshin is with a young kunoichi of 18 years with red eyes and straight purple hair as well as wearing a dark purple, strapless dress with a pink butterfly printed on the skirt complete with matching pull-on sleeves, stockings, heeled boots, and a giant red or orange obi bow tied around her waist.

Hayate tells Ryu, “We thank you and your newest student for your help.”

Ryu tells Hayate, “It was nothing, Hayate.”

Hayate says, looking at Naruto, “And I, thank you, Naruto-san.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “It was nothing, Hayate-dono.”

The young woman says, “I had it under control.”

Naruto says, with a smirk, “I know, but it looked like you needed a hand.”

The young woman retorts, with a stern tone, “Well, you should keep your assumptions to yourself.”

Hayate yells out, sternly, “Ayane! He is a guest and a student of one of your teachers! Show some respect!”

The young woman responds, with a bow, “I’m sorry. Forgive me, Hayate-sama.”

Naruto says, “Geez! All I tried to do was help and try to friendly since Ryu-sensei is your teacher and friend.”

The young woman, Ayane, responds, “Please, Naruto-san, I don’t mean any disrespected, but you know nothing about me. You don’t know anything about me or my life.”

Naruto responds, “Maybe more than you think since I can tell that you have been through a lot of pain in your life.”

Ayane responds, a bit irritated, “I’m sorry if this offends, but what would you know? How you would any suffering? I doubt that someone like you…” But then the air gets cold in which she looks at Naruto and she becomes fearful as his eyes become slit-like and red.

Naruto yells out, “Don’t you dare finish that sentience or even if you are a lovely woman, I will bash you into the ground! Like you said that I didn’t know anything about you, don’t you dare assume anything about me?! You have no idea the level of suffering and betrayal that I have gone through since I was a child! Most of the people of my home kept punishing me for something out of my control when my father sealed a monster into me to protect my home and my world! My father begged on his dying breath to give me a normal life and they spat on his very grave every time that turned their backs on his wish and did the worst things that man can do to a child including attempt to murder him when he was a fucking toddler!” Naruto unleashes a strong KI that causes everyone to become nervous especially Ayane who stumbles back.

Kurama tells Naruto, “Hey, kit, cool it! You may have mastered my chakra, but my chakra still responds to negative emotions!”

Naruto calms down, his eyes return to normal, and Naruto says, with a kind bow, “I’m sorry that I caused problems, but I need to get out of here. The air… is starting to get ‘musty’.” Naruto then gets to his feet and leaves the room in which he slams the sliding door behind him causing it to fall off its hinges. Afterwards, both Hayate and Ryu look at Ayane with disappointed and/or irritated look on their faces.

Hayate tells Ryu, “I think that you had better inform me about Naruto-san’s full situation.” Hayate tells Ayane, with a stern look, “And something tells me that you have some apologizing to do, Ayane.”

End Flashback; Return to the Present

Back in the present, Momiji tells Naruto, “I hope that you aren’t too mad at Ayane. She hasn’t had a good life.”

Naruto responds, “I know how she feels. How people treat you like a ‘cursed child’ for something that’s not under your control and such, but she has to know that the world doesn’t revolve around and she can’t make assumptions about anyone especially in our line of work, Momiji-san.” Soon enough, Naruto and Momiji senses someone and they look to see Ayane coming down nearby trees in front of them.

Momiji asks, surprised, “Ayane?”
Ayane gives a plain look and she tells Naruto, “Naruto-san?”

Naruto asks, “What is it, Ayane-san?”

Ayane responds, “I wish to… apologize with my words a while back. It was rude and inappropriate of me. Ryu-sensei and Hayate-san showed examples of your life created by Pluto-dono.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I see.” Naruto tells Ayane, “Well, I’ll accept your apologize, Ayane-san. I can understand especially after I learned about you, but just because I’m a really good guy doesn’t mean that I haven’t gone through the same, if not more, darkness than you did in your childhood.”

Ayane replies, “I understand. Thank you for your understanding.”

Naruto tells Ayane, “Ayane-san, you need to understand that you can’t throw people anyway especially your family. And don’t give me any look. Don’t you think when Kasumi-san went after Raidou, she was thinking about you too? That she gave up everything knowing your life and history as well? That she went to avenge Hayate and in a way, you as well? Hatred, especially of family, leaves to nothing, but pain, anger, and regret. Unless you go above it, you will be no better than those that make your existence a ‘cursed one’, Ayane-san.”

Ayane turns away, she stops, and after a minute, she says, “I will consider your words, Naruto-san.” She then takes off at ninja super-speed back to her village.

Momiji tells Naruto, “I think that you got through to her, Naruto-san.”

Naruto says, “I hope so, Momiji-san. I can tell. Ayane-san is a good person, but she needs to push past the pain of her past or she won’t have a future, believe it.”

Momiji asks, “Spoken from experience?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “No kidding, Momiji-san.”

Momiji says, “Anyway, we should return to the village since Ryu-sensei will be waiting for us. If we are going to train the Sailor Scouts to prepare for what’s coming and allow them to help you save your world, we are going to need to plan on their training.”

Naruto responds, “Good idea.” As Naruto and Momiji get to their feet and start to walk off in which Naruto thinks in his mind, “I just can’t help to hope that it isn’t too late and Sakura, Kakashi-sensei, and the Teme are well.”

(On the meanwhile; Returning to Gaea)

Unlike on Earth, hardly any time has pasted on Gaea, in which Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi, stuck in the ‘main area’ of Kaguya’s dimension in which Sasuke has his left eye closed due to the fact that he can’t currently shut off his new Rinnegan like he could with his Sharingan.

Sakura asks, “Is there anything that we can do?”

Sasuke responds, “No, Sakura. Without anything like Obito’s Mangekyo Sharingan ability, we can’t follow her.”

Kakashi says, “And even with it, it would take an immense amount of chakra and you and Obito barely managed to get Sasuke back with us.”

Sakura asks, “Why? Why is she going after Naruto and not you, Sasuke?”

Sasuke responds, “I think I know. When Black Zetsu was trying to drain the Sage’s power from us, I can tell that he sensed something in Naruto. Something that made him and Kaguya nervous.”

Kakashi asks, “In Naruto?”

Sasuke says, “Something other than the Sage’s power or the powerful seal that he gave us. Something that made Naruto a greater threat than the powerful sealing jutsu that could seal even Kaguya.”

Sakura asks, “What could Naruto have other than the Sage’s power that could ‘scared’ someone or something like Kaguya, the first person in our world’s history to have chakra?”

Kakashi says, “Something that made her focus all of her attention of finding and destroying Naruto due to the fact that this something, which I may believe is a ‘great power’, made her more concerned in destroying Naruto than getting rid of the chance to seal her.”

Sasuke responds, “Exactly, Kakashi. However, the Dobe is on his own. We can only hope now that he can find a way back and we can use the seal to get rid of her.”

Sakura asks, “How can you know that he is alive?”

Sasuke says, looking at the Yin seal in his hand, “Like I said before, the Yin and Yang seals for this jutsu are linked with each other and as long as the Dobe is alive, I can tell through the seal. However, the seal should only work at a limited range, but somehow, it is working beyond that. And I know that it is working correctly since Black Zetsu latched onto me again in order to figure out how to ‘connect’ to that ‘link’ in order to find Naruto.”

Kakashi says, “Which means she has the means to follow Naruto to whatever world he is in.”

Sasuke says, “All we can do is wait and survive long enough for the Dobe to return if he can return at all.”

Sakura asks, concerned, “You mean that Naruto can’t come back?”

Kakashi tells Sakura, “Naruto has been sent into another world, Sakura. Remember, he has no knowledge of space-time jutsu and even if he did, creating a gateway between worlds would be a miracle onto itself.”

Sakura says, with a nod, “You’re right, Kakashi-sensei.”

Kakashi responds, with a smile, “However, Naruto has made the impossible possible.”

Sasuke says, with a nod, “The Dobe always seems to surprise us.”

Sakura says, with a smile, “Yeah.” The three of them nod their heads as they prepare to survive long enough for Naruto’s return and Sakura praying that Naruto will return safely and save their world. On the meanwhile, Kaguya and Black Zetsu are in their unknown location.

Black Zetsu says, “We have done it, mother.”
Kaguya says, “Yes. We have broken through the barriers that surround our world from the rest of the universe and found him.”

Black Zetsu says, “It seems like when we sent him out of this world by pure accident, the crack in the cosmic storms have caused space-time displacement which means that more time passed on that world than here.”

Kaguya says, her Byakugan pulsing, “Let’s not waste time. We need to get rid of Asura and get rid of Queen Serenity’s daughter. The daughter of that wretched woman must die.”

Black Zetsu responds, “Easy, mother. I’m not saying that those remaining ants down there are any threat, but they can be a pain in the ass. Can you afford to leave them alone despite having complete dominance against them? And what if Uzumaki returns right under your nose and meets up with them?”

Kaguya responds, with a nod, “Yes. I underestimated Hagoromo and Hamura and paid the price. I will not do so again especially not Asura AND Indra.”

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, with a sly tone, “Then allow me to make a proposal, mother.”

Kaguya asks, “What is it, Zetsu?”

Just then one of the cocoons that the people of the world are trapped in to make them slaves to the Infinite Tsukuyomi by binding them to the roots of the Shinju and Black Zetsu says, “They are yours now and forever. They are your tools. Your property. Yours to do with as you wish. They will be yours eyes. Your ears. Your fists. Instruments to your will.”

Kaguya responds, with a nod, “Yes.”

Black Zetsu asks, with an evil smile, “And to punish the Uzumaki for daring to oppose you, why not uses the ‘forms’ that he loves so much?”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Very good idea, Zetsu. Asura must be punished. He must suffer as I have suffered when my wretched children dared to oppose me and seal me away. I will take all that he has before I destroy him.”

Black Zetsu says, with an evil grin, “And we have so many of them to choose from, mother. Let us go all over your world to gather all of the ‘forms’ that the Uzumaki has ‘bonded’ to make sure of that he suffers the most before he dies.”

Kaguya responds, “Agreed, Zetsu.” As Kaguya and Black Zetsu look at the cocoon containing one of the vast victims of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, they continue with their sinister plans to kill Naruto by striking where it hurts a person the most: His heart.

(Back on Earth; Later on)

Within the Cherry Hill Temple, home of Raye Hino, she is in her miko outfit and continuing her daily prayers when she gasps as she sees a vision of a moon turning a blood red moon with multiple circles leading to the center along with multiple tomoe in which the image of Kaguya’s head forms in which the moon is in the area of her ‘third eye’. She then sees images of a huge tree from the sky raining down roots as it destroys cities and scoops up people into cocoons.

Raye thinks in her mind, leaping up with a gasp, “What was that? That face! I remember! It’s Kaguya’s face! I remember from the images that Trista showed us from Naruto’s memories! I’ve got to tell the others!” Soon enough, the Sailor Scouts and Darien were assembled as Raye tells them what she say in her latest vision.

Amara says, “I thought so. There are signs of an ill wind coming. It is small, but it is growing.”

Trista says, “I believe that Kaguya is coming to Earth to get Naruto-san and most likely, she already knows about our princess.”

Serena says, drolly, “Just great.”

Darien says, “Then we don’t have time to waste. We need to get to Hayabusa village and get to work.”

Trista says, with a nod, “Kaguya will be a threat like no other and in order to stop her and protect both worlds, we are going to need to learn the ways of the ninja.”

Raye says, with a nod, “I can tell that this won’t be like any enemy that we have faced before. I can just feel the pure malice and evil from Kaguya in that vision.”

Lita retorts, “What are we waiting for? Let’s get going already!”

Mina says, “It is a good thing that it is summer vacation and we have time for this.”

Hotaru asks, “But will it be enough?”

Amara tells Hotaru, “It has to be, Firefly.”

Serena gives a concerned look and Darien tells Serena, with a warm smile, “I know that this is the toughest fight that we have ever faced, but we have gotten through everything before and plus, we have a ‘new ally’ on our side.”

Serena says, with a nod and smile, “Yeah.”

As they head off, Trista thinks in her mind, “I just hope that the ‘chosen one’ of Gaea help our princess, the ‘chosen one’ of our solar system. Just before Naruto-san’s arrival, there has been a change and I can’t see Crystal Tokyo anymore through the Gates of Time. I fear for the future because I don’t think that it was Naruto’s arrival that changed things… At least, not directly. No, it was the accidental creation of the space-time vortex that created a ‘link’ between Gaea and the rest of the universe. Kaguya must have set off a chain of events that may have changed the future and not for the better.”

(Within another realm; on the meanwhile)

Inside of another realm on Earth, known as Elysian or Elysion, which was the ‘home’ of the throne to the planet Earth and the home of Darien’s past life, Prince Endymon, there is a young looking man with blue-white hair, orange eyes, and mainly a white outfit. His name is Helios, guardian of Elysion and the guardian of the Golden Crystal, the crystal of Earth and thus, the ‘jewel’ of Earth Kingdom like the Imperium Silver Crystal is the ‘jewel’ of the Moon Kingdom.

Helios then looks into the distance and he asks, “What is this?” Helios then narrows his eyes and he says, “A great evil is coming to Earth. I fear that the evil now overtaking Gaea is coming to our planet. My prince, I wish you well. For I fear that this battle will be like no other. Not even Chaos controlling Sailor Galaxia rivals this threat.” Helios looks at the Golden Crystal and he says, “Your crystal will wait for you if you ever need it. However, I do pray that you will never need it.”

And that’s the chapter, everyone! As you already get, due to how Naruto got to Earth, the timeframes of Earth and the Elemental Countries are going to be way off in which a lot more time will pass on Earth than in the Elemental Countries due to ‘various factors’ and stuff. And remember, as you read on, Naruto got way stronger in a similar fashion to the ‘hyperbolic time chamber’ in Dragonball series in which he went into a ‘realm’ where a year there is just one day back on Earth, folks. And since Pluto is the guardian of time, which means space-time, I think that she would know such a ‘trick’ or two, don’t you think? Anyway, please read and review, so, I know that how I am doing with this story and your opinions greatly matter. Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!