Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ A Fox’s Draconic Mission ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Among your latest questions for my story, you must be asking: Where in the heck are Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi? Are they alive? Are they dead? Well, I can tell you that they are going to play a big role in the grand finale in this story and they are going to be playing a major role in the upcoming sequel to this story, everyone. There might be romantic fluff moments in the story, but this story is going to be mainly action, adventure, drama, and whatnot. I’m planning to put the romance in the upcoming story, everyone!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Yu-Gi-Oh GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16-17
Sakura Haruno: Age 16-17
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16-17
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16-17
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16-17
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16-17
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16-17
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16-17
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14-15
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18-19
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18-19
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20-21
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25
Tsunade Senju: Physically mid-twenties, but actually 53 years of age.
Hinata Hyuga: Age 16
Shikamaru Nara: Age 16-17
Kiba Inuzuka: Age 16-17
Yakumo Kurama: Age 16-17
Shizuka: Age 16-17

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 6: A Fox’s Draconic Mission

Deep inside of the fields of Elysion, Helios is going over to a certain area of the realm where we finds a large group of mysterious animals including multi-tailed foxes, multi-colored dolphins, small sea plane to jumbo jet sized falcons, the same sized owl-like creatures, and other various animals in which the non-flying animals range from watermelon sized to house sized.

One of the fox, a huge one golden-yellow and pearly white fur and she is around the size of Gamabunta/Gamakichi, asks, in a lovely female voice, “Why are you here, Helios-sama?”

Helios tells the fox, “I’m sorry, Asuna-dono, but I’m sure that you have sensed it.”

A nuclear submarine sized dolphin says, in a gorgeous feminine voice, “We have Helios-sama. Hamura-sama has given the power of our clans, the ninja animal spirits, to worthy successors.”

Helios responds, “That would be my prince, the princess, and the Sailor Soldiers.”

The huge feminine fox says, “It is because of the evil that we sense infecting the Earth.”

Helios responds, “You are correct, Asuna-dono. A great evil from the lost world of Gaea has come here and the savior of that world has been thrown out in which the ancient evil desires revenge against the Lunarian royal family for Queen Serenity helping the first saviors of that world that protected that world against her despite them being her own children.”

One of the massive owls responds, “You are talking about Kagura, aren’t you?”

Helios replies, “I’m afraid so wise Argon-dono.” Helios then explains the full situation that he knows the mysterious massive animals and their eyes widen at what Helios tells them.

The massive female fox, Asuna, tells Helios, “This is indeed grave, Helios-sama.”

Helios tells Asuna in reply, with a nod, “And that’s why that my prince and the Sailor Soldiers need your power.”

The massive owl, Argon, says, “However, the princess doesn’t have one of our spirits. She is become one with the power of the dragon and the reincarnation of Hagoromo-dono’s younger son is also holds the ‘heart of a dragon’. Most likely, the Hayabusa know this and plan to make at least Naruto take the ‘Grand Dragon Test’ which none of the recent members have taken for many years.”

A silver wolf the size of a tank says, “And they will be difficult tests for the young savior. The dragons have great power and they know it. They are very responsible on how they use that power and who they give to in which their standards are very high, but not without good reason.”

Asuna says to the wolf, “Indeed, Fenir-dono. However, all we can do is wait for our new summoners to call us and wish for the success for the Moon Princess and Asura’s reincarnation.”

Helios says, with a nod, “Yes, Asuna-dono. All we can do is wait, but I fear that they are getting into terrible danger.”

(With Naruto’s group; later on)

Back inside of Tokyo, we find Naruto, the Sailor Scouts, and Tuxedo Mask are under the surface of where Infinite Academy, the headquarters of Heart snatchers, one of the enemies of the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask in past, in which they are walking what looks like a recently drilled underground passageway.

Sailor Mars says, “I have to admit that your invisibility trick really worked out, Meatball Head.”

Sailor Moon says, “I thought that it was cool, Mars.”

Sailor Jupiter says, with a smile, “Yeah!”

Sailor Mars says, “Well, don’t get too excited, I’m really sense some nasty auras.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a nod, “No joke, Mars.”

Sailor Moon asks Sailor Mercury, “Anything, Mercury?”

Sailor Mercury says, “I’ve got a signal of multiple human signatures, but it is being distorted and I think that it is what they are trapped in based on the theory that they had been put under the same hypnosis that the people of Naruto’s world is under.”

Sailor Jupiter says, with a sneer, “Yeah, being turned into living batteries for that power hungry fossil.”

Naruto says, “One with a greedy deity complex, Jupiter, believe it.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “We need to be careful. Anything could happen here.”

Sailor Saturn then looks ahead and she gasps as she sees none other than the evil entity that once possessed her body in which she screams out, “Mistress Nine!”

The Sailor Scouts yell out in unison, “Mistress Nine!”

They quickly look around and Sailor Neptune asks, “Where is she?”

Sailor Uranus says, “I don’t see her!”

Sailor Mercury looks at Sailor Saturn and she says, “Naruto!”

Naruto says, “I know, Mercury!” Naruto puts his hand on the back of Sailor Saturn’s head and uses his chakra to disrupt Sailor Saturn’s chakra causing the illusion of Mistress Nine to vanish in front of her.

Sailor Saturn asks, “What happened?”

Sailor Mercury tells Sailor Saturn, “Mistress Nine wasn’t there, Sailor Saturn. You were only seeing an illusion.”

Naruto tells Sailor Saturn, “You got hit with a Genjutsu, Sailor Saturn-chan.”

There are looks of surprise and Sailor Uranus asks, “How did they get one of us so easily?”

Sailor Pluto says, “Illusion technique such as Genjutsu are not easily detected, Sailor Uranus. We need to be careful.”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “Any one of us can be hit with one at any time.” Just then the whole area seems to waver and the whole scene changes into the destroyed Leaf Village during Pain’s and Konan’s attack on the Leaf.

Sailor Venus asks, “What’s going on?”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “Where are we?”

Naruto says, shocked, “This is the Leaf Village!”

Everyone looks at Naruto and Sailor Moon asks, “Are you sure?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Yeah! But it looks like when Pain used that super-powerful gravity jutsu given to him by Madara’s Rinnegan to devastate the Leaf!”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “How did we get here?”

Sailor Mars says, “I don’t think that we are.”

Sailor Neptune says, looking at her Aqua Mirror, “We’re trapped in another illusion, everyone, but there is something strange about this one.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “I feel it too, kit! This isn’t any ordinary Genjutsu!”

Naruto asks, “What do you mean Kurama?” When Kurama doesn’t give him a reply, Naruto then decides to unleash a powerful burst of chakra to disrupt the jutsu, but it has absolutely no effect!

Tuxedo Mask says, “We’re still trapped!”

Sailor Pluto says, “A burst of chakra like that should have released us from the illusion. It was too overwhelming!”

Naruto says, “Kurama said that this was no ordinary Genjutsu!”

Just then a voice shouts out, “Over there!” Everyone then looks to see a Leaf Village ninja seemly appear and toss a kunai at Sailor Moon which clips her at the shoulder causing her to get a cut.

Sailor Moon yells out, “Ouch! That hurt!”

When they see the cut forming and Naruto yells out, “Hold up! That shouldn’t happen!”

Sailor Mercury says, stunned while using her visor to scan Sailor Moon, “That’s a real wound!”

There are gasps and Sailor Venus asks, confused, “Hold up! This is an illusion right? Illusion can’t infect real injuries!”

Just then Naruto says, “I know one kind that can and it isn’t a good thing! Dodge!” Soon enough, the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and Naruto dodge a barrier of kunai from the illusionary Leaf Village in which Naruto goes into Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode.

Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!

Naruto unleashes his powerful attack at the illusionary Leaf Village and they cry out in pain as they are hit in which they explode into nothingness.

When they reassemble, Sailor Uranus asks, “What kind of illusion can inflict real injuries?”

Naruto says, “There is a clan in the Leaf known as the Kurama clan and they are well-known for their Genjutsu. In fact, they have a rare bloodline in which a certain member can illusions that are so real that they can fool the brain that they have really suffered those injuries and their bodies show actual damage to them.”

There are gasps and Sailor Saturn asks, “Could that be possible?”

Sailor Mercury says, with a nod, “Actually, there are cases that the power of suggestion is so strong that the body registers what person under the suggestion is actual real fact. In fact, placebos are a good example. Placebos are pills and stuff that don’t do anything, but the person is made to think that they are doing something good for their bodies. After a while, due to the power of suggestion, the positive thing is actually happening, but not because of the pill or whatever given to the person, it is because they are actually believing that it is doing what they believe it is doing.”

Sailor Pluto says, “What Sailor Mercury says is true. This illusion is so realistic to our own minds that anything bad that happens to us here, with our minds so fool, will actually cause real damage even if we consciously know it.”

Naruto says, “That’s right. That’s how powerful this Genjutsu is.” Naruto then explains about what happened with his interactions with the Kurama clan and the person with the bloodline, Yakumo Kurama.

When he is done, Sailor Mars says, “So, it is safe to assume that like the rest of your world, she is under the control of Kaguya and she decided to use her against us.”

Naruto asks, “How would she know how to do that?”

Sailor Pluto says, “Black Zetsu has been observing the whole of the world since the sealing of Kaguya and the Ten-Tails and most likely, he has been observing you, too, Naruto.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a droll tone, “Just great. She is really trying to use the people that Naruto has formed ‘bonds’ with him back home or even anyone that he has met and is still alive against him.”

Naruto says, “Well, I’m not surprised since Kaguya is that level of sicko.”

Sailor Saturn says, “Well, if this is the case that this is an illusion that’s so real that it can cause us real injuries then we must be very careful. The person creating this illusion might be able to control this time since it is Yakumo-san that’s using it per say.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “It’s Kaguya through Yakumo-san.”

Naruto says, annoyed, “That bitch really knows how to piss me off.”

Sailor Mars tells Naruto, “Leave that off when we get out of here, Naruto.”

Sailor Moon asks, concerned, “How do we get out of here if we can’t use the usual ways to get out of it?”

Sailor Pluto says, “Well, I believe that this is similar to the Infinite Tsukuyomi in which we can’t get out of it on our end, we need to work from another end like targeting the one casting the illusion.”

Sailor Uranus says, “That’s a problem since Kaguya via her mind controlled victim is controlling the illusion.”

Sailor Pluto says, “Not if we find a way to disrupt her concentration, Uranus.”

Just then a voice inside of Naruto shouts out, “Hey, big bro, you are in luck since lucky number seven in on your side!”

Naruto asks, “Chomei, what’s up?”

The essence of Chomei, the Seven-Tailed Beetle, tells Naruto, “I can communicate and work with insects much like your village’s Aburame clan!”

Naruto asks, stunned, “Whoa, really?”

Chomei responds, “That’s right! And remember, even the Kurama clan Genjutsu bloodline can’t affect bugs!”

Naruto says, “Oh, yeah! Awesome! That’s perfect! You’re in charge, Chomei! I’ll give you the power that you need!”

Chomei replies, “Gotcha!”

Naruto tells everyone, “Okay, everyone. I have a plan to get us out of this.”

Everyone else looks at Naruto and Sailor Moon asks, “You do?”

Naruto says, “Yep! But I’m going to need for everyone to keep me safe while I’m doing this! Trust me!”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “We do, Naruto.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “Go for it!”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Believe it!” Naruto then crosses his legs, goes into Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, and closes his eyes to focus his power to give Chomei the power to use its ability to communicate with insects to have them help since the Kurama clan power don’t affect them.

(Elsewhere in Tokyo; Later on)

Ryu and Kasumi are bonding the rooftops of Tokyo as they head to Juuban to find Naruto and the Sailor Scouts in order for Naruto to take the trial that was mentioned by Ryu and his father earlier.

Kasumi tells Ryu, “Ryu, they could be on a mission since Kaguya is attacking Earth now.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “Yes, I can feel the ill wind in the air.”

Kasumi asks, “How are we going to find them?”

Ryu responds, “Head for where the ill wind is coming from Kasumi. If Kaguya is currently and converting attacking the planet, where she is focusing her plans right now is where they will be, Kasumi.”

Kasumi asks, “Are you sure that they will realize it?”

Ryu says, “Mars and Uranus have powerful spiritual senses and they have only become enhanced to powerful ‘sensory’ abilities thanks to Hamura-dono’s power given to them in which Naruto is also a powerful ‘sensor’ himself. I believe that he won’t hesitate to go to action the instant that he gets a ‘whiff’ of Kaguya.”

Kasumi says, “You have a point about Naruto. I hope that he hasn’t gotten himself into trouble.”

Ryu asks, “You seem interested in our young ‘savior’, Kasumi?”

Kasumi replies, with a blush, “As a new friend, Ryu.”

Ryu says, with a smile, “If you say so, Kasumi.” Kasumi gives a slight annoyed look as she and Ryu take off into the distance in which she can’t help to blush while thinking about Naruto’s face especially his smile and kind yet strong attitude as well as knowing what he went through in life while still ending up the ‘noble hero’ that he has.

(Back with the Sailor Scouts; on the meanwhile)

Speaking of blond haired hero, he is sitting crossed legged while the rest of the Sailor Scouts are defending him against hordes of illusionary Leaf Village inside of a Genjutsu of the Leaf Village during the battle with Pain, but this Genjutsu was created by the rare Kurama clan bloodline in which the brain is so fooled by the realism of the illusion that any injuries in the illusion become real.

Just then Sailor Mars says, “Hey, Naruto! There are some guys in black cloaks with red clouds on them with orange hair, punk-like piercings on their faces, and eyes like those Rinnegan eyes coming our way!”

Sailor Pluto says, “He needs to focus Mars!”

Sailor Saturn says, “Everyone behind me!” Sailor Saturn then creates a powerful dome shield in which the illusionary Pains start to attack with incredible force straining Sailor Saturn to her limits in which Naruto, in mediation is focusing his Six Path Senjutsu power to the piece of Chomei, the Seven-Tailed Beetle Biju, inside of him to counter the Genjutsu. With the ‘possessed’ Tsunade and Mei, they are looking as Yakumo Kurama, also under the control of Kaguya, enforces Kaguya’s will by using her power to trap the group in the illusion via her paintings.

Yakumo says, emotionlessly, “They are well-trapped in the Genjutsu.”

Mei says, with a nod, “Good. Once Shizuka gets there, they will be…” Just then all of them hears clicking and buzzing sounds and then thousands to tens of thousands of bugs then appear.

Tsunade asks, “What is this?” They hear a scream and they look to see the bugs swarm Yakumo and her paintings in which they destroy them and disrupt her Genjutsu. Back with the others, Sailor Saturn’s shield is destroyed, but at that moment, the illusion completely dispels.

Sailor Moon asks, “What happened?”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a smile, “Naruto.”

Naruto opens his eyes and he says, “Did it!”

Sailor Uranus says, “All right, let’s go!”

Sailor Mars shouts out, “Hold up! We’re not alone!”

Sailor Jupiter looks up and she yells out, “Above!” Everyone looks up and they see Shizuka, floating up in the air, in which she unleashes a barrage of kunai at them.

Tuxedo Mask shouts out, “Move now!” Immediately, everyone dodges the assault, but then Shizuka spins in mid-air to unleash kunai in all directions.

Naruto yells out, “That’s Shizuka!”

Sailor Venus yelps out, “Who?!”

Naruto shouts out, “She is a kunoichi from Nadeshiko village and the kunoichi of the village have to marry the male that defeats them!”

Sailor Jupiter asks, while dodging, “Really?”

Sailor Mars shouts out, “Dodge now, explain later!” They continue to fight and dodge the barrage of kunai until Sailor Moon yelps as a kunai cuts her causing her to lose her focus in which she slips and falls down.

Tuxedo Mask yells out, shocked, “Sailor Moon!” Tuxedo Mask immediately gets in front of Sailor Moon and uses his new rose whip to deflect the kunai.

Gale Fist!

Shizuka, who has stopped spinning unleashes a powerful blast of wind from her mouth, which slams into both Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon, sending them both flying, but Tuxedo Mask coughs out a bit of blood as he takes the heavier hit from the attack.

The other Sailor Scouts say in unison, “No!” Both Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask collapse to the ground and Shizuka zips over to them.

Nadeshiko-Style Roaring Gale Chop!

As wind chakra forms around her hand, Shizuka says, her Rinnegan-like eyes showing no emotion, “By the will of my goddess, you will die, Princess Serenity!”

Naruto yells out, strongly, “Not on my watch!” Naruto then appears behind Shizuka and unleashes a kick, but Shizuka does an upward backflip and easily avoids the attack in which she grabs Naruto from behind his back and grabs his shoulders causing her to throw Naruto in a judo-like flip.

Sailor Moon says, concerned, “Tuxedo Mask!”

Tuxedo Mask responds, “I’m fine, Sailor Moon!” Tuxedo Mask hits his chest with his fist causing a ‘thump’ like his fist hitting tight fabric and he says, with a grin, “I’m not going to die so easily!” Sailor Moon smiles, quickly realizing what that meant, and Tuxedo Mask says, seriously, “Help Naruto, now!”

Sailor Moon says, “Right!” Sailor Moon charges in and she yells out, “Hey, you!” Shizuka, who is battling Naruto at this moment, turns to face Sailor Moon and she ruthlessly attacks her with her Gale Fist again, but Sailor Moon easily flies away in which she says, with a smirk, “You missed me!” Shizuka then charge in and unleashes a barrage of kunai in which Sailor Moon yelps out as she barely dodges that attack and the next one with Shizuka trying to cut off Sailor Moon’s head with a blade made from wind chakra using a kunai as a base for the ‘wind blade’.

The Sailor Scouts shout out in unison, “Sailor Moon!”

Sailor Moon says, “Don’t worry, I got this!” Sailor Moon yelps as she dodges another wind chakra enhanced punch from Shizuka and she says, nervously, “I think.”

Sailor Mars yells out, “Are you crazy? You can’t handle this by yourself!”

Sailor Moon says, “I know that, but… but you guys have already fought and suffered for my sake too much! I… This time, it is my turn to protect all of you!”

The other Sailor Scouts are shocked and Sailor Venus says, stunned, “Sailor Moon.”

As Shizuka and Sailor Moon continue to fight, Sailor Moon, the memories of her past life that she has so far and her current life, especially her time as Sailor Moon, flow into her mind and she thinks, “Yeah, I’ve always been called the strongest sailor scout. I’m the most famous of the Sailor Scouts now and outshining Sailor Venus when she was just ‘Sailor V’, but it was always because of them suffering and protecting me that I got to that point. This time, it is my turn. To protect you… to protect Darien-kun… and to prove that I have the right to be called Sailor Moon, the protector and champion of love and justice, and the strongest Sailor Soldier in the universe!”

Queen Serenity’s voice booms, “I believe in you, my darling Serenity. Everyone believes in you.”

Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, stunned, “Queen Serenity-mama?” Just then the golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead starts to glow as Shizuka attempts to attack Sailor Moon in the head, but she manages to only dodge it, Sailor Moon then unleashes several powerful strikes by using her specter as a bo staff. To the amazement of everyone else, Sailor Moon then unleashes a series of powerful strikes that throws Shizuka back and one final kick sends her flying into the wall with enough strength to make Shizuka put an imprint of her body on the wall causing her to be stunned in the process in which everyone is stunned even Sailor Moon herself.

Sailor Uranus says, shocked, “Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Jupiter says, amazed, “Awesome!”

Sailor Moon says, shocked, “Oh, wow. I… I didn’t know that I had it in me.”

Naruto says, awe-struck, “Awesome, Serena.”

Tuxedo Mask yells out, “Sailor Moon, now! Use the Silver Crystal!”

Sailor Moon snaps out of her stupor and she yells out in reply, “Right!” Sailor Moon’s new broach opens up and it, her crown, and her sigil glow in unison as they transfer energy into her specter.

Moon Silver Crystal Purification!

Sailor Moon unleashes a beautiful silver and golden light which slams into Shizuka with terrific force and she screams out in agony as the waves of purification energy slam into her and at the same time, Tsunade, Mei, and Yakumo hold their heads in pain as they, along with Kaguya, feel Shizuka being separated as black ‘will’ that Black Zetsu is made of leaves her body and the Shinju eye on Shizuka’s forehead closes and vanishes before she closes her eyes and collapses in which Naruto catches her in his arms.

Naruto says, “Right on!”

Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “You did it, Sailor Moon!”

Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “Without a doubt, Sailor Moon.”

(With Kaguya; at this moment)

Kaguya recoils back as she feels one of the victims under her more direct control was released from her control and she gives out a roar of rage.

Kaguya shouts out, “Serenity… SERENITY!!!”

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, “Easy, mother. I know. However, while she managed to free one person, she won’t be able to free them since they all aren’t White Zetsu, yet, and they haven’t become your ‘extensions’ yet, mother. It is the only reason that she was able to free her. She can free one person, but she can’t free an entire world.”

Kaguya tells Black Zetsu, “Not alone. And if they combined the power of Hagoromo’s eyes, they may be able to.”

Black Zetsu says, with a sly tone, “However, the Time Guardian can’t break through the space-time storms keeping our world out of phase with the rest of universe, mother. And by the time that she does, it will be too late.”

Kaguya says, “Yes, they will pay before they can ever dare think to come to my world. The world is my guardian and all of its chakra is mine.”

Black Zetsu responds, “That’s right, mother. Let that wretched moon princess and Asura’s reincarnation have their victory. It will be their last.”

(Returning to Earth; Shortly thereafter)

Back on Earth, Tsunade, Mei, and Yakumo are given new comrades via their ‘link’ with Kaguya.

Yakumo says, emotionlessly, “Our goddess calls us.”

Tsunade says, plainly, “We’re leaving.” Their clothing turns back into the material that the White Zetsu are made up, they are cocooned back up, and the three cocoons phase into the ground and vanish as Naruto, with the unconscious Shizuka, that’s covered in a blanket since her clothing seems to have disappeared, in his hands, and the others arrive on the scene.

Naruto says, annoyed, “Rats!”

The Sailor Scouts look around and Sailor Saturn says, shocked, “This is horrible.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “We must get them out of there!”

Sailor Pluto says, “I don’t think that we can just cut them free.”

Sailor Mercury asks Sailor Moon, “Do you think that you can do it, Sailor Moon?”

Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “Yeah, I think so. I don’t feel a thing. I’m used to the Silver Crystal and I feel much stronger than I ever did. I can’t do an entire world, but I know that I can do this.”

Sailor Jupiter says, with a grin, “Go for it, girlfriend!”

Moon Silver Crystal Purification!

Once again, Sailor Moon bathes her purifying light onto them and the people trapped inside of the cocoons are released in which they have collapsed while the Shinju root dissolves into nothingness.

Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “They are free!”

Sailor Mars says, curiously, “But something isn’t right. They might be free from the cocoons, but something is wrong.” They go over to the ground and they shake them in which they don’t wake up.

Sailor Uranus says, “Something isn’t right.” When they try to open their eyes, they gasp to see them still filled with the grey-violet rings of the Rinnegan in which they let go of their eyelids, they close right back up again.

Sailor Moon asks, “What’s going on?”

Sailor Mercury says, scanning them with her visor and computer, “While your crystal managed to serve the unnatural connection between these people and Shinju, they seem to be still be trapped in the ‘dream world’ somehow.”

Naruto asks, “But wait! How is that possible? I thought that people had to be trapped in the cocoons for them to remained trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi! And how come that Shizuka is free?”

Sailor Pluto says, “Even though the other jutsu keeps them trapped in the Genjutsu and connects them to the Shinju, you have to remember that it was the power of the Rinnegan that activated the jutsu in the first place. And remember, Shizuka-san, here, was controlled by Kaguya more directly. She used her Will Materialization to control her directly and make Shizuka-san Kaguya’s ‘thrall’. I think due to that more direct control, she was freed completely.”

Sailor Saturn asks, “So, does that mean for the people trapped in Naruto’s world? We need the power of a Rinnegan to break them free completely, Pluto-mama?”

Sailor Moon asks, “What about these poor people?”

Just then Ryu’s voice booms, “I think that we can help with that Sailor Moon.” Everyone looks to see Ryu and Kasumi appear in front of them.

Sailor Mercury says, “Lady Kasumi! Ryu-dono!”

Ryu says, “I think that for now we should move them to a safe place for the time being. If they are still under the spell of the illusion, Kaguya might be able to reestablish a connection between them and the Shinju at any time.”

Sailor Uranus says, “That’s a good idea.”

Kasumi asks, “But where can we keep them safe?”

Ryu says, “The Hayabusa clan has protection Ninpo that will work well to keep that ‘connection’ served through I doubt it will bring them out of the ‘dream worlds’ that they are in.”

Sailor Uranus says, “It is better than leaving them to our medical science since they will have no idea what’s going on and might permanently injury these people in the process.”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “I’m going to have to agree.”

Sailor Moon asks, “Ryu-dono, what are you doing here?”

Ryu responds, “I’m actually here to bring you and Naruto-dono to see my father. There is something important that he needs to discuss with you both.” Naruto and Sailor Moon look at each other and everyone can’t help to wonder what the head of the Hayabusa clan wishes to see them for.

(Inside of Elysion; Later on)

Returning to the realm of Elysion, the intelligence creatures that Helios just met are discussing something in which Fenir, the wolf, talks with Asuna, the multi-tailed fox.

Fenir asks, “Do you know what you are doing?”

Asuna responds, “I do, Fenir. I believe from what information that Helios has displayed for us from Naruto-sama’s memories, I believe this is a necessary course of action.”

A pearly white jumbo jet sized falcon with might grey-blue eyes says, with a mighty male voice, “But you can’t be sure that it will get to that point, Asuna-dono.”

Asuna tells the falcon, “Razor-dono, while Kaguya might not be able to use the moon due to the remaining sacred power and the spirit of Queen Serenity protecting it, it doesn’t mean that she won’t be able to use that wretched technique on Earth.”

Argon says, “I believe that she may have a point, Razor-dono. Remember how the Sage created the moon prison in the first place? He used the power of the Rinnegan and he inherited that power from Kaguya.”
Fenir says, “That’s a wise warning, Argon-dono. I don’t like it, but I believe that it is necessary. Hagoromo’s heir will need that power and he will be able to use it since now he has part of Hagoromo-dono’s power and Hamura-dono’s power.”

Asuna says, “And more once he meets with Dragoon-dono and his clan.”

The falcon, Razor, responds, “Easier said than done, Asuna-dono. Those dragons might be among the most noble, but they also the most difficult.”

Argon says, “Agreed, Razor-dono.”

Asuna says, “Anyway, I must return to the aid of my clan. They have already connected to the spirit world and have made contact the pure realm of Gaea.”

Fenir says, “Good luck to you, Asuna-dono.”

Asuna responds, “I believe that we may all need it, Fenir-dono.”

(At the Hayabusa Village; Shortly afterwards)

Within Hayabusa Village, Naruto, the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, Ryu, Kasumi, and Momiji are assembled together in a room with Jo Hayabusa as he explains about what he wants to talk about which leaves Sailor Pluto flabbergasted.

Sailor Pluto shouts out, “Jo-dono, are you insane?! You can’t be serious that you wish to put my princess and Naruto through such a trial!”

Jo says, “I am serious, Lady Pluto.”

Sailor Pluto says, “The dragons that your clan are connected to are indeed the most noble, but they are powerful and they don’t just give their power away to anyone. They are among the strictest of anyone and they have very high qualifications!”

Jo says, “I believe that your princess and Naruto have those qualities and more.”

Sailor Uranus yells out, angrily, “Yeah! And if they aren’t to their ‘liking’, they turn them to burnt toast just because of the ‘nerve’ of them ‘defiling’ their ‘sacred grounds’.”

Sailor Moon says, nervously, “Did you have to mention that? I’m already not feeling good.”

Naruto tells Sailor Moon, “Don’t worry, Serena. I’ll go alone.”

Everyone looks at Naruto and Sailor Jupiter asks, “Do you know what you are saying?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I do, Lita, believe it. I need new friends more than ever to take on Kaguya and save my world. I can’t bring out my Gamabunta or the other toads since most likely, they are under the illusions like nearly every human being in my world. If we’re going to charge in and bust Kaguya’s face and her ‘dream world’ down, we are going to need strong friends and good friends too.”

Jo tells Naruto, “Do you still intend to do this despite what you have been told?”

Naruto says, “Believe it, Jo-dono. I have never backed down from a challenge and I won’t do so now. My world is in danger and if these guys can help, I will take the risk because I don’t plan to die until my world is saved!”

Jo looks into Naruto’s eyes and he says, with a plain tone, “I see that you are resolved. You have become a much stronger person since you first came here and I mean that you are a stronger person inside and out, Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Thanks, Jo-dono.”

Jo tells Sailor Moon, “Your majesty, I’m sorry to have insisted on you, but I believe that your guardians are right. You are a peacemaker. Your hands shouldn’t be drenched in blood.”

Sailor Moon says, with a sigh, “No kidding because blood scares me! But I can’t… If I don’t fight… who can… who will protect my family here on Earth… who can protect my friends… I can’t just hide from who I am… Like it or not, I’m Sailor Moon and it is part of who am I.”

The others are amazed and Sailor Mars asks, “Whoa, what got into you, Meatball Head?”

Sailor Moon says, “All I ever wanted… All I wanted to be is a normal girl… with a hunky and awesome boyfriend… but I realize that I can’t be a normal girl at least… Maybe I never was one… I realize that if I don’t step up as Sailor Moon… people are going to get hurt or worse… and people that I care about are going to suffer… I remember what Luna told me when we were fighting Ann and her brother… as long as I keep not wanting to be Sailor Moon… I can’t be Sailor Moon… and if I’m not Sailor Moon… who is going to protect the people that I love? I guess that my life was meant to be a protector and if I don’t step, people, good people, are going to suffer and I can never live with myself if that happened.”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a kind smile, “Serena…”

Sailor Moon says, with a warm smile, “Hey, but it isn’t all bad. I got my prince and I’ve got an awesome group of friends!”

Naruto tells Sailor Moon, “And when is life ever normal?”

Sailor Moon says, with a giggle, “Yeah, you have a point.”

Jo tells Sailor Moon, “You have a beautiful heart, Sailor Moon. Are you sure about this?”

Sailor Moon tells Jo, with a nod, “Personally, I rather not, but I can’t. I’ll go with Naruto.”

Jo says, with a nod, “As you wish, Sailor Moon. Momiji will guide to where you need to go, but from there, you are on your own.”
Naruto says, “We understand, Jo-dono.”

Sailor Moon looks at Tuxedo Mask and the others and Tuxedo Mask says, concerned, “Serena.”

Sailor Moon responds, “I’ll be okay, my love.” Sailor Moon kisses him on the lips.

Naruto tells Tuxedo Mask, “Don’t worry, Darien. I’ll keep her safe! Believe it! That’s a promise and I never break a promise!”

Tuxedo Mask tells Naruto, with a nod, “I know that you won’t.”

Sailor Uranus tells Naruto, “We are holding you up to that Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “No problem, Uranus!”

Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “I can’t just keep running away or pushing this to the side. Sailor Moon… Princess Serenity… it is a part of who I am… despite being Princess Serenity being my past life… they are both a part of who am I… if I ignore them… then the tragedy of the Moon Kingdom will happen again and Earth will pay the price… and all that I love with it.” Sailor Moon looks at Tuxedo Mask and her guardians and she thinks, “They are the people that I love and they are my family. This time, it is my turn to protect them, but in order to do that, I need to reach his level.” Sailor Moon looks at Naruto and she thinks, “I need to reach your level, Naruto.” As they prepare to head off, Naruto and Sailor Moon look at each other and they nod their heads at some kind of unsaid agreement.

(Later on; Elsewhere)

Right now, Sailor Moon and Naruto are looking up at a tall mountain with fog covering the top quarter of the mountain while Momiji is with them.

Sailor Moon says, nervously, “I’m having second thoughts about this.”

Naruto says, “I can feel why. There is some kind of ‘spooky aura’ about this place.”

Sailor Moon asks, nervously, “Spooky? Like ghosts?”
Naruto says, shivering, “Don’t get me started on that Serena.”

Kurama tells Naruto, “Geez, kit, it is most likely given to scare off ‘visitors’ and test people’s mental.”

Momiji says, “The entrance to the dragon’s realm is on top of the mountain. I’m not sure if your powers will work up there, you two.”

Naruto says, transforming into his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, “Well, we have got to try, Momiji.”

Sailor Moon says, nervously, “Something tells me that this is so not going to be easy.”

Naruto asks, “When is life easy for us Serena?”

Sailor Moon says, with a nod of recognition, “Good point, Naruto.”

Momiji tells them, “Good luck to both of you.”
Naruto says, “Something tells me that we are going to need it, believe it.” Sailor Moon swallows a lot of air as she and Naruto take off into the distance and up the mountain to get to the ‘dragon’s home’. They are flying up just fine, but shortly after flying through the clouds and fog, Sailor Moon and Naruto start to wobble and lose their ability to fly.

Sailor Moon asks, “Hey, what’s going on?”

Naruto says, “I guess that Momiji was right. We need to land, Moon-chan!”

Sailor Moon responds, nervously, “Where, Naruto?”

Soon enough, Naruto spots a ledge with a cave entrance and he yells out, “Over there Serena!” Sailor Moon and Naruto quickly fly over to the ledge, but they land on the ground on their bottoms, hard.

Sailor Moon says, with a winch, “Ouch! That hurt!”

Naruto says, “Not our most graceful landing.”

Sailor Moon says, “No joke.” Sailor Moon gets a chill from looking at the cave and she tells Naruto, “Naruto, I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

Naruto says, “Neither do I, Serena. But something tells me that this is the only way that we are getting in.”

Sailor Moon says, drolly, “I was afraid that you would say that.” Sailor Moon and Naruto enter the cave with both of them staying close to each other as they advance through the cave entrance into the mountain itself.

(Returning to Hayabusa Village; on the meanwhile)

Back with the other Sailor Scouts, they are joined by the two Lunarian felines, Luna and Artemis, and Luna is pacing around.

Luna says, “I knew that this was a bad idea! Serena has horrible trials before, but the dragons aren’t beings to be taken too lightly! They are well-known in lore throughout the world for good reason!”

Artemis says, “I know, Luna, but if Serena wants to gain access to the full power of her new ninja animal spirit, she needs to form a bond with the dragons.”

Sailor Venus asks, “Speaking of ninja animal spirits, Tuxedo Mask and we also got our own spirits, right? Doesn’t that means that we have our own ‘ninja summons’ like Naruto?”

Just then a familiar male voice says, “That’s correct, Sailor Venus.” Everyone then looks to see Helios appear in a bright glow.

Tuxedo Mask says, amazed, “Helios!”
Helios says, with a nod, “It is an honor to see you, my prince.”

Tuxedo Mask tells Helios, “If you are here, then you must know what’s going on.”

Helios says, with a nod, “I do, my prince. And the threat that Kaguya presents is grave. I am here to take you and the rest of the Sailor Scouts to meet to the animal clans that are bonded with your ninja animal spirits.”

There are gasps and Sailor Jupiter asks, “Say what?”

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Helios, are you say that we have ninja animal clans connected to our new ninja animal spirits?”

Helios says, with a nod, “Yes, my prince. They live in Elysion and plenty of them are mystical in nature as you may know, my prince. Many were or are descendants from the ninja animal familiar used by ninja clans during the feudal age of Japan on Earth.”

Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “Awesome!”

Sailor Neptune says, with a warm smile, “It seems like we are going to get some help.”

Sailor Mars asks, “Will they really help us?”

Helios says, with a nod, “They already know what’s happening and know that you will need for the journey ahead.”

Sailor Uranus says, “If they know, then the dragons know!”

Helios says, with a nod and a sigh, “Yes, but you must realize that they have great power and they don’t wish for their power to be abused or wasted. They wish to believe that there may not be a shadow of a doubt that they will not waste their power.”

Sailor Pluto says, “They are very ‘strict’ on who they give their ‘power’ to, everyone.”

Sailor Neptune says, with a sigh, “We can only hope that they complete their quest.”

(Joining up with Sailor Moon and Naruto; A good time afterwards)

Naruto and Sailor Moon are going through the caverns in the mountain in which Naruto notices that much of the caverns didn’t look like they were made by natural forces.

Naruto says, “This cave doesn’t look naturally made.”

Sailor Moon asks, “Are you sure, Naruto?”

When they come up to an area, Naruto points to areas that look like stone blocks and he says, “Those aren’t natural.”

Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Naruto asks, “Question is: Who or what made them?”

Sailor Moon asks, nervously, “Did you have to say it like that?”

Naruto tells Sailor Moon, with a grin, “Don’t worry, Serena, we’re just fine.”

Just then there is a massive roar and Sailor Moon yelps out, nervously, “Yipe! What was that?”

Naruto says, nervously, “That sounded like a dragon and yeah, I’ve seen dragons before Serena.”

Sailor Moon asks, “When was that?”

Naruto says, “Long story.” The two of them continue on until they find themselves in a massive room with dragon statues and various images.

Sailor Moon says, “Oh, wow.”

Naruto asks, “This place is huge! Who lives in a place like this?”

Just then a powerful booming voice responds, “Me, human!” With a loud ‘crash’, a massive and majestic dragon with black and silver scales that has the silver scales sparkling, pearly white claws, and rainbow color feather wings coming out of back.

Sailor Moon yells out, “He’s huge!”

The mighty dragon says, in the mighty booming voice, “I am Dragoon, leader of the dragon clan of Earth, and I know who you are! Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, a warrior of Gaea, fighting to save his world from being enslaved by the wicked ‘Demonic Rabbit Goddess’, Kaguya! And you are Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom reborn, and protector of this planet. I have been expecting you!”

Sailor Moon asks, nervously, “You have?”

Dragoon responds, “Yes. Ever since you have gained the power of the ninja animal spirit from Hamura-sama, brother of the Hagoromo-dono, we knew that you would be coming here and we know why you are here! You know about us from the descendants of the chosen children of our supreme sovereigns, the dragon deities, the Hayabusa and know that we don’t give our power freely. We are the most powerful of creatures and our power is not to be taken lightly or wasted! And we won’t have it abused, young princess! To have our respect, our aid, and our power, you must earn it!”

Naruto asks, “And how do we do that?”

Dragoon replies, “By defeating me in combat of course! However, if you lose, you will both die!”

Sailor Moon yells out, shocked, “Die!”

Dragoon responds, “Begin!” Dragoon unleashes a mighty wave of flames in which Sailor Moon yelps as Naruto transforms into his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, grabs Sailor Moon by her sailor collar, and lifts her into the air and out of the way of the attack.

Naruto says, “Geez, these guys don’t play around!” However, before Naruto and Sailor Moon can move, they are slammed hard by one of Dragoon’s forward feet and they slam into the ground, hard!

Dragoon responds, “Is that all that you have ‘mighty savior’? Weak!”

Naruto replies, annoyed, “Oh, yeah!”

Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken!

Naruto then unleashes a powerful Lava Style chakra powered Rasenshuriken, but Dragoon creates a water twister that cools the attack into steam much to Naruto’s surprise.

Dragoon responds, “You thought that because I’m a dragon that I’m limited to fire?! Fool! I am the leader of the clan and master of the elements! Take this!” Dragoon then creates a powerful wind twister that slams Naruto and Sailor Moon flying before they slam into the ground, hard!

Sailor Moon yelps out, “Ow! That really hurt!”

Naruto says, “Well, something tells me that we are in a world of hurt and I mean, LETHAL hurt if we don’t get our act together, believe it!” Sailor Moon nods her head and gets to her feet with Naruto in which they face off against the mighty dragon and they can’t help to wonder how they can beat a powerful creature with the power of the elements on its side.

And that’s the chapter, everyone! And I know that you must be confused at what happened with the cocooned people not bring freed completely from the Genjutsu while Shizuka was completely purified. In my story, Kaguya can gain control of anyone trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi since they are tied to the Shinju and thus, tied to her and by using Will Materialization like what she did to create Black Zetsu, she can make anyone into her ‘thralls’ in which while they are linked to her, the process turning them into White Zetsu stops for time through their ‘minds’ or ‘core selves’ are still trapped within the ‘dream world’. Basically, it is like a combination of mind control and possession and due to that ‘corruption’, Sailor Moon’s Silver Crystal was able to free them completely. However, the people that were cocooned in this chapter, Sailor Moon served the ‘unnatural connection’ between them and the Shinju, but since the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the main Genjutsu was like a hypnosis technique, she can’t ‘purify’ that since the people aren’t under some form of ‘corruption’ just a deep hypnotic slumber. Anyway, in my story, Sailor Moon’s ‘healing/purifying’ power has more trouble with ‘hypnosis spells’ of sorts than mind control and corruption. I hope that it clears up any questions that you might have, folks. Please keep reading and reviewing to tell me what you think, everyone! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!