Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ New Plot Budding ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By now, you have seen that this is a mainly Naruto/Sailor Moon/Ninja Gaiden/Dead or Alive crossover with a small cameo crossover from another anime in the disclaimer with elements from one of them added in and you already know what that one is, folks. However, with the other one, you must be asking how that one works into the plot, right? You are going to see elements of it in this and the next chapter, folks. Anyway, spoiler alert! I’m not if this is a good idea, but the two anime/manga that will be minor crossovers in this story, will be major crossovers in the sequel to this story since I have big plans for them!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Yu-Gi-Oh GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16-17
Sakura Haruno: Age 16-17
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16-17
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16-17
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16-17
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16-17
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16-17
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16-17
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14-15
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18-19
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18-19
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20-21
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25
Tsunade Senju: Physically mid-twenties, but actually 53 years of age.
Hinata Hyuga: Age 16-17
Shikamaru Nara: Age 16-17
Kiba Inuzuka: Age 16-17
Yakumo Kurama: Age 16-17
Shizuka: Age 16-17

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 7: New Plot Budding

In the realm of Elysion, Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts, minus Sailor Moon, are being escorted by Helios in which Tuxedo Mask is inside of mystical sphere while the Sailor Scouts, with their new ‘Eternal Kunoichi Sailor Scout’ forms, are flying through the air as they find themselves within the area where Helios was talking with the massive intelligent ninja animals of this realm/Earth.

Sailor Venus says, “Awesome!”

Sailor Jupiter says, excitedly, “Cool!”

A battleship sized dolphin with aqua-blue and silver skin says, in a female voice, “I see that our new partners have arrived.”

Helios says, “Yes, Regina-sama. I have brought you, Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts. Sailor Moon or Princess Serenity isn’t among them for reasons that you know well.”

Fenir says, “We know, Helios-sama. We can sense that she and the Hagoromo-dono’s heir are taking the grand test of Dragoon.”

Argon says, “They will be in the fight of their lives since Dragoon-dono is the mightiest of the Dragon Clan since he is the master of the elements.”

Sailor Uranus asks, “Wait! Fight?”

Asuna says, “That’s correct, Soldier of the Wind. Your princess and the heir to the guardians of Gaea, Hagoromo and Hamura, are taking the test of the dragon clan and they are taking the ultimate test. They are fighting against the head of the clan of dragons and the most powerful of the dragon since the dragon guardian deities of the Hayabusa clan.” Asuna then creates an image in which it is showing Dragoon unleashing powerful elemental attacks against Sailor Moon and Naruto, in his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, and barely holding on.

Sailor Mars says, shocked, “Sailor Moon!”

Sailor Mercury says, “She and Naruto are in trouble!”

The mighty dolphin, Regina, says, with a sigh, “Of all the dragons that they have to face, he will be the most dangerous. He is master of the elements, fire, wind, water, earth, and lightning, and he is very sly and cunning!”

Fenir says, “With an ego to match, Regina-dono.”

Sailor Mars says, “We need to help you!”

Argon says, “You can’t do anything for her. This is her test as well as Naruto’s test. Both of them are two of the universe’s most powerful warriors and they are the ‘chosen ones’, the greatest protectors of the universe has chosen to maintain balance. To interfere would cost them this chance to get stronger and they need to get stronger or Kaguya will rule it all.”

There are gasps and Sailor Neptune asks, “Wait! Are you saying that if they fail, all will be lost?”

Asuna asks Sailor Pluto, “What did you see for the future at this time, time guardian?”

Sailor Pluto becomes solemn and Sailor Saturn asks, “Pluto-mama?”

Sailor Pluto says, a solemn tone in her voice, “At this time, there is only darkness for the future.”

The others gasp in shock and Tuxedo Mask asks, “Are you saying that Crystal Tokyo is gone?!”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod and solemn tone, “Yes. The future has been completely thrown off.”

There are more gasps and Sailor Uranus asks, “But how?”

Sailor Mars asks, curiously, “When Naruto was sent here?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a plain tone, “Partially. I shouldn’t tell you, but I believe that Crystal Tokyo is no longer the future or at least, the Crystal Tokyo that we know is that future that will come to be, I have to admit to you that something has thrown the future off-balance. Naruto wasn’t supposed to come here and in actual fact, he and Sasuke Uchiha with help from Sakura Haruno were to overwhelm Kaguya after Obito Uchiha sacrificed himself to protect Naruto from Kaguya’s attack and prevented Kakashi Hatake from dying with his powers. However, the future was thrown off the instant that Obito was unable to reach Naruto and forced to use his space-time power to attempt protect Naruto.”

Sailor Mercury says, “And in that instant, the future was altered.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Correct. We were to meet Naruto and the others many years later in the aftermath of the calamity that put the world into a deep slumber and with that calamity, the space-time storm was dispelled for some reason and we were able to go to Gaea where Naruto was already the ‘savior of the world’ and the only ‘savior of the world’.”

Sailor Uranus asks, “The ONLY one known as the ‘Savior of the World’, Pluto?”

Sailor Pluto responds, with a look that says ‘Yes, your suspicions are right’, “Correct, Uranus.” Mars, Saturn, and Neptune got the meaning of Sailor Pluto’s ‘look’ and can only wonder what it means.

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Could some outside force have somehow altered the future?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a plain tone, “I can’t be sure since the space-time storms prevent me for knowing the history of Gaea. It is possible or it could be possible that it could be one of the one in a million ‘disruptions’ in history. You have to remember, my prince, the future is like a river and like any river, it can be dammed up, dried out, or outright changed in any sort of way. And this one small event has caused the river of space-time to flow in ways that I can’t predict. What I can see is only the possible future and the future is always changing, my prince. Right now, there is only two people that can save the future from darkness.”

Sailor Mars says, “Naruto and Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Pluto responds, with a nod, “That’s the right. Only the ‘Saviors of Earth and Gaea’ can protect the universe now.”

Asuna says, “And that’s why that they must pass this trial. They must gain the strength to stop Kaguya because the path that the universe will take rests on the choices that they make. The paths of fate and destiny do not control them, but unlike many with this ‘power’, they also can control the ‘fates’ of many others.”

Fenir says, “Yes, Asuna-dono. This is their trail. The young heir to the Sage of Six Paths and his brother has done well in his first trail, but he has yet to unleash the power within him.”

Sailor Mars asks, “Wait! Power within him?”

A skyscraper sized red ape appears and he says, in a sage-like tone, “Like Asura before him, the boy has his own great power deep within him. A power so mighty that Kaguya fears it because it is a power that can wipe her from the face of this universe.”

There are more gasps from Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts and Sailor Jupiter asks, “Whoa! Naruto has that kind of power?”

Argon says, “It slumbers deep within young Naruto and awaiting its awakening, young Soldier of Thunder. It is the reason that Kaguya desires badly to destroy Naruto.”

Asuna says, “Every battle when he arrived was another phase to unleashing this power and this is the next. And it is also strengthening the Moon Princess for the trails to come. Like the Sage always believe, power shouldn’t be held in the palms of one man. The greatest powers of the universe may most likely belong to these two.”

Tuxedo Mask asks, “What do you mean?”

Fenir says, “For now, time will only tell, Prince Endymon-sama. We also wish that you don’t tell Naruto about what you heard about his hidden power.”

Sailor Venus asks, “Why?”

Sailor Pluto says, “He needs to discover and awaken it by himself. We can’t help him in anyway.”

Helios says, with a nod, “As you can’t help them in this trial, Sailor Moon. You must believe in Naruto and Sailor Moon. Believe in them and their victory.”

As the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask look on, Tuxedo Mask thinks, concerned yet hopeful, “Serena-chan, I believe in you. I know that you and Naruto can do this! You have to believe in yourself! Believe in Naruto and believe in yourself, Serena!”

(Inside of home of the dragons; around this time)

Joining up with Sailor Moon and Naruto, they are having a tough time against Dragoon, leader of the ninja dragon clan, as they barely dodge assaults of rock spears that are acting as bullets or cannon shells in this case.

Sailor Moon yells out, “Yipe! How can we beat this guy? We has the forces of nature on his side!”

Naruto says, “I think that he is a force of nature, believe it!”

Dragoon yells out, “The young fool finally gets the idea! Allow me to show you!” Just then a pair of ‘rock hands’ come out of the grab and Naruto yelps as they grab him and entrap him, making him unable to move at all.

Sailor Moon shouts out, shocked, “Naruto!”

Naruto says, grunting out, “Can’t move!”

Dragoon responds, “Correct! You disappoint me, heir of Hagoromo! Now, you will burn!” Dragoon unleashes a powerful stream of flames at Naruto, but Sailor Moon appears and creates a powerful silver shield to defect the flames.

Naruto yells out, “Moon-chan!”

Dragoon yells out, “You are brave, princess, but you are nothing like your mother! She gently and kind, but she was strong and powerful! She had mighty spirit and great heart! You might have heart, but you don’t have anything close to her spirit! And you dare to hold the name of Sailor Moon!”

Sailor Moon asks, “What do you mean?”

Dragoon responds, “Do you believe that you are the first and only Sailor Moon? Ha! You are not! The first Sailor Moon was the first queen of the Moon Kingdom, Queen Selene Serenity the First!”

Sailor Moon asks, shocked, “Huh?!”

Dragoon replies, “It is the truth! She was a mighty woman and the forger of the Imperium Silver Crystal that you bare. She had a great and mighty warrior spirit, but she was honorable and noble warrior, an even match for the perception of the knights of Medieval Europe or the samurai of Feudal Japan! You hold her title, but you are nothing like her! And nothing like your mother, despite her not being Sailor Moon herself, she held the spirit and heart of the first Moon Queen! You shame your ancestor! Now, burn for your crime in shaming the noble name of Sailor Moon!” Dragoon increases the power of his attack and Sailor Moon strains and groans as she tries to hold back the assault and her shield starts to slowly crack and fail.

Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “Is it true? Was there a Sailor Moon before me?”

Queen Serenity’s voice rings in her mind, “Dragoon-dono speaks the truth, my darling Serenity.”

Sailor Moon gasps and she asks, “Queen Serenity-sama?”

Queen Serenity replies, “You hold the title of Sailor Soldier of our first Moon Queen. She was the first Sailor Soldier of the Moon and Sailor Moon is not just the Sailor Soldier of Earth’s moon, but of all of the lunar satellites for all of the planetary bodies. The moon shines the light of the sun onto the planets during the areas of the planets are covered in night. It is the true natural of Sailor Moon. However, Dragoon-dono is wrong. You are worthy of Queen Selene’s title as the Sailor Warrior of the Moon. You are a kind and gently spirit and do not wish for battle, but when those that you love and all that’s good and true are in danger, you fight to protect and that’s what it means to be a true Sailor Soldier. You desire… you need to protect them… those that you love… you need to protect everyone. I believe in you. You have the strongest spirit of them all. I can never be Sailor Moon, but you are the one. The chosen one to bare our first queen’s Sailor Soldier power. Remember, my darling Serenity. Remember all the battles that you have faced thus far. Remember and see the truth. Trust in your heart and trust in your own power.”

Just Sailor Moon remembers all of her battles and she thinks, “I remember, Queen Serenity-mama. I have fought some of the worst scum in the universe and won against the greatest of odds with the help and strength of my beloved guardians and my beloved prince. A ‘new’ friend has begged me for help and I can’t help him down. I can’t let anymore down! Everyone has always protected me to allow me a chance in succeeding against our foes, but not anymore! This time… this time… I will protect everyone!” Sailor Moon’s crescent moon sigil on her forehead glows and her shield grows stronger and larger as she pushes back the attack.

Dragoon asks, stunned, “What is this?!”

Naruto yells out, excitedly, “That’s it! You can do it, Moon-chan! Show this overgrown lizard whose boss!” Sailor Moon grunts and groans with one mighty yell, she negates Dragoon’s powerful attack.

Dragoon shouts out, “This can’t be!”

Sailor Moon says, with a determination and strength in her voice not felt before, “It can and it is, Dragoon-dono! You may be right! I am nothing like mighty warrior like Queen Selene or a mighty queen like Queen Serenity-mama, but that doesn’t mean that I can be as great as or even greater than they were! I don’t care about being the strongest or the greatest in anything! All I desire… All I need is protect all that I love… those that I love… and protect all those good and innocent beings that desire and that need nothing, but peace! I AM Sailor Moon, the champion of love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will win this battle!”

Moon Silver Dragon Inferno!

From her specter, Sailor Moon unleashes a powerful silver energy made of chakra and mystical power that transformation into a massive dragon and Dragoon cries out in pain and agony as he is slammed by the attack and slammed into the wall behind him with a mighty ‘boom’. This weakens his ‘hold’ on Naruto and he breaks free.

Naruto yells out, “All right! Time to end this!”

Kurama says, “It’s about time, kit! Now, show this lizard whose boss!”

Sage Style: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken!

Naruto unleashes nine Rasenshuriken with each one using the chakra nature/power of one of the nine Biju and Dragoon puts up a defense of water, earth, and wind, but it only weakens the attack enough not to lethally hurt him and slams him into the wall once again from a powerful explosion that bursts all three of his elemental defenses. Smoking, Dragoon struggles back up only to by faced by Naruto, holding a sword made of his Truth Seeker Balls, and Sailor Moon behind Naruto preparing her powers for an attack.

Naruto responds, “Do you yield, Dragoon-sama?”

After a moment, Dragoon sighs and he says, “I yield, Naruto-dono.”

Naruto and Sailor Moon lower their weapons and Sailor Moon says, with a moan, “That was tough!”

Naruto tells Sailor Moon, “Yeah, it was, but we did it! And you were awesome, Sailor Moon-chan! We won because of you!”

Sailor Moon says, with a blush and smile, “I really didn’t do that much.”

Dragoon responds, “But you have, Princess Serenity. You found the inner strength to overcome me and you helped both of you to succeed in this trial. You have done well and proven yourself worthy of the name of Sailor Moon, your majesty.”

Sailor Moon says, “Thank you, Dragoon-sama.”

Dragoon tells them, “Well done, your majesty. And to you, young Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. We know that our power and our clan is in the best of hands.” Soon after, a large scroll appears in front of Dragoon’s feet and Dragoon says, “Unlike what you have to do, you won’t need to sign in your blood. Just put your exposed flesh on the scroll and it will do the rest.”

Naruto says, with a shrug, “Okay.”

Sailor Moon says, “That’s fine with me.” Sailor Moon and Naruto fly down, Naruto deactivates his cloak, Sailor Moon takes off on her gloves, and both of them put their hands on the scroll in which glows immediately, but both of them feel a slight ‘pinch’ in which Sailor Moon says, recoiling, “Ow! What was that?!”

Dragoon says, “The scroll has taken a piece of your DNA to record on the scroll.” Soon after, the names of ‘Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze’ and ‘Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon’ appear on the scroll.

Naruto says, with a smile, “Cool! It means that we are bonded in blood!”

Dragoon responds, with a nod, “That’s correct, young sage. If you need us, just call us the usual way that you have called the others, but you have to say ‘Ninja Summoning’ than just ‘Summoning Jutsu’ to keep us separate from the summon clans of your world.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Got it, Dragoon-dono.” Naruto and Sailor Moon look at each other and smile in which Sailor Moon can’t help to feel stronger than she did before.

(Returning to Elysion; shortly thereafter)

Within Elysion, the Sailor Scouts were excited and happy that their princess and Naruto have completed their ‘test’ and Tuxedo Mask can’t help to smile at this.

Sailor Venus yells out, excitedly, “They did it!”

Sailor Jupiter shouts out, excitedly, “That was awesome!”

Sailor Mars says, with a smirk, “I’ve got to admit that Meatball Head really came through.”

Sailor Uranus says, “Kitten really knows how to do things when push comes to shove, Mars.”

Tuxedo Mask thinks in his mind, “I always knew that you could do it, my Meatball Head. You really are the strongest scout of them all.”

Sailor Saturn asks Sailor Pluto, “Pluto-mama, what Dragoon said was true?”

Tuxedo Mask and the other Scouts look at Sailor Pluto and she says, with a nod, “It is true. The first Moon Queen was indeed the very first Sailor Moon.”

There are gasps and Sailor Jupiter says, amazed, “That’s wicked! So, it means that our Sailor Moon is only the second?! Unbelievable!”

Sailor Mercury says, “It must mean that our Moon Princess is different from the others before her.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Yes, Mercury. She is the very first Moon Princess in whole history of our kingdom to gain the power of our first Moon Queen: The power of Sailor Moon. However, her first transformation item, her locket, wasn’t the original locket held by Queen Selene. Her locket as Sailor Moon was drained nearly of all power long ago, so, the last bit of power was transferred into a new locket which gave Serena her first power as Sailor Moon.”

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Wait! Does that mean that Serena, at the time when she first became Sailor Moon, only held a portion of the power that Queen Selene had as Sailor Moon?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Correct, my prince. And while the locket was mainly destroyed, thanks to the Silver Crystal, it was reborn into a broach of greater power. However, while our princess started out with a portion of the power of the first Sailor Moon, she and Silver Crystal ‘created’ her own power as Sailor Moon and it is only getting stronger. Naruto isn’t the only one that is due for a ‘great awakening’.”

Sailor Mars asks, “Wait! Are you saying that Meatball Head still has hidden levels of power that we don’t know about?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Yes, Mars. And while she has Eternal level Sailor Scout powers, she has yet to reach the level of the first Moon Queen in which her powers were said to be ‘legendary’.”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “How can she compete with a legend?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a smirk, “By becoming one in her own right. There are many reasons that she was chosen as first member of Queen Selene’s bloodline to weld her Sailor Soldier powers. Despite her pacifist nature, she holds the spirit of a true Sailor Warrior, a protector.”

Asuna says, “Hopefully, it will be enough to save our universe, Time Guardian.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “I believe in our princess, Asuna-dono.”

Argon says, “Anyway, it is time for the rest of you to sign our contracts.”

Sailor Venus asks, “Huh? Just like that?”

Just then a mighty pegasus with a crystal blue horn appears and he says, “We know and believe in your abilities, Princess of Venus. Time of the essence and we need for you to train and gain strength in order to beat this threat. Kaguya is no laughing manner and she must be prepared for. The future is currently dark and you must help Naruto and Sailor Moon shed light on this wicked darkness.”

Fenir says, “Odin-dono is correct. We must unite our powers as one in order to conquer the wicked shadow of Kaguya.”

Sailor Neptune says, “We thank you for your aid, everyone.”

Regina says, “It is our honor to aid you, protectors of the universe.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “And it is our honor to have you by our side.” Soon enough, Tuxedo Mask and other Sailor Scouts sign their contracts while a phoenix-like creature with rainbow wings appears to bring a contract to Sailor Mars to ‘bond’ with their ninja animal allies.

(A few days later on; Back in the Hayabusa Village)

Within Hayabusa Village, the Sailor Scouts, in civilian form, and Darien are training to use their chakra outside of their Sailor Scout/Transformed forms as well as train to use their elemental chakras under the supervision of mainly Naruto with assistance from Kasumi and Ryu. This training led to many surprises in which in first, Ryu believed that their elemental chakras would be based on their Sailor Scout ‘element’ in which for some, it was harder to figure out than others like Sailor Saturn is the soldier of death, destruction, and rebirth for example.

Anyway, Ami found that she had water and wind chakra allowing her to gain Ice Release bloodline power in which she has done well to master it on her own like Haku did.

Mina found out that she had fire, lightning, and water chakras for the reason that she is the Sailor Scout of Love and Light in which when fire burns it makes light, lightning gives off flashes of light, and water reflects light.

Raye had obviously fire elemental chakra as the Sailor Scout of Fire.

Lita had lightning, water, and earth chakras in which she, too, had the Wood Release bloodline being that she is the Sailor Scout of Lightning AND Wood/Plants, but this combination also gave her the Storm Release bloodline, too, since she has both water and lightning chakra.

Amara had wind elemental chakra and Michelle had water elemental chakra for the most obvious of reasons.

Hotaru was quite a surprise since fire, earth, and wind chakra in which she had the Particle Style power, the ‘Kekkai tota’, the triple elemental chakra bloodline, but she also had the Scorch Style in which Naruto learned it is fire and wind chakra combination bloodline and Lava Style, which an Earth and Fire chakra elemental bloodline. However, the most surprising of all, Hotaru had the Bone Pulse Release bloodline, the ability to use your bones as weapons, but Trista figured that it was due to Hotaru being the Sailor Scout of Death, Destruction, and Rebirth.

Trista, on the other hand, had earth and water chakra, but NOT the Wood Style bloodline, however, she had gained the Byakugan, however, when deactivated her eyes didn’t lose their pupils and her eyes remained the same, but the same veins appear around the eyes when activated do appear when Trista activates her Byakugan.

Serena is the most surprising of all since she has all five elemental chakras, earth, fire, wind, water, and lightning and it looks like she might be able to use any and all Elemental Bloodline jutsu especially when she used Wood Style, Crystal Style, and Lava Style, all of whom by accident, at once! Kurama believes that it is the birth of a brand new Elemental bloodline and probably the most powerful one of all.

Darien, for the most part, as the prince and guardian of planet Earth, he has earth and water chakra and like Lita, he also has the Wood Style bloodline, but only that bloodline.

With Naruto, his knowledge of his training with Wind Style and Wood Style would allow him to Mina, in water chakra training, Lita and Darien, in earth, water, and wood training, Amara, in her wind training, Michelle, in her water training, Hotaru, in her earth and wind training, and Serena, in all of the elemental chakra training that he could muster. With Ami and Trista, they managed to do well on their own.

At this moment, Raye has brought out a stream of flames her mouth and Mina yells out, “Oh, wow! You are good, Raye!”

Raye stops ‘breathing fire’ and she responds, with a smile, “What did you expect, Mina-chan? Fire is my element in whatever form it takes!”

Naruto tells Raye, “Man, Raye! You are awesome! Personally, I think that you are better than any Uchiha with fire!”

Raye says, with a smile, “Thank you, Naruto.”

Just then a female voice says, “I believe that Naruto is accurate in his statement of your abilities, Raye-san.” Everyone looks to see Shizuka walking over to them.

Naruto asks, “Shizuka, are you okay?”

Shizuka says, with a wary smile, “I’m fine, Naruto.” Shizuka, who had just woken up after Naruto and Sailor Moon gotten back with the others from their quest, learned about what happened much to her shock and horror.

Trista asks Shizuka, “Are you sure that you are okay, Lady Shizuka?”

Naruto asks Shizuka, “You can’t stop thinking about what you experienced under the Infinite Tsukuyomi?”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “Yes, Naruto. I was with Sagiri and we had succeeded in changing the law of my village. We had a happy family.” Shizuka clutches her hands into fists and Shizuka says, “That monster. I wish that Madara was still around so I could kill him.”

Naruto tells Shizuka, “You are strong, Shizuka, but I doubt that even you could kill someone with the power of Old Man Hagoromo, the Six Path Sage.”

Shizuka tells Naruto, “It is still shocking to learn you are the living reincarnation of one of the Sage’s sons.”

Naruto says, with a foxy smile, “Trust me, Shizuka! I’m still wrapping my mind around this, believe it! While I am Asura’s ‘pure reincarnation’, I’m not him. He is a part of me, but it isn’t just him that makes me who I am.”

Trista thinks in her mind, with a warm smile, “Oh, Naruto, if you only knew how right you are. You are more ‘unique’ that you could ever imagine.”

Shizuka says, looking up in the sky, “I hope that Tokiwa is okay. After hearing what that jutsu does to you, if she were to turn into a mindless monster…”

Naruto tells Shizuka, “She won’t Shizuka! I will save her and our world, believe it!”

Shizuka asks Naruto, “But Naruto, how can you beat someone that was the first person to have chakra ever and possibly the one that give ‘birth’ to all bloodlines in our world?”

Naruto says, with a scoff, “She is just a fucking bitch with a deity complex! To be honest, Shizuka, the people were only being nice when they called her an ‘oni’. A fiend is more like it. Who would try to rip the lives out of their children because they were born with a part of the power that you had? You didn’t want them to have it?! Then don’t have kids! Old Man Hagoromo and Hamura might have been her children, but she had no right for any reason to try to take their lives! If I had my way, I would have had Queen Serenity rip Kaguya from the Shinju and scatter her to the ends of the universe, believe it!”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “What you say is true, but you need to other half of the Sage’s power and this powerful ‘Star Saber’ sword in which the rusty sword that contains some kind of hidden power is a clue to this blade.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “No joke. I can tell that rusty blade is more than a piece of junk, but I don’t know if it is sealed or it is a key to the seal on the Star Saber itself.”

Trista says, “It was thought best to leave the three weapons in the care of Hamura-dono himself and how he sealed them was up to him and never known to make sure that no one with ill intent can get their hands on the weapons. While it allows ‘certain people’ to weld them, it doesn’t mean that those ‘certain people’ don’t have ‘negative intent’.”

Shizuka says, awe-struck, “A sword with the ability to cut a star in half? It sounds so unbelievable.”

Naruto says, “Something tells me that it wasn’t called the ‘Star Saber’ for nothing, Shizuka.”

Shizuka says, “There is also the problem of getting home.”

Ami says, “We believe that Kaguya is providing the solution for us. She must be breaking through the storms, at least in a small way, to send people that she has personally put her control with her Will Materialization and it means that there is a gateway between the worlds in which they have go through when she calls her victims back to Gaea.”

Mina asks, “Wait! Are you saying that we have to catch a ride on those cocoons?”

Ami says, shaking her head, “Too dangerous, Mina. I believe that if we scan the gateway that Kaguya uses to get here, Trista can use her powers of space-time to create a portal that will lead us back.”

Hotaru asks, “Do you think that it is possible?”

Trista says, “I believe that it is our best solution other than waiting for the breach that allowed Naruto to pass through the space-time storms via the unstable space-time vortex to widen that can allow the Gates of Time to open a gateway between our world and Gaea.”

Amara says, “Despite currently Naruto’s world and Earth moving in different time frames, every minute that we waste gives more time to Kaguya.”

Darien says, “True, but until we can find a way to go to Naruto’s world, all we can do is train and wait for the next attack to allow Ami to scan the way that Kaguya is sending her ‘thralls’ to Earth to allow to create a gateway between Earth and Gaea.”

Amara says, plainly, “Well, I don’t like it.”

Naruto says, “Neither do I, believe it.”

Michelle says, “However, this is all we can do.”

Shizuka says, “Maybe I can assist you with your training.”

Serena asks Shizuka, “Are you sure?”

Shizuka responds, “I can’t sit here and do nothing while this ‘fiend’ turns the people of our world. If you are our greatest hope, then I should give what I can to assist you.”

Raye says, with a nod, “Thank you, Lady Shizuka.”

Naruto says, “Yeah! She will be a great help to you, girls! However, watch out! She is a kick ass kunoichi and she will put you on your ass if you are not careful, believe it! It isn’t surprising since she comes from a village filled with kick butt kunoichi!”

Shizuka says, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Naruto.”

Lita says, punching her fists together, “Okay, let’s get to work! We need to pump up our power to kick Kaguya’s ass!”

Mina says, “We’ll show her what the Sailor Scouts are made of!”

Hotaru asks, “What about your families?”

Ami says, with a warm smile, “Mom knows that I’m ‘on a trip with friends’.”

Mina says, with a grin, “Same with my mom!”

Serena says, with a warm smile, “My family ‘knows’ that I’m a ‘summer camping trip’ with my girls!”

Raye says, “I told Grandpa that I went on a training trip for the day that I will take over our temple.”

Darien asks, “I know that Ami’s mom won’t look into it and it might be the same with Raye’s grandfather, but what about if Serena’s and Mina’s parents want to ‘pop in’ on them?”

Serena and Mina gain nervous looks and Mina says, nervously, “That could be problem.”

Luna comes out and she says, “Especially since you told them a random location where the ‘camping trip’ will be.”

Serena says, drolly, “Well, I couldn’t tell them the truth could I, Luna? Especially since this is Sailor Scout business!”

Luna says, with a nod, “For once, you have a good point, Serena.”

Artemis says, “Anyway, we have to cross that bridge if and when we come to it. Right now, we need to focus on getting stronger and preparing for our next fight with Kaguya and something tells me that it will be soon and she is up another sinister plot.”

(Returning to Gaea; on the meanwhile)

And Artemis is right on the money since we now rejoin Kaguya and Black Zetsu as they discuss what has recently happened on planet Earth so far.

Kaguya says, irritated, “Serenity, she is a real pain.”

Black Zetsu says, “She is, mother. And I keep thinking that every second that we waste will be more time for them to get stronger, but it could also mean more power for you, mother.”

Kaguya tells Black Zetsu, “Explain, Zetsu.”

Black Zetsu responds, with an evil smile, “Mother, you are the progenitor of all chakra and all bloodlines. The powers of the Sharingan, Byakugan, and Rinnegan are yours to command since they are yours to begin with.”

Kaguya says, “Yes, it is true. However, what does this have to do with revenge against Serenity’s cursed child.”

Black Zetsu replies, with an evil grin, “What that wretched Hagoromo can do, so, can you, mother? Including turning a certain sealing technique that he used on you to your advantage?”

Kaguya then asks, “You mean…?”

Black Zetsu responds, “Correct, mother. The Earth’s moon might be protected with the last surviving power of the wretched dead kingdom and the spirit of Queen Serenity, but she can’t be protect her daughter from another moon.”

Kaguya says, with an evil smile, “Interesting, Zetsu.”

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, “We will need time to prepare, so, we are going to need to distract them. I think that making them think that we are attempting the same old plan over again is more than enough to fool these fools, mother.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Yes, I agree. And angering that wretched reincarnation of Asura is to make sure that he isn’t focused is all too easy.”

Black Zetsu says, with a sinister grin, “Yeah, do something to piss him off and he’ll only see what’s in front of him. And the best way is to us that he cares about against him and to make things better, why not use the form that he loves so much?” Kaguya gives a pure wicked smile as she looks over to the cocoons containing the people under the Infinite Tsukuyomi and bound to the Shinju, thus bound to her, in which she prepares to take direct control of more of Naruto’s precious people and cause him enough ‘emotional distress’ to make him unable to figure out her latest plan.

(Back on Earth; A few days afterwards)

Inside of Mugen Tenshin Village, Ryu, Shizuka, Naruto, Darien, and the Sailor Scouts are talking with Hayate and Ayane as they listen to the latest report that Ayane has.

Ryu says, “That’s not good.”

Hayate says, “Donovan has gotten a ‘sense’ of Naruto and if he knows the truth about him, he will covet his abilities for his accursed ‘ultimate warrior’ project.”

Ayane says, “They have already got a ‘Phase Four’ version of the ‘Alpha Project’ out and if they get even a speck of Naruto-dono’s DNA, they could go into a brand new ‘Phase Five’ and create a whole army of chakra users like Naruto-dono.”

Naruto says, “Geez! This guy sounds like Orochimaru!”

Hayate says, “Based on your stories of this ‘Orochimaru’, Donovan sounds a non-powered brother of his, Naruto. He will desire you to unlock your secrets to create his ‘ultimate warrior’.”

Amara says, “And he would love to get his hands on us, due to Hamura-dono, we have chakra powers and some of us even have bloodline abilities of his world.”

Ayane says, “Our intelligence believes that Donovan had already his eyes on you for a long time, Amara-san. He may desire to get his hands on Lady Serena’s Imperium Silver Crystal.”

Serena says, drolly, “Why am I not surprised? Just another nutjob that wants ‘ultimate power’ in his hands.”

Darien asks, “Do they know that we are in the ninja villages?”

Hayate says, “It is a good possibility, Darien-dono.”

Ryu says, “I think that it is a good idea for you to return home and lay low for the time being.”

Raye says, “Don’t count on it, Ryu-sensei. With someone like Kaguya on the loose, I doubt that we can ‘lay low’ at all.”

Lita says, with a nod, “Good point, Raye. She may be doing something diabolical even as we speak.”

Naruto says, nodding his head in agreement, “I believe that, Lita.”

Hayate says, “Anyway, you can return here quickly at any time thanks to your space-time technique.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “And if you need my help, just use your energy that you use for your Ninpo and it will signal me that you are in trouble and need a hand.”

Hayate says, “Thank you, Naruto-dono.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Just call me ‘Naruto’. I’m not used to this ‘dono’ or ‘sama’ kind of stuff.”

Serena asks Shizuka, “Are you sure that you want to come with us?”

Shizuka responds, “I have to Lady Serena. My world and especially my village are trapped and enslaved by that wicked Genjutsu in which I can’t stand around and do nothing.”

Michelle says, “We understand, Lady Shizuka. However, Kaguya is the first being to hold chakra in her world and not only that, she has more raw power than even your legendary Six Path Sage and his brother, Hamura-dono. All of us may have his power and gained abilities thanks to his power, but each of us only has a portion of his power.”

Shizuka says, “I understand. However, I just can’t sit around and doing nothing.”

Naruto tells Shizuka, “That’s not true, Shizuka. You helped the girls get stronger for when we get back home and free everyone. That’s something.”

Shizuka says, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Naruto.”

Mina asks, with a sly grin, “Oh, what’s this? Is there more to this than just friends?” Naruto and especially, Shizuka, blush about this and Raye hits Mina on the back of the head.

Raye yells out, annoyed, “Mina-chan, not again!”

Lita says, “Same old, Mina-chan!”

Mina tells Lita, with a grin, “Oh, really? You can’t help to think that Naruto’s whiskers make him so kawaii.” Lita can’t help to blush at those words and Shizuka’s right eyebrow makes a twitch in which Ayane, Ryu, Hayate, Trista, and Amara notice quickly. Soon after, Darien, Shizuka, and Sailor Scouts hold to Naruto or to someone touching Naruto in which all of them vanish in a flash of orange-red lightning.

Ayane says, amazed, “Incredible.”

Hayate says, “Indeed, Ayane. The jutsu of Naruto’s world rival our Ninpo.”

Ryu says, “And it can also exceed our Ninpo and if we fought Naruto with his power from Hamura-dono and his brother, we wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Hayate says, “It also makes one wonder what would happen if Naruto got enough of the other half of Sage’s power.”

Ayane asks, “What are you saying Hayate?”

Ryu says, “I believe that you are correct. Hamura-dono must have planned this. He truly believes in Naruto and he knows that he will never be corrupted by the same power that turned his mother into the fiend of his world.”

Hayate says, “Naruto will need every ace that he can get, but it may not be enough.”

Ryu tells Hayate, “We can only hope for the best, Hayate.”

Hayate says, with a nod, “Yes, my friend. Hope is the one thing that we do have.”

(At an unknown location; on the meanwhile)

Within a high tech facility, there is a white suited male, whose facial features are unseen, is looking at footage of the Sailor Scouts and Naruto, in his Six Path Sage Mode and his Six Path Grand Sage Mode, along with footage of Sailor Moon using her new power to make Naruto, Tuxedo Mask, and all the Scouts invisible.

The man says, with a smile, “Interesting.”

A male voice over an intercom phone says, “I take that you are seeing this, dad.”

The man responds, “Yes, my son. It seems like we have a new type of ninja in town.”

The male voice over the intercom responds, “How can you be so sure that he is new?”

The man says, “I doubt that either the Hayabusa or Mugen Tenshin can create some kind of cloak of energy that can manifest actual wings to fly and based on our reports, he isn’t using Mana, but some kind of other form of ‘biological energy’ that’s just as potent or even more so.”

The male voice over the intercom says, “And it seems like those Sailor Scout girls have gained new powers as well.”

The man says, with a nod, “I know and they seem to look like ninjas now. I believe that this ‘new player’ has a thing to do with it.”

The male voice over the intercom asks, “What shall we do now?”

The man responds, “I have started a new operation: Project Alpha-Omega. The young man is current called ‘Target Omega’ and we need to gather information on this target to learn all about him.”

The male voice over the intercom responds, “Understood, dad. Where can we start?”

The man replies, with a sly smile, “Where else?”

The male voice over the intercom asks, “The ninja won’t be able to be caught off guard anymore. How do you expect us to get that information from them? And how do you know that they even have the information on him?”

The man responds, “Even if he was from a rival clan, they would have information on him since information is gold in the realm of ninja and in fact, information is gold in the realm of military and politics.”

The male voice over the intercom replies, “Good point, dad.”

The man tells this person, “I am sending you a ‘Phase Four’ to get into the village.”

The male voice over the intercom says in reply, “Understood, dad.”

When the intercom phone goes silent, the man says, looking at the video of Naruto and the others as he glances in the direction of the screen, “You had your suspicions of being watched despite us being so far away and using magnification devices to catch video of you and the Sailor Scouts. You, my friend, are very interesting and might be even more potent than the base for Alpha herself. I look forward onto how you will ‘change the game’, my friend.”

(Much later on; Within Juuban)

Back inside of Juuban, Naruto and the Sailor Scouts, in civilian forms, are inside of the Crown Arcade as Naruto and Serena are playing on a machine with a glass dome with a game mat on either side of the dome in which Naruto and Serena are playing with cards.

Naruto says, “Whew! That was close!”

The other Sailor Scouts are watching and Lita says, “That’s incredible! You have been only been at this for close to two weeks and you have gotten Duel Monsters down so well, Naruto!”

Naruto says, with a sly grin, “Foxes are tricksters and tricksters can also be gamers, right. If it isn’t jutsu, I really can get into games. However, I have got a lot to learn and get better cards for my deck. I’ve only got a deck made from random packs.”

Hotaru tells Naruto, “However, you managed to tie with Serena-hime and she is the best Duel Monsters player among us.”

Raye says, looking at Serena, “I’ve got say that every Meatball Head has got to have their ‘thing’ in life.”

Serena retorts, with a glare, “Very funny, Pyro.”

Naruto says, “Yeah, but’s after what? I already lost dozens of times.”

Ami says, “True, but every time, it seems much harder to beat you. And Serena is a pro level Duelist.”

Serena says, excitedly, “And one day, I’m going to be as good as Yusei Fudo himself!”

Raye responds, “Ha! Yeah, right! You are good and I mean very good, Serena, but Yusei Fudo is a legend! A legend much like Yugi Moto himself! Even with the cards of Yugi Moto’s legendary opponent and the one who set the path that Duel Monsters takes today other than Maxamillion Pegasus, I doubt that you can match him!”

Serena asks, annoyed, “Says who, Raye?”

Lita says, “I’m amazed that you even have those cards. After Seto Kaiba had left his company and the world of dueling, his legendary cards were said to have been lost and the specs for making them as well.”

Serena says, with a grin, “Well, it was like they were meant for me. And they are among my ace monsters.”

Hotaru asks, “Among your ace monsters?”

Raye asks, “Does that mean that you have other ‘ace monsters’?”

Serena responds, with a cheeky smile, “That’s a secret, Pyro. Like they say: A ninja has his or her secrets.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “That’s true, believe it.” Naruto asks Serena, “Anyway, is it okay?”

Serena tells Naruto, with a warm smile, “Darien doesn’t mind, Naruto. And I know that my Darien-kun wouldn’t look at another woman and with this one, I’m not worried.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Knowing that she can kick his butt? I wouldn’t be surprised, but I’m joking. Darien is a great guy and he has the making a great ninja. His sheath and his ability to ‘make great theater’ are also great. By ‘showing off’, he distracts the enemy while the rest of you can use this to get in the necessary ‘final strikes’.”

Lita says, “You know, I never thought of it that way.”

Raye says, with a smirk, “If Meatball Head could focus on using that distraction that Darien is making and not making ‘goggle eyes’ at him, it would work.”

Serena growls and she yells out, “You are a pain, Pyro!”

Mina says, “Yeah, but he was really on fire lately! Man! He can turn his roses into whips that can cut through steel! But then again, our new ninja powers are also so sweet!”

Serena says, with a nod and a smile, “You know it, Mina!”

Amara asks, with a smirk, “By the way, why were you talking about Naruto about his days of ‘pranking’?” Serena becomes nervous and Amara asks, “Planning to become his protégé?”

Serena responds, with a nervous smile, “No way! That’s silly!”

Raye responds, with a glare, “Oh, really? You weren’t planning on learning Naruto’s ‘pranking techniques’ to do anything ‘sneak’, are you?”

Serena says, nervously, “Why would I do such a thing? I just love hearing about the ‘funny parts’ of Naruto’s life.”

Raye tells Serena, with a dead pan tone, “You are a poor liar, Meatball Head.” There are plenty of chuckles from Mina, Lita, Hotaru, and Naruto while Trista and Michelle smiles at this, but Amara, Raye, and Trista then ‘sense’ that they are being watched in which Naruto makes ‘looks’ that shows that he ‘senses’ the same thing that they are causing Amara, Raye, and Trista to nod their heads. On the rooftops outside of Crown Arcade, they are being watched by two pairs of Rinnegan-like eyes and the figures that have also have a Shinju eye on their forehead and we can tell from their forms that they are two young girls/women in which the two female ‘thralls’ of Kaguya keep a close eye on Naruto and the Sailor Scouts as Kaguya prepares to unleash her latest and possibly most sinister plans to date.

And that’s the chapter, everyone! We are getting close to the climax of this story! Anyway, with the latest chapters of Naruto manga coming out, I was surprised by what happened in Chapter 692, but then again, I’m not surprised about Sasuke through his motives were a bit of surprise. However, it still shows that he has gone into the depths of madness in which his ‘plan’ for peace in the form of his version of a ‘revolution’ will most likely only bring more death and destruction and it may have similarities to Nagato’s/Pain’s original plans before Naruto knocked sense into him. Sasuke has become the final threat to the world, at least in my mind, and Naruto is destined to be the ‘savior of the world’ by stopping him once and for all, but we are going to have to see about that folks. Please read and review to tell me what you think about my story and later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!