Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ The Infinite Nightmare Returns ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
With every chapter, we are getting closer to the grand finale and I’m sorry if I’m giving any spoilers, but due to the fact of what happened on Naruto manga chapter 692, I have made a MAJOR change to the grand finale of this story, which is going to be ten chapters and one epilogue chapter long, and there are also going to be MAJOR changes to the sequel story to this story. While the majority of that story’s plot remains the same, I have been inspired by other anime/manga and the latest information about the Naruto manga plotline to make major changes to the sequel story, which is going to be a lot longer than this one, in which you might realize some of the changes that I plan to make to the end of this story and the sequel story, everyone. Stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Yu-Gi-Oh GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature other adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16-17
Sakura Haruno: Age 16-17
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16-17
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16-17
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16-17
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16-17
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16-17
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16-17
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14-15
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18-19
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18-19
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20-21
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25
Tsunade Senju: Physically mid-twenties, but actually 53 years of age.
Hinata Hyuga: Age 16-17
Shikamaru Nara: Age 16-17
Kiba Inuzuka: Age 16-17
Yakumo Kurama: Age 16-17
Shizuka: Age 16-17

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 8: The Infinite Nightmare Returns

Within Kaguya’s ‘lair’, she and Black Zetsu are planning their next and most likely, their most sinister plot against Naruto and the Sailor Scouts yet.

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, “I knew that you could it, mother. Whatever those wretched brats can do, you can do all much better. It is the reason what all chakra belongs to you.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Yes, I know. And now, I will go to get my revenge on Queen Serenity personally.”

Black Zetsu says, with an evil smile, “Yes, mother! She will weep in despair as her own daughter serves us for all eternity!”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Yes. And Asura will pay for his defiance. I hate to leave any of my chakra to anyone, but it will be a price to pay to ensure that brat suffers for defying me!”

Black Zetsu says, with an evil sly tone, “And suffer he shall knowing all of the power that he gained that your sons took from you will be worthless as he lies helpless and unable to stop you as all of his ‘precious ones’ belong to you now and forever!”

Kaguya says, “Yes, he will be the one sealed away as he attempted to seal me as Hagoromo and Hamura sealed me long ago and he shall suffer as he slowly wilts away in which he will crave death.”

Black Zetsu says, “Mother, you give me Goosebumps when you unleash your rage like that.”

Kaguya says, “Queen Serenity and Asura will know my fury and suffer in pain and agony for all eternity.”

(Within the realm of Elysion; on the meanwhile)

Heading into the realm of Elysion, Asuna, the head of the ninja fox clan of Earth, has Argon, the head of the owl clan, and soon enough, Dragoon makes his grand appearance.

Argon says, “Dragoon-dono, you honor us with your presence.”

Dragoon responds, “It has been sometime my old friend. However, this isn’t the time for pleasantries.”

Asuna says, “No, it is not. We fear that Kaguya may plan a final attack on Earth.”

Dragoon says, “I have felt it too and an attack that may swallow up young Naruto, the Moon Princess, and her defenders.”

Argon says, a bit solemnly, “I see.”

Dragoon asks Argon, “What did you see?”

Argon doesn’t reply for a second and he then says, “Death, Dragoon-dono.”

Asuna asks, shocked, “Death?”

Argon replies, with a nod, “Either the destruction of all mankind in two worlds or a noble sacrifice that will bring the coming of a pair of ‘grand saviors’ that will tear the ‘oni’ that Kaguya asunder.”

Dragoon asks, “Did you see which it is or who’s death that you saw?’

Argon responds, “No, I don’t know which future it is or who the ‘sacrifice’ is going to be, Dragoon-dono.”

Asuna says, “I pray that it doesn’t come to that and this is why I have done this.”

Just then a strange ‘white flame’ appears and Dragoon tells Asuna, “You are treading on dangerous ground, Asuna-dono.”

Asuna responds, “I know, but I am willing to pay for my crime. He will be necessary if what I fear will happen.”

Argon says, “I hope that you know what you are doing. It took much for you to break the seal that the brother of the reincarnation of Asura-dono’s brother put him under.”

Asuna replies, with a nod, “Indeed, Argon-dono.” Asuna tells the ‘white flame’, “Do you know understand what I have done?”

A male voice comes from the ‘white flame’ and says, “Yes, I do. And while I wish to go to my eternal rest, I cannot knowing that one true savior needs my aid and I am the one who may have caused the world’s destruction by allowing myself to be used as a pawn for the twisted plans of Madara and Kaguya.” Just then a figure with red hair and wearing a black cloak appears in the flame.

Asuna says, “Thankfully, the Six Path power within Madara’s eyes has been part of your chakra for so long and due to your Uzumaki heritage, you retain the power necessary to assist Naruto if what I fear comes to pass.”

The male figure in the ‘white flame’ responds, “I hopefully that it doesn’t come to pass, Asuna-dono. However, if Naruto needs the power of eyes of the Sage, I will be ready to assist and hopefully, make up to Yahiko and Konan the pain that I have caused them for my actions as well as make up to the world.”

Asuna replies, “We all do, clansman to young Naruto. However, we can’t take any changes from this ‘great evil’ that threatens two worlds and the universe in large.”

The male figure replies, “Yes, her threat is too grave. She believes that she is a goddess, but I once believed that I was a deity as well and Naruto was the one to show me that I was all too mortal. She will fall and I will give him the aid necessary to end this madness.” As we look at the figure’s eyes, they are none other than the eyes of the Six Path Sage, the Rinnegan.

(Going to Earth; Later on)

Within Juuban, Darien is inside of his house while Shizuka is looking outside.

Shizuka says, amazed, “I can’t believe what this kind of place really exists!”

Darien says, with a kind smile, “Naruto said that you don’t have cities even close to this.”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “That’s correct, Darien-dono. Not even the largest and most technologically advanced cities in the Elemental Countries are as large as this one.”

Darien says, “Well, we don’t have chakra or ‘special abilities’ of our own so we had to rely on technology to survive in our world.” Darien says, with a sigh, “However, it doesn’t mean that we had wars that just as horrible or even worse than yours.”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “I never thought that such weapons could ever be created.”

Darien says, “Humanity is able to create the worst of things, but they are able to make things better for themselves and their planet. However, Madara could only see the worst in things.”

Shizuka says, “It doesn’t excuse what he has done.”

Darien responds, “No, it doesn’t. All the lives that he destroyed for this ‘nightmare’ is no excuse at all and he deserves no forgiveness for it.”

Shizuka says, “Hopefully, we will be able to defeat Kaguya soon before our world is enslaved to her forever with everyone reduced to nothing, but mindless slaves of Kaguya.”
Darien says, with a smile, “Do not worry, Shizuka-san. We still have much time. Time is running faster her than on your home world based on what Black Zetsu told Naruto, it takes a long process to turn the victims of the Genjutsu into those White Zetsu creatures.”

Shizuka says, “While true, I still fear for my people and my world, Darien-dono.”

Darien responds, with a smile, “Even if that happens, Serena’s Silver Crystal will be able to purify them since their transformation is so unnatural and with Naruto’s powerful chakra, I know that they will be able to restore your world even if the worst happens.”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “I have faith in Naruto, Darien-dono. However, we will need to defeat Kaguya first.”

Darien says, with a nod, “That’s the tricky part.” Just then both Darien and Shizuka ‘sense’ something and they give each other a glance in which Shizuka heads inside as well as close the curtains. Darien turns away, but when Shizuka is right by Darien, Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask and unleashes a barrage of roses that cuts down the curtains revealing a figure with Rinnegan-like eyes and Shinju eye coming out of the figure’s forehead, however, the figure leaps away to another rooftop before Tuxedo Mask and/or Shizuka could get a good look at this figure.

Shizuka asks, “Who was that?”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Most likely, another of Kaguya’s victims that she has put under her direct control! Stay here, Shizuka-san!” Tuxedo Mask then takes off after the figure, but Shizuka follows him with her ninja skills easily allowing to keep up with him.

Shizuka tells Tuxedo Mask, “I’m sorry, Darien-dono. I can’t stand around and do nothing while my world is in danger.”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a sigh, “All right, but be careful.”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “Thank you, Darien-dono.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “I just don’t want to put any of Naruto’s friends in danger. He is a good friend and trusted ally now.”

Shizuka says, with a nod, “I understand. I will tell Naruto that I had insisted against your protests. However, I fear that if Kaguya is attacking, then this could be a distraction to us anyway from the others.”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “That’s a good point, Shizuka. I need for you to make sure that they are all right.”

Shizuka asks, “Are you sure?”

Tuxedo Mask says, taking out a communicator, “Do not worry, I have a communication watch made by Ami just for me to contact the scouts if I need to.”

Shizuka says, “Be careful, Darien-dono.”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a smile, “I will and please call me ‘Darien’. Any friend of Naruto’s is a friend of mine.”

Shizuka says, with a smile, “Thank you… Darien.” Shizuka then races off in another direction to look for any signs of Naruto and the others while Tuxedo Mask takes off after the figure that they saw on his porch at his apartment home.

(Heading to another area of Juuban; A good time soon after)

Speaking of Naruto and the Sailor Scouts, they are at a construction site, currently unoccupied, as Naruto, in Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, and the Sailor Scouts, in their Scout forms, are fighting none other than Team 10 from the Leaf Village, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi, but all of them have Rinnegan-like eyes and Shinju eyes coming out of their forehead areas to show that Kaguya has taken ‘direct control’ of them. Right now, Naruto is fighting against Shikamaru with Sailor Moon.

Naruto yells out, angrily, “If Kaguya wanted to piss me off by using my own friends against me, she has succeeded!”

Sailor Uranus shouts out, “Don’t get distracted, Naruto! Stay focused!” Sailor Uranus then ducks an attack from Choji’s enlarged right hand.

Shikamaru says, “Troublesome, Naruto. You are in the way of our goddess, so, you must be silenced.”

Naruto yells out, “I don’t think so, Shikamaru!”

Sailor Moon avoids her shadow getting taken by Shikamaru’s Shadow Possession Jutsu and she yells out, “Yipe! That was close!”

Naruto tells Sailor Moon, “Be careful, Moon-chan! If Shikamaru gets you by his shadow, he has you!” On the meanwhile, Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury dodge Sailor Jupiter’s punch as Ino uses her Mind Destruction Jutsu to control her body.

Sailor Jupiter shouts out, “I can’t control my body!”

Sailor Venus asks, “What can we do?”
Sailor Mercury says, looking at Ino, “She is using her hands to focus her mental abilities to control Sailor Jupiter’s body. If we can break that concentration, we can break Jupiter free!”

Ino yells out, “Big mistake showing your hand, wench!” Ino then makes Sailor Jupiter attack Sailor Mercury and she says, “In battle, always take out the ‘brain’ of the ‘operation’.” With Choji, he has used his Expansion Jutsu to make himself grow to immense size and he stomps on the ground causing Sailor Saturn to trip and fall on his butt in which Choji takes this take this moment to try to stomp on Sailor Saturn, but she uses her Bone Pulse power to create a legion of spikes that impale Choji in the bottom of the foot causing him to yell out in pain.

Shikamaru and Ino yell out in unison, “Choji!”

Sailor Uranus says, with a smirk, “Nice one, Firefly!” Sailor Uranus then uses her wind chakra and new ninja Sailor Scout powers to fly at super-sonic speeds, creating a sonic boom, and getting in front of Choji’s head in no time with one swift kick to the forehead causing Choji to fall down on his butt, hard!

At this moment, Shikamaru managed to get Sailor Moon by his Shadow Possession Jutsu and Shikamaru says, “Shadow Possession success. Now, princess, you will pay for interfering with the will of Kaguya-sama.”

Sailor Moon yells out, “What do I do?”

Naruto shouts out, “Disrupt the shadow! No shadow! No control!”

Sailor Moon asks, in a panic, “But how?” Just then the idea comes to her and Sailor Moon’s crown gives off a bright glow.

Moon Twilight Blind!

Sailor Moon’s crown gives off a powerful flash of light that not only blinds Shikamaru, but it causes the shadows to vanish for Sailor Moon to be broken free of Shikamaru’s jutsu.

Sailor Moon yells out, “I’m free!”

Shikamaru says, unable to see, “This is such a drag.” Soon after, Shikamaru is hit on the neck by Naruto and knocked out.

Naruto says, “You don’t know the half of it, Shikamaru, believe it.” With Ino, she is still using her jutsu to control Sailor Jupiter’s body, but she then hears something and she dodges dozens of kunai forcing her to release her jutsu on Sailor Jupiter and leap out of the way.

Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “Gotcha!” Sailor Venus creates three replicas of herself and all of them charge at Ino in which she launches kunai at them in which they go through the replicas.

Ino says, “Basic clones!” Ino then grunts as Sailor Venus rams her elbow into her waist.

Sailor Venus says, with a grin, “Basic is right, girl!”

Shizuka lands nearby and Naruto asks, “Shizuka, what are you doing here?”

Shizuka responds, “I came here to find you. Darien-dono needs your help. Somebody was observing us and we believe that it is another of Kaguya’s victims under her control.”

There are gasps and Sailor Mars asks, “How can you be sure?”

Shizuka says, “We saw Rinnegan-like eyes and another eye, the eye of the Shinju, coming of this person’s forehead.”

Sailor Uranus says, “That’s a ‘thrall of Kaguya’ if I ever heard about one.”

Sailor Mars says, “Something doesn’t feel right. She has one of her ‘thralls’ watch us and then not attack us.”

Sailor Uranus says, “Mars is right. This smells like a trap.”

Sailor Moon asks, concerned, “Trap?”

Sailor Venus tells Sailor Moon, “Don’t get your skirt in a twist, girl! Your boyfriend can take care of himself!” Sailor Venus says, “Through he did get himself brainwashed twice.”

Sailor Moon says, annoyed, “Not helping, Venus-chan!”

Sailor Venus says, nervously, “Oops!”

Sailor Mars says, “Anyway, let’s get these guys freed…” However, before anything could be said or done, wooden vines come out of the ground and entrap all three members of Team 10 and absorb them into the ground before anyone can say or do anything.

Naruto says, annoyed, “Damn it!”

Sailor Neptune says, “I’m not surprised that she doesn’t make it easy for us.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “That’s for sure, Neptune.”

Sailor Moon says, concerned, “We need to help Tuxedo Mask!”

Naruto says, with a grin, “And that’s the reason that he told me to put a Hirashin seal on him at all times.”

Everyone looks at Naruto and Sailor Mars says, with a smile, “Smart move!”

Sailor Venus tells Sailor Moon, with a grin, “Told ya, Sailor Moon! Your boyfriend is one smart guy! Guess being brainwashed and turned against his girlfriend has made him more careful!”

Sailor Moon yells out, annoyed, “Do you have to mention those times Venus-chan?!”

Sailor Venus laughs nervously and Sailor Uranus says, with a sigh, “Open mouth, insert foot.”

Sailor Neptune says, with a giggle, “I have to agree, Uranus.”

Sailor Mars says, “Anyway, we should get moving.”

Sailor Mercury says, with a nod, “Yes. Tuxedo Mask might need our help.”

(Joining up with Tuxedo Mask; A short time soon after)

Speaking of said Earth Prince, Tuxedo Mask is inside of the park and looking for whoever was watching them, but he doesn’t see anyone.

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Gone?” Just then Tuxedo Mask yelps as a tree seemly comes out from the ground and entraps him in which he can’t break free causing him to ask, “Wood Style? No! This is something else!” Soon after, Kurenai Yuhi, age 31, wearing her classic outfit (A/N: Pre-Shippuden outfit as a Jonin) and sporting a pair of Rinnegan-like eyes and a Shinju eye coming out of her forehead, comes out of the tree and aims a kunai at Tuxedo Mask.

Kurenai says, emotionlessly, “You are ally to the enemy of my goddess Kaguya and now, you will die.”

Tuxedo Mask grunts out, “Who are you?”

Kurenai responds, “Your death.” But as Kurenai was preparing to strike, there is a bright flash of orange-red lightning causing Kurenai to yelp out in pain and the loss of concentrating causes her Genjutsu to break allow Tuxedo Mask to stumble forward and collapse down onto Sailor Moon, who has the rest of the Sailor Scouts, Shizuka, and Naruto with her.

Sailor Moon asks, with a blush, “Tuxedo Mask?”

When everyone looks at Kurenai, Naruto asks, “Kurenai-sensei?”

Sailor Uranus asks, “Someone that you know?”

Naruto says, “Yeah! One of the best Genjutsu experts in the whole of the Leaf!”

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Genjutsu?” Tuxedo Mask thinks, “So that tree wasn’t real! It was an illusion!”

Kurenai tells Naruto, stoically, “You will pay for defying the will of goddess, Asura’s reincarnation.” Just then Kurenai’s clothing turns into the same white stuff that White Zetsu is made off and cocoons up again in which she phases into the floor.

Naruto says, seriously, “Not this time!” Naruto charges in to stop Kurenai from returning back to the Elemental Countries, currently enslaved to Kaguya and the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but a wall of wood appears in-between Naruto and Kurenai in which Naruto yells out, annoyed, “Come on! This is a real piss off!” Naruto bursts through the wall of wood, but it is too late as Naruto sees the final tiny part of the cocoon of wood entrapping Kurenai phase into the ground. By this time, Tuxedo Mask is on his feet and helping Sailor Moon onto her feet.

Tuxedo Mask asks Sailor Moon, “Are you okay, Sailor Moon?”

Sailor Moon says, with a slight blush, “I’m okay, Tuxedo Mask.”

Sailor Venus says, with a grin, “Not like she was complaining. Oh, princess, I didn’t know that you had a ‘dark side’ to you.”

Sailor Moon yells out, with a major blush and annoyed, “It’s nothing like that Venus!”

Sailor Mars tells Sailor Venus, “Cut it out, Venus!”

Sailor Mercury asks, “What is the point of these attacks on us?”

Sailor Saturn says, “That’s a good question, Mercury.”

Sailor Uranus says, “I’ve got a bad feeling that Kaguya is planning something big.” Just then Sailor Mars, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, and Naruto sense an ‘immense dark power’ and Sailor Uranus shouts out, “What is this?!”

Sailor Mars says, “Such an incredible wicked power! It feels like Kaguya’s controlled victims, but only stronger… WAY stronger!”

Naruto says, “It’s Kaguya! I know her aura anyway! Kaguya is here on Earth!”

There are multiple gasps and Sailor Moon asks, stunned, “Are you sure?!”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I know her aura anywhere.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “It seems like Kaguya has enough of ‘fooling around’. She wants to take us out personally now.”

Sailor Uranus says, “It looks like the ‘main event’ is about to start.”

Sailor Saturn asks, “But are we ready?”

Sailor Jupiter says, “Ready or not, here she comes, Saturn.”

Sailor Pluto says, “Agreed. We are going to have to fight her as we are now.”

Sailor Mercury says, “But we are far from completing our training to use our new powers!”

Sailor Mars tells Sailor Mercury, “I’m afraid that Kaguya isn’t giving us any choice, Mercury.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a nod, “I agree, Mars.”

Naruto tells Shizuka, “Okay, Shizuka, I need to get you back to Hayabusa Village.”

Shizuka responds, stunned, “But Naruto…!!”

Naruto tells Shizuka, “But nothing, Shizuka! Kaguya is very dangerous! You have helped us a lot, believe it! By helping training Serena and her friends as best as you could, you really did help, but now, you need to leave the rest to us! I can’t risk you falling under her control again!”

Sailor Pluto says, “It is best that you listen to Naruto, Lady Shizuka.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Kaguya isn’t a regular shinobi that you fought back home.”

Naruto tells Shizuka, “She is a pure fiend, plain and simple. I can’t let a precious friend get hurt by her especially she can kill by hitting you with one of her ‘bone spikes’. One strike from those spikes and you turn to dust literally, Shizuka! It’s too risky. You are an awesome kunoichi, but this is the mother of the Six Path Sage and his brother that we are talking about here.”

Shizuka knows that Naruto is right and Shizuka says, “I understand, Naruto.”

Naruto tells Shizuka, with a nod, “Thank you.”

Sailor Uranus says, “Better get your butt back here quick, Naruto.”

Sailor Neptune says, taking out her mirror, “I’ll use my mirror to find her.”

Sailor Mercury says, activating her visor, “I’ll assist in that, Neptune.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Be right back.” Naruto puts his hand on Shizuka’s shoulder and both of them vanish in a flash of orange-red lightning.

Sailor Mars says, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a nod, “So do I, Mars.”

Sailor Pluto says, “We must be more careful because this time, we are facing Kaguya directly.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “We need to stay together and work as one.”

Sailor Saturn says, with a nod, “I agree.”

Tuxedo Mask tells Sailor Moon, “Are you okay, Sailor Moon?”

Sailor Moon says, with a warm smile, “I’ll be fine, Tuxedo Mask.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Remember, we are all with you, Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Moon says, with a warm smile, “I know… Darien-kun.” Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon share a passionate kiss, but their eyes widen as a feeling of dark foreboding comes over them. When they release from the kiss, Sailor Moon asks, “That felt weird. Are you okay, Darien?”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “Something wrong you two?”

Sailor Moon says, with a smile, “No, we’re okay.”

Sailor Mars says, “Not surprised that you two are nervous, Meatball Head. This is most likely going to be the biggest fight of our lives even with Naruto’s help.”

Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “Yeah.” However, both Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon can’t help to get this horrible feeling away that something horrible is going to happen.

(Within another world; on the meanwhile)

In a world full of strange creatures, Davis and the blue dragon creature, Veemon, is with a group of people with various other creatures that are the size of good sized animals and Davis looks back in a certain direction.

Veemon notice this and he asks, “Davis, what’s wrong?”

Davis responds, “Nothing, Veemon.”

One of the people is a young teenage girl with glasses and violet hair in which she shouts out, “Well, come on, Davis! We don’t have all day!”

Davis says, “I know how important this is! We are dealing with those fucking assholes after all!”

Davis and Veemon catch up with the group and a young teen boy of his age with blond hair with a hat on asks, “You feeling it too?”

Davis asks the blond haired male, “You are feeling it too, TC?”

The blond haired male responds, “All these years and you can’t get my name right.”

Davis retorts, with a grin, “Actually, I get it wrong on purpose to mess with you, TK.”

The blond haired male retorts, with a grin, “Very funny, Davis.”

Davis asks the blond haired male, “Are you really getting that kind of ‘shit hitting the fan’ feeling back at home?”

The blond haired male, TK, responds, “One way of putting it, Davis, but yeah, I feel it too.”

Davis says, “Nerves, I guess.”

TK says, with a nod, “Yeah, but we shouldn’t ignore this feeling, Davis.”

Davis says, “I get what you are saying, However, we can’t just leave on this feeling.” Davis thinks in his mind, “Despite my whole body fucking screaming not to ignore this!”

TK responds, “Yeah, you are right.” However, Davis or TK can’t get this ‘horrible feeling’ out of their minds, but they aren’t the only ones, a young teen girl of their age with short chestnut brown hair and brown eyes looks at Davis and TK in which a white feline with violet stripped tail with a golden ring at the end of its tail, blue eyes, and yellow gloves with grey strips on them looks at the young teen girl.

The feline-like creature asks, “Kari?”

The young teen girl asks, “Yes, Gatomon?”

The feline-like creature tells the young teen girl, “I heard everything.”
The young girl, Kari, says, “Davis and TK felt it too.”

The feline-like creature says, “If you, Davis, and TK had a ‘bad feeling’, maybe it is more than just a feeling. I thought it was just your nerves, but now, my tail is twitching.”

Kari says, “I’m just afraid that something is happening back home, Gatomon.”

The feline-like creature, Gatomon, responds, “I know that you are worried, Kari, but we have to complete this mission.”

Kari responds, “I know, Gatomon.” However, Kari can’t help to feel worried about what’s happening back at her home.

(At the Hayabusa Village; shortly thereafter)

At the Hayabusa Village, Naruto is giving the report to the situation to Ryu and Jo Hayabusa while Shizuka is being led away by Momiji.

Jo says, “I see, Naruto.”

Ryu says, “I’ll have to report this to Hayate and the Mugen Tenshin just in case.”

Naruto tells Ryu, “Please keep your clans out of this, Ryu-sensei. Neither your clan, the Mugen Tenshin, or together, you can win against Kaguya. She is a true fiend in all sorts of the word.”

Ryu says, “I know, Naruto. However, we aren’t going to let our world die without a fight.”

Naruto responds, “It won’t, Ryu-sensei, believe it! I will end this! And that’s a promise and I never go back on a promise!”

Jo says, with a nod, “We know, young Naruto. Good luck and much luck to you.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “We won’t need it, believe it!”

Naruto then teleports away via Hirashin and Jo says, “I fear that Naruto will need more than luck to win.”

Ryu says, “You feel it too.”

Jo says, with a nod, “I do, my son. A dark aura is in the air.”

Ryu says, “We can only pray for their success.”

Jo says, “And the fate of our world… most likely, our universe will depend on it.” Ryu nods his head and he, soon, heads off to give Naruto’s report to Hayate and the rest of the Mugen Tenshin clan while Shizuka overhears the whole thing.

Shizuka thinks in her mind, “Naruto… I hope that you, Lady Serena, her guardians, and her beloved are safe. Please win and come back.”

(A brief time afterwards; back with the Sailor Scouts)

With the Sailor Scouts, Naruto has just returned to them and Tuxedo Mask as they plan to search for Kaguya, if they already didn’t find her.

Sailor Jupiter asks Sailor Mercury, “Are you and Neptune sure?”

Sailor Mercury says, with her visor active, “We’re sure, Jupiter.”

Sailor Neptune says, holding out her Aqua Mirror, “She is in the Odiaba district and in the park in that area.”

Naruto says, his eyes showing that he is in regular Toad Sage Mode, “Yeah, it is what I’m getting. She is in the direction that Mercury is pointing to.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “I don’t like this.”

Sailor Mars says, “This is obviously a trap.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a nod, “From Neptune’s mirror is showing us, she is just waiting for us.”

Sailor Pluto says, “I believe that our prince and Sailor Mars’ theory is correct.”

Naruto says, “Then we need to send in a decoy and I think that I should be the decoy.”

The others look at Naruto in shock and Sailor Uranus says, “Whoa! Hey, Naruto, you can’t save your world when you are dead!”

Naruto retorts, “Not unless Kaguya is dead with me and I don’t plan to die. I don’t plan on dying until my world is safe and I have achieved my greater dream.”

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Greater dream?”

Naruto responds, “I took what you said into consideration, Darien. I looked over my life and I have gained an I idea what I really want.”

Sailor Mars says, with a smile, “Well, that’s nice, but for now, let’s keep that on the ‘back burner’. We have a ‘rabbit fiend’ to slay.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Right, Mars. Anyway, like I said, I don’t plan on dying. Just keeping Kaguya focused on me while the rest of you take her on, but I think that Darien should go off on his own while the rest of you make your own sneak attack.”

Sailor Pluto says, “You are hoping that Tuxedo Mask’s sheath will work out to a good sneak attack and even if it doesn’t cause serious damage, you are hoping that she will be distracted for you or us to strike with a powerful attack.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “That’s the plan.”

Sailor Uranus says, with a nod, “That’s a pretty good plan.”

Sailor Moon asks Tuxedo Mask, “What do you think Tuxedo Mask?”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “I think that’s a good idea, Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Jupiter says, nodding her head in agreement, “We can’t exactly just walk up to her. We would be playing into her hands, whatever they are.”

Sailor Mercury says, nodding her head also, “Agreed, Jupiter.” Everyone nods their heads in agreement, but Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, and Naruto look at each other and they can’t help to get a horrible feeling of ‘dark foreboding’ that’s going to happen in this battle.

(Later on; in another part of Tokyo)

Heading into the area of Tokyo known as Odiaba, we head into the park area where Kaguya seems to be standing in the open with a few major car deep potholes and such to attract the attention of our blond haired ninja and Sailor Soldiers.

Kaguya asks, plainly, “Where are they?”

Black Zetsu replies, “They are most likely making a half-baked plan to try to defeat you, mother. You know how they can be.”

Kaguya says, “I see, Zetsu. I can wait.”

Just then Naruto’s voice booms out, “The wait is over, bitch!” Kaguya looks towards the source of the voice only to see a huge Lava Style Rasenshuriken heading right at her in which it explodes seemly engulfing Kaguya in a large explosion and Naruto, in his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, floats down in front of where his attack just hit and the dust, smoke, and dirt from the explosion dispel to show a massive crater, but no sign of Kaguya. Just then a gateway opens behind Naruto and Kaguya tries to attack, but Naruto easily spins around and bashes in the face causing her to get knocked backwards, however, she easily stops in mid-air with ease and glares at Naruto annoyed.

Black Zetsu says, “It has been a while and for you, it has been much longer.”

Naruto retorts, with a sneer, “Not long enough, you blob.”

Kaguya says, looking over Naruto, “Hamura.”

Naruto yells out, “Yeah! Your other son, Old Man Hamura, says hello and goodbye since I got the Star Saber!”

Kaguya shouts out, shocked, “What?!”

Black Zetsu roars out, “The Star Saber?!” Naruto uses their surprise to get to them and bash Kaguya in the face once again causing her Byakugan to activate and her face to show rage.

Kaguya’s dark chakra aura explodes and she roars out, “You will pay for your defiance!” Kaguya then unleashes an assault of her All-Killing Ash Bones right at Naruto, who dodges, in which he sees various trees and animals in the park turn into ash and dust when they are struck by the bones.

Naruto says, landing on the ground safely, “Same old tricks, Granny! I’m not impressed!”

Black Zetsu shouts out, “Funny you should mention about ‘grannies’, Naruto! Here is a trick from your ‘Granny Tsunade’!” Kaguya charges in with her right fist cocked back and Naruto manages to dodge a punch, but when the punch hits the ground, there is a loud ‘boom’ as she creates a massive crater with her punch.

Naruto yells out, shocked, “That’s Granny Tsunade’s technique!”

Black Zetsu retorts, tauntingly, “No, it is my mother’s technique since your ‘Granny Tsunade’ belongs to my mother as all chakra does!”

Naruto says, angrily, “Not for long asshole!”

Black Zetsu responds, “Don’t bet on it, fool!” Kaguya makes bone spike come out of the palms of her hands and she attacks Naruto with incredible speed while Naruto matches her speed perfectly in which he dodges and at one point, he manages to use a powerful judo throw to slam her into the ground, creating a massive crater when Kaguya hits the ground in an extremely hard fashion sounding like a modern cannon go off.

Kaguya says, with a sneer, “You will pay, Asura.”

Naruto retorts, “I may be his reincarnation, but I’m Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, believe it!”

Black Zetsu says, “That’s the name that we are going to put in your tombstone, Uzumaki!” Kaguya then swipes at Naruto’s legs, but he dodges and Kaguya leaps to her feet to continue her assault on Naruto.

Naruto yells out, “If I had a yen for every time that anyone said or tried to do such a thing to me, I would be the richest person in any world!”

Black Zetsu retorts, “Too bad you can’t take that fortune to the grave!” Naruto and Kaguya then go into a high-speed battle as she launches her bones to try to turn Naruto into ash while Naruto counters with high-speed Taijutsu, martial arts that he had learned, techniques of the Hayabusa clan, and various Rasengan and Rasenshuriken based jutsu.

Naruto says, with a smirk, “Not bad… for an old hag.” Kaguya sneers as she creates her own Truth Seeker Balls that she attacks Naruto with and he yells out, shocked, “Hey! That’s Yin-Yang!”

Black Zetsu responds, with a smirk, “My mother is the ancestor of all chakra! All powers of chakra belong to her!”

Naruto says, with a glare, “All she is going to own is the oblivion that I’m going to send her in, believe it!”

Black Zetsu yells out, “Talk is cheap, Uzumaki!”

Naruto responds, “And your ‘mother’ is a worthless relic!”

Kaguya says, “You will pay for your impendence, Asura.”

Naruto yells out, “It’s Naruto, Kaguya!”

Black Zetsu says, “Asura… Naruto… Dead is dead to us!” Kaguya and Naruto continues to fight in an intense fight which turns the whole of the park into ruins.

Kaguya asks, with a glare, “Wait! Where is the Moon Princess?”

Black Zetsu says, “You are right, mother! She would be making her appearance since she is so chummy with Uzumaki!”

Just then a female voice roars out, “What do you think, you black blob?!” Just then Naruto and Kaguya look to see the Sailor Scouts, in the air, and surrounding them from above.

When Kaguya looks at Sailor Moon, she glares with anger and she says, lowly, “Serenity.”

Sailor Moon says, “That’s Sailor Moon to you, Kaguya! You aren’t going to get away with what you have done, Kaguya! It all ends here!”

Kaguya roars out, angrily, “Wretched brat! You are just like your mother and now, you will pay for your mother’s crimes!” Kaguya then unleashes her bones at Sailor Moon only for them to pass right through her!

Black Zetsu asks, surprised, “A Genjutsu?!” There is a loud ‘bang’ behind Kaguya and Kaguya looks only to get slammed by fire, ice, lightning, wind, and water mystical attacks causing a huge explosion in which Naruto flies down at top speed to meet the Sailor Scouts on the ground.

Naruto yells out, “Nice work!”

Sailor Mercury says, “It seems like mystical based illusions are something that her Byakugan can’t see through, but we have to remember that it wasn’t active.”

Sailor Uranus says, “We have gotten a good shot in, but the battle isn’t over.”

The whole ground starts to shake and Sailor Jupiter asks, “What’s going on?!”

Naruto says, “Kaguya on a rampage! Watch out!” Soon enough, bone spikes bust out of the ground and immediately, the Sailor Scouts and Naruto fly up and scatter around in which Kaguya heads straight for Sailor Moon and she yelps as Kaguya tries to impale her with bone spikes coming out of the palm of her hands.

Sailor Moon shouts out, annoyed, “What the heck is with villains and villainess trying to impale me with sharp things?!”

Jupiter Sakura Storm!

Silence Shadow Spear!

Kaguya then avoids an attack of sakura petals that explode, but she gets hit by shadow energy that comes from nearby shadows from the ground, however, she dodges a slice attack from Sailor Uranus and her Space Sword.

Sailor Mars says, “Take this!” Sailor Mars then takes out Shinto spell scrolls and creates an energy field around Kaguya.

Black Zetsu yells out, “What’s the big idea?!”

Sailor Mars retorts, with a grin, “You are going to find out!” Kaguya and Black Zetsu scream out as they are getting ‘zapped’ by the field and Kaguya roars out in anger at what she feels is attempt to seal her again in which she unleashes a powerful burst of chakra that shatters Sailor Mars’ ‘sealing field’ causing her to yelp from the backlash.

Sailor Venus says, shocked, “Mars!” Kaguya glares at Mars, but then Naruto appears in a flash of orange-red lightning and bashes Kaguya in the face sending her flying backwards until she stops herself.

Black Zetsu asks, “How did you…?” Black Zetsu then notices a Hirashin seal on Kaguya and Black Zetsu says, “Smart-alecky just like your dad!”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Must run in the family!”

Black Zetsu says, “One that’s going to end today!” Black Zetsu then uses Yin-Yang energy to erase the Hirashin seal from Kaguya’s body. Soon after, Kaguya continues to battle with the Sailor Scouts and Naruto and with the numbers on their side, they manage to easily contain Kaguya. And while they do so, Tuxedo Mask, using his improve sheath, sneak onto the field and takes out a rose.

Tuxedo Mask thinks in his mind, “My rose whip has a special poison coating just for Kaguya. Thanks to Naruto’s sword that was made from Kaguya’s bone, we manage to get a DNA sample of her or at least the body that she is using and we created this. Hopefully, we can use this to contain her and figure out a way to end her without the need for the Star Saber since the key in that seemly rusted blade won’t unlock just yet.” Tuxedo Mask then transforms the rose into a rose whip and he sneaks over to one of the surviving trees that has its leaves and cover for him to hide in to prepare for his attack.

Kaguya unleashes a rain storm of her bones at Naruto and the others and Sailor Moon yells out, “Saturn, help me! Everyone, get back!” Soon after, Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn create a shield that protects them and everyone else from the assault.

Tuxedo Mask sees an opening and he thinks, “Now!” Tuxedo Mask then unleashes his rose whip at Kaguya with her back turned at him, but at the last moment, Kaguya zips around and cuts down Tuxedo Mask’s rose whip much to his and the other’s shock. Black Zetsu then extends his body and grabs Tuxedo Mask by the waist in which he and Kaguya yank him out of the tree.

Sailor Moon shouts out, horrified, “Tuxedo Mask!”

Tuxedo Mask grunts out, “But how?”

Black Zetsu retorts, slyly, “You weren’t that bad, pal. Your sheath abilities are worthy of any ninja on this or back in our home, but you didn’t think that we had an idea that you, the bratty Moon Princess’ prince, would be around whenever your precious princess was in danger! We were waiting for you to make your move and now, your trap has worked and you have fallen into ours!”

Naruto yells out, “Let him go!”

Naruto charges forward and Black Zetsu yells out, “You got it, fool!” Black Zetsu then flings Tuxedo Mask into Naruto and both of them fall into the ground with a sickening ‘thud’.

Sailor Jupiter says, shocked, “Oh no!”

Black Zetsu responds, “Oh no is a good work for it! For you!” Just then dozens of wooden roots burst out of the ground and grab all of the Sailor Scouts in which they scream as they are sent into the ground, hard. As Naruto and Tuxedo Mask struggle to their feet, Kaguya creates a black sphere in her hands and Black Zetsu yells out, “Mother doesn’t want to waste such valuable chakra, but you are too much of a wildcard and we believe that it is better that you suffer!”

Naruto shouts out, “You are going to have to hit us first!” Naruto then creates a legion of Shadow Clones that attack Kaguya, but she manages to fend them off in which she sees one that looks like the real Naruto with the Truth Seeker Balls on her left. However, she then slashes at the Naruto on her right and right in the eyes causing him to cry out in pain.

Black Zetsu yells out, “You really think that we would be fooled by the same trick?!” Kaguya then blasts Naruto into the ground and Tuxedo Mask immediately zips over to Naruto.

Tuxedo Mask shouts out, “Naruto!”

Kaguya says, “Join him fool!” Kaguya then launches the sphere that she created and the whole ground erupts while Naruto and Tuxedo Mask yelp as they are flung into the sphere.

Tuxedo Mask yells out, “What is this?!”

Black Zetsu responds, “My mother’s version of the same wretched jutsu that Hagoromo dared to seal her away in! Now, let’s see the reincarnation of her son likes to be sealed away!”

Naruto, still blind from Kaguya slashing her eyes, yells out, “You won’t get away with this! I’ll get out and kick your ass!”

Kaguya retorts, plainly, “Farewell for good, Asura.” Kaguya then causes the gravity to increase and both Tuxedo Mask and Naruto cry out as they are sealed in a massive sphere much to the shock and horror of the Sailor Scouts, who are trapped by White Zetsu.

Sailor Moon yells out, horrified, “Tuxedo Mask-kun! Naruto!”

Sailor Uranus roars out, “Let us go!” Soon enough, the Sailor Scouts struggle and at a good pace, break free of the White Zetsu and their grasp while the moon-like sphere with Tuxedo Mask and Naruto trapped in the center floats high above much of Tokyo.

Black Zetsu yells out, excitedly, “We’ve won! We’ve beaten them! Now, mother! Take this world! It belongs to you now! This place shall be the first!”

Kaguya says, “Yes. Now, Queen Serenity shall weep in the afterlife as her daughter, her home, and her precious planet becomes mine! As the new goddess of two worlds!” As gateways from Gaea open up, Kaguya opens her third eye and casts Infinite Tsukuyomi which shines its infamous light over Tokyo via the official moon that Kaguya had just created. At that moment, when the Sailor Scouts free themselves, they scream as they become engulfed in the light of the Genjutsu along with much of Tokyo joining them as Kaguya laughs evilly as the roots of the Shinju come out of the gateways to cocoon and entrap the people of Tokyo as they have done all over the Elemental Countries on Gaea.

And that’s the chapter, everyone! This is the beginning of the grand finale of this story, everyone! And I know that I ended it on a horrible cliffhanger, but it is going to get better, I promise! Now, personally, I’m a Darien fan and personally, I realize this about him. He seems to be not the strongest of the defenders of Earth along with the Sailor Scouts, but consider this: No one actually senses or sees Tuxedo Mask until he decides to reveal himself of his own timing and he ‘antics’ can allow the Sailor Scouts to put the finishing move since he provides the perfect distraction. If one remembers their ‘Batman Begins’, it was mentioned that theatricality and deception are the weapons of a ninja and Darien/Tuxedo Mask uses them quite well in the anime. Hopefully, I gave a more positive rendition of Darien/Tuxedo Mask/Endymon in this story which was my intention. Now, keep reading and reviewing in which later and best wishes, everyone!