Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ A YYH/YGO Fanfic (Aren't I creative with names?) ❯ Let's Duel! Er, Sorta..... ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A YYH/YGO Fanfic pt. 7
Please note: The characters from the shows are not mine. I'm just playing with them. ~The Author
I walked back inside, now that I'd regained control over my emotions, and looked in the nurse's office to check on Anthony. Still unconscious, as expected. I decided that, since the school had gone haywire over the tournaments, I'd go and practice my martial arts form. I would be testing next week, and I might as well perfect it while this one, precious joy I'd found, lasted; it was only a matter of time until my mother had found a flaw with me having martial arts in my life.
The girls' gym was completely deserted, and I guessed that it would be good enough.
I began, thinking all the while of other things, allowing my body to perform what it knew by heart. Turn left, down block. Mental thought: `I wonder how those demons got here. Did someone open a portal in Japan? But if so, then why come here, to America? What are they planning????' Step forward, punch*Mental Thought:* `Are the demons just doing this out of desperation to get food? Is this all by order of the King of Makai? Does Yuusuke know? Who even won the last Makai Tournament???' turn right, down block Mental Thought: `Who would try to do this? Why is Youko here?? Why am I fighting him first??' Step forward, punch.
My head was so filled with questions, that I did not hear someone enter the gym. I finished my form without flaw, and without kiyap (battle cry). I didn't really want someone to hear me, and come in and destroy my peace and quiet.
I went back to ready position, and heard the person behind me for the first time. Whirling around, I saw Youko, with that annoying little smirk on his face.
“What do you want?” I asked, glaring at him, feeling the heat rise slowly up to my cheeks.
“Why haven't you pulled out yet? You know I can beat you with one blow.” He said, ignoring my lack of manners. I remembered the note he'd given me earlier, and clenched my fists in fury.
“I have my reasons, Youko. Just as I'm sure you have yours.” I replied, playing the same game I knew that he loved to play.
He laughed and walked closer. I backed up in turn, reflexively. His smirk grew into a dark grin.
“Youko. Do you have any idea of what you're getting yourself into? Not only can I win, but I have talent that you only wish you possessed.” I half-lied, not letting him see any signs of weakness.
“Hmmm…You're strong, for a human, especially a female of your size.” He said, circling me; studying me. My eyes never left him.
“And what's that supposed to mean?” I said, trying hard not to show emotion. He saw right through me.
“Oh, come now, little one. You don't really think that you can fight me.”
“Anyone can fight you. It's just a matter of winning.” I shot back, my head clearing and ignoring all feeling.
“Oh, I see we're thinking now.”
“You weren't before? I somehow find that hard to believe.” I countered, ready for anything else he could dish out.
“Besides, I'm not entering to fight you. I'm entering because of someone else.”
“Oh? And who would that be?” I paused for a moment, wondering if I should tell him, and for the suspense.
“Like I'd tell you.” I said, and turned my back on him; a risky move.
“I have ways of making you talk.” he stated, now closer than before. I turned.
“Oh, do ya now?” I replied, turning around halfway.
“Yes, as a matter-of-fact, I do.” he said before grabbing my shoulders, whirling me around, and holding me still with his tail. I stood there stiffly, shocked, my mind frozen like ice. I couldn't move, I didn't even think. My hand just moved on its own to the tip of his tail, grabbing it, prying it off, and breaking free. I dashed for my purse and grabbed my duel disk, not even thinking about what I was doing. I put it on, shoved in my, deck, activating it, and drew the first card. Creeping Doom Manta. I put it back into my deck. Useless unless we were under water. Next card. Amazon Archer! I held it, face out.
“I summon Amazon Archer, in attack mode!” I yelled. Amazon Archer sprang forth, bow string pulled taut.
“What, I'm supposed to be scared of cards now?” Youko says, growing a plant. The hidden cameras focused in on us, unnoticed.
“Go, Amazon Archer! Attack Youko's plant!” I didn't really know the names of the attacks, but she shot her arrow with brilliant aim, hitting the plant in the head and killing it. Youko looked a bit taken aback, but recovered quickly. I didn't give him much time to think of a new strategy, though.
“I sacrifice Spirit of the Harp and Sonic Bird to activate Amazon Archer's special ability!” I cried. Amazon Archer pulled out two arrows, and fired, hitting Youko's right and left arm. I drew five cards, and placed Yomi Ship and Spirit Reaper in face-down defense mode. Youko grew two more plants, and tried to destroy them both, but couldn't destroy Spirit Reaper because of its effect, and killed the other one because of Yomi Ship's effect. I drew, and played Monster Reborn to revive Yomi Ship and place it in Defense mode. Youko backed up a bit.
“I hope you learn from this expirience, fox-boy. There are no rules against using duel monsters in the martial arts tournament.” I said, knowing that he had no intention of fighting anymore. “Now go, before I decide to finish you off.” I said. He'd gotten a taste of my power now, and was bound to learn from it. He didn't know the boundary of my cards yet, and he'd only seen six of my cards, but I had a feeling he'd figure it out soon, and brace himself if I ever drew those cards again. He turned and left. It was then that I remembered: I had a duel.
To be continued…