Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma X ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko. All characters (that I have not created or borrowed from other sources) belong to her. This is a fanfiction, and is not intended to violate the rights of those who hold control over the Ranma series. The same can be said of the X-men: Evolution series and those who create it.

I have no money for legal problems and would very much appreciate it if no one tries to sue me. Thank you very much. Some of the first part of the fic was written by the Author at the Anime Adventures. They are...Demonhawk01, Philip Weigel, Dr. What and others. Thanks.

C&C welcomed at

Ranma X
Chapter Four

Scott had exited the danger room in frustration. He couldn't believe what was happening with the exercises that the X-men had been practicing with. Or more likely the problems that he was having with Ranma.

The professor pulled his wheelchair up to the young man. "What is the problem, Scott? Or should I be asking who the problem is?" He looked at the young man expectantly.

"It's Ranma. Psylocke seems to listen to commands well and the rest of the X-men are use to the orders I give. But Ranma seems not to want to listen to my orders at all. He seems to want to do everything himself. And with many of the exercises he seems to be able to pull it off himself. How do I get him to follow orders?"

"Ranma is a special case. He's use to doing things on his own. He has become greatly skilled at doing things by himself that has made him a bit self centred at doing things. He has a little bit of an loner outlook. He reminds me of another mutant that we know." Xavier said as he tried to help Scott with his problem. It was one that Xavier had to get use to at times.

"Who's that?" Scott asked, curious about this mutant that could be such a source of trouble for the Professor to control.

"Wolverine. Logan has a nack for doing things his own ways and being stubborn at doing things in such a manner. He can be at times a loose cannon, hard to control his actions." Xavier explained.

"So how do you get Wolverine to do what you want?" Scott asked as he wanted to discover how to control the power of a loose cannon.

"I mainly try to get Wolverines desires to match my own. Sometime I trust in his abilities to get the job done. But I do try to gain his trust and work hard to earn it and deserve it. Once I have his trust and respect, he comes to trust and respect my ideas and orders. You must respect that they might have the ability to the job in their own way, but you must also make them understand that the power of the team is greater than that of the individual." Xavier turned to Scott and looked him in the eye. "It will be hard work and one of the greatest test of your skill as a leader. But it will be well worth it whan it all comes together."

Scott thought about what the Professor had said. He had seem close up how hard it was to control Wolverine. He was a hard person to understand. A hard person to convince that your way was the right way. But he was a powerful friend to have and a worse enemy to have on your back. The Professor was right it might be hard to control Ranma with out gaining his trust. Trust that could only come from trying to understand Ranma and where he was coming from. Perhaps more could be revealed from Ranma's lesson's in martial arts.


Cologne had nearly gotten things ready for her move to America in her search for her rogue Son-in-law. She had gotten a deal for the Nekohaten by a company interested in expanding into the world of Chinese food for Japanese appitites. Things were going well. Except that something was making Cologne was uneasy. Perhaps it was the strange character who had been talking with Mr. Part- time.

He was a powerful American young man, walking with the skills of a warrior. He was carrying a hidden power that surged in his aura. The weirdest thing was that he had black eyes with red pupils.

It was all of the proof Cologne need to know that he was one of the "Power Blood". What the modern world had called mutants. The Chinese Amazons had seen this happen in different times and in different places. They were sources of legends and tales that were told in the lands of the Amazons. The Musk tried to create powers equal to that of the Power Blood by mating with transformed animals. And were successful in certain cases. The Amazons respected the power of the Power Blood. They were given places of great honor with the tribe and were enticed to marry into the blood of the tribe. But they were one of the rare exceptions to the marriage laws as they were excused from the old trible laws. ' You don't want a person who can shoot fire or lightning mad at you.' Cologne wisely thought.

So the Question was why did this member of the Power Blood want Mousse? Or Tatewaki Kuno? For Cologne had seen the same young man around the Kuno heir as well. What did these two have in common. They only thing that she could think of was frighting to her chances of a marriage between Shampoo and Ranma. The two were rivals with Son-in-law. It look like that Ranma had gained a Power Blood as an enemy.

And with Son-in-law's sudden disappearace it made sense. The powerful enemy that was chasing Ranma must be one of the new breed of Power Blood. And where could one go to get protection from a Power Blood. The answer was simple. With other Power Bloods. Cologne had been keeping her eyes open to the last crop of Power Bloods and had learned of battles fought by an American group of them. Ones that lived in a place known as Bayville. That must be the place that Son-in-law must have fled to for protection.

Now Cologne knew where her errent Son-in-law had gone, Cologne was wondering what to do. Ranma had powerful enemy that had power that even the Amazons respected. He must have also gained allies that held similar power in order to protect himself. This lead to a possiblity that Cologne didn't like and Shampoo would most certainly hate...what if Ranma had the Power Blood. That would change everything. They wouldn't have the power of law on their side. They would only have the power granted by whatever desire they could get out of the boy. Cologne hoped that the boy was only an ally to the Power Blood and not one himself. She didn't need the difficulty. But they would head to America to find out...

Back in America....

Ranma watched as he looked to those he had taken on as students. He had promised to teach the rest of the X-men his skills in martial arts to improve their fighting skills. He had watched the skills of the students he had and judged them. They had some skills in simple fighting skills. They all had potential. Kurt's acrobatics gave him an extra edge in his fighting skills. But so far they had learned the basics of falling. They had picked up some of the throws and moves of some of the most common martial arts.

Ranma had been surprise at the skills he had to develop to teach the Art to others. Especially given the fact that most of the teaching methods that he had learned had been his father's and those methods usually involved some kind of destructive properties. So he had to change his training methods so that it wouldn't kill the X- men. That had been one of the hardest things he had to do.

But they were picking up the moves and the style of Anything Goes. To build a living system of martial arts that changed and evolved with each practice and each combat. To absorb moves that had been taught, seen, and used against you and use them against your foe. Plus there was the mental training that his father had given, the legend of Bushido that had been his bases of the martial arts. The protection of the weak. The acception of all challenges. The respect of an opponent's weakness. All of the things that sum of Ranma's knowledge of the martial arts.

And they had seemed interested in his mental disipline as well. Especially Scott. Which had surprised Ranma, given the trouble that Ranma had caused the young man in the practice. Ranma had completed the task without using his power, completed it without any help from the others. Which had upset them. But they seemed a little more relaxed now. But Ranma didn't see what was wrong with that. He had the skills to complete the task, why weren't they happy with the results?

As Ranma was teaching the skills of Anything Goes, Betsy was teaching her style of ninjitsu. The skill of the movements of deseption. Skills of using the least amount of movement for the greatest amount of effect. The power of the shadows. She was having just as much of success as he was. These were apt pupils. Ranma realized that they were learning this as part of the skills they might need to learn to keep alive. And he was glad to help them as he become closer to them.

He had grown closer to them, as they were a little more willing to accept him than some of those who he had left in Nerima. At least they weren't trying kill him like some of his other "friends" that he had gained over in Nerima. Or manipulating him. Or pounding him for no good reason. They had treated him as a regular person, or as regular as someone with their quirks and powers could be expected to accept.

He had learned much about them. Kurt had a comedic wit that came out. It made Ranma smile to see that wit in work. He could see the uses of that wit as a weapon to use against an enemy, as a shield to hide behind. Kurt seemed to be the most accepting of the students to his little problem. But given the way Kurt looked, it was most likely that he was accepting to those who looked different. That didn't stop Kurt from teasing about getting to see more of Ranma's softer side.

Scott was a hard person for Ranma to like. He was rigid at times with his rules and orders. It just rubbed Ranma the wrong way. They could see eye to eye, no pun intended. But he did gain a little bit of Ranma's respect. Scott seemed to hold a code of honor that was a little clear to Ranma. Plus Scott tried his best to be the best. From that Ranma could feel the head of a rivialry that seemed to grow between them. A least it wasn't a romantic rivialry. Although Ranma could see that Jean was attractive, he didn't feel a romantic connection between them.

Perhaps the reason he couldn't feel a romantic connection to Jean was the fact that she reminded him of Kasumi. Not in any physical way but in actions and behaviors that reminded Ranma of the way a big sister was to be. Polite and kind, helping him with his problems. She even help him with his homework, or at least getting it into things he could understand like martial arts.

Kitty was clearly under the old Saotome charm. She had been under it since day one, although the fact that he changed sex with a splash of water. It had taken her a little while to accept that. Time and a little experimentation with his curse. She had come around and started her hunt for him. She was constantly nicer to him than the others were regularly.

Plus there was the fact of her cooking. He should have guessed at it's quality when most of the X-men, students and teachers had fled when Kitty brought her cooking around. But he wanted to be nice and tried it. It wasn't as bad as Akane's. It wasn't that good, it was barely ediable. But it was ediable. The fact that he seemed to eat it brought a look of joy to Kitty's face and seemed to impress her into trying to get him to go on a date with her. At least he didn't have that much trouble with the rest of the X-Women.

Betsy was perhaps the person that he was the closest to even if she was a girl. She could related to him as she was as new to this as he was. Yet had lived just as weird a life as he did. She was also into the martial arts as he was even if they had different disciplines. They had become as close as theives sharing their impressions of the others and of their training. They spent time talking about that and their likes, dislikes, pasts and dreams. They took time out of the day to spar with each other. Ranma won most of the time, but there was a few sneaky hits that won Betsy a few of the spars.

And then there was Rogue. A mystery to Ranma at what she was feeling, she kept herself isolated from most people. Most likely a side effect of her dangerous power. But Ranma offered his hand in friendship and got something back from Rogue. They weren't as close as he was with Betsy, but they found common ground with each other. Each felt isolated in the world at times and were used to doing things themselves. Rogue was also obviously disgusted at Kitty's behavior to get closer him, but Ranma wasn't sure if this was from the perkiness of Kitty hunting for a date or if Rogue had fallen as well under the power of the Saotome Charm.

But what had impressed Ranma was that they were willing to hear him out, unlike so many of the Nerima Wrecking Crew, who jumped to conclutions first and asked questions next to never. Here he was given the benfit of the doubt first. Ranma was feeling welcomed here even if they got angry with him like they did after the power exercise. It was giving Ranma a little bit of guilt over how the training exercise was working. Maybe he should try to listen to Scott's orders first before dismissing them.

He was adjusting to the new schedule that had been arranged for him by the Professor to help him at his school work. Work that he had to do in the mansion while the others were in Bayville High. A school that he couldn't attend due to anti-mutant hysteria and his curse. So he studied with Ororo, Hank, Logan and the Professor at the Manor. He had at first not been interested in the school work that they had offered him. Till they merged it with the martial arts. They placed everything in terms of martial arts. Math, Science, English. They all become part of his school of martial arts. And he liked it.

But a part of him still wondered what the rest of the nuts in Nerima were doing now. With his leaving all of a sudden, they were likely in a state of confusion. He wouldn't see them anytime soon.

Elsewhere, in a secret location...

Magneto was excited with this. A new process to transform ordinary humans into brother mutants. It was one of his greatest work. It combined a hard to make mixture of chemicals with a treatment of powerful neurogenetic manipulations to activate dorment mutant DNA hidden within the human genome. It was just a simple process that cost much in design and construction. But it was worth the high price it costed to gain the mutants that he would need to convert the world to his cause of mutant superiority.

And he would have the first human subjected to which he would test the process on. One of the few that he had selected for this project. One to conteract the power of the new mutant Ranma Saotome. A person who would be given one of the half dozen doses of the compound that would grant him mutant power. One to go thought the possibly painful process taht would transform him into Homo Sapian Superior. That person was....

Tatewaki Kuno was waiting for the man that the forgiener Gambit had told him would give him the power to challenge the 'Dark Sorcerer' Ranma Saotome. Kuno desired combat against the 'evil' Saotome to bring honour back to the Kuno name for all of the defeats that he had been made to suffer from the knave. Plus he still had to liberate the Pig-tailed girl from the black arts that Saotome held her with. Plus even the beautiful Akane Tendo was still under the dark spell of Saotome as she was still resistant to their love.

A man approached the young Japanese boy. A man dressed in a red and purple arm with a helmut on his head. To Kuno the man had the look of a forgien version of a samurai. A man with power and force of personality. This had to be the man that had been the source of so much respect from Gambit. This had to be Magneto. The man behind the strange traveling orb that had been sent for him and had taken him to this strange new place.

"So you have decided to accept my offer of more power and the chance to fight Saotome?" Magneto said to Kuno looking the boy up and down, judging the young man trying to size him up for the battle ahead. The boy had a look of a warrior to him, yet had a hint of failure to him.

"I have come to seek the justice of heaven against Saotome for his foul deeds that he has commited against the Kuno family honor and the people of Japan. His foul debachery against members of the fairer sex must be stopped before he spreads it across your land. Your servent Gambit has explained to me that you have a process that would grant me more power to use against the dark arts of Saotome. To bring an end to his dark reign on Earth. For once and for all." Kuno said, awaiting the words of the Master of Magnetism.

"I do have a way of awaking the power that lies dorment in you, awaiting a chance to be brought out in the open for your use against your enemies. But I must aks you a favour in exchange for this power. That you must help my cause and help me crush those that would stand against us." Magento said as he explained things to Kuno.

"We would create a new world order where people blessed with the powers that you would gain access to after the transformation would be the superiors of those without those powers. For we have been given these powers as the proof that we are the rightful inheriters of the Earth as the strong. Will you accept this as part of the price you will pay for the transformation?" Magneto asked as he looked at the young man.

Kuno thought this over. To him it made a lot of sense. The strong had a right to rule over the weak. Was that not the way of the old samurai? Guarding and lording over the lesser people. With the power that he would be granted, would he be superior to those that did not hold the power? In many ways he would become a samurai under the service of Magneto. A forgiener, but one who had a vision that resemble the Ancient Japan that Kuno idolized.

"I accept your offer and your condisions. But I beg a favour. Once we have place the new world order, I would like to gain rulership over Japan. To bring it back to it's greater glory." Kuno said, as he dreamed of a new Kuno lead dynsty of emperiors. If he was going to gain powers to defeat Saotome and become part of a new world order, why not use that power to grain one of his deepest, darkest dreams. To rule over Japan as he ruled over Furenken High.

Magneto smile. "I believe that could be arranged." He said. The two of them walked into another room to begin Kuno's transformation into a new mutant in the forces of Magneto. 'Ranma wouldn't know what had hit him after I'm done with Kuno.' Magneto thought. Now he just needed the other two canidates to come to him for the power he would grant and he would have the power to control...or destroy Ranma Saotome.