Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes you just... ❯ At My Feet ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Just one to describe how not showing your true self and hiding away leaves you with nothing at the end of the day. (Yes, that purposely rhymes)
At My Feet
So many lies there are,
So much deceit.
All my feelings pour out
And lie at my feet.
I can't contain my emotions;
They just seem to fly away,
Or drop into oblivion,
Or at my feet they lay.
I don't know who I am;
I can't tell what I see.
But I do see my mask,
At my feet in front of me.
Nothing remains of me
From what I have so far.
`Cause my memories have left me
And at my feet they are.
Slowly I'm consumed
By what used be salvation.
The darkness from the inside
Now, at my feet, breeds creation.
Starting from the bottom, then going up,
In not too long I'll be no more.
But now I finally see
At my feet, the entrance to the door.
May the light refill me,
And may the darkness take it away.
I know for eternity,
At my feet, will be another day.
Just a bit of symbolism to show how emptiness may feel and how sometimes it can feel good. Please, if you could be so kind, tell me what you think of my work.