D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Gay Sanctum ❯ A Modest Proposal ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gay Sanctum
Chapter 5: “A Modest Proposal”
“Are you going to be singing in the choir for Christmas?” asked the priest.
“Of course, Father. I sing in it every year. Why would this year be any different?”
“Niwa, though it really doesn't matter, I've noticed that you haven't been coming here as much as you used to. Is there a reason for this sudden absence?”
Daisuke lowered his head. The only thing that has been keeping him from coming to do his daily prayers was Dark. The purple haired, amethyst eyed, tall teen that stuck to Daisuke like a moth to the light. Daisuke felt like they shared his unexplainable attraction that bonded them to each other. Forces to strong that not even his faith could free him from their bond. Daisuke smiled to himself. Just musing about their special relationship made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. “Niwa?”
“Well, you see, Father, prior to this, I didn't have anyone to occupy my time, but then I met this really cool guy,” even to himself, Daisuke felt like he was acting like a girl who had just met some guy.
“Oh? What's his name?”
“Dark Mousy,” Daisuke folded his hands together like a bashful little girl.
The priest's charming smile was overtaken with uneasiness. “Mousy? Are you referring to that taller, purple haired, conceded, low grade average, priest terror boy?”
“He terrorizes priests?”
“Oh, yes. Just last Sunday, I asked him to carry several books from the library to the church, and you know what he did? He did bring books, just not the books we needed. He brought over a hentai art book, several playboy magazines, and a yellow covered book titled What to do With a Hard-On For Dummies! And as a special gift, he left condoms in our Christmas stockings!”
The priest appeared absolutely terrified. “Several of our priests quickly vanished into the chapel where they spent the next few days in prayer. One of our priests had to leave, and two others returned the books. They haven't returned since. They claim they have to erase the evidence. They are such good men.”
“They're probably somewhere on campus reading those graphic books right now,” Dark had suddenly appeared on the scene, leaning against the entrance to the church, folding his arms triumphantly.
“Mousy…,” the mere name nearly choked the priest.
“Don't worry, I'm not here to terrorize you today. The new issue of Girls Gone Wild isn't out. I'm just here to pick up my prized possession.” Daisuke had gotten used to the bizarre terms Dark would use when referring to him. “Ready to go?”
“He's such a bad influence,” the priest mumbled.
“I was just with you several minutes ago, and already you're read for more fun?” Daisuke giggled.
“I'm bored. I need entertainment,” Dark walked up next to Daisuke and grinned at the priest.
“Have a good day,” said the priest as Dark slipped his arm around Daisuke's waist and pulled him away.
Once outside the church, Daisuke tried to free himself of Dark's tight grip, but futile as it was, Dark wouldn't let go so Daisuke just gave up. “You're my prized possession, Daisuke,” Dark said.
“That's the second time you've called me that. Why?”
“Because you are.”
“But I don't belong to you, right?” Daisuke sounded unsure of himself.
“Not quite at the moment, but you will.”
Daisuke, a possession of Dark? Now that was going to be the day, “And how will that happen?”
“You'll see.”
“How soon?” Daisuke moved himself closer to Dark as if using his body to pry a delayed answer.
Dark stopped walking forwards, turned to Daisuke, wrapped his other arm around Daisuke, and before pulling him into the bushes he looked around to make sure no one else would see them. He guided Daisuke through the bushes and gently pressed him up against a tree, and whispered into his ear, “When I feel it's time.”
Daisuke sighed, “It would have to be soon,” he rested his hands on Dark's shoulders, “My family wants me to meet my fiancée tonight.”
A newfangled sensation struck at Dark. Since when had Daisuke been engaged? Why didn't he tell Dark? And people still arranged marriages for their children? “You're engaged?” Dark voice cracked.
Daisuke looked down to the side at the leaves, “I thought you knew. Everyone knows. I've been engaged since my parents ascertained that I was a boy. I never had a say, and I never will.”
“You've been engaged for years and you're barely meeting her now?”
“She's older than I am, and before turning sixteen, her parents feel it is right for me to meet her. We are to wed when I turn eighteen, and so they want us to know each other for at least two years in advance before marriage. It will give us time to get to know each other, and so we won't feel like complete strangers when we are wed.”
That meant that there was still a possibility that Daisuke would become fond of his fiancée, and if that were to happen, he would marry her and forget all about Dark. “Daisuke, can I ask you something?”
“You just did.”
“Idiot. Do you even want to get married?”
“As long as it is someone who will be respectful, loyal, non-egotistic, then I guess…”
All those characteristics didn't apply to Dark. There was only one question left for Dark to ask, and he didn't know how to approach it. “Dark?”
“Umm…,” Dark tried to take control of his tension, “Do you even like girls.”
“What?” Daisuke titled his head as if confused by this question, “I never gave it any thought, but what do you mean?”
“Forget it. I'm sure that you have to get ready to meet her,” Dark released Daisuke and walked off.
(Daisuke's POV)
His voice quivered in a dissimilar tone right before he released me and left. I was so surprised and sure that he was going to make me his. What did he mean by that? I had to idea. “What's wrong with you, Dark?”
I slipped through the bushes and headed towards my dorm with my hands in my pockets. Just when I arrived at my dorm, the phone rang. “Such good timing,” I said before I picked it up, “Good evening. This is Daisuke Niwa speaking. May I ask who is calling?”
“Good evening, son!” There was a familiar voice.
“Hi mom.”
“Have you been washing your underwear the way I told you? Have you been eating healthy? Have you kept your room neat and tidy? You've been getting exercise, right? How is school?”
“Mom! Someone could be listening!”
“Alright, alright already. So, are you ready to be picked up? Risa's parents are already on their way and you haven't even been properly fitted into your suit yet. I have a car on its way to get you. It should be there soon. Ok, bye dear.”
I didn't even get a chance to answer, but as soon as I placed the phone back down, an announcement went off, “Daisuke Niwa, a ride is here to pick you up.”
“At least I don't have to worry about packing.”
When I arrived down at the gate, I could feel Dark's eyes on me. He's always around to watch over me, and truly I thank him for that, but sometimes I want space too. I looked over my shoulder to see if I could spot him, but no luck. He was no where to be seen. “Please hurry, Mr. Niwa.”
“Coming,” I got into the car and it drove off.
When I arrived at my family's estate, I spotted my mom waving to me at the side of the entrance. She pulled me into the manor, up the fleet of stairs, and into my room. Ok, get dressed quickly. Your suit is hanging right there. The Harada's are waiting downstairs and supper is getting cold before it has even been served.”
My mom ran out of the room, and I turned to the suit. I quickly slipped out of my uniform and into the suit, and it wasn't until then that I noticed that I smelled like Dark. His cologne was kinda strong, and it must've gotten all over me when I was rubbing against him earlier today. Oh well.
I gathered my clothes, and instead of tossing my shirt into the laundry basket, I slipped it under my bed sheets. Just then, someone knocked my door. I rushed over to open it. Our new butler was waiting to escort me down to meet my fiancée and her family. It's not that I needed one. I knew my way around my home very well, it's just that it was more formal.
When the two of us arrived at the doors that led to the living room, he opened them for me and bowed as I entered. My family and my fiancée's family stood up and greeted me. “This is my son,” said my dad, “Daisuke Niwa.”
“Delighted,” said Mr. Harada who extended his hand to shake mine. He gave a strong and firm shake that could've easily crushed my metacarpals.
“Quite the charming young boy, isn't he?” commented Mrs. Harada. She gave me a hug then sat down.
“This is Risa Harada,” said Mr. Harada.
Thus, I finally got to see my bride-to-be. She was about my height with those heels on; she had long and wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and wore a white and pink puffy dress. It looked like something from the Elizabethan Age. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you,” she curtsied and I bowed in response.
“Well, dinner is served,” said my dad.
We then all headed over to the dinning, and what a surprise, I was seated next to Risa. Our families went on with business discussion, and Risa and I just sat there for a few moments in silence while eating our dinner buns. “I'm really happy that I finally got to meet you, Niwa.”
“No need for formalities,” I chuckled, “You can call me Daisuke.”
“Very well, then. As I was saying, I'm much honored that I have the privilege.”
She may be a little too formal for me, so I just smiled and nodded. “Daisuke, no need to be shy. Talk to the lady,” my dad insisted.
“So,” think small talk, “How's school?”
I think I heard my dad chook on his bun, and my mom repressed a laugh. I just kept up my smile.
“School is boring,” Risa sighed, “There are no boys to talk to. Just girls. Even all our teachers are women. There isn't a single male on campus.”
“And that's how it should be,” said Mr. Harada, “Girls at such a young age don't need to be under the influence of the opposite sex. It only leads to unscrupulous behaviors.”
“Dad!” Risa exclaimed.
Dinner was, if anything, way too formal for me. I'm used to the silverware deal with the multiple forks, but not the excessive formal talk. Now, we were all just lounging around in the living room. The Harada's were going to be staying here thought the Christmas season. Oh joy. My dad and Mr. Harada were still going on about business, my mom and Mrs. Harada were going about grandchildren, and Risa was just sitting there by her mom's side. Like a fawn seeking protection by staying close to its mother. If only I could feel that when I wasn't around Dark. Yes. Over the course of the last few months, I've become so fond of being around Dark and enjoying his infinite protection that I no longer feel quite as safe anymore when I'm not with him. He's around me almost every second of everyday, so I guess it's only natural for me to feel vulnerable when my dog isn't around to be loyal and protect me. “Mom, I'm tired.”
“Say goodnight then.”
I went up to each individual and said goodnight before making my great escape to my bedroom. I slipped out of the suit and into my pajamas. I then reached for the shirt I slipped under the sheets and pulled it out. I held it against my nose, and sure enough, I could breathe his unique scent once more. I felt protected once again, and so I slipped myself into my bed and held the shirt close. “Dark…” I mumbled against the one item I held. I couldn't wait `til tomorrow. I longed for the angel with the dark wings.
(The Next Afternoon.)
First period came, then second, which was followed by break. I was so sure that Dark was going to show up at any second and sweep me off my feet, but there was so sign of him. I sat under a shady tree eating cookies with Saehara, who was eating biscuits. We were silent until Saehara spoke, “No Dark?”
“Haven't seen him.”
“Oh? You two usually are inseparable. Did you have a fight?”
“Not really,” then something clicked. What if Dark was mad at me? But why should he be? Does he have a reason to? “I think I need to talk to him.”
“Do you know his schedule?”
“Do you know where his dorm is?”
“Do you know who his other friends are?”
“He has other friends?”
“Look, just ask those people up in the office. I'm sure they'll tell you.”
During the last few blocks, I anxiously waited for that last school bell to ring, and after what seemed like forever, it rang! I darted to the office, and when I got there, I went up to the lady who sat there all day on her big butt on a black, office chair in front of the computer. “Do you have Dark Mousy's dorm number?”
“No. You'll have to talk to the lady in the office next door.”
“Thank you,” I slipped out and sprinted to the next office, “Evening!”
“How can I help you?”
“Do you have Dark Mousy's dorm number?”
“Yes I do, but first may I ask why you need it?”
“Because I need to speak with him. It's urgent.”
“Anything urgent can be written down and mailed to him later.”
Why does everything have to be so complicated?! “No, but I really need to speak with him in person, and I'm sure he won't get back to me unless I speak with him.”
“Are you planning to threaten him?”
“Are you planning to assault him?”
“Why would I do that?”
“You'll have to fill out this application and I will need your parents' signature on this lower left line.”
“What? Why?”
“For security reasons.”
Oh my god! This is going to take forever! “Listen, I just need to speak with him before today is over.”
“Then you'll have to report to the office on the far left. I am not obligated to just give out other student's information without a formally written letter explaining why, and a formal letter of agreement from the student whose information you want.”
I was so ready to scream my head off, but decided against it. I turned and walked out with steam steaming out of my ears. Why is it this difficult to get a hold of someone like him?
So I went down to the office on the left, and on the door it posted: `Out to Lunch.' “Great. Now what?”
“Ya need something?”
I turned around and saw a fellow student with his hand bag lifted over his shoulder. “Yeah.”
He raised a brow, “Wha's up?”
“Do you know Dark Mousy?”
“Yeah. I'm his roommate. Whadda ya need to know?”
“What is his dorm number?”
“Oh, it's 415. On the fourth floor and to the right.”
I was there in a flash. His roommate wasn't there so, maybe we could have some privacy? I knocked on the door and waited. No answer. I knocked again, and on the other side I heard someone say, “Did you lose your keys again?”

It was Dark! So, in my nest imitation voice, I imitated his roommate, “Jeez. Wha's your prob? I lost `em. Ok? Now open up.”
“Comin',” I waited anxiously as the door suddenly unlocked and opened. I tried to keep a straight face, but Dark never actually opened the door. He just unlocked it. So, taking the knob into my hand, I slowly turned it. And there, Dark laid on his bed with his ipod in his hand and earpieces in his ear. “Umm.. Dark?”
Dark turned his head and his eyes widened to the size of the ipod's turning dial. “Daisuke?” he took the earpieces out and stood up, “What are you…”
“I need to talk with you, Dark,” finally!
“How did you get my room number?”
“From a friend. Why? You didn't plan on me knowing it?”
“No, it's not that.”
My head dropped, “Well, if you really don't want to see me…”
“It's not that.”
“My fiancée is going to be here for the rest of December. I'm only going to be here during school. I have to leave soon. My dad will be here shortly. I told him that I had something I needed to do after school so that we could have time to talk.”
Dark stood in silence. His face conveyed the feeling of disquiet. “Daisuke,” he finally spoke, “Do you love her?”
The sudden question caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting for him to ask me that. I just came here to speak with him in matter pertaining to if he was still made at me. Do I love her? Love is a strong word that I don't like to throw around to casually. “We were arranged to get married. Whether I love her or not doesn't matter. It's strictly business. By marrying her, it'll bring my family more wealth. “
Suddenly, Dark grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me up against the door. “So, then you could careless about your happiness?”
I've never seen this side to Dark. It's almost as if he's been transformed. “Let go! You're hurting me!”
He dropped me, but then wrapped his arms around my waist ad pulled me in. “I don't want to hurt you. Hurting you has never been my intention.”
Being this close to him brought me comfort, even with his immense anger. I cuddled closer by burying my face in his shirt; breathing in his familiar, comforting scent. “I didn't know you cared about me having someone to love when I get married.”
“It's not that,” his voice choked.
“Then what is it?” I looked up at him, “Do you wish for my happiness, and you don't believe that my marriage to Risa will make me happy?”
He smiled, but it didn't assure me, “Yes. I want your happiness.”
“I don't know what I want. I don't know what will make me happy at the moment. I just don't want to get married.”
“You don't?”
I shook my head, and suddenly there was a spark in Dark's eyes. “I got it!” he dragged me over to the bed and sat me down, “You don't want to get married, right?”
I nodded.
“Then check his out. How about we pretend that we are dating, and purposely do `things' in front of Risa and her parents so that they reconsider. No man wants his daughter marrying a gay, even if the marriage isn't for love.”
The scenario was tempting but what would happen if it got out to more than just Risa and her parents? I would have to talk with my parents about it too, and maybe my friends. “But… we would have to take my parents into consideration. I would have to tell them about it, otherwise they may get the wrong idea. But what if they don't approve?!”
Dark put his arm around my shoulder and rocked me, “Daisuke, no parent would want their kid to suffer.”
The plan sounded great, and if everything worked out the way we wanted, then I wouldn't have to marry Risa. “Ok, but only when we are around them. And there will have to be limits to what we do. And…”
“Relax,” Dark patted me on the back, “I won't force you into anything you really don't want to do. Like sex. Kissing is another matter,” he suddenly drew me in closer, “Ya know,” he whispered against my ear, “Since we are now officially `dating,' we need on work on kissing.”
“Ki… kissing?” I pressed my hand against his chest to push him away, “Right now?!”
Like the tender breeze pushing down against the dainty flower, Dark settled me onto my back with simplicity. “Just a peck,” Dark maneuvered his body over mine with one hand relaxing against my waist while the other cupped my cheek. “You're so cute when you're red,” he chuckled, “Now wrap your arms around my neck.”
Hesitant at first, I slowly reached out and encircled my arms around his elegant neck. I felt like the gayest teen on the planet. “Dark, I'm not sure about this.”
“Relax. You sound like some virgin that's just about to have sex. We're just going to kiss.”
I never thought my first kiss would belong to Dark. I knew the moment I met him, my life was going to change, and it has since that fateful day. Unintentionally, he was dragging me down his path of immoral virtues. Now his legs are propping him above my fragile body while his eyes gazed into my frightened ones. “Stop staring at me. It's making me nervous,” I whispered.
Starting off slowly, Dark lowered his face until he was hovering just inches above my lips. I could feel the tension getting to me. I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible, and I could sense that Dark was doing this to me on purpose to allure me in. “Kiss me, Daisuke,” he breathed against my lips.
I only had the faintest bit of conscience left in me. The tension between us was fiddling with my mind, clouding my thoughts. I contracted my arms around Dark's neck, which pulled me closer to him, and sealed our lips. I felt a jolt in my stomach before my muscles felt weak and enervated. I wanted to let go and be at the mercy of Dark and his intimate embrace, but he pulled away, “Part your lips for me,” he demanded.
I felt gayer than ever. My lips divided for Dark as he dove back in. He relentlessly kissed my lips and sucked on the lower one. “Mn!” My arms slide down and my hands clenched onto his shirt. I pulled him closer, and his hand that was once cupping my cheek had moved to intertwine with my hair while the other slipped under my back.
Seeing that I was opening up to him, he took the kiss to the next level by dipping his tongue into my mouth for a brief second. My eyes shot open and stared into his. “You're precious,” he whispered as he sat up.
“That's it?” I wanted to ask him. “You pervert.” I told myself.
“You ok?” Dark asked.
“Dark…,” “…Kiss me.”
Suddenly, his hand started to fiddle with my hair. “Don't you have to meet with your father?”
Oh yeah!” I nodded. Slowly I made my attempt to stand up, but try as I might, my joints were weak and unsteady. “I'll see you later.”
My fingers had just coiled around the knob before Dark spoke, “That's it?”
I looked stared at the door blankly, then at Dark. “What?”
“You're not going to invite me over or anything?”
I thought for a moment. What if I did decide to invite Dark? Would my parents approve? At least I knew that I would be able to sleep peacefully at night. “Let me ask them.”
“Wait!” Dark combed his fingers through his hair, “You're actually considering it?”
“I do want you to come over. Is that so wrong?” My legs were still swaying and fighting against gravity to hold me up.
“You're so adorable,” Dark rose form the bed and pressed me against the door with his body aligned with mine. “You'll have to give me an answer by tonight, or I'll be going home for the holidays,” he breathed every word into my ear.
“Yes, I'll ask my parents as soon as I can,” I fought against the urge to reach out and embrace Dark.
“Good boy,” Dark looked at me in the eyes then gently kissed my forehead, “Go,” he said as he opened the door and showed me out.
I stepped outside, and he closed the door just in time to avoid seeing my burning face. Even I could feel the heat. “Dark…,” I shook my head and tried to get my thoughts straight. I felt like a teen age girl who had a crush on someone she could never have. Except… Dark was sort of mine.
Furiously, I blushed. Then smiled. Then giggled. I had Dark all to myself! I really didn't know why, but I was incredibly happy. In a matter of fact, I was so happy that I was skipping down the hall like a silly little girl. All I had to do now was ask my parental unit if Dark could stay for the Holidays.
“Now, who is this Dark fellow?” asked Risa's father, “he doesn't sound like a very civilized man.”
“He's a teenager. The word's foreign,” said my mom.
I had finally worked up the courage to ask my parents if Dark could come over, but the evil Harada's just had to butt in. “Well, I think he's a fine young fellow,” said my dad.
“He is,” I lied, “he's respectful, he's considerate, he's honest, he disciplined, and smart!” Who did I just describe?!
My dad looked over to my mom who suddenly looked away. I didn't think she would approve of this since she wanted me to spend all my time with Risa to get to know her. I looked at y dad with pleading eyes. He gave me a weak smile. “Honey, Daisuke will still spend time with Risa. Maybe all three of them will do stuff together.”
“I'd rather my daughter not get involved with another man,” said Risa's father.
“That settles it,” said my mom, “No, Daisuke. Your friend cannot come over. Maybe another time.”
My jaw dropped, “Mom!”
“No yelling at the table,” said my dad.
“But… but…”
“No but's,” said my mom as she waved the fork in my face, “Now, finish your dinner, then take Risa out to the garden.”
I looked down at my clam chowder. I would usually down this stuff in a second, but because of the butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't bear to eat. I was sill daydreaming about Dark kissing me, and before I knew it, I was red again. “Daisuke, are you ill?” asked my mom.
“No,” I took several more sips of my soup.
However, I was the last to finish. Risa was kind enough to wait for me while out parents went off to do their own things. “I'm sorry,” said Risa, “I guess you were planning on hanging out with your friends, and I ruined it.”
You got that right.
“It's ok,” I lied.
As soon as I finished my bowl, I led Risa outside. The garden wasn't very big, but there was a maze. “Come on. I'll show you the fountain in the center.”
After I led her around the bushes, she took off and gazed at the fountain. “It's beautiful!”
She dipped her hand into the fountain and swirled the water around. I smiled and approached the fountain before I looked down at my reflection. All I could see was Dark's face. Once again, my knees felt weak, so I sat down on the edge and sighed. “What's the matter?” asked Risa.
“I think I'm obsessed with something.”
“With that?” she asked.
“I'm not sure,” I smiled. I want to see Dark again!