Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ The Day you said Goodnight.. ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ms.Mizuno : Good morning class! You know what next week is?
Santa : Oh yeah! It's the music festival!
Ms.Mizuno : Right! And you know what we're going to do?
Aya : A play?!
Ms.Mizuno : No Aya, we're going to make a band!
Nanami : A band?
Ms.Mizuno (smiles) : Yep! And I want Kanata to be the leader of the band!
Kanata : What?! Me?! But I'm not into music!
Christine (pats Kanata on the back) : Oh Come one Kanata! I know you can do it!
Miyu : Yeah! We'll be cheering you on!
Ms.Mizuno : Okay Kanata! Make us all proud!
Kanata : darn it!
Later… after 2ndperiod..
Kanata (staring blankly into space) : …
Nozomu (shouts at Kanata's ear): KANATA!
Kanata :BBBBLLLUUEEEAAKK!!! Nozomu! Stop it!
Nozomu : So, did you decide who's going to be your band mates?
Kanata (points at Nozomu) : Hmm.. you're included in the band!
Nozomu (smiles then skips like a crazy Kangaroo) : Yahoo! I'm included! I want to be the Bass!
Kanata : Oh sure! Just don't mess up ok!
Santa(places his arms around Kanta's neck) : hey Buddy! Watcha doing?
Kanata (smirks at Santa) : Well.. Well.. Well.. Santa you're going to be the drummer!
Santa (chibi face then starts to cry): Thanks Kanata! I'm going to show the school about my drumming skills!
Kanata (raises both of his arms) : So that's that! The 3 of us … at the music festival!
Aya : Wow! We have our own band! (points at the three boys).
Nanami (slaps Santa's back really hard) : Make us proud Santa!
Kanata : Ok! Nozomu and Santa! We're going to meet at the mall tomorrow after class!
Nozomuand Santa nodded their heads…
Next day…at the mall..
Kanata (sipping some coke) : Where's Nozomu?
Santa (window shopping) : I don't know, he must be with Christine! Woah what a nice camera!.
Kanata ( places one hand on Santa's shoulder) : You know what Santa ? when we win the contest, you can buy that camera! So I'm expecting the best out of you old buddy! (pats his back).
Santa : You betcha buddy! Hey look it's Nozomu (points at Nozomu running towards them.)
Nozomu : Sorry guys *huff* *puff* I've got good news for you…
Kanata :What is it?
Nozomu (hands Kanata a cheque) : Christine said that she'll pay for all the expenses! Here look at the amount…
Kanata and Santa : Holy!!!!!! That's a lot of cash! We can buy the equipment we want!
Nozomu : haha! My Christine sure knows how to help her friends hahah!
The three of them went to the store named “YAMAKA” , they browse through various instruments such as Electric Guitar , Acoustic Guitar, Bass, six string bass, drum sets etc.
Kanata : I think I'll take this one! (hold a dark blue Electric guitar)
Nozomu : I Like this one (a violet colored bass)
Santa :This set rocks! (a black drum set)..
The three of them heads for the Saionji temple to practice…as they arrive at the temple, they set their instruments at the main hall..
Miyu (taking Lou a bath) : There Lou! The water is cool right?
Lou : Da! (splashes Miyu some water).
Miyu : Why you little critter! (splashes Lou some water).
Wannya (Hosho form) : Hey Miyu, Kanata and the others are here! Why don't you give them a hand?
Miyu : Ok! Take care of Lou ok?
Wannya : Ok! (looks at Lou) ok Lou! Let's take a-
Lou (smirks at Wannya) : Dahaha! (uses his powers to create a mini tidal wave then splashes Wannya).
Wannya : Oh yeah? Bring it on Lou! (splashes Lou some water).
Miyuarrives at the main hall and finds Kanata, Santa and Nozomufixing the drum set..
Miyu : Amazing, you guys really look like a rock band!
Santa (laughs then scratches his head) : Hehehe.. not really…
Miyu (smiles at Santa then looks at Kanata) : Hey Kanata, do you need help?
Kanata (carrying the bass drum) : Sure.. This one is heavy!
Miyu (helps Kanata carry the bass drum) : Don't worry! I got it !
Miyuand Kanataboth carried the bass drum as both of their hands touches eachother..
Kanata (placing down the bassdrum) Hey Miyu.. let go..
Miyu : Wha?
Kanata : Your hand, it's pinning mine..
Miyu (quickly lets go of the bass drum) : Oh Sorry!
Kanata (went down hard because of the heavy bass drum) Gyahh!
Miyu : You okay?
Kanata :I'm fine looks like that's all! We've finished setting the drum set, now we can practice!
Miyu : Cool! (sits on the floor and watches the band perform).
Santa does a cool drum roll followed by Kanataand Nozomu's blended rhythm..
Miyu (claps her hand) : not bad! I like it!
Kanata (stops strumming) : hey guys… what are the lyrics?
Nozomuand Santa both fell on the floor in shock! [you know when you did something stupid your other companion falls to the floor in a comedy like state] <- explanation.. :D
Nozomu : You mean? You don't have a lyrics?
Santa : what a total bummer!
Kanata : oh well… I guess I'll compose it later tonight!
Nozomu : so then, we can start practicing tomorrow…
Santa : See you Kanata
Kanata and Miyu : Bye now!
Miyu : So Kanata…? Huh? Where are you going? (looks at him as he goes inside with the guitar).
Kanata : I'm going to practice…
Miyu : Need help? I can help you compose you're piece… I like composing songs hehe…
Kanata (smiles at her) : No thanks Miyu… I can do this by myself.. (goes inside his bedroom).
Miyu : Selfish guy! Humph!
Wannya (carrying Lou) : Hey Miyu… did Kanata's friend left?
Miyu : Sure did…
Wannya (transforms back to a sitter pet) : Thank goodness… anyway I'll make dinner!
Lou (flies to Miyu) : Mama!
Miyu :Oh hi Lou!
Lou : (smiles and giggles) : Mama! Mama! (hugs her).
Miyu : Aww.. Lou… you're so cute you know that?
Wannya : hey Miyu? Which do you prefer fish or chicken?
Miyu : I don't know.. what about you Lou?
Lou (uses his power to float the fish) : da!
Wannya : Then it's settled! We'll have fish…
Miyu (puts Lou down) : Okay Lou.. you have fun okay? I'll help Wannya prepare dinner.
Loufloats in the air then all of a sudden he feels something from Kanata's room so he goes there..
Kanata : Ow! It's hard to strum this guitar (looks at his bleeding finger.)
Lou : Papa! Papa!
Kanata : Hey Lou
Lousees Kanatableeding because of the guitar so Lougets angry at the guitar.
Lou (uses his powers to let the guitar float) : BaaaH!
Kanata : No Lou!!
Lou : Da! (points at the guitar) Ow! Papa!
Kanata : No Lou.. it didn't hurt me.. it's my own fault.. (carries Lou then calls out Miyu).
Miyu : What is it? Huh? Lou?
Kanata : Lou thinks that the guitar is a monster because it caused me to bleed.. so here.. can you take care of him?
Miyu (takes Lou from Kanata) : Ok! You wait there Kanata.. I'll come back!(placed Lou beside Wannya then gets the first aid).
Kanata : I told you Miyu.. It didn't hurt (Miyu places some medicine onto the wound) Ow!

Miyu : It didn't hurt eh?
Kanata (blushes a little) : Well.. little.. (Miyu places a band aid around his finger).
Miyu (pats Kanata's head) : Feel better?
Kanata (nods his head): uh-huh..
Miyu (walks outside) : well Kanata… dinner is almost ready ..
Kanata : Ok Miyu..
Miyuleft his room as Kanatasat on the floor thinking about Miyuand Lou
Kanata : That Lou… he actually cares for me just like Miyu… We've been living together and I never thought that they really care for me like that… OK! I'm going to finish composing tonight! I have my inspirations with me (thinks of Lou , Miyu and also Wannya).
Before Kanatacould start composing his song ...
Kanata : oh .. yeah… dinners almost ready.. so I better help them..
Kanata : Here's my piece!
Nozomu (reading what Kanata composed) :Wow! This looks sentimental hahaha..
Kanata (scatches his head) : It's the only thing that I can think of.
Santa : Well It can work.. let's go rehearse..
Ms.Mizuno (grabs the three boys on their collar) : Hey.. we have classes right?
Nozomu : Oh right! Hahaha!
Santa :I forgot..
Kanata : Darn it…
Miyu (sits beside Kanata) : Hey Kanata… can I see your piece?
Kanata : Nope! If you see it then you'll ruin the suspense
Miyu : What?! It's just a peek..
Kanata : No is no Miyu! Don't worry … this song is great… it's dedicated to the four of us! Haha…
Miyu : Really! That's great! I can't wait!
Nozomu : You know what Christine? Kanata wrote our song! And I'm dedicating this to you…
Christine : Wow! Thanks Nozomu! (blushes).
Santa (sitting at his desk and looks like he's writing something) : Dear penpal… me and my friends are going to sing at the music festival I'm dedicating this to you.. here's the lyrics… (writes the entire lyrics as he smiles).
Ms.Mizuno : all right class! The music festival is just 5 days away! So we'll wish our performers luck!
Kanata, Nozomuand Santa practiced the song until they mastered it..
Kanata : Phew I'm pooped! Anyway good job guys! Tomorrow is the music festival! I hope we don't screw up!
Santa : Yeah! I'm ready!
Nozomu (sleeping) :Y…Yea..wa..wha..whatever..*snores*
Miyu (handing them some tea) : Hey! You guys finished?
Kanata (grabs a cup of tea) : yup! *sips*
Miyu : looks like what you did was too much for Nozomu.
Santa : Yeah! Ok! I think I'll go home right now… I don't want to be stressed out for tomorrow! Well see you guys…
Nozomu (wakes up) :Right…..see ya guys… let's go Okame..
Kanata : Well… I better get some rest for tomorrow… good night Miyu..

Miyu : Goodnight Kanata.. sweet dreams!
Kanatastopped by what Miyuhas said.
Kanata : The day you said goodnight (then smiles)…
Miyu : What? (Kanata walks away) Whatever buster!
Music festival…
Miyu (sitting on the front row) : I'm getting excited! I wonder what kind of song are they going to perform..
Aya : It's going to be a blasts! (puts out her notebook) I'm going to include it on my play!! (transforms to mini Mikan ^_^)
Ms.Mizuno : And now for our Music contest…I present you.. our own Kanata! Santa! And Nozomu!
Christine :this is it!
Kanatais wearing a blue shirt as he looks at Miyufrom the front row!

The song starts by the strum of the guitar… [well most of you know this song! It's very popular]
Kanata :
Take me as you are
Push me off the road
the sadness,
I need this time to be with you
I'm freezing in the sun
I'm burning in the rain
The silence
I'm screaming,

Calling out your name

And i do reside in your light
that puts up the fire with me and find
Yeah you'll lose the side of your circles
That's what i'll
do if we say goodbye

To be is all i gotta be
And all that i see
And all that i need this time
To me the life you gave me
The day you said goodnight.

The calmness in your face
That i see through the night
The warmthess your light is pressing unto us
You didn't ask me why
I never would have known
ivion is falling down

And i do reside in your light
Put out the fire with me and find
Yeah you'll lose the side of your circles
That's what i'll
do if we say goodbye

To be is all i gotta be
And all that i see
And all that i need this time
To me the life you gave me
The day you said goodnight.

If you could only know me like your prayers at night
Then everything between you an
d me will be alright.

To be is all i gotta be
And all that i see
And all that i need this time
To me the life you gave me
The day you said goodnight.

She's already taken,
She's already taken
She's already taken me
She's already taken,
She's already taken me

The day you said goodnight
The audience applaude!!
Miyu: That was.. beautiful!! Amazing!
Aya: unbelievable! (applauses)
Nanami: It's so sentiment!
Christine: Nice job! (claps her hand)..
Later… Kanatagoes out of the school gym with his guitar when he notices Miyustanding against the wall..
Kanata: Hey Miyu
Miyu(comes close to Kanata) : That was nice KanataIt was magnificent!!
Kanata: Thanks Miyu!
Miyu: Since you won the first prize I'm going to treat you!
Kanata: REALLY!? Ok! Let's go Miyu(holds her hand causing her to blush then Kanataruns dragging Miyualong)…