Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ Cupid's Arrows ❯ Demons? or Just anothe Episode? ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'm really sorry for the long time I didn't update, and I'm sorry that this chap is so short but I was not in the mood… all my documents were deleted… hoo-hah… anyway, please enjoy this sucky fic. Review, please! Flames are accepted…
I do not own Daa! Daa! Daa... there, I said it.
Chapter 7: Demon? or Just another Episode?
Kanata shot his eyes open with shock. `What the heck is happening?' Miyu gazed at him lovingly, her grip around him tightening into a tender hug. “Oh, please! You look like you're available and so hot, too! I know I'm just a normal girl, but please accept my feelings! I… I love you!!” Miyu screamed, snuggling her face into his chest. Kanata was numb, completely paralyzed with astonishment and a nagging feeling…
`She… she doesn't remember me? Wait… If I accept to be her boyfriend, she could be min—aaahh!! I can't, what would her parents think? Her teacher is a pedophile? I cannot let that happen!' he thought with determination ringing through his head. He has a point, though. He was one of the well-respected people in the field, not only for his age and intellect but for his good looks as well.
“Look here—” Kanata was cut off by a pair of happy lips pressing against his. He tensed up even more and to add to his demise, a few pairs of footsteps were coming their way.
“She doesn't remember anything, not even her name! This may be a serious liability to the welfare of the school!” The nurse came with the headmaster and prepared to turn the last corner to the clinic. Kanata panicked, saw a restroom right across the clinic and dashed towards there.
“Where is she? Headmaster!” the nurse shouted as they entered the small clinic. Kanata took a quick peek and saw that they were out of sight then took the opportunity to escape from the scene. He informed Miyu while they were running, his hand tugging on hers.
“Listen. Your name is Miyu Kouzuki; you are one of my students in 4-3. I can't be your boyfriend because that would dirty my name and disrespect your parents' wishes of you being a good daughter. You're 18 and I'm a stupid person for wanting you in the first place. Clear?”
Miyu looked shocked, her eyes welling up. `My head hurts... it hurts…' she thought, allowing her free hand press against the sided of her temples. “Yes… Saionji-sensei…”
“Good. If they ask you anything else, just say that you're alright. And please, stop doing that love-thing. It's creeping me out.”
“I got it!” She removed her hand from his grasp. Kanata was a bit startled but he didn't bother to look behind him. It was a gesture that made clear that what he said was understood by her.
They entered the classroom, the class cheering because of the triumphant return of their 2 most favorite people.
“Hi, guys!” Nanami greeted, Aya joined in. “Miyu-chan! Are you alright?”
“Ah…” Miyu glanced at Kanata who returned a nervous smile. “Yes… I'm alright. Thanks for asking.”
The two girls sighed heavily, relieved. Then Nanami shot up, rising up some food. “Good! Now, LUNCH!!”
Ah… lunch…
The nurse was still looking for her in vain due to her embarrassment in front of the headmaster. Miyu hid behind walls, pillars and people. Kanata told her that it was dangerous to be seen by the nurse, at least for the time being. `I have to find out my past! I don't want to live like this forever!'
“Kouzuki!” Kanata ran toward her, flailing his arm up for her to notice him. She didn't, however. Maybe she was still getting used to the name since he only introduced it to her just a few minutes ago.
“What is it?”
“I know how to reverse the effects!” Kanata proudly said, moving just a few steps away from her.
She felt a familiar book hit against her forehead.
Kanata went to her, smiling but worried. “Did it work?” He said, looking at her forehead. Miyu swiftly swung her arm, hitting Kanata's and making it drop from its previous place on her forehead. “NO! AND DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!”
“Ehehehe…” Kanata shook the arm she hit. It hurt. “Then… what about THIS?” He raised a stethoscope to her face. Her reply was a sweat drop and a big fat…
“No! Try again, brainless.”
Kanata thought for a moment and grabbed her hand, a tint of crimson emerging from his cheeks. “I have a horrible idea.” He led her into the back part of the school and pinned her against the wall.
“You're gonna kiss me, aren't you?” Miyu said flatly, her face gradually getting redder when she announced it. Kanata raised an eyebrow at her, impressed.
“You got it. I just realized that you are now legally an adult so there is no pedophilia here!” Kanata said overconfidently. “So, what do you want? Sweet? Passionate? Tender? French? You name it, I got it.” Kanata smirked, leaning in slowly.
Miyu sighed. “One, even though I am an adult, you're still my teacher and I remain your student.”
Kanata pulled back a little and his smirk turned into a flat line.
Now it was Miyu's time to smile. “I like tender. Make it good.”
Kanata's smirk returned, plastered on his handsome face. He caught her lip and kissed her, long and affectionately, lightly at first and then he deepened it to the point where Miyu was deprived of oxygen.
“Heh. Just the way I like it. I think I'm starting to remember some stuff… hmm…motorbike… Lou… onstage kiss… I'm guessing this is half of it or so…” Miyu pouted and looked Kanata's way. “If you kiss me again, maybe my memory would be restored, ne?”
Haha! They kissed again, sweetly this time. Suddenly, Miyu pushed him away, panting and beet red. She wasn't the Miyu a few seconds ago…
“Ka-Kanata! Y-you PERVERT!!” Miyu ran off, shocked and confused, leaving a disappointed but amused Kanata.
Sighing, he walked to the way opposite from where she ran off to.
“Same old, same old…”
Gomen ne once more! I'm in denial, that's all… Promise I'll do a better one, a longer one. This chap is so short! I'm sorry
Please review! I just want to hear from you guys! Ja ne!