Danny Phantom Fan Fiction ❯ Under It All ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sam rushed down the hill, her now glowing eyes searching the snow clouded world for any sign of her boyfriend. She had to find him before he did the wrong thing, before he muttered those words. Rushing forward her eyes found the cave easily, but as she spotted it she heard the sound of someone speaking, the sound of Danny's voice reaching her ears, his words deep, but not the words above the tomb... These were questioning.

"Are you sure this is right?" came his voice again, her feet sliding over the ice as hands reached for her, their reaching fingers being crushed under her ice boots, the sounds of screams sure to alert the occupants of the cave, but Sam was beyond caring as she rushed to aid her love, his obvious discomfort making her sure he wouldn't do what the person with him was asking. "I don't know how this will help you... I mean it seems strange that it would required someone who had nothing to do with the curse."

"I'm sorry that he didn't have the whole story," came a response, the voice Sam's own voice, her eyes going wide as she rushed into the cave, the voices further than she thought. Running through the halls she hoped that she wasn't going to be too late and as she opened her mouth to call out she realized she had no idea what would happen should she call out to Danny. Would the other Sam hurt him? Could she risk his life?

"The history is all wrong about Frigid. Her name was Frigid, a name that her parents gave her because where they came from." Danny looked at Sam, his expression one of neutrality and yet he was really looking to see what was going on with her. He saw Sam, the raven hair the same, yet the look in her eyes was different and yet he knew with her being taken over there was a chance that she looked different. Somehow it was odd, that look in her eyes. He was assuming that with her new look that she would change. It had seemed that with the takeover that this woman, this ghost, that there was a change in the host. That she changed appearance. And yet with Sam there was no change. Nothing. She looked as she had before.

"Her parents didn't know what to do with her when she was born, her appearance not what they had expected and yet when she began to talk and move on her own it became worse. They treated her like some parasite. As if she weren't their daughter, couldn't be their daughter. They didn't even tell her they loved her." Danny took a step back now, the rage in the Gothic woman's voice. It didn't sound like his Sam at all. Sure, the raven haired beauty had a temper, but not like this. No, this woman before her wasn't Sam. "We must go. You have to say the words to save me!" she cried out suddenly, her slender fingers reaching out to grasp his arm.

"Um...maybe we should go back, you know to Frostbite's for more information..." he faded off, his mind working over what he should do knowing that the woman before him wasn't Sam. If he pissed her off and she attempted to take him down he was more than likely screwed. This was her ground, not his so she would have an advantage that he didn't have. Her eyes narrowed at him, the orbs a lime green that flickered back to amethyst moments later. "I would hate for something to happen to you just because we did something wrong," he stated, his hand falling on hers. She blinked, a look of confusion coming over her facade.

"You care that I could be hurt?" she whispered, her tone one of awe. Danny nodded, a thought going through his mind at that moment.

They didn't even tell her they loved her. This might be what could stop her, the fact that she had been unloved versus the fact that someone showed they cared. She shook her head suddenly, her eyes narrowing again.

"You don't really care! You would rather save yourself!" She yanked him down the halls of the cave, the sound of water dripping the only other sound besides their footsteps. Danny opened his mouth and began to talk to her, the words that she had spoken coming back as he asked more questions. "You don't care about Frigid. No one cared about her and as a stranger to her plight you couldn't understand."

"Understand her plight?" Danny questioned as he thought of all the years he had suffered as not only a human teen, but then as a halfa. The secrets that he had kept, the people he had hurt and the fact that as a freak he had suffered. "Listen here," he said, his voice low. "You may not have known parental love, but I did and when I became who I am now I lost that!" Around a corner Sam crept, her feet floating slightly because of the ghost powers that flowed through her blood. "I became something they hunted and if that wasn't bad enough my powers weren't under control for the first year I had them so while in public I became a ghost and when I needed them they failed me."

"Who ar-" He held up his hand, his frustration brimming at her pity party.

"You were hated without reason, though look at you now!" he practically thundered. She took a step back while Sam took another step forward. "You let their hate change you into what you are now! You're a hateful bitch!" The Goth hiding behind them let out a gasp at the words leaving the halfa's mouth. She couldn't believe the words that were leaving his mouth, the curse words that he had never really used. "I had my parents' love for fourteen years before becoming something they hated, something they wanted to dissect and study," he spat. "I was turned into a halfa, powers that I had no idea how to use causing me nothing but grief and while there were times that I just wanted to curl up and die I used those powers for good!"

In his mind he could see that he had done good and bad with his powers. All the times he had used them to get back at people who had done him wrong, the times that Sam had warned him against. The times he had used them to a point that he was sure he was going to die. He had had friends when his family hadn't been able to be there for him.

"You should have used those powers for good and stopped pitying yourself. It got you nothing by a cold death...alone." Frigid blinked, his words having changed from talking about her to talking to her. He did understand her. He knew the pain...he had experienced the good and the bad and here he was fighting for someone who obviously meant a lot to him.

"She stuck by you in both times, didn't she?" Danny blinked.

"Yes, she did. I guess we both did." He smiled softly, his mind on the woman that he wasn't aware was just feet away from him. "Even when I was a jerk and rather clueless she still stuck by my side." Frigid found herself looking up at him now, her eyes flying to her feet where her form was melting, the form that she had taken changing. Freaking out she forced her old form back, her ghost form. She didn't want to melt!

"Danny," came a soft familiar voice. The halfa turned to find Sam, well, a different looking Sam, her eyes a lime green as she approached. "Thank god you are safe," she whispered as he pulled her into his arms.

"Sam, how...why?" She pulled back to look at him, Frigid standing and watching as the wind whistled around them. She saw the love in his eyes. She saw the love in Sam's eyes and knew that this was the end. The Gothic woman whispered to him why she had come. Explaining quickly what she knew. They turned back to where Frigid stood. She didn't seem too worried, her expression one of calm now even as she watched them.

"We must do it now," Sam stated, her eyes locking on the tomb that was behind the other woman... The woman who looked similar to her. Danny nodded, his eyes locking with the woman before him. He could see that the fact that he had suffered like her, that he understood the pain and yet knew so much more because he had experienced all the love that she hadn't. She nodded, her acceptance a shocker as she waited for them. He looked to Sam, his girlfriend, and nodded. They turned to the other woman, her eyes closing as she waited.

"The water is warm

My skin is real cold

My heart is pounding

My soul is still."

Frigid felt the ice begin at her feet, her ankles chilled, but she couldn't feel the real cold, the cold that she had felt when she had died. Danny and Sam watched as the ice came up from the ground, the silvery liquid hardening as it encased the female's feet. Sam squeezed his hand, her fingers grasping tightly. She felt pity for the female before her and yet the knowledge of hearing Danny's own sacrifices and pain entered her mind. She had known that it had been hard, but she had never really heard it from his lips. He hardly ever complained about it, not like that.

"I take a deep breath

My eyes full of water

My lips turning blue

I don't want to die

But I feel I am through."

They watched as the ice moved up, like water coursing backwards up her legs, but she didn't move. She just watched them, waiting. She allowed it to move up her body, not struggling as they continued the poem, the words making the ice move up further her body.

"I can feel the anger

I can feel the rage

The water cleanses me

It washes my soul

I wonder at the serenity

The relaxation of it all as I slip away."

They watched as the ice covered her whole form, the ice covering her from head to toe. She was in that ice, the thin layer of ice showing her form rather easily. Sam approached the ghost, her footsteps echoing around them. Danny watched as she touched the ice, the power that had once held her soul escaping from her fingertips. It made the ice thicker, but the woman in the ice smiled, her eyes closing as the ice grew thicker and made her form less visible. Danny approached her, his hand falling on her shoulder. Sam looked at him, her appearance reverting till she stood before him as her human form, her amethyst orbs gleaming at him.

"I think she's okay now," Danny whispered. Sam nodded. She believed that because the eyes that had looked back at her were not angry. "Let's go."

"When did you realize that she wasn't me?" the Goth questioned him, her eyes staring into his green ones.

"I didn't realize at first, but I felt something was wrong. She was like you, looked like you, sounded like you, even was all about other causes like you, but under it all she wasn't you. It was the look in her eyes that made me wonder, then the fact that while you had been having changes with the takeover of your form..." She smiled at him, her finger coming to rest on his lips before she leaned up on tiptoe to kiss him.

"I love you," she whispered as she leaned back.

"I love you too, Sam." Taking her into his arms he headed out of the cave only to find that the blizzard was gone...the snow still, no hands reaching for them. It was over. Frigid was back where she needed to be and at rest too. Smiling at each other he took to the skies. It just goes to show you that unless you know someone under it all that you never really know them.