Death Note Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ The Kira of Hearts ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Even with his incredible memory, even though he could clearly remember so many other moments in his past, he would barely remember that one day, that one last second in time that he had been happy.
But this is what he did remember.
Standing in the snow, a world of pure white and nothing less, it was hard to tell anything else around him. He barely could make out her small figure, a child even compared to him, long black hair that contrasted the white around them. He could see the old panda bear clenched in her tiny arms, it's head easily as big as her torso, her smile beautiful and innocent before she spoke, her voice what you'd expect of a small child and as sweet as strawberries; L loved strawberries and he remembered he had been just as attached to her……
“It's okay L-kun, I promise I'll come back one day; we'll meet each other again one day. Here; Ryuu-chan will watch over you until we do.”
She held out the panda and as he took it, not speaking…….
He woke up.