Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Time and Place for Everything ❯ A Safe Haven? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, But I do own any digimon, places or people I make up.


"A Time and Place for Everything"

Chapter 3 'A Safe Haven?'


They had arrived at last; looking down they saw a world that was not black from war and death but blue and beautiful with life. Together they shared a pang of regret that they were bringing, not hope to this unscarred world, but the forces of darkness nipping at their heels. It had taken them 4 months to get to this point, food had become scarce but water had not been a problem on their journey. Wounds had healed and barriers put between members had broken; in the end after all; all they had was each other.

Coming past the orbit of Jupiter and approaching Mars, the whole crew was surprised to see a massive dome on the surface of Mars.

Izzy looked the most shocked of all, " I don't believe how advanced this dimensions people are, it would have taken humanity decades still back in our Dimensions to create a space colony…. Prodigious! "

At that everyone around him smiled at his use of his favorite word. It would be the first of many.

A voice spoke form around them " man I can't wait to be able to dedigivolve, the last time we did was a month ago."

It had been a while since they had actually heard Imperialdramons voice, it had taken all of its control to keep in this form for such long periods of time.

"Well we have appreciated it you know" ken said from the corner.

"We know Ken, to bad … never mind"

Everyone knew what Imperialdramon was going to say and this placed a cloak of sadness on the group as it so often had these last months.

They all sat down and waited for the moon to come into view, as they started to pass the moon, 3 terran aircraft came into view and took up spots in a diamond formation.

"That's a the same formation of respect that escorts gave major dignitaries coming to Japan! That Mars base must of sent word ahead of us, but how would they know where we were heading" Izzy said with a look of shock at the others

Ken looked over his shoulder at Izzy "Well it's not like there are many inhabitable worlds around here Izzy, I mean where would you think a space ship was going if aliens had come into our universes!! "

At this point everyone looked toward TK who was the unofficial… official leader. TK's face started to turn red until Kari placed her hand on his shoulder. These two had pretty much been a couple since before the original Myotismon had been eliminated, but their bond, while stressed sometimes had become even greater over the last couple of months.

He looked around and finally came to a conclusion. " Okay, Izzy I want you to see if you can get anyone on your laptop, see if they speak the same language as us and see what their intentions are, the rest of you, be ready for anything, if they decide we are hostile, then we will need to fight our way down and try and disappear into a swamp…. or something! ".

By the end of his orders everyone started to scramble around, getting ready for the worst scenario. Izzy already had his Laptop open and monitoring all communication signals coming from near space. He sent out a general message, asking their intentions and saying that they were not hostile.

The next few moments were tense as they waited for a response…

Suddenly Izzy's labtop found a transmission, not from the fighters around them but one that originated from Earth itself

"static…… ome more static and ……. safe ……. attack …… digimon."

At the mention of attack and digimon everyone cringed thinking that they were about to be attacked and have to fight those who were they were hoping to become allies with.

Then Izzy smacked the side of his computer startling everybody in the room.

A warm voice came through his speakers "Welcome Digidestined, do not worry about the escort, you are safe here, we are not going to attack you, we know about the digimon! Please land at these coordinates…. Please respond!"

TK looked around, the level of tension had just gone from through the roof to a level of zero, Izzy looked right at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Kari ran at TK and kissed him with all her strength while Yolie mimicked her on Ken. Reika and Kai were sharing a hug and Jerry and Sora were sharing a hug as well. (dam hentai's, get the hell out of here! Cocks rifle, I know how to use this!!!) The digimon were just relaxing, especially after believing they were about to get into a fight, the trip had been the hardest on them.

"Well Imperialdramon, lets land and see what we have waiting for us! But be on guard at first, we don't want to get separated or split up, we stay in a group and try to get through this! Me and Kari will try and meet with whoever is in charge after landing and see what they know and if they will help us, not that they have much of a choice, the window portal in about 4 1/2 years and we have to be ready for it! "



The human form smashed against the wall and crumbled to the ground, a girl's cry could be coming heard from an adjacent wall.


A young woman stood inside the door to the cell, her Digimon partner not even in the room at the time, she smiled with a evil leer at the pathetic individual before her, thinking how she could of ever had feelings for him, how she had ever stood beside him and thought of him as a powerful presence among the Digidestined, how he ever seemed more powerful than herself!

The human form spoke is a raspy voice toward the girl " how could … you have betrayed us,… we trusted you, you were one of us! "

" HA HA HA HA HA, you have no idea what you have gotten into do you, the end is near and I plan to be a big part of it, think about it, are we much different than Digimon, why do we get to be the masters, what do we have that they don't, well I wont tell you! You don't need to know, but I will tell you this, I am going to drain you all of all the information I need to crush the others. AND! I have a long time to do it, get used to pain cause that is all you are going to feel for a long time! " Maniacal laughter came from her as she closed the door sealing away the light… and their last hope.

The Leader looked towards those that were left and felt what little hope he had left diminish having looked upon one of their own turned traitor.


The Digidestineds arrival was met with a fanfare that you only ever see in the movies, they were saluted after disembarking and letting Omnimon change back into Wormmon and VeeMon. A man identifying himself as ' The President of the People of Earth ' came forward and didn't even look at anyone but TK, saluted and then shook TK's hand. This shocked the rest as TK was not the oldest but had already been identified as the leader, thoughts of how and why Yamazaki was not singled out was going through many of their minds as they were then led to a series of chairs where they sat down and waited for … whatever that was going to happen.

TK looked around and was surprised by the amount of people that were there, it resembled a welcoming ceremony for someone like a US President would receive. There were armed guards here and there but they were not armed with not guns, but some sort of cell phone device. " Maybe a phaser " Cody whispered with a wink in Izzys direction.

The president came down past the Digidestined and walked over to a pedestal where a microphone was installed. He began a speech that would stay in the minds of the Digidestined as a sign of hope in the weeks and months ahead.

" And finally they have arrived my fellow Citizens, we have watched their progress for the last half a year after being forced to flee from their own worlds. We have all been afraid for their safety after multiple attacks by the enemy until they managed to get into our galaxy's dimensional space. As you all know, we have a digital plain side by side with our own and were contacted about 5 months ago by our own Digimon counterparts who have stayed in seclusion all these years. You all know this group's story by now, a group of young men and women and their allies who have fought on both their own worlds and others against the flood of evil that has come to engulf their worlds. I welcome the Digidestined to our world and hope that working together, we can overcome any foe! "

At this Cheers erupted from the assembled crowd, individuals in the crowd had signs that read thing like ' Welcome', ' Safe' and 'Home'. Further in the back TK noticed a few signs that read things like ' no war', ' peace for all' and 'go away'. Thankfully these were in the minority, but it still worried TK about what he had brought the others into, whether they really were safe and welcome.

TK's attention was however diverted by the crowd separating and creating a path between them so that a young woman and a digimon he had never seen before could make their way to the stage. As she came up the stairs she seemed to give TK the one over, allowing her eyes to pause on … certain areas. She smiled as the President Saluted her.

" And here is our worlds leading scientist on Digimon Dr.Hikari and her partner Kunimon. She will serve as liaison between this world and the Digidestined, at least at first while they are still uncertain of our intentions. I welcome you and will allow you lead our friends to where they will stay while they are here."

" I ask all my fellow citizens to let them get adjusted and used to our ways, to let them heal both their bodies and their minds, we will have years to get to know them better! "

With this The President then saluted the Digidestined again, nodded to TK and went down the path through the crowd toward a limo procession waiting for him. The crown began to disperse and TK noticed that those seeming to be protesting were gone now that he looked closer.

" I have got to remember to tell the others about that, we might be in for more trouble before we even have to fight "

TK and the others were escorted to a large double-decker ... hoverbus.

Kari took hold of TK's hand and whispered into his ear " glad they aren't trying to split us up, makes me trust them just a little more "

At this point Dr. Hikari came up from behind the two of them and spoke, more to TK than to Kari.

" It must have taken a lot of balls to pickup and retreat from that last battle you guys were in, we had a spy on the inside on Earth Beta and only stopped receiving information recently. Unfortunately what I can tell you is that more than 90% of the population of both the real worlds and digital worlds your groups are from have been wiped out. "

At this both TK and Kari had to fight back tears for their families had surely not survived. Dr. Hikari put hands on both their shoulders and squeezed.

" Look it isn't that bad, we don't have all the information but what I can tell you is that there is a resistance movement on at least Earth Beta and a minor one on the Digital Plain. "

The news that someone may have survived lifted their spirits considerably. They continued on and entered the bus. It lifted off about 5 feet off the ground and started to wherever they were heading.

Sora looked over at Dr. Hikari, something seemed familiar about her but she could not put her finger on it, just as she was about to speak however Jerry spoke up from the corner.

" You mentioned you had a spy back on our world, anyone we know? "

" What is going to happen to us?" came from Kai

At this, everyone was waiting for one of those answers, each having their own order they wanted to hear it in.

" Well our spy was a human from our world by the name of Ms. Asaji." At this new Jerry Freaked out, " you mean she was from here all along, that's, that's amazing", but then her face fell and her voice became quieter… " but that means if you lost contact with her, that shes… shes dead, isn't she? "

" Well she did report that something was happening there that made Apoklomons attacks look friendly. So we have no idea what has been happening in the last 3 weeks, we do know however that both digital world have been merged permanently, this is good from a tactical point of view because now we access either world from within that one digital world, gives us a place to escape to if anyone got trapped on the other side. "

This was good news, suddenly all thoughts left the group as V-mon asked from the back of the bus when they could get something to eat.

At this everyone including Dr. Hikari laughed and told the group that they would be nearing their destination soon.

" Don't worry! your safe at this point, we have awhile before we have to fight again, by our understanding, about 4 ½ years isn't it Izzy? "

This was the first time she had addressed a comment towards or including Izzy, " well yes, we know there is a gate somewhere in the digital world which will open and allow passage between the two worlds, however Genai was not specific where it was so I think we are going to be spending a long time finding it! "

" nope "

Everyone turned and for the first time realized that her partner was right beside her.

" You see we already have the portal secured and ready for them to try and force it before the gate is supposed to open, that is why I came here to talk to Dr. Hikari. You see we Digimon here in what we call the Delta Server are born and bred to be fighters, we had a guest from one of your digital servers. He came among us powerful and was a honored guest, but then we found he was relaying information back through the gate to a Child on the other side and we terminated our guest, we then sealed the small hole that he had used one way and have it covered so that even when the gate opens, it will take a massive force to get it, hopefully by then you will have this protection system up on both our Servers and be able to prepare a counter offensive. "

Even Dr. Hikari was surprised at the amount of information he had supplied, shock rode openly on all their faces.

" Up until I became Dr. Hikari's partner, No Digimon had ever come to this server and thus we had no idea how much extra power and help we would be able to get with partnering, some even see it as cowardly to do this but they came around after our guest turned out to be a spy of our cousins. If I may say so, you all have very high power levels, I will enjoy working and training together with all of you! "

" ahem, lets not jump the gun my friend, after all we don't even know if they want to fight anymore, they may want to rest and be able to relax for a while and leave everything to us! "

" Bah, they look like fighters to me, after all they have fought and died for their worlds, not that I would think any less of them if they did not want to fight anymore! "

To the Digimon and Digidestined assembled this seemed to be an old argument that was just being repeated.

TK stood up " look, I may not speak for all of us " someone laughed behind him " however we came here to get your help in fighting back and maybe taking back our worlds, we didn't expect that there would be anyone here that would help us and thought that we would only at best have a place to defend from, now if what I understand you are saying, we are going to have a large group of digimon "

" Try all of them " Kunimon put in " and the help of a technologically superior culture to help fight back. Is this at all correct? "

"Basically "/ " Yes " came from both human and partner.

" Okay then, I know I am going to fight back, I wont just sit on the side and wait for things to happen, however I must admit, we group of us do need some time to fully heal and get back into our prime, it hasn't been a restfull ride to get here, and having to think of receiving opposition here was not exactly a soothing thought. " TK looked right at Dr. Hikari during the whole speech and got the usual nods and smiles up until he mentioned opposition, and TK was not the only one to notice it.

Cody spoke up for the first time since landing, " I take it from your reaction to TK's mention of opposition, that not everybody is glad to see us get here, even I noticed the signs way in the back of the crowd that were not exactly what I would call welcome signs! "

Dr. Hikari's reaction made her look like a deer looking into headlights, " I really don't know if this is the best time to talk about this, I would rather be in a secure place before we talk about any plans, strategies, problems or powers anyone here may posses. All I want to say is that the majority of the planet supports you and will fight beside you with everything we have, we have not had a war in over 300 years but since our spy sent back all the information she had on everything on Earth Beta, well we have trained large groups to fight, this was not seen as a positive thing by one group and they have vowed to wipe out those who would fight in order to keep the peace. They believe that if we do not oppose any incoming digimon army's, that they will allow us to continue on in peace and not destroy us. "

At the mention of peace Sora lifted her head and laughed out loud, it was as sarcastic as anyone had ever heard her talk before " and they actually think they will be left alone, I was in charge of protecting just that sort of place back on Earth Prime, they were a group of assorted Monks and Christians and Catholics who wanted nothing more than peace. A Machinedromon came over the hill into the valley and completely destroyed the monastery and then took inherent pleasure in stepping on those who survived the explosion, the only reason I survived is one of the other Digidestined that were there managed to throw me into a partially active laptop that he had with him and got me into the digital world. "she seemed to pause there "I will not allow a group here to take that stance and then die without realizing what is going to happen to them! "

This surprised everyone but Izzy, who went over to her and put his arm around her, Sora broke down at this point and began to cry into his shoulder. TK was really surprised by the fact that Sora would break down like that; Sora had been the strongest of them on multiple occasions.

Suddenly the Bus was rocked from the side by an explosion, the bus began to veer out of control, TK looked around and Ken and Yolei were out, the digimon had gotten them away from the hole in the side of the bus.

Dr. Hikari Yelled out in their direction, " GET DOWN! "

A flash happened and then all went black.


TK came to and started to get up, pure awful pain went through him as his arm buckled and seemed to twist the opposite way it should. Shouldering his way up and bracing himself against what was left of a chair, TK managed to get himself up against a wall… TK looked behind himself and could not believe it was a wall, looking through the smoke and duct that had risen, he looked around for anyone else who may have survived, he saw Cody off in the corner in a pool of blood and winced from more than pain, surprise went through TK as he saw someone come of the alley, TK was about to shout to the person when he saw one of them point towards Cody, a gun appeared in the assailants hands and was pointed to Cody's broken body.

Anger like he had never know before went through TK, he felt energy well up within him, blood seemed to scream in his ears and suddenly he was beside Cody and people were running from him. Looking at Cody he had his eyes open and mouth dropped as in to scream.

TK felt all his strength falter right then and there and felt himself fall… fall into oblivion.


Kari came to and saw TK change and then save Cody, screamed in shock as he tore off the assailants arm with his bare claws, he had a look of triumph in his eyes until he looked down at Cody. Then all his energy seemed to drain away and he was himself again, and then he fell…hard. Kari got to her feet in a rush and then ran over to TK, she kneeled beside him and checked for a pulse… she didn't find one. "TK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "


Dr.Hikari watched on in astonishment as TK changed and then seemed to go so fast he teleported to help Cody, the shear ferocity that he showed when he disarmed his opponent disturbed her a little. When he fell and saw Kari go up to him she got up and walked over to her partner.

Dr.Hikari helped her partner up and started to look around for other survivors, as the sounds of sirens approaching grew louder.

" TK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

She turned her head around and started at a run toward them.

She was no longer close enough to her partner to hear him speak 3 words that would come to dominate their future.

" The Evolution Begins "


Well there it is! Chapter 3! Originally I was going for only 3 chapters, but as I began to write, I found that there was so much more than I had originally thought to this story, I can almost guarantee that it will be at least 7 chapters.

If you have any comments, flames, suggestions, or places you would like to see this go, please email me directly as well as review
