Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Are the Crests Truly One's Strength? ❯ It all begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
First off, I'd like to send a hi, hello, and good evening to anyone and everyone reading this fic. It's my very first Fanfic...about anything...ever, so any comments will be appreciated, even flames (after all, we're all entitled to our very own opinions and I need something to laugh at other than Monty Python and cheaply dubbed Americanized Anime) so send it to ganymede51@hotmail.com

Disclaimer: (I hate having to write one of these, but oh well) I do not own Digimon or any of the characters from other shows mentioned below this disclaimer, so don't try to sue me as you'll only end up with a Monty Python CD or 2 and a cheaply dubbed Americanized Anime, and a Norwegian Blue, perhaps a talking slug...and possibly a piece of cheese, unless the cat ate it............

Note: I will be using the American names for all of the characters, we will be making the assumption that after Kari was discovered to be a digidestined she returned to the digital world with the other 7 digidestined, the fateful battle with Myotismon that happened on the TV show did not happen and is far from happening. Also, I am assuming that File Island (or Digimon Island) is NOT the only land source in the digital realm, Myotismon has moved his castle to another island, which the digidestined are currently seeking. So I've deviated from the path the TV show follows, but it's my fic, and I make the rules. Although this may be somewhat of a "spoiler" (depending on your definition) please do not confuse the use of the word "aura" with that stuff you can catch on Dragon Ball Z, but more of a radiance emitted from the body like that episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns is mistaken for an alien due to his "healthy green glow" (please see disclaimer). That's all I've got to say...on to the fic!

---Are the Crests Truly One's Strength?---

THE STORY SO FAR: Early one afternoon, Tai of the digidestined discovered an island not far from where the digidestined were currently making camp. This would not have been big news had there not been an incredibly large, not too particularly smug looking castle looming over it, surrounded by deep black clouds. Quite a giveaway it would seem, no? The digidestined had ruled that since there was no other place he could have been hiding, that castle most definitely belonged to Myotismon, an evil Digimon who had been terrorizing all of File Island since Devimon was defeated, and Myptismon was forced to flee from his last Fortress. By odd coincidence, a raft was easily constructed. Although Matt and the rest of the group had been wary of getting on the raft (those storm clouds seemed the have the slyest grin), Tai had assured them that there would only be a squall at most, and so they set out.
The morning after "Hurricane Tai" had destroyed the raft, casting all of the digidestined into the water, Matt wakes up on a strange shore, alone. When searching the island he meets up with Tai. In a matter of hours, the island has been fully searched, and the boys get some food for the night before setting up camp. And so, the tale begins…

"Don't even think about saying it."
"This never would have happened if you'd have listened to me and the others and you know it."
Matt didn't think about saying it, for it'd already come out of his mouth. *I sure as hell wish he'd have listened to me though, he's always so headstrong, he's the perfect leader. Besides, he's pretty cute when he play's leader...STOP! Did I just think that?! Damn it what the hell is wrong with me! I don't like Tao that way, it's not right! I don't like Tai!* Matt cringed as the thoughts zoomed around inside his mind. He looked over at Tai, his sole companion for the past day. "I wonder what's on his mind" Tai whispered *Did I just say that out loud?* "If you wanted to know, you could have asked me, schizo." Matt began. "Shut up, I'm just thinking out loud, that's all" Tai replied. "Well think a little quieter, or even not at all, maybe we wouldn't have ended up like this if you did! Here we are, no digimon, no friends on an island the size of a few baseball fields!" "Don't start that with me again alright! What's done is done!" "Dammit Tai! Even TK saw that storm coming a mile away! 'Aw, come on guys, it'll be a squall at most' well that Squall ended up nearly killing us, and leaving us all alone in the middle of nowhere, not too far from Myotismon's Castle! We can't even see Myotismon's castle from here! All I can see are other islands! No dark spooky castles or any of that crap, anywhere! Just what the hell were you looking at through that telescope of yours?" the fire cracked, and Matt noticed that Tai looks so good when the fire's light hits him like that…I really need to sort things out, I can't think straight! Literally!* with that, Matt stood up.

"And just where the hell are you going?" Tai jumped when Matt suddenly stood up. "I need to be somewhere where you aren't" Matt was noticeably shaky. "Matt…you doing okay? Something wrong?" "NO! I'm not okay! All of my problems are because of you! So just leave me alone and we'll both be just fine, it's not too hard to do!" Matt had tears welling up in his eyes, he noticed that as he spoke, Tai's mood had been slowly deteriorating; both boys were on the brink of an emotional maelstrom. Matt noticed that Tai's crest was faintly glowing a light shade of red. **But it IS too hard, or can you not see** Matt looked around him, but determined that is was Tai who spoke. "Matt…please don't leave me alone here…please" The glow was now rapidly spreading throughout Tai's body. *What the hell?!* "Tai?" Tai's ever-brightening aura, and ever lowering of his voice silenced Matt, "Just shut up and listen to me for once, okay?" Matt started to object, but decided not to spur anything onward. *Come on, man, you have the crest of Courage, because you have lots of it right? So why is it so hard to tell Matt right now! Nobody is here but us two!*

Tai found no reason not to go on, so he started to speak, "Matt, for a long time now I've been fighting. Not just you and I, or against the bad digimon, nothing like that. I've been battling with the one thing that I can't defeat…myself. For a long time now, I've been hiding from myself, and from the rest of you, fighting a war, silently, and suffering, silently. But silence is not golden, and nothing can remain silent for long. Matt, for a long time now, I've…I've been in love. Not just a crush, or out of curiosity or anything, but really in love. The way I feel is indescribable, its an incredible feeling. Being able to do nothing about it only makes me hurt more, but now I think I can do something." *Wow! Tai's in love…I wonder why he's being so closed about it. Why's he telling me this, here, now?* "What's this have to do with me?" Matt realized the answer as the question left his lips, *Tai's in love with me!* Matt was shocked, but at the same time, he felt something that he could not describe. At this time, Tai's aura had enveloped him in bright red and was sending a bright beam into the night sky. "Matt…All this time…I've been in love with…you" the words left Tai's lips in a barely audible whisper, and tears trickled down Tai's face. Matt heard what Tai had said, and saw what reaction it got from him as well. Of all the things Matt could have, and should have done, he ran. Up the beach and into the forest, Matt ran, all the way to a lagoon quite a bit from the camp.

"Why? What did I do? Why can I not find love? Tai asked himself aloud. Unable to bear what had happened, Tai burst out into sobs, the tears flowed from his eyes, and his body was spasming from the sobs. When the events from the past few minutes fully hit, a deep pain embedded itself in Tai's chest, the scream was heard for miles by all but one person, the one who needed to hear it most, Matt did not hear. Matt sat down on a rock and did what came naturally to him, pulled out his harmonica and played. * Tai loves me, and I don't know what to think anymore. Part of me is saying that what I heard is wrong. The other part tells me that…I…love him back. Why is this happening? How, why is he doing this to me? Why am I doing this to myself?!* Matt stopped playing and whispered to himself, "I know that I like Tai a lot, but love him…I can't.
** That is where you are wrong, crest bearer **

"Who's there!" Matt yelled, ** It will not help to scream, nobody can hear me but you ** "Where are you?" With that, Matt's crest let off a blue glow ** Answer your question? **

"How?" ** Like the digimon, I too have been waiting for your arrival, I too am to help you in times of need. This is one of those times, it is written in the stars.**

"Why do you say that?" ** You can lie to yourself only so long, Matt. You cannot lie to me. You share a bond with the one who bears the Crest of Courage even stronger than the bonds of time, I can sense it, I know that it is there. **

"No way! We're just friends! That is the full extent, nothing more!" ** You speak, but do you listen to what you say? You say things that you do not believe. Since, you say that there is friendship and nothing more, allow me to show you how great that power is alone **

With that, Matt was himself enveloped in the aura of his crest, for a split second Matt became one with the crest, and felt what it felt, what he and Tai shared with each other. The level of emotion between himself and Tai was so strong that any longer than that split second, and Matt could have sworn he would have burst. ** The level of emotion goes even beyond that, more so than even the Crest of Love can sense. The strands of destiny are woven, but even individual strands can become inseparable.** Matt knew that he was hearing the truth, but when was he known for backing out of a fight? "It's not true" ** Why are you so stubborn? You know that it is true! ** "No, its not, I know Tai loves me, but I don't love him back! I can't love him back, it's not right! Feeling the way I do for Tai is wrong!"

Matt was in tears by this time, and in desperate need of a friend. ** NO! It is most certainly not wrong! To love, and to be loved is not wrong. There is NOTHING wrong with being in love, it is not wrong because nobody is hurt. Nothing is wrong unless someone is hurt. WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELF, AND ESPECIALLY TO TAI IS WRONG!! ** "I..." Matt knew that he could not continue to lie to himself like this. Matt was deeply in love with Tai, and he knew it. He knew now that loving another boy was not wrong, the love of any other person was a gift, like any gift it is to be treated with care. "Tai, what have I done…I'm so sorry…please forgive me" Matt whispered.

As if in an answer to his question, a sudden surge of light in the direction of the camp and a loud scream caught Matt's attention. "TAI! NO!" Matt started to run, the aura of his crest began to flow freely around him. Matt ran as fast as he could, the blue glow of his crest spurring him onward with a speed he'd never known before. He was back at the camp in no time at all. Tai was clutching to his chest, the pain he felt was unbearable, and he knew why it was there and decided to let it over take him. He was about to pass out when "TAI! What's happening?!" it was Matt! He'd come back! "Matt…just leave me alone…go away" Tai spoke, but the words came out stuttered, Tai's chest burned with each spoken word. "Tai, you know I can't do that. You'll be okay Tai, I promise. I'll make it okay. You can't leave me yet, because you love me, and I won't let you leave, because…because I…love you" with that being said, Matt crouched down and took the weakened Tai in his arms, letting him rest there. The pan
was slowly leaving Tai's body, replaced with a feeling of safety and comfort. He had found his true love, his soul mate, and he would not let go.

"Matt, please, don't ever leave me again…I hate it whe-- " Tai was silenced by Matt pressing his finger to Tai's lips. "Shh…I told you already, I'll never leave your side." Matt then drew himself closer to Tai, and their lips met in the most passionate kiss of their lives. Each boy's separate aura combined to form one of a violet radiance, and the two knew that nothing could ever tear them apart, nothing. The kiss ended and Tai stared up at his love. In the midst of all the darkness, a twinkling pair of sapphires and golden blonde hair were the only things Tai could see, they were his everything. It was Tai's turn to engage in the kiss, and his lips pressed up against Matt as the aura subsided and the lovers embraced. They fell asleep in each others arms. The fire had gone out, but they had each other to keep warm. Before sleep overcame him, Matt had time to confess his love to Tai once more. From a point not too far from where this scene took place, a pair of eyes burned with a hatred so deep it seared the very darkness from whence it came…


Well, there you have it, my first fic and already it's a mini-series =) Any comments or suggestions? Feel free to e-mail me, ganymede51@hotmail.com anything is welcome, thanks in advance.