Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Are the Crests Truly One's Strength? ❯ The awakening explained ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
---Are the Crests Truly One's Strength?---

Part II

THE STORY SO FAR: When last we left off, the digidestined had been separated. Matt and Tai had found each other on an island, it was there where they had told of their true feelings for each other, with a little help from certain "close friends". But where are the other digidestined? What were they doing while Matt and Tai were alone? See for yourselves, the tale of the remaining 6, and the 8 digital partners…

Among the first to wake from up were Izzy, Gabumon, Agumon, and Sora. The first thing that was noticed was the obvious lack of 2 members of their team, the leader, Tai, and the person who he seemed to get along with the least, Matt. This could not possibly have been a good thing. "Where's Tai?!" the garbled sounds escaped the throats of Agumon and Sora at the same time. "Shh! Keep it down you two, you think I'm not worried too? With our luck they're just on another part of the island, that storm could have easily done that. Although it is strange that the 6 of us, along with our digimon, and their digimon had landed somewhere else together. Hmm…" Izzy began to trail off as he lost himself in thought. "Forget that" Sora commanded, "where exactly is this, 'somewhere else', huh!" "Shh! First of all, I have to know where WE are, nextly, we can wait until the others are up for me to begin tracking down Tai and Matt…" Izzy was abruptly cut off by a hideous shriek, "EVERYONE! UP NOW!" *Well, I guess that works* Izzy thought to himself.

Everyone was now awake, although some more readily than others. "Sora! My feet hurt and I'm hungry and wet and tired and I wanna get clean clothes and…" Mimi went off into a fit of everything she needed and was ignored, quite readily, by everyone, and then…"Tai! Make Sora stop waking me up like thaaaaaat!…Tai? Where's Tai?" wondering when Mimi would notice, Sora immediately quieted her down and began to speak, "Okay people, we have to stick together if we're going to look for Tai and Matt, but we're gonna need time for Izzy to find out where they are, but we have to know where we are first. Mimi, Joe, and I are going out with our Digimon to get breakfast. T.K., Kari, Izzy, Gabumon, Agumon and their Digimon will stay here so that we can find Tai and Matt while taking care of the campsite. With any luck, and Matt's absence, we should have enough food to last the entire day." "Hey!" T.K. interrupted, after all, it was his brother being talked about. "Sorry T.K." Sora lied, "Anyway, that's the plan, now lets go!" Nobody knew who voted Sora leader, but they all knew that they didn't like it, and there was nothing short of rebellion that could have stopped her from thinking that's what she was. With Tai gone, they decided, each to themselves, Sora was the one who was going to be blamed when something went wrong, and they laughed to themselves knowing this.

A few hours later, after breakfast and a long while of sitting in silence, waiting for someone to speak, someone spoke, it was T.K. "Izzy, have you found anything?" "Hmm?" Izzy was startled, but only a little, when he heard his name, "Oh yeah, T.K., lots, I know where we are, but nobody's going to like it." The volume of his voice dropped, slowly, but it had. "Tell us! We'll be the judge of that!" * God, will that girl ever say please?* "Alright. Turns out that we're on a small island, part of a cluster of several other islands, tens, hundreds of other islands, some smaller some bigger. All of these islands in between where we left shore the other day and where Myotismon's Castle ought to be." * I knew we should have checked our path on my laptop just to be safe!* "More bad news, Tai and Matt aren't on this island, and something is blocking my ability to try and pick up their digivice's signal beyond this island. They could be anywhere!"

The digidestined and their partners stood in silent shock, awareness spreading like a deadly virus throughout their bodies. "So that means, my brother…" T.K. tried to speak, but the tears that welled in his eyes prevented another sound from escaping his throat. "Don't worry T.K." Kari chimed up, she wrapped her arm around him, "They've got to be okay! Look, Gabumon and Agumon are fine, so our brothers have to be okay!" * That's right, Tai is Kari's brother, so she must feel the same way I do* T.K. thought **Never lose hope**, for a moment, T.K. wondered where the voice came from, but he didn't care, whoever it was, told him the right thing. * I will never lose hope* with that thought, T.K. beamed at Kari and hugged her closer, "You're right Kari! Thanks a lot!" he realized what he was doing and released Kari from his death-grip, both blushed the same deep crimson. "Not only are they somewhere else, but there are hundreds of somewhere elses, we need to find materials for building another raft and figure out where to head to find them. Unless anyone has a better idea, I suggest we get the rest of the day to think of what to do next, I'll keep working at my laptop." "So…we may not even be able to find them at all? What if Myotismon finds out about this? What'll we do then? This time tomorrow, we will have an idea of where to head out, or there will be beatings." Just the tone of voice Sora used told Izzy to hurry up with finding something, so he got right down to it.

Kari and T.K. were both walking toward the beachline, T.K. had a burning question that had to be asked, so he went for it. "Umm, Kari? I have a question that I've been meaning to ask for a little while now, its really been bugging me recently too." * Oh my god, my hearts beating a million times a minute! Will he say it? Please let him say it! Ack! He's waiting for my answer!* "Sure, go ahead T.K., you can ask me anything!" she responded. "Okay, here goes," T.K. took a deep breath before continuing, "will you…tell me how come Sora's always being so mean to everyone?" * Sora? We're alone, nobody around, and he's talking to me about Sora?! BOYS!* "Umm, I don't know, maybe its because she wants a certain someone to talk to her about a certain something, and that someone doesn't have a clue?" * HINT, HINT! T.K., you can't possibly be as slow as my brother to pick thing up! Can you?* T.K. looked at Kari with a quizzical expression, "Maybe, but I really doubt that that's the reason behind it all. Thanks, though, Kari" "Anytime, T.K.!", and with that final whisper, Kari walked back to camp, sighing quietly to herself. T.K. kept walking, * I wish I hadn't changed my question like that*

The sun was setting as T.K.sat near the shore of the beach, lost in his own thought, when he caught his first glimpse of it, something shone in his eyes from under the water. Upon closer inspection, T.K. realized what it was, "Tai's telescope! They've got to be somewhere close, Tai never lets this out of his sight!" T.K. ran back to the campsite, newfound treasure in hand. He stumbled a bit along the way, but it was well worth it to him, "HEY GUYS! LOOKIE WHAT I FOUND!", T.K. yelled, waving the telescope in his hand. Izzy looked up from his screen, a look of annoyance on his face, which soon changed to curiosity and eventually surprise. "Where did you find it?!" he inquired, "Down by the shore, that way!" T.K. gleamed in the last rays of evening sun, but Izzy didn't care as he ran all the way down to the shore and gasped at what he saw.

Across the way, at an island just a few miles away, a glimmer of light was seen, orange, and moved in an irregular pattern, it could only have been a fire. Quick as lightning, Izzy ran back to camp and snatched his bag from where it rest, he dug through it voraciously until he found what he was looking for and ran back to his point on the beach in a minute flat. After setting up his instruments, Izzy punched a few keys and then, "Prodigious! I knew that camera'd come in handy one day!" there, on his screen a window had popped into life, an image of Tai and Matt near a fire could be clearly made out on the laptop's screen. It was what they were doing that startled Izzy, (not the fact that his camera was able to zoom into a particular spot from a few miles away and not blur at all) they were talking, not yelling at each other, miraculous. When did the others arrive? Izzy didn't care, because what happened next was as amazing as Matt and Tai not arguing, Tai had slowly begun to glow! Weakly at first, but the glow was there, and it got stronger. Eventually, Izzy didn't even need to be using his computer and camera to see the aura Tai emitted, it sent a large red beam into the air. That was when Izzy noticed the e-mail icon was blinking, mail from Gennai. "Hey guys" he started, "E-mail from Gennai"

The mail read as follows:
I know that by now, you're all wondering what that weird light around Tai is. That light is the gathering of a resource that Tai seemed to have the most of, courage, through his crest. This 'gathering' is possible for all of you, and it will happen at one point or another, like it or not. There are 3 conditions that may bring it about:
1.) When you are directly in tune with your strength, your crest will acknowledge this by doubling the amount of strength it provides you, for whatever purpose necessary.
2.) When you are unable to gather your strength on your own, the crest acts as a source and provides you with the strength.
3.) The third I won't get into, it's far too unlikely that any of you will run into this problem, it hasn't even been proven to exist yet, so don't worry.

Although there is another possibility, the chances of its occurring are even more minute than that third possibility, so I won't even bother you with its explanation. One other note, this gathering is caused by a sort of 'awakening', a realization of sort that causes the crest to react in the ways they do. I have no idea what exactly this realization is, but you will. When you find it, the crests will 'show you the light' Good luck to you.

"I guess that answers my questions" Joe started, "I hope this thing isn't caused by something I'm allergic to" "Lighten up Joe, you worry too much!" Gomamon had heard too much, his head hurt so he dragged Joe back to camp to go to bed. Mimi and Palmon followed suit. Izzy was pondering what Gennai didn't want to tell them when he saw something out of the corner of his eye, he turned to stare back at where Tai had been and noticed that there was now a blue beam emanating from inside the island! Alarmed, Izzy looked back at the screen of his laptop and saw that Tai was alone now, and seemed in pain, so that answered one question, when a dozen more questions fluttered about unanswered. Like just why was Sora standing in front of him tapping her foot and staring at him? "You gonna stay here all day?" she snorted. "I just have to know where that light is coming from, feel free to stay if you-IT'S MOVING!" Izzy pointed.

Sure enough, the blue beam had begun to die down, but not before it had started moving back toward Tai. Izzy stared at the scene blankly then focused his attention at his once-ignored laptop screen. It looked like the process had started all over again with Tai, he was glowing again, the blue light was coming nearer. "I have to see this" Sora cackled, she picked up Tai's telescope and centered her attention on the far island. At that point, a faint pink glow emanated from Sora's crest, * What the? Whats this…hey…it must be that thing Gennai was talking about! It has to be! Oh Tai, its because I love you that the crest is acknowledging my power!* At the same moment, Izzy and Sora gasped when they realized what, actually who, was responsible for the blue beam, Matt had run into the clearing and went straight to Tai. T.K. amd Kari, who were fascinated by the occurrence sat with Izzy to watch from the camera's point of view.

Matt exchanged a few words with Tai, but what happened next was enough to shock even the great Izzy, Matt leaned over and kissed Tai, their auras converging to form a giant purple one bright enough that the onlookers had to shield their eyes. In a state of intense shock, Sora dropped Tai's telescope, it hit a rock, shattering the lens. * Matt, you have stole from me the one thing that could have brought me true happiness, and for that, I will make sure you pay, if it's the last thing I do, you will know the pain you have brought me.* With those final thoughts, Sora's crest no longer glowed the bright pink it had before, in its stead, a black aura engulfed her, to replace her crest with a new one, a new symbol. The air crackled around her as she let the new feeling engulf her entirety, she pictured, clearly, the faces of the 2 people she hated most.

Sora quietly walked back into the campsite and found a picture of herself and Tai. Careful so as not to damage the frame, she removed the picture and watched as it burst into flames within her grasp. The sole witness of this event watched from afar, laughing to himself, formulating a plan that would forever change the lives of the digidestined. He was there when Sora had changed, he was there when she embraced the gift he gave her, he will be there, when she succumbed to his every will, with one word seared forever into her skull, Hate.