Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Begins ❯ Chapter 12 Begins ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12 BeingsSora and Tai fight and make up a lot ever since after new years. And right now Sora angry at Tai for not cleaning his side of the room, and Tai's angry cause she keeps pushing him about it. Matt and Mimi are still working on a way of try to find out if Brittany was lying or not about the pregnancy thing and the night of Dec 8th. But they didn't communicate very well. Or either got angry about the whole thing and didn't talk to each other for 2 weeks in the middle of January, but they now talking to each other. All peaceful on Kari and TK relationship. Brittany has told Nina her best friend about her fake pregnancy plan. Which didn't go over well with her but Nina promised to keep it a secret. On to the story è February 17th Saturday Noon :

"Mom help me out please." Tai begged his mother over the phone. Mrs. Kamiya just sighed. "Tai just clean it up, Sora can't do everything all the time." She replied knowing how Sora felt about it. "But she won't let up!" he cried out.

"TAI, GET OFF THE PHONE!" Anna heard Sora yell at him. Tai cringed. "please!" he begged.

"Sorry honey, just clean up your mess and everything will be fine." She replied and hung up the phone. Sora came into the room and threw his clothes at him. "Sora stop it!" he replied.

"Those clothes if there dirty take them to the main house and put them in laundry, I'm not cleaning your mess any more! Don't you see…" she fell to her knees crying. "Oh what's wrong?" he questioned. She sniffed. "You don't listen to me……I'm trying my best Tai you got to co-operate…..I'm pregnant I can't do this when I'm in my Ninth month." Sora started bawling,

Tai knelt down to her and pulled her up. "I'm sorry, it's just school and everything it's all too much." He replied. Sora cried harder then before. "You said that before!!….." she replied in between sobs.

"Look I really promise. I think your to stressed out. Here just lay down on the couch." He gilded her to the couch and made her lay down. Tai took a tissue from the box on the coffee table and wiped her eyes. Propping her head up on a pillow.

"There you go just relax. I'll make you some tea." Tai said, he got up. "Camille, and has to be light. And a little bit of sugar." Sora replied softly. He nodded and went into the kitchen, he put some water in a tea kettle and picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hi Matt." Tai replied into the phone. "Tai what's wrong why are you whispering?" he asked whispering also. "I can ask you the same question." Tai replied back to him. "Oh, I don't know. What is it?" he asked.

"Want to come over help me out." He asked. "Help with what?" Matt asked. "No sorry I just need some one to talk to." He replied. "Why don't you talk to Sora?" Matt he asked. "Are you coming or not?" Tai asked annoyed.

"As long as Sora isn't going to yell at me like last time." Matt replied. He never seen her so angry before. Then he cringed. "I think she's tired that's all." He replied. "Okay see in a while." Tai nodded. "Okay." They parted off the phone. The tea kettle made a whistling noise Tai turned if off. And poured some of the water in a mug and dipped the tea bag into the water a few times as he watched the water turn color.

He brought it to Sora who put it on the table. Tai brushed her hair out of her face. "So how are you feeling?" he asked. "Okay but I'm tired." She replied. Closing her eyes. "Okay, well let me clean this mess." He offered. Sora nodded slowly. "I love you.." he said kissing her forehead he slowly got up and went into the bedroom and got her a blanket. Covering her.

Tai picked up his cloths that Sora had thrown at him earlier and put them into a basket, he gathered all the other dirty clothes he could find, that needed washing. Then putting his jacket and shoes on and carried the load to the main house.

"Mom?" Tai called. "Yes, dear?" she came. "can you show me how to use the laundry machine." He asked. His mom looked at him surprised before answering she was truly couldn't believe her ears "Okay, come." He followed her to the laundry room.

"Okay now, you have to separate the whites from the colors. Like this." She separated some of the clothes. Colors with the colors and whites with the whites. "Okay now for colors you use cold water so press this button (point to the button that says cold) and the white you use the warm and cold button. Just depends on how soiled your whites are." She said.

Tai looked at the buttons "Okay so what about the deterrent?" he asked. "You pour one cup of it into the washing machine (depending on the load) with the color, you put fabric softener in the whites but don't put them in with the color or else it will bleach them and make white spots on your colored clothes." She said. "Are you okay with it?" she asked. "Uh, yeah. Okay I understand. And I'll get used to it" Tai replied.


hour later………

Tai finished the laundry and it was in the dryer. He went back to the guest house. Sora was still sleeping soundly. "Matt said he was coming where is he?" he said out loud quietly not to wake Sora up. There was a knock and Tai hopped up and opened the door. "Matt, I called you an hour ago where were you?" he asked. Matt avoided the question "Sora's sleeping, what happened to her?" he questioned. Tai sighed. "I thinks she over works herself to much, she got angry at me this morning threw my cloths at me and started to cry." Tai told him.

"mood swings, they happen when some women get pregnant Tai." Matt replied looking at him. "Oh, well…I don't know everything about pregnancy. Maybe I should have paid attention in health class." He replied.

"You should have." Matt replied. "don't go all I'm da man on me." Tai replied. Matt smiled. "I wasn't, But you know that I'm da man." He replied smirking.

"Ha, whatever if your da man then how did you get yourself stuck with Brittany?" Tai replied smartly. Matt sat stood there.

"Okay you win. So I was stupid when I asked her out." He replied defensively. "Back to me." Tai said. "yeah right." He replied. "I need some help, can you got get for me?" Tai asked him. Matt raised an eyebrow. "What are you asking Tai." Tai thought for a whiled. Then whispered something in his ear.


Mimi and Kari are at the mall doing the usual shopping and talking. "And you know the rest right." Kari questioned her. "Um yeah. Sure." Mimi replied.

'maybe this isn't such a good Idea what if it turns out he did but he was too drunk to remember about it.' She thought. So lost in thought she didn't know Kari was trying to get her attention.

"Hey Mimi?… Mimi!" Kari called her, she waved her hand in front of Mimi's face. "Oh, sorry what was it that you were saying?" she asked. "I was wondering if you were okay. You seem spaced out lately." Kari replied. Mimi sighed. "Yeah, I'm scared about the plan tomorrow. I know Matt said it was definitely going to work and everything but I'm to afraid of the out come of it what if Matt really did sleep with her and he was just to drunk to remember what happened?" Mimi questioned.

"Mimi, don't fall back on to the past. Besides I think Matt's telling the truth and Brittany is lying about the whole thing. Even that night and sleeping with him." She said. Mimi worriedly looked at the up in front of her. "I hope your right. Cause I couldn't handle it if that case was true." She replied uneasy. "Listen, quite being so up tight remember, it's past issues…" Mimi cut her off. "Past issues that still hurt.!" She replied to her. "Okay, Okay. Can we not talk about this anymore?" Kari asked. "Okay sure." Mimi replied then smiled.

"TK's birthday is coming up. What are you planning to get him." She asked smiling. Kari blushed.. "Well, don't laugh at me…I got him. Boxers. There silk" She replied. Mimi smiled. "Oh that's so cute!" Mimi laughed delighted. "I don't see what's cute?" Kari replied embarrassed. "And don't mention this to Tai! he'll never leave it alone!" Kari replied. "But what about Sora?" Mimi asked giggling. "No, she lives with him sooner or later it will slip!" Kari replied. "Okay between you me and TK." Mimi said.


"He's so dead, Why did I ever agree to this. I promised myself I will never set foot near here !" Matt replied angry walking through the women's lingerie section of The Department Store. 'okay where's that purple silk night gown with the robe.' He thought bitterly.

Kari and Mimi walked by The Department Store looked in only to see a familiar blond head walking around in the lingerie section. Mimi and Kari gasped. "Oh, is that Matt?" Kari asked out.

"I think it is." Mimi replied looking a little interested why he is in the lingerie section of The Department Store. "lets go and ask him what he's doing there." Kari replied. The two girl walked toward Matt, who had his back turned. Kari smiled.

"hm.. is that Matt Ishida?" she asked. Matt turned around surprised and embarrassed. "Ah. Hi?!" he replied nervously. "Matt what are you doing here?" Mimi asked, and looked not happy.

"I ah was looking for something for Sora…" the two girls looked eyes wide. Matt realized what he said "No I mean…I mean Tai asked me to come here to get something for Sora!" he said. "that better be true." Mimi replied. "Honestly it is." He replied.

"So Tai basically blackmailed you to coming here." Kari asked him. "Um…no .. I'm doing it for Sora cause he explain how moody she was getting and stressed out." He said looking down at his feet.

"Awe. That's sweet of you Matt. But Tai asked you right?" she asked him. "Yeah, it's an early birthday present for her." He replied. "And I'm the one who got stuck to find it cause he had to stay there with Sora even though she's asleep." Matt replied warily.

"How about you and Mimi talk and I'll look for and it and I'll even pay for it with the money Tai gave." Kari replied. Matt handed her the money.

"100 dollars? What is dose he think The Department Store is a mega expensive store?" Kari replied. Matt shrugged. "who knows. He wanted to get her a night gown that was purple and silk with a robe that was silk also." He told her. "Okay I got it." Kari replied. She begin looking around. Mimi pulled Matt aside.

"Are you sure you know what your doing?" she asked. Matt confused. "Yeah, I came here to buy something for Tai for Sora." He replied. Mimi frowned

"NO!, I meant tomorrow the who tape recording thing." She replied. "Oh, yeah. I got everything covered so nothing will go wrong." He replied confidant.

"Okay Matt, I got it." Kari said waving it in the air. "Kari put it down before someone thinks something bad!" her replied. "Oh relax." She told him. "well you have to pay for it still." He replied pushed her toward the cashier, Kari went to pay.

"Like I was saying it's going to be a piece of cake." He replied again. "Okay, if your sure." She replied. "Can't you trust me on this. I know what I'm doing." He told her. Kari came back gave him the bag. "Come on Mimi it's still our shopping time." Kari replied. "right lets go. Bye Matt." Mimi waved.

"see ya! Tell Tai there something from me in there for Sora to wear!" Kari exclaimed and the two girls left. Matt felt sick now. "thank you…if you put it that way." He replied, walking out of the store.


Sora woke up startled. Looked around. "Tai? what are you doing?" she asked. "Folding the clothes, what dose it look like?" he asked. Sora got up moved over near him. "it looks like a hurricane pass threw them." she replied quietly. "well how about you try?" he asked her, Tai handed her the shirt he was attempting to fold neatly. She directed him through the steps of folding a shirt, pants and undergarments. By the time it was fished they looked all neat in a pile. Tai smile.

"I did a damn good job." He replied. Sora looked at him skeptical. "Yeah considering I helped you sweet heart." She said getting up. Tai stood up too. "Were are you going?" he asked her. "Putting some stuff away." She replied, picking up some clothing.

"No, you can't sit down I'll do it." He replied. Sora sighed. "Tai I can still bend down." She replied. "fine." Tai said. "good you listen to me." She replied. Sora picked up her and Tai's clothing pile and carried them to the bedroom to be put away.

Knock, knock..

"Got it Sora!" Tai called. He went to the door and opened it Tai gasped and grabbed the bag out of his hand. And quickly hid it underneath the sofa. "Oh thank you Matt so much. No problem Tai anything for a best friend." He replied to himself mimicking a conversation with Tai. "Sora's awake can't you see she's…." Tai then stopped in the middle of his sentence as Sora came from the bedroom door. "Hi Matt." She said. "Hi Sora how are you feeling?" he asked. "Okay, I think the morning sickness stuff is wearily down." She replied. "That's great…but…aren't you supposed to be showing yet?" he asked, Tai gave him an odd look "at six months. But it coming along soon." She replied. Matt nodded.

"Hey, Matt buddy don't you have some place to be?" Tai questioned. Matt caught on and went along. "Oh, yeah….the Mall. I got to meet Mimi have a talk you know the obvious things in life." He replied.

"Nice seeing you buddy." Tai replied trying to get him to leave in a hurry. "Yeah see you later." Matt replied. "bye Matt." Sora said.

As he shut the door behind him, Sora turned to him. "Tai that was kind of mean." She replied. "I want to give you a present and I didn't want him here to see it." He replied. Sora nodded. "Okay what is it?" she asked.

Tai went under the sofa and retrieved the bag with the night gown in it. "here you go." Tai said handing her the bag. Sora looked inside and gasped. "Oh .. Tai that so sweet of you." She replied. She hugged him then gave him as small kiss on his lips.

"whoa.." Sora replied as she took another look in the back and pulled out a short black negligee with pink bow in the middle of the front of it, taking it out of the bag she looked it over. Then smiled. "I'm guess this is for a honey moon?" she replied. Tai looked up to see what she was talking about. "Whoa .. I don't remember.. well .. a yeah, yeah.. of course it is." he replied and turned to her. "it's for our honeymoon and I'll picture how good you'll look in it 3 years from now…." He trailed off. Sora smiled. "Your going to have to wait till August to see me in this." Sora replied and kissed him. "Or possibly earlier. Then three years." He replied.


Sunday February 18th …


"Okay Mimi listen to me. I'm going in her house to her bedroom and I'll bug her phone and put a microphone in near her bed." Matt told her. Mimi nodded, "You better be out soon, cause I don't know how to use this stuff." She replied.

"Just talk to me through the walkie talkie. And tell me if you can hear me." She nodded and Matt got out of the white van parked in the brush. He walked on the door and knocked on it. "Oh Matt hi…I thought you never wanted to see me again?" she questioned. Matt shrugged

"Yeah well…I came to say I'm sorry about it." He replied. "Oh that's okay." She replied. "can we go to you room?" he asked. "Yeah sure.." she replied interested.

Up her room. Brittany kissed him. And the fell on the bed making out…Matt pulled away. "Do you think you can I can have a drink or something .. like coffee?" he asked. Brittany watched him closely. "Okay. Sure. I'll be back in a few seconds." She replied and danced out of her room closing the door.

'this is great.' He hopped off the bed and picked up the phone putting the bug in the right place were the person had told him to put it. Then he looked around for a spot for the microphone, which was right underneath the lamp near her bed. He attached it to the lamp, and Brittany came into the room looking at him suspiciously. "I was just about to use your phone .. of course if you don't mind." He replied dialed TK's house.

"No that's okay go ahead" Brittany replied. TK answered. "Hello, TK speaking" he said. "Hi bro, I all most forgot out plans tonight…….Sorry that I almost forgot about them….yeah you know I should come over…yeah. Okay bye." He hung the phone up.

TK heard dial tone "whoa, I wonder what he's on?" he replied, put the receiver back on to the phone.

"I'm sorry. Brittany." He kissed her. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said. "Okay…..sure.." she replied oddly, then smiled. Matt left the house and ran back to the van.


"Matt, how do you work these things?" Mimi replied trying to turn them on. "Okay I got it this is the on switch for the microphone. And this is for the on button for the bug on phone.

Brittany looked around her room. She sighed and picked up the phone. "Hi Nina do you think you can come over?………okay great." She replied. And closed the phone.


The microphone and the bug were recording everything that Brittany was saying to her friend …..but Mimi and Matt couldn't figure out how to turn on the speaker so they could here also. "Damn I know it's some where on here." Matt replied as he looked around trying to find a button that looked like it would turn on speakers or the volume. Mimi looked bored and Tired. "Matt I'm going home." She replied.

"No wait I'm getting it to work in second." He replied. Mimi rolled her eyes upward. "Um no thanks I'm kind of tired…I'm skipping school tomorrow so you know where I'll be, right?" she asked him.

"Yeah the mall." He replied. "No at home." Mimi took her cell phone and called Sora's. "Sora here who's this?" Sora replied into the phone.

"Hi Sora, it me Mimi." She replied. "Hi Mimi." Sora said. "Oh….I was wondering if one of you guys can pick me up." Mimi asked politely. "Um sure Tai's not doing any homework." She replied. Tai looked over at her, "What's that?" he asked. "Could you pick up Mimi from….(back into the phone) where are you?" she asked. "Brittany's not at her house but at the front gate." She replied. "Brittany's house front gate." Sora relayed the message to him. Tai got up and sighed. "I'm so tired why do I have to go?" he asked

"Cause you not doing anything. Any ways put on some clothes and hurry it up." She replied. "but these are good enough." He told her. "Tai those are your boxers and t-shirt you don't want Mimi to see you in that. Do you?" she asked. Tai looked down at what he was wearing at the moment and shrugged. "Okay I'll go and change… 'mother'" he replied sarcastically. "Tai don't call me that." She told him. "Yeah but soon you are going to be a mother." He replied. "Just go and shut up." She replied.


"Okay, what is it you want to discuss with me?" Nina asked Brittany. "Matt came by here then he left really quickly." She said. Nina frowned. "Well maybe he had something to do." She said. "No there's something else." She replied.

"Look, don't you think you should just leave him all this will cost you humiliation and sadness." Nina said. "I don't think so I didn't work hard, just to have this all disappear in front of me." She replied. "Now help me out and get some idea of a way to forge a pregnancy test" She replied.

"That's going too far Brittany! The sleeping pill idea wasn't overboard but this newest idea is totally outrageous!" Nina cried. "I'm not giving up! I won him once and I can win him again." She replied. "No you can't. don't you get it? It's over! Your obsessed with him and it's wrecking your life and my life. And I don't have to put up with it." Nina replied. "I don't need you anymore Nina, some nice friend, you are." She replied. Nina walked out of Brittany's room and slammed the door. "there you go, so much for her." She said out loud.

Matt frustrated and angry. "WORK YOU DAMN MACHINE!" he yelled at it. Tai walked into the van followed by Mimi who was angry at Tai. "Calm down, the machine won't work if you yell at it." Tai said to him. "Tai? Mimi? What are you doing I thought you were going?" he asked Mimi.

"Well yah and Tai wanted to see the place and everything and he dragged me here." she replied. "So what's wrong with the machine?" Tai asked looking at it. "I'm trying to turn on the speakers so I can here what she's saying up there." Matt replied pointing to the ceiling of the van. "Okay let the pro work his magic. Move out of the way." Tai said as he cleared the way. He flicked a switched and they could her Brittany talking to herself.

"I can't believe it, how did you turn it on?" he asked. Tai rolled his eyes. "look see this button the spk button, well you press it and the speaker magically turn on." He replied.

"Hello Dr. Ollson." She asked into the receiver. "Yes this is Dr. Ollson's office how can I help you?" the secretary asked her. "Yeah, I'd like to know when she's available." Brittany asked. "Oh office hours are 9am to 10pm." The secretary replied. "well thank you so much." She said sweetly and hung up.

"What dose she want to see Sora's obstetrician for?" Tai asked confused. "I don't know ..." Matt replied. "Idiots, she's pregnant maybe trying to schedule an appointment." Mimi replied. Tai looked at her annoyed then to Matt.

"I'm stopping it and rewinding the tape. Cause I saw Nina leaving a while ago looking angry." Tai told them. he stopped playing it and rewound it. "Okay here it goes. The moment of truth." Tai replied. He pressed the play button.

Brittany looked around her room. She sighed and picked up the phone. "Hi Nina do you think you can come over?………okay great." She replied. And closed the phone.

"Okay, what is it you want to discuss with me?" Nina asked Brittany. "Matt came by here then he left really quickly." She said. Nina frowned. "Well maybe he had something to do." She said.

"No there's something else." She replied. "Look, don't you think you should just leave him all this will cost you humiliation and sadness." Nina said. "I don't think so I didn't work hard, just to have this all disappear in front of me." She replied. "Now help me out and get some idea of a way to forge a pregnancy test" She replied.

"That's going too far Brittany! The sleeping pill idea wasn't overboard but this newest idea is totally outrageous!" Nina cried. "I'm not giving up! I won him once and I can win him again." She replied. "No you can't. don't you get it? It's over! Your obsessed with him and it's wrecking your life and my life. And I don't have to put up with it." Nina replied.

"I don't need you anymore Nina, some nice friend, you are." She replied. Nina walked out of Brittany's room and slammed the door. "there you go, so much for her." She said out loud.

Mimi, Matt and Tai all shocked. "Well there you go this whole pregnancy is a lie and you never slept with her." Tai told Matt. Mimi looked up at Matt, then turned her attention to floor. Tears had threatened to fall.

To Be Continued………………………..

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