Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Begins ❯ Begins Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Begins Chapter 5

Hour later..

Matt stirred in the soft bed He woke up noticing he sat up right startled. "What the hell….." he said out loud. He looked under the covers "AHHH! My cloths! What happened!!" He was scared out of his mind of what he might have done.

He noticed that his shirt and pants and boxers were strewed on the ground all over the place. Then he remembered the drinks and Brittany. "Oh, no...I didn't I couldn't have." He said. He hurried out of the bed and putting his cloths back on again. He ran downstairs then he ran into Brittany. "Brittany tell me we didn't do what I thought we did." He said with a begging look in his eyes. "What do you mean? That we had sex?" she asked. "SHHHH! Don't say that out loud!" Matt cried claming a hand over her mouth. She pulled herself away. "Yeah we did. Why don't you remember?" she asked.

When Matt didn't response she looked at him disgusted. "Your so mean I can't believe you don't remember our night of passion you ! Pervert!" she cried and ran off Matt stood there confused.

Sora and Tai had turned and looked at the stairs. "Matt?" they asked. His hair was all messed and he had lipstick all over his neck and his lips. "I'm so…screwed I mean…" he slid to the floor. "What did you do with Mimi?" Tai asked. "I didn't do nothing….I woke up...in Brittany's bedroom…." Matt stopped sank down to the floor.


"I can't believe he did this. To me, to us." Mimi said out loud. Her eyes were red from crying so much. "How could he have done this." She repeated over and over.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Matt's house…

Sora and Tai were over still wanting to know what he was so upset about. "Matt were friends come on and tell me what's wrong." Tai said acting like Matt was a little kid. "I'll tell you but you can't tell Mimi about it." Matt said he looked over at Sora..."Please leave Sora." he replied.

Sora left the room hesitantly when she did. Matt began to explain to Tai about everything that had happened.

Sora heard Tai yell. "YOU DID WHAT!" then she walked over to living room where the two boys are. "I can't believe you let the wench trick you!" Tai yelled. "WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO? Say screw you I'm don't want to drink anymore." He said. "Yeah pretty much." Tai responded.

"You know what Tai you're the coolest friend and all but just leave. And take Sora with you." Matt answered. He motioned to the door.

"That's fine I'll come back when you tell me what really happened." Tai replied back, Matt angry gotten up "TAI YOU JUST STAY OUT OF THIS!" he yelled at Tai's car. He watched as the car leave his house. He saw the news paper on the ground and threw it away in rage.

In the car..

"What happened?" Sora asked. Tai laughed. "I don't believe it." He started. "Believe what? Can you just tell me what going on?" She asked. "Didn't you notice that his cloths were all roughly loose and he looked like a wreck. Well that because Matt slept with Brittany." He replied still controlled on the driving wheel.

Sora gasped "Oh god." She replied. "Tai, if that was where Matt was all night then Mimi must off saw them, doing it." She said. "Shit. That's totally screwed. You know that worst part of it is that Matt doesn't even remember that even happening." He said. Sora looked out the window into the darkness attempting to think. "That's the only explanation I got that would make sense Mimi was so upset she was crying, she yelled at me when she left." She said. After a few minutes they were as Sora's house. "Well I'll talk to Mimi tomorrow. I love you." She said she leaned in and kissed him. "I love you too." He said.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Next day~ Saturday

Matt arrived at Mimi's house. Mimi mother was going to the door and stopped as she saw Matt was there. "Mimi darling Matt's here." She called. "Tell him I'm not home." Mimi called from upstairs.

"But he's your boyfriend if you got to at least talk to him if your having problems." Her mother told her. "fine." She said coming down the stairs Mimi opened the door. Mimi's mother left them alone.

"You have the nerve of showing up here after what happened last night." Mimi said gritting her teeth angry. "Mimi I don't know what your talking about? Why didn't you wait for me." He asked.

"Why? *laughs* I didn't want to see you and your new toy." She replied. Matt looked at her. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"STOP IT MATT!" she yelled. "STOP LIYING TO ME!" she demanded. "I'm not lying what are you talking about?" He asked again. Mimi enraged slapped him across the face. "You know perfectly well what you did. So stop trying to deny it." She said not yelling but feeling hurtful and betrayed. She was being to crying.

"I don't want this lying if you can't admit to what you did. Then we can't be together." She replied. Matt devastated and angry "How am I supposed to know what your talking about! What did I do! You saw the whole thing?" he replied his emotions starting to get to him. "Don't make me say it. I don't want to even think about what I saw or what you did." She answered.

She turned to her back to him so she wasn't forced to look as his face. "Mimi! You saw didn't you my god tell me cause I can't live with myself if I hurt you in any way." He said starting to cry. "GO!" she shouted. "Mimi I love you!" he cried.

"IF YOU DID THEN YOU WOULDN'T OF HAD SEX WITH BRITTANY!" she yelled and then ran up stairs. Matt eye widened in horror. Then turned into anger as he slammed the door as he left her house.


Sora moaned, as she tried to get out of bed. She didn't want to get up but she had too. She got out of bed slowly, she stood up. And began changed into her clothing.


In the kitchen....

Sora came through the door looking sick. He mother noticed "Sora are you okay?" she asked her daughter. "Yeah, I feeling dizzy lately and I fainted a couple of times." She said. "I'll make an appointment for you okay." Her mother said.

"Sure thanks mom." She said eating the breakfast that was laid out for her. Her mother was on the phone with the doctor office to make an appointment for Sora. 'I got to call Mimi.' She remembered. 'but after I finish eating breakfast.'

"Sora your appointment is next week. Tuesday morning at 9:00am." Her mother told her as she wrote down the time and date and put it on to the fridge. "Okay thanks mom." She replied. "I'll see you tonight later at the flower shop right?" she asked her daughter. "Yeah." She reasoned.

Sora finished her breakfast and put the plate in the sink going upstairs to her room she picked up the phone and dialed Mimi's phone number.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. "She's not answering me." Sora thought out loud. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. ' I wonder who that could be." She thought, getting out of her seat she walked to the door. "Oh gosh." She replied as she looked through the peek hole she opened the door.

"Mimi! Are you okay." She asked. "No…I….broke up…with matt." She stammered over her words crying and upset. Sora was confused. "Why? What happened between you two?" she asked Sora had an Idea but she didn't want to say anything just incase that wasn't the case. Mimi shrugged her shoulders and was sobbing. Sora had pulled her inside out of the cold and sat her on the couch. She sat next to her sobbing form. "Mimi, I would like to help you but you got to tell me what happened." Sora said softly. She shook her head. "I can't, it hurts too much to think about it." She replied.


10:30 am

Tai rolled over in his bed and fell off of it. "OW, CRAP!" he yelled. "lousy good for nothing piece of junk." Tai said to his bed. That was the most uncomfortable mattress in the world and he couldn't get any sleep last night. He slowly walked down the stairs. "Tai, It's not the mattresses fault that you can't sleep." Kari replied. Tai glared at his sister.

"I didn't ask for your opinion did I?" he remarked sarcastically. "Well sorry." She said and continued to mind her own business.

'Matt's such an idiot.' He thought angry, sat at the table putting his head on it. 'what a mess.' He thought.


Matt was banging on Brittany's house front door very loud making racket. The maid answered it. "Can I help you mister." She asked annoyed. "I need to see Brittany is she here?" Matt asked sounding desperate. "she's left probably to meet her friend at the café." She replied. "Thank you." Matt took off to his car and hopped in started his car and left to the Midnight Express.


Mimi had stopped crying now was acting like a zombie sort of. "Mimi I've got to go to work." Sora said to her. "Oh, I'll leave I'm sorry if miss convinced you in any way." She said as Mimi got up and put her coat on. "I'll drive you home okay" Sora said to her. "Yeah sure, thank you Sora." The two went into the car Sora drove her home and then went to the Express.


"Hi Cody." She said "Oh, Sora good you're here it a bit busy all ready." He said handing her apron to her. "Yeah, I can see." She said. Then began to get to work.

Brittany was sitting at the table with Nina. "Brit I don't know what your doing but the first part of your plan worked." She said. Brittany just smiled casually "Yeah, it did work now I have to work on him." She said. "He probably hates you how are you going to manage that?" Nina asked. "I got my ways." She said.

Matt burst thought the doors, he spotted Brittany and marched toward her. "Can I have a word with you." he asked her. "Yeah of course sit here." She said a moved a chair so he could sit beside her. "No some where else, how about outside there." Matt motioned to the glass portion. "Okay fine." Brittany got up and winked at Nina, she followed Matt outside.

"What happened last night." he asked. "we made love and it was the best experience ever." She said with a dreamy expression on her face Matt looked at her then sighed.

"No, I mean, what really happened did you set this up so Mimi could see us?." he asked. "No! how could you say that." She said starting up on fake tears.

"Listen don't you find it a little odd that I don't remember a single thing about that night." Matt said. Brittany cried "How could you not remember a night like that! I can't believe you." She cried out.

Matt frustrated "OH THE HELL YOU DIDN'T, HOW ON EARTH DO I NOT REMEMBER SOMETHING LIKE THAT! YOU DID SOMETHING AND I'LL FIND OUT!!" he yelled. Sora and everyone almost in the café turned there heads to where he was yelling .

"I don't want to talk to you anymore go away now." She replied. She headed back inside to the table her tears rolling down her cheeks, she put here head down on the table.

Matt started at her in disbelief. Sora walked over to him. "Matt keep it down." She said. "No, I can't did you see what she just did to Me!" he yelled. Sora frowned slightly "Matt, drop it already you causing a scene." She told him. "She lying to me, look she's fake crying." He replied.

Sora looked at the girl at the table and then back at Matt. "She looks upset for real, Matt." Sora said. Matt angry took off. "Matt!" Sora called him but he just ignored her. "Oh boy" she sighed and went back to work.



Sora's shift was ending a little while and Tai said he was coming by to pick her up. She folded her apron and put down it away in the a drawer underneath the bar. Tai came in just when she was done. "Sora." He said looking at her. "Tai." she said. They hugged.

"Hey your were right about Matt." She said. "Oh really, what happened." He asked. "Well he was yelling at Brittany cause she was fake crying. Well at least that's what he said." Sora told him. Tai rolled his eyes. "fake crying." He said.

"She must be one hell of an actress." He said. "Yeah, but Tai it did look real." Sora replied.

"But Matt would never of done it with Brittany even if he was drunk." Tai said to her. Sora thought awhile. "Hey but…" she stopped feeling she was going to faint she grabbed on to Tai.

"Sora are you okay" he asked. She shook her head no, she took some deep breaths of air and she felt fine. "Tai did I tell I was going to see a doctor, next Tuesday." She told him. "About the fainting spell's and everything.?" He asked.

"Yeah, did you want to come?" she asked. Tai smiled "Yeah, I'll be there with you Sora ." He said. She smiled. "Thank you Tai." she said she stroked his cheek lightly with her right hand. They kissed.


"Stupid, ……bitch." Matt said out loud. Then he started to crying. "It's not fair, I never slept with her….. She ruined my life, and my relationship with Mimi." He cried more tears ran down his tear strained face.


Matt was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling thinking about Mimi, and all the happy moments they had together…

For all those times you stood by me

For all the truth that you made me see

For all the joy you brought to my life

For all the wrong that you made right

For every dream you made come true

For all the love I found in youI'll be forever thankful baby

You're the one who held me up

Never let me fall

You're the one who saw me through it all

"Mimi?" Matt asked as the two were strolling through the park in the beautiful weekend. "Yeah Matt." she asked. "I just wanted to give you this." he said and pulled out a velvet box.

Mimi gasped 'a ring?' she thought and opened the box. "Wow Matt....this is so beautiful I love it so much!" she exclaimed and jumped into his arms. "Here let me do the honors of putting it on." Matt said.

She gave him the ring which he put on her finger the two smiled at each other and they began to kiss in the moon lit night.

Matt remembered it like it was yesterday in stead of a year ago. He smiled. Happy. There were other times too…..

You were the strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

"Matt look what you did!" Mimi exclaimed wiping the snow the Matt had thrown at her playfully. "Oh sorry." He said. Mimi grinned wickedly and picked up some snow and threw it a Matt hitting him in the chest.

"Oh...so now who's asking for it." Matt said teasingly, Mimi ran from him they played a while until Matt tackled Mimi pinning her to the ground. "I love you." Matt said, Mimi smiled. "I love you Matt." She said. They kissed lightly.

Matt eyes were rimed up with tears this time.

You gave me wing and made me fly

You touched my hand I could touch the sky

I lost my faith, you gave back to me

You said no star was out of reach

You stood by me and I stood tall

I had you love I had it all

I'm grateful for each day you gave me

Maybe I don't know that much

But I know this much is true

I was blessed because I was loved by you

After he had gotten out of the hospital he Tai, Sora and Mimi went out together, for the first time in 3 months.

"Sora dance?" Tai offered her. I took Tai's lead "Mimi?" I asked her. "I'd love too." They swayed gently to the music as I held her in my arms.

I've had dance with other girls but never have I felt this wonderful.

You were the strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

You were always there for me

The tender wind that carried me

A light in the dark shining you love into my life

You've been my inspiration

Through the lies you were the truth

My world is better place because of you

"Mimi I promise you I will never do anything to hurt you." I said that to her but I broke that promise, I didn't keep my promise I made to her.

Matt let a few tears run down his cheeks. He tried to blink them back but couldn't.

You were the strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me………..

Matt sang softly. "I'm everything I am, because you loved me…." He closed his. "But there is still one thing the song doesn't have in it. I still love you, Mimi." He said cried himself to sleep.


Mimi looked at the ring he'd had given her a year ago. She took it off and put the ring back into the box, leaving it on the dresser. She went over to small envelope and placed the ring in it's box and a letter in as well then sealed the envelope.

She went down stairs "Daddy?" she called. "Yeah sweet heart." He answered her. "Can you please send this by UPS" she asked. "Yeah sure honey, just place it by my briefcase." He replied. She placed it by the briefcase, the went up stairs to bed.

She climbed into bed and listened started to sing hum to a song. Then staying that last two lines of the song…. "I'm everything I am,

Because you loved me……….."

To Be Continued…………………...

~* Song sung by Celine Dion titled: Because you loved me *~