Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Begins ❯ Begins Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 8 Begins

Dec 14th Thursday :

At school….

Tai scanned the whole area for Sora, he couldn't see her any where. Until he saw her orange/reddish hair he knew it was her. "Sora!" he called he pushed people out of he way and made it to her. "Sora." He said. Sora looked at him. "Tai what is it." She said.

"I want to talk to you." He said. "It's almost time to go to class." Sora replied. "No were talking I don't care if it's class." Tai said. "Okay, fine." Sora replied "Let me here you sorry excuse of apology" she answered.

Tai lead her somewhere in the school were it wasn't that much traffic.


Mimi was talking to James at his locker when Matt walked by. He saw the two then he did a double take. 'whoa it's the kid I slammed into the locker yesterday.' He thought distracted he stopped hid behind a the other pillar and spied.

"Well thank you, for the date last night." Mimi said. "No problem." James replied. Mimi whispered something in his ear. He smiled. And he kissed her.

Matt's eyes widened startled "She's dating someone else all ready?" He whispered angry. "Well two can play at that game." Matt replied.

Matt took his cell phone out and dialed a number made himself visible to Mimi and he boyfriend. "Hello." The voice on the other line answered. "Hi Brittany. I thought it over and I changed my mind that offer of dinner would be great" Matt replied loudly so Mimi could here. "Oh really!"

Brittany exclaimed, happily "Yeah." Matt said. "How about tonight at 7:00pm we can go to the movies." Brittany said, grinning. "Okay tonight at 7:00 at the theater. See you later bye." Matt repeated. Then closed he phone and walked passed Mimi and James. Smug smile across his face.


"Kari, I don't want to be dragged into this!" TK cried trying to get his get footing on the ground. "Well guess what we are all ready stuck in this mess." Kari replied still dragging TK thought the halls.

"Mimi!" Kari called. "TK, Kari what are you guys doing here?" Mimi asked them. "Ah…let's see we go to school here!" TK replied.

"Oh silly me. Any way meet James, this is the guy I'm going out with." She said they shook hands.

"Well, I was going to ask you something but never mind." Kari said, then pulled TK with her the turned the corner and stopped. "Sorry." Kari said to him.

"That's okay I'm getting used to it now." He replied. Kari smiled. "Your so cute." And kissed him when she pulled away TK had a goofy little grin on. "Come on." Kari said pulling him with her.


"Okay were. So what are you waiting for?" Sora asked him. "Okay, I'm a idiot . I didn't mean to do anything to make you think that I didn't want any part of it. But I want to help you through it. I want to be part of it." He said apologizing to Sora.

"Tai, are you sure I mean I can go through with an abortion." Sora turned her back to him he grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him.

"No, don't I don't want you to do it. I don't believe in that. You can't." he begged.

"I don't know you…." Tai kissed her, Sora hadn't stopped him either. She eagerly put her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. "Sora…..I mean …… it." Tai whispered to her in between kissing.

"Yeah I believe you…" she whispered they're kissing slowed down. Sora broke away slightly. "Tai I've been ….. thinking." She said. Tai was caressing her cheek gently.

"Yeah, me too….we'll get married…cause I want you in my future. And our problems will be solved. I mean when were actually are old enough to get married." Tai replied Sora smiled.

"You took that right out of my mind…." She said softly. Sora gasped. "What is it?" Tai asked. "Our parents Tai, we have to tell them about this." She said. Tai's face paled "oh man." He rubbed his temples as if he was easing a real headache. "Okay, Uh we have to pick a date."

Ring, ring, ring, ring.....

Sora's cell phone rung she dug into her purse and pulled it out. "hello?" she asked. "Oh, hi…….really, thank you for calling me instead of my mom……okay…..when…………..okay… ..Monday December 18th….Okay that's fine. Thank you." Sora finished and closed the phone. "Who was that." Tai asked.

Sora raised her hand to telling him to wait a moment. She took out her planner and wrote down something which Tai couldn't see. "it's the doctor." She said. "What did he say?" Tai asked.

"The results came in from the blood test and it is official I am pregnant, he said he wants to book an ultra sound to check to see if the baby's all right. So he booked on December 18th at 10:00am with Dr. Sarah Ollson on the maternity level of the hospital." She said.

Tai looked at her hopefully. "I want to come." Tai said. Sora looked at him unsure If he was serious. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Of course I'm sure, I'm the dad." He replied. "I love you Tai." she said. "I love you Sora, and I'll never leave you again." He replied they hugged and kissed.

"When do you suggested we tell our parents?" she asked. "how about tomorrow night we'll tell our parents over dinner at a restaurant private dinning room. We'll split the money up for it." Sora said. "Okay, that's fine. But let me pay for it cause you need the money to care for…"

"No Tai let me do that to I'll pay half you pay other it fair enough were engaged now right. That means we do things together." She said. Tai nodded

"Okay you win." He said. "I'll make reservations for 5 at the Clearing Towers." Tai said, then kiss her on her forehead. "Okay hon."


12:00pm Lunch time…..

Matt's banging his head on the cafeteria table sitting by himself several other kids watched him, Until TK and Kari spotted him. "Matt!" TK called over, Matt looked up saw his brother coming over. "Hi Matt what wrong?" Kari asked.

"I don't know what worst , That I ask Brittany out or that Mimi is going out with some one else." He replied. "You what?" he asked. "You heard me." Matt replied. TK and Kari took seat across from him. Next Sora and Tai came to the table looking happier then they did this morning and holding hands.

"Ah, look two love bird are back to there old selves again." Matt replied. "Hey Matt, be happy for My brother and Sora." Kari said. Matt shrugged his shoulders took a sip of his pop.

"Hey we resolved our problems, Sora is going to go a head with the pregnancy and we've decided to get married." Tai said.

Matt spit his pop out all over the table. "What? Are you both crazy." Matt said. "No were not Matt!" Sora said.

"We both are in love with each other and we proved it many times, it not only because of the baby if there wasn't no baby we probably would have eloped some time later on like next year." She finished. Kari eye's lit up.

"I'm going to have a sister!" Kari cried. She got up. And hugged Sora "Hey lets go find Mimi." She said "Okay, got to tell her the new any ways." She agreed. The two girls left. "Tai you can't get married, your not even dated long enough." Matt said.

"Look I know your jealous and all but don't bring it on me, who said we haven't been dating long enough I want to do this, she's the only one I want to spend my life with she's the only one that understands me. And I understand her. We both thought of the same thing Marriage at the same time. Matt were soul mates." Tai said finishing

"Don't say anything else I get it okay." He replied he got up. "Well if you two excuse me I'm going home now." He said. "But it's only lunch Matt." TK said. "Yeah I know. It's just something I have to do." Matt replied. "Okay later man." Tai said. "bye Matt" TK called. He waved to them and left.


"Mimi!" Kari called "Hi Kari, Sora! I haven't seen you in a long time." She said. Sora raised one eyebrow at her. "Mimi you saw us yesterday." Sora replied.

"Yeah but there was a whole 12 hours between it." She said. The two rolled there eyes. "Guess what Sora's my sister in law!" she said. Sora blushed at the comment.

"What? Your getting married!" Mimi cried, she hugged her. "Wait hold on, your too young to get married what was Tai thinking." Mimi said. "The same thing I was." She said.

"Yeah but who cares, she's my new sister. Sora we are so going shopping for you're my niece or nephew!" she cried. Sora sighed a little.

"Kari, I think I hear TK calling you." She said. Kari listened for a few minutes "No, he's not. I can brother him some other time. OH…that reminds me I got to get some things done. Bye sister, Mimi." She quickly left in a hurry.

"Kari's excited, But what about your parents?" Mimi asked. "Were going to tell them tomorrow night. So, did you tell Matt that you still love him. He's gone a little crazy I think." Sora commented to her.

"No I didn't, and who said I still loved him. Not after he is asking Brittany to movies! And besides I don't need him I have my own boyfriend." Sora looked at her like she was crazy now.

"Mimi, I can't believe you. I thought you were in love with matt!" Sora asked. "I'm not! I don't want to talk about it, oh look my love's waiting for me." Mimi excused herself and left, Sora turned and watched her as she kissed him. Sora sighed, and headed back to the cafeteria.


Later that night at the movies....

'Matt said he was coming here with bitchny' Mimi said. Looking around then she spotted them going into see Charlie's Angles. Mimi quickly paid her ticket and walked in shortly afterwards. she looked around and spotted the two in the back row Mimi sat well covered so that no one would recognize her especially Matt the movie began.


Kamiya's Dinner time:

Kari's in her room will Tai's mom and Dad were still at the table with him. 'okay tai just tell them about dinner tomorrow night and that Sora's mom going to join us too.' He thought to himself. He cleared his throat. "Uh, Mom. Dad." He started.

"Yeah what is it Tai?" his mother asked. His father looked over at him. He nervously began. "Okay, I ah…me and Sora decided to invite our parents to dinner. Tomorrow night are you free for that night?" he asked.

"Yeah, I don't have to work late on Fridays." His father stated "I'm free that's nice of you two is there something going on we don't know about?" his mother asked. Tai smiled and laughed nervously

"You'll find out tomorrow night. Now I really exhausted and tired and I want to go to sleep." Tai said calmly trying not to be nervous. And went to his room.


Takenouchi's :

"Um…mom? Can I talk to you about something." Sora said nervously "Yes what is it dear." She asked. "Well, Me and Tai wanted to take you and his parents out for dinner tomorrow night." Sora finished coolly.

"Well okay we close at 5:30 so why not." He mother replied. "okay, great." Sora replied happily. "Okay mom I'm going to sleep so night now." She said and she went to her room. "Night honey." Her mother replied as she turned on the television set. To Be Continued……………

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