Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Hopes ❯ Meeting her and a heart-breaking past ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Broken Hopes

By: E-chan Hidaka

Disclaimer: I always say the same thing in every fanfic, I post up and once again I do not own anything just the story, so please do not sue me.

Couple(s): Takari & Hints of Mimato

Genre- Romance/ Angst/ Drama

Rated- G- PG-13

This fanfic is dedicated to all the Takeru & Hikari fans out there. And please forgive for my bad grammar and spelling.

The bold italics are lyrics to a song by Ayumi Hamasaki in English translation called Fly High, I do not own it so do not sue me.

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Special Thanks:

DunkmoonX, Shadow Wulf, Sayinijin7, Takeru's Lost Angel, Azn Angel Hikari, Together Again, Paladin Of Takari, Seal_trunpet_bowl, and Lili Shy Goth. For encouraging me to continue writing this story and I'm glad you enjoyed the story. This chapter is dedicated to you guys.

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I couldn't leave at all, because there's scenery I've gotten so used to seeing.

Even if I come here again some time, I'll see the same sky in the same way. Maybe I thought too much about whether or not you could call it beautiful. After a little sleep let's hurry again tomorrow.

I'm afraid. The steps I can't take pile up, and turn into a long, long path untraveled; I'm too late. During that time, I started thinking that somehow maybe even this place isn't so bad. I kept giving myself reasons.

In reality, since as long as I haven't understood even once,

I've been pretending to understand everything.

I couldn't leave at all, because there's scenery I've gotten used to seeing.

Somehow everything seems small, and what I thought was a small lump was the sky I look up at that has no end. Maybe because it's too wide; maybe because I was next to you.

I wanted to understand it with my head, but I envy looking back at someone, somewhere that I missed.

I'll forever be demanding something that isn't there.

I've been thinking like that since I met you.

It's all in this hand for sure. I mustn't leave my dreams here.

It's all in this hand for sure. I don't need a predetermined future.

It's all in this hand for sure. If it doesn't move, I can't move it, but

It's all in this hand for sure. If I don't start it, it never will.

"Stop thinking about life, start living life"- Ray Banasan

Chapter 2: Meeting her and a heart-breaking past

Ever since she entered his life, his life had be turn upside down. She would never leave him alone always at his side no matter what. Even though he would yell at her, she would sit there silently and let him take all his angry out at her. Hikari Yagami was her name, she was different, and he couldn't understand why. She defiantly a unique girl, exquisitely beautiful, with her heart-warming brown eyes, her short shoulder length chocolate brown hair, to her contagious smile, but why does she stay with him even though he being so cold-hearted towards her? It started two weeks ago, she was the new girl in school and all the boys would swoon over her.


"Students give Miss Hikari Yagami a warm welcome to second year class B3." The teacher said.

"Welcome Hikari Yagami," the students chorus in unison.

"Miss Yagami, would you please sit next to Takeru Takashi, Takeru, please raise you're hand." The teacher instructed. Takeru glared at his teacher, looked at the new girl then looked out the window. She walked towards her sit and sat next to the mysterious blonde beauty.

"Hi, I'm Hikari, but call me Kari for short." She introduced herself.

"Shut-up! I don't care!" he snapped without looking at her. Kari was taken back by his angry.

"Who do you think you are? Mister I am hot that I don't have no decent to be kind towards others," she spit back at him. She couldn't believe the nerve of that guy. She was just being nice and he goes biting her head off. He turned and faced her.

"None of your consider, so shut your mouth and leave me alone!" he fired back.

"You…" she started to say.

"What? I heard it all, jerk, asshole, demon boy, selfish, killer, so its nothing new!" he cut her off. It was the first he really got to look at the girl named Kari, she was breathe-taking, and she was crying. Her fist was curled into a fist. She never felt so mad before until she met him.

"Takeru, apologize to Kari now." The teacher told him.

"No!" he yelled and that's when he got slap. Takeru looked shocked at the girl in front of him then grabbed her roughly by the neck, choke her, and pinned her to the window.

"Takeru, let her go please," the teacher cried.

"Let's get this straight, stay away from me! Unless you want to die!" Takeru warned her.

"Then let me die," she said softly. "Would it make you happy if I'm gone?" At that moment Takeru released her, and backed away from her. He never met anyone who would challenge him like she did. He turned his back on her, and walked away. That day he left the school earlier then usual. He didn't want to deal with angry teachers, a principle, and especially her. And that's been their first encounter with each other.


She saw sadness in his eyes; he had experience lost and pain like she did. As she thought to herself, staring up into her plain white ceiling. "Takeru," she softly whispered his name. She had lost her father and mother in an earthquake. And now she only had her brother. Her brother and her only had each other left. When they first lost their parents, she would cry every night trying to cope with the pain. She was angry at her faith for taking away her loving parents she loved so much. But her brother Taichi really broke down. He almost committed suicide in front of her. But he stopped when he saw that sad face of his beloved sister; it broke him.

"Tai! Please," she cried. He looked back at her with sad eyes. "Don't leave me! Don't leave me all alone." He stood there on the roofs edge still and watched his sister cried out for him. "I don't want to be all alone." She cried, "Please…"

Tai tossed around his bed; it had been five years since that day. If he left her what will happen to her. Who would take care of her, who would love her, he couldn't do that to his baby sister, he wouldn't do that to his sister to let her suffer all alone if he ever decide to leave forsake hellhole they called the living. They had to live for each other. And recently he just met a wonderful girl name Sora, who swept him off his feet. She showed him how to love living again and how to love another beside his sister. There was shuffling noise and it was coming closer to his bedroom door. He knew it was Kari and she couldn't sleep again like him. She opened his door. "Taichi," his sister interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Yes, Kari," he said softly.

"I can't sleep again," she told him.

"Yeah, I know," he replied.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked. Tai scoot over to make room for his sister to lay next to him, even though its had been five years since their parent left them all alone this is how they found comfort in each other arms. Kari laid her head on the crook of her brother's arm. "Thank you Taichi."

"Your welcome," he said. He'll be starting college next year with Sora, how will Kari deal with the loneliness. He didn't want to make Kari feel like he was abandoning her because she depended on him a lot. He was her rock, her protector, her everything she lived for.

"I love you Taichi." She told him.

"And I love you Kari." He returned. She snuggled more into her brother warmth and falling into deep sleep.

"Mama, Papa…" she said softly.

"Everything will be ok Kari, you'll always have me." Tai said softly. He felt his cell phone vibrate, he softly moved afraid to wake up his sister. "Hello," he answered.

"Goodnight Taichi, I love you," a girl said.

"Goodnight Sora, I love you too," Tai returned.

"Don't leave me Mama, Papa," Kari cried softly.

"Ah I see Kari is having problems sleeping again." Sora said understanding. "She's lucky to have a brother like you." He smiled at her comment.

"Thank you, I'll see you in the morning at nine, I love you Sora. Thank you for loving me."

"No, thank you for letting me love you Taichi. See you soon, bye," Sora said.

"Bye," Tai said then turning off his phone, and falling asleep himself.

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Author's Note: I'm sorry it took me this long to post up this chapter due to a couple rough weeks. I know it's not an excuse, but I have a job, and also I go to school, so it cuts the most of the free time I use to have. Ugh I hate school! LOL! Everyone does, don't they or is it just me?

And our community where I live lost someone important in our life that made a big impact on us. Ray Banasan [4/5/1984-1/19/2003] you lived a wonderful life, and we all know you're well taken care of in god's welcoming arms. We will miss you and your heart-warming smiles.

Also guys can be beautiful, and yes siblings can sleep with each other without sexual intention. My brother, sister and I sleep with other when we go camping.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter… so please review the chapter, and you'll be rewarded with a new chappie. I already started to type it. What are you doing? Click the review button already!