Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Buried Alive ❯ Ken ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

And now, the fith chapter...I somehow can't manage it to get them longer....argh!
Ken's POV this time. Hey, I like Ken...I actually brought some Kenyako in this part...*sweatdrops* I didn't plan to do that, but it seemed to fit perfectly and was kinda sweet...*scratcheshead*
Please, don't be angry, I am not good at romantic writing...this was actually my first try, and there isn't much romantic....
I talk too much, read the fic and review (by the way, thanks for all the nice reviews!)

;-) Kaeera (AND: didgimon doesn't belong to me! :-P)

Buried Alive


Outside the (ex)building:

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"Some parts crashed again - but why?"

"It is because of the rain. The ground is too wet!"

"We have to hurry up if we wanna rescue someone!"

"Well, I think the chance that somebody survived this is very low!"

"Hey, but we can't give up! Come on, guys, we can't give up! There must be someone who survived this."

"Do you really believe that or do you tell that for calming down some of the relations over there."

"That doesn't count right now. The only important thing is our search for survivors. Understood??"


It is about 10 o'clock in the evening, raining like mad.
But no one of the little group standing out there wants to go home.
Some families went home because their father/mother/child has been found - dead.

The others stay - waiting and worrying. Hoping that maybe -maybe their friend/ brother/sister/daughter/son has survived...hoping for a miracle.

But with every hour that goes away, the hope gets smaller and smaller.

Jun Motomiya can't watch the worried faces of her parents anymore.
She doesn't want to accept that her brother, this nerving guy, is maybe...dead.
No, she won't accept it.
She wishes that she could cry, but all her tears are dried, and the only water which touches her face is the rain.

For the first time in her life, she doesn't run after Matt, although he is only twenty meters away from her. And for the first time in her life, her brother is more important than any other guy.



Someone is crying.

The others are silent.

I think everybody is shocked - it seemed to be relatively safe in here, and now the depressing reality caught us again.

The reality that it is hopeless.

I didn't tell the others, because I didn't want to frighten them, especially Yolei.

But I don't think that I we will survive.

Nearly eight hours, and we didn't hear a noise from people, coming to rescue us.

What's with the air? Will there be enough air for us to breath??

"Ken, are you okay?", sounds Wormmons small voice from somewhere in the darkness around me.

"Yes, I guess so..."

I'm not injured, I had luck. Only some more scratches. "Is everybody okay?", I ask, trying to hide the fear which makes my voice trembling.

It would be horrible if someone of my friends is injured. Davis is enough - he is my best friend, my first real friend ever, and it is unfair that he has to lie there, unconscious. I wish it would be me, I would earn it more than he.

"I-I am okay.", Yolei says trembling. "Only a few scratches, I think."
The others moan, but say that they are okay, too. We have had luck...

I sigh relieved - thank god that they are okay - that she is okay. I really like her...I don't know if it is a liking like loving...maybe. It is such a bad luck that we will die here - I wanted to ask her for a date...
I don't want to die, but you have to accept the fact that we are supposed to. This funny little conversations make the panic away, but it is always better to accept how it is.


"Are you injured, Cass?"


"Cass, stop it. You will never play your saxophone again. We will die here.", says Yolei. Her voice scares me. There is no panic in it, only resignation and depression.

She accepted it. She accepted our death like I did.
But somehow that doesn't satisfy me. I wish she wouldn't accept it - I wish she would continue crying around or talking.

"Yolei is right.", Kari sobs. "It has no use. Maybe it would be easier for us to make suicide..."

"How can you talk like that!" TK cries angrily. "We aren't dead, are we? As long as there is a little bit of life inside of us, we have to hope that we will be rescued. Don't give up your hope! It is the only thing which can you help in this situation: your hope!"

"I can't believe in hope right now...", Yolei mutters sadly.

"Well, I feel the same, Yolei.", Cody agrees, coughing a little: "But what do you want to do? Do you actually want to kill yourself??"

"No, not really..."

"Argh, it is really terrible with you!", Cass shouts angry: "A group of pessimists, huh? Well, go away, kill yourself, I don't care. I know for sure that I will survive - because I want to! I want to play the saxophone again! I want to see my parents! I wanna talk with my boyfriend! But for all this things I'll have to survive, and I promise that I WILL DO THAT!"
She snorts through her noise. "Hey, that reminds me at this old song, I will survive, I really like it...I had to play it once, and it was great!", she begins to hum the melody.

I can only shake my head. From all humans on the earth this girl is the one who I understand the less. It is so obvious that we will die. How can she talk like that?

I hear Yolei giggling a little. Only a small laughter, inspired by the nervousness. But it is a laughter.

And then I understand.

Cass...it is not that she doesn't recognise the danger.

She wants to make it easier for us. She makes us laugh - she plays the clown, the stupid idiot, so that we can be amused about her.

Only for our sake she plays the happy one and doesn't panic. I think when she would be alone in here, she would have given up.

When we are supposed to die, we shall have some happy last hours.


There was a loud noise...

Something happened, but what?

The voices sounded different this time, they haven't been talking...

They have been full of fear and angst!

I am frightened again, but this time not of the pain.

I am afraid that the others....the faces I see...are injured.

And I want to go back to help them.

To see if they are well

There is the pain, okay - but I am a strong boy, I will survive that.

I have to!


"I will survive....nananaaananana nananaanaaa....", Cass interrupts her singing for a moment: "Sorry, I have forgotten the text.", and continues.

A soft whisper comes to my ear. Yolei.
"When you listen to her, you could nearly believe her, not?"
I nod, then remind myself that she can't see that and reply with a low "Yes"

Her shoulder touches mine, and I feel that my face becomes red. Fortunately it is dark!

Maybe we would be a good couple. I don't know. We will never have the chance to find it out. And I don't even know if she likes me.


"Yes?", I put away my day-dreaming and listen to Yolei's voice.

"Well, It's just...hmm, that's difficult to explain...", I have to smile when I imagine her face, with an expression of hard thinking. "Try it, I'll give my best to understand."

"Okay...The things which Cass and TK told us...I think they are right. But I can't hope anymore. I need one thing which I want to do with all my will, which I wouldn't miss for the world's sake, so that I can say 'I will survive', like Cass does. But this thing....hmmm...", she starts stammering, "I-I can't do it on my own...uhm, okay....let's see....Ken, when this is over...when we will survive, then...", she coughs, "Then...argh....Wouldyougowithmeonadatethen?"

I blink in surprise. Did I really hear this words from Yolei's mouth?
Wow! That was the last thing I expected!

Now I have to cough, too, and I am blushing like mad. "Ahem, I would really love to do that."

I said it!

"Cool!", Yolei yells happily and throws her arms in the air(I notice that because she hits my head with them). "Hey, I can say that, too: I will survive! Yeah!"

For the first time since we are closed in this cellar I feel totally happy.

And for the first time I think that there might be a chance to survive.

No, I will survive.

I'll survive, because I want to go on this date!

I want to go there with all my might!

I will survive!


I decided it!

I will come back!

Through the pain...

I walk away from the river, to the place I have come from.

It becomes darker and darker

The pain grows bigger

Now I can recognise where it is...

In my leg

In my head

In my shoulders

Doesn't mind!

I will wake up, right now!


Oups, it seems that the others forgot about Davis in this part...but he will come in the next, I promise!
Thanks for reading, and if you've any requests mail me (you can see my email adresse in my profile).
