Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Buried Alive ❯ TK ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Now, the 6th chapter - TK's POV. Hey, I like TK! Hmm, well, okay, I like everybody in Digimon*sweatdrops*
That's me! By the way, Princess of Quake, I am thinking about your request - if you have any more ideas, mail me!! I am waiting!
You others out there can mail me, too - tell me what you would like to read, okay? Maybe I will try to write it....with my poor school English*scratchesherhead*

Digimon doesn't belong to me. (I get tired of this....)

Enjoy it! :-P Kaeera

Buried Alive



When I close my eyes, I can hear the melody of Matt's harmonica. It's stupid, I know, because Matt isn't here, but it helps me a little.

The others don't panic anymore, that's good. Even Yolei has calmed down...I have the slight suspicion that Ken helped a little...they have had a low conversation which I couldn't understand. Well, they'll make a perfect couple - when we survive this.

Before, when this earthquake or whatever happened, I thought that would be the end.
And I wanted to cry because I could never see my family again.
Matt would get mad when I die, I know that.

I don't know how much time passed. Certainly over 9 hours. I am hungry and thirsty, and I should go on the toilet, too.
But I am too frightened to stand up and walk around in the darkness....alone.

Here I have Patamon and the others.

Well, without Davis. Although we always fight, I like this guy. It is like it has been with Tai and Matt - always fighting, but sacrificing the life for each other.
I am sure that Davis would rescue me when I am in danger, and I would do the same for him. He is jealous of me because I am a good friend with Kari - well, there is nothing to be jealous. We are friends - very good friends - but I could never be her boyfriend.
In fact, Davis would have chances, if he wouldn't act like a stupid idiot every time he sees Kari. It has become better over the last few weeks, and maybe...

What am I dreaming...

I am the child of hope, but even my hope doesn't exist for all time. I used the little rest of it to talk to Yolei and Kari, but now I haven't anymore left for me.

And the point of time where I'll accept the death comes nearer and nearer....

How I wish that my brother would be here...he would hug me, telling me that everything will be fine.
But I am not the little child anymore, I have to be strong.
I often miss the times when Matt protected me. I always knew that I was safe when my brother was around me.
But I also enjoy it being a little bit more adult.

"Cass, how is your arm?", asks Ken, concerned tone.

"Huh? My arm?", Cass replies and yawns: "Oh, it is okay. Uhm, I wanted to sleep, but the ground is too hard. Uncomfortable! And I am hungry!"

"Well, you are not the only one!", Armadillomon complains: "My stomach is as empty as...as...Davis' brain!"
"Hey, Armadillomon, don't be nasty!"

"Sorry, Cody!"

"By the way", Cass yawns again: "I examined your friend Davis again and he wasn't hit by any rock - I thought that might interest you."

"That's good!", Kari says with relief in her voice.


I smile. Typical for Cass - to sleep when you are buried alive...no one would do that, without her.
It seems to me that I have known her for much longer time than the few hours. Maybe you learn more about people in dangerous situations.

Oh yes, Davis - I wanted to go to him on my own. I feel worried that he doesn't wake up. Slowly, I crawl towards the place where he lies - I hope my memory is good enough so that I'll find him.


"Sorry, Cody!"

"Iiiik, that was my foot! Who is that??"

"Me, TK. I am sorry,Yolei, but..."

"ARGH! TK, why do you crawl around in the darkness?"

"I wanted to look for Davis."

"Oh...Wait, I wanna come with you.", Kari grabs my T-shirt and together we make the last two meters. How funny - it must be only three or four meters and we behave as if it would be an expedition in Tibet.

Cass shows us the way with brief shouts, and we finally reach it.

"Davis is on your right side", informs us Cass, "But be careful and don't hurt him. SLEEP! HUNGER! THIRST!!!"

In fact, I have no idea why I want to do that. Under my fingers I can feel his jacket which is wet - wet of blood!
Maybe I thought that he might wake up when I am here.
How stupid.

"His goggles are damaged.", Kari whispers, and I know for sure that she strokes over his head, even if I can't see it. And I know that she starts crying without any noise.

I don't have to see her - she is my friend.



I come nearer and nearer

The voices are clear and I understand them

Someone wants to sleep???

Piece by piece I begin to feel my body

It takes a lot of time, but then, finally....

I open my eyes....if it only wouldn't hurt that bad...

But there is darkness, only darkness...

Where am I?

Maybe that was the wrong decision...

I hope not...


And my head is wet

I want to move it, but it hurts too much, and I groan.



When I hear the groan, I can't believe it. It must be a dream.

But then I can hear it again, and Davis' shoulder under my finger begins to move.

"Davis?", I ask carefully.

"Yeah", is the soft reply, "Why is it so dark?"

It's hard for him to speak, his voice is full of pain. "Do you remember the earthquake or the explosion? We are in the cellar of the building, unable to..."

"Shhht", Kari interrupts me and whispers to my ear: "Don't tell him that. He might be frightened - it is hard enough for him that he is injured."
Then she moves towards Davis and asks worriedly: "How do you feel?"



"Davis, why did you do that??", Veemons cries, "Why did you protect me? It's me who should protect you, not the other way round!"
"Well, because you are my friend - ouch!", he moans, "What's with my leg?"

"I think it is broken.", he is informed by Cass.

"BROKEN?? I have a soccer game next Sunday! It can't be broken!"

"Oh Davis...", I start laughing. That's typical, not? He and Cass could be twins in one way.
But I am happy to hear his voice again.

"Davis, I really missed this kind of arguments.", Ken says in an amused tone, while Yolei giggles relieved.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Well, about nine hours."

"NINE HOURS??? You mean we are here in the darkness for full nine hours? And nobody rescued us?"



"You can say so!"

Then Kari starts sobbing. "Kari, why are you crying?", I and Davis ask immediately.
"I-I am sorry", she says with shaking voice, "It's just that...to hear your voice as normal as ever, giving stupid arguments makes me so happy. I always thought you might die..."

"Hey, there's nothing out there which kills the goggle boy! Argh!"
"Don't be too enthusiastic - it was luck that you wore your goggles, they saved your head."
"And who are you?"
"Oh, my name is Cass, I am the one who found you and your blue friend."
"Really? Then...thank you."
"You're welcome."

I scratch my head. Okay, now Davis is awake, but that doesn't improve our situation.
How long will it take until the first one panics again? And I am sure that this time I won't have the nerves to calm anybody down.
In contrary, I'll panic on my own.



"That's a real disaster."

"Yes, it's terrible. How many corpses have we found yet?"


"Seventeen! And no one survived...the poor families."

"Imagine, they only wanted to go shopping or worked there...and now they are dead."

"This are the times when I hate my job. When I can't do anything without telling the families that we have found the dead body of their father, mother, sister, brother or whatever."

Tai Kamiya listens to this conversation with tears in his eyes. Poor Kari.
He had given up the hope to see his sister or the other kids alive again. He stays only because he can't accept it.
The most terrible thing is the helplessness.
He was the leader of the Digidestined. There ways always something he could do.

But not now.

If there would be a chance to change with his sister, he would do it, even if that would mean his own death.
But this opportunity isn't given, and he has to accept the bitter truth:

His little sister, the nice, friendly Kari Kamiya, is dead.



Life is going on....when you can call that life.

Things become less important. When I think that I was depressed because I had a bad - a really bad -mark in my maths test...now this seems to be so unimportant.
Well, I would prefer to get thousands of bad marks instead of being HERE!

I notice that my patience goes away.
I can't stand it longer - some more hours and I will flip out.

Why don't they find us? Is it so difficult to dig for some kids?
Or did they forget us?
No, not that. Even if they forget us, Matt wouldn't, I am sure.
He would nerve them so long until they continue their search.

Poor Matt. I know what he is going through right now.
I some way it is easier for me than for him - I know that he is alive and that I am alive(I only don't know for how long).
But he doesn't know that I am alive, and waiting all the time must be terrible for him.

Matt, my brother, I am sorry.
I wish I could tell you that I am okay. But that's impossible. I hate it! I HATE IT!

And then, I hear the soft sound of a harmonica playing...


Yeah, Davis woke up...isn't that great...the poor guy.*sobs*
Okay, how did you like this part? Now I catch myself in writing a slight Kari-Davis romance*coughs*
I don't know how it happened....well, it is only a very little bit(I hope). I never planned to do that...

Thanks for reading, and review (because I am a review-junkie, hehe)

*smile* Kaeera