Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Cyborg Davis ❯ You lost it all ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everyone knew what happened to the soul of a Human, and the soul of a Digimon that was partially or completely destroyed… but what in the world happened to the soul of a machine?
It was just no use; nobody knew what to do with Davis. Izzy told them that they could make repairs. “But no matter what happens… I just can't bring back the life he had… it's gone.”
Kari and TK felt so incredibly guilty. True Davis was partially to blame, but they always had known deep down that Davis would go nuts over their relationship. So incredibly nuts those… unspeakable events would happen.
Everyone took Davis' death really badly, but it got way worse. When news got out about Davis' feelings for Kari being the main cause of half of Davis' stress, and impulsive thinking…
A lot of Davis' dedicated fans, and loyalists gave Kari and TK very sour looks whenever they passed by in the streets, but they didn't bother to punish them anymore than that. Punishing them would not bring Davis back.
Nevertheless there were some who refused them any services, and admittance just because of it. Kari was going to have a real hard time trying to become a teacher now.
Veemon felt so incredibly devastated, that he didn't feel much like living anymore himself. He just wanted to head to the Digital-world… crawl back into the hole he came out of and die.
The others had no idea how to persuade him not to do that, but actually, Veemon didn't do it. Especially seeing as how Izzy had already decided what to do about Davis.
Kari was driving around one day, a few months later. She and TK had divorced a while ago, because Kari was still so wrapped up in Davis' death that she couldn't think straight.
TK was very sport about it…
Suddenly, she and Gatomon saw someone familiar pulling a Noodle-Cart down the street. “Hey… is that…?”
They got a good look at the guy. They pinched each other to make sure that they weren't dreaming. “It is…” cried Gatomon, “It's Davis!”
They assumed that it really had to be him, because there was no funeral for Davis and his body or what was left of it was never buried for some strange reason. When the crowds had ceased, Kari and Gatomon rushed over to the man…
The man however was most confused. “Do I know you two?” he asked this strange woman, and her talking cat. Now Kari and Gatomon were confused. “Davis… it's me Kari.”
The man shook his head, “Sorry, but I don't know you.” he said as he pulled his cart along the road.
Kari told the others what she saw, “But he claims that he doesn't know me.”
This all struck the others hard, and they all went out to confront this man.
One by one over the next few days, each member of the gang tried to persuade the man of who he was, and who his friends were, but the man denied each and every one of them.
“Look… I hope you all find the one you're looking for… but I'm really busy right now, and I need to get back to work.”
Kari couldn't understand this, that's when Izzy invited her over to explain everything. “Look… I don't want you to tell this to the others, but…”
He went on to explain that the man she was a cross. It was Davis… but it really wasn't him either. “I… don't understand.”
Izzy explained to her that he was able to rebuild Davis a new body. This time he would look and sound exactly like he did in a normal life. No metal-parts showing, no monotone voice…
But because most of Davis' brain patterns were fried, many of them were lost. That man had no memory of Kari, or any of the other Digi-Destined; with the exception of Tai still being his role model, and his brother-in-law.
The man still remembered his family, and Veemon. “But he doesn't remember me? Or even liking me?” Kari asked.
Izzy shook his head, “No… he doesn't even remember Ken or Yolei either.” He told her, “I'm sorry… but that was all I could do.”
Well Kari wasn't going to give up, and by the end of the day, she tried to confront the man again. “You can't keep following me around like this.” the man said to her, but eventually he stopped, “Okay… you have two minutes. Tell me… what is it you want from me?”
Kari tried to explain to the man one last time who he was, including mention of things he did remember. The man admitted that he remembered his family, and his role as a Digi-Destined. “But things between us… they were never that way.”
Then he began to walk away, “But… Davis…”
The Man stopped in his tracks and looked down. “I'm sorry Hikari…” he said to her, “But the guy you think I am is just a memory. That's not… who I am. I'm sorry…” then he was gone.
Kari just stood there, almost to upset to move. It was time for her to face the facts that the Davis she once knew, and cared for as a friend was completely gone, and all though the others kept telling her it wasn't her fault…
Deep down… she always knew hat she was partially to blame. All Kari could do now was turn on her heel, and run off into the sunset with only the faded memories of Davis Motomiya… hopefully one day, she would get over it.
Author's notes:
I feel so incredibly disgraced…but that's how it works.At least Kari and TK are divorced now.
Half the reason I made this fic was for the sole purpose of punishing Kari, and to show everyone how bad I feel that Davis didn't really get to be with her at the end.
There is no “Be friends” not anymore.Idon't like that, andjust won't accept that.
I'm afraid with me… it will always be ALL or NOTHING.
I'm sorry…