Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Diary...That Night ❯ Morning After... ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dear Diary...That Night

By: E-chan

[Mix couples][Mimato]

Author's Notes: I do not own Digimon FoxKids/Bandai/Toei do own it. So please do not sue me. I only own the story, Melody Sunshine Tachiwaka and Anthony 'Tunes' Om. Listening to raves/trance songs while I was at vacation I was inspired to write this story. Also forgive me if you see any mistakes like spelling or grammar. They aren't one of my strong points.

Genre- Romance/Drama/Angst/Limed/Humor

Setting: Alternated Universe

Rated: R due to foul language and sexual contexts.


Mimi Tachiwaka- 31 years old

Melody Sunshine Tachiwaka (Ishida)- 15 years olds (turning 16)

Yamato 'Matt' Ishida- 32 years old

Koushiro 'Izzy' Izumi- 30 years old

Miyako Inoue & Ken Ichijoui- 29 years old

Anthony, Takato, Lee, Rika, & Juri- 17 years old

Taichi 'Tai' & Sora Kamiya-32 years old

Takeru 'Tk' & Hikari 'Kari' Takashi- 28 years old

Jyou 'Joe' Shin- 33 years old

Daisuke 'Davis' Motoyami- 28 years old

I dedicated this to all my readers...mimato shippers! Now on with the story...


Chapter 9: The Morning After...

[Cut out the lemon...]

"He knew!" Melody screamed. Anthony looked at her with sympathy. "Why would my mama keep this from me?" Melody asked Anthony in angry.

"I don't know," he said sadly.

"What does two got to hide? Or what does my mama don't want me to know?" She yelled in frustrations.

"Melody, calm down..." he told her.

"Calm down Tunes! Calm down! How can you say that? I just found out the big secret that my mama has been keeping from me all these years. And you tell me to calm down!" Melody said sarcastically.

"Melody come on maybe they got a good reason!" Anthony pointed out.

"He knew all this time!" Melody said. "Why didn't go look for me or call me or something!" Melody began to cry.

"Melody I know this is hard for you." Anthony said as he embraced Melody into his arms. And she began to cry onto his shoulder.

"Why couldn't my mama be straight with me?" Melody asked Anthony.

"I don't know Melody." He said to her.


Tai couldn't believe how the dinner turned out to be total chaos. First Takeru disappear and bumps into Mimi. What went on between those two? Tai thought to himself. Why did Takeru looked like he saw a ghost? Tai shook at the thought. Jeez...how does it seem that everyone knows Mimi? Even my wife knows of her, but how Koushiro know her and Hikari? Gosh! This is very confusing. He sighed. Stretching out his tired body out on his king size bed that he shares with his beautiful wife. Then a mischievous smile spread against his lips as he thought what they did last night.

"Daddy!" a little boy yelled as he came running inside the room. Tai snapped back into reality as he turn and face his son.

"What's wrong Ein?" Tai asked his son. He son looked like him, but had his mother big auburn colored, almond shaped eyes. The boy was only five years old, Ein looked at his father.

"I had a bad dream..." Ein told him. Tai ruffled his son hair. "It was scary." Ein admitted.

"It's ok Ein. You can come up onto the bed." Tai instructed his son. Ein eagerly climbed on the bed and lay next to his father. His tiny hands wrapped around Tai's left arm. Ein smiled at his father as he let his head rest against Tai's shoulder.

"A big monster was chasing me." Ein started to explain his story. Tai couldn't help, but smile at his son. "He was scary. He had big teeth and big claws."

"Tai! Ein! Breakfast is ready." Sora yelled.

"Ok honey...we'll be there soon." Tai replied. "Ein, you'll finish telling me your nightmare later after we breakfast ok?"

"Ok daddy." Ein said.

"Ok let's go eat breakfast." Tai said. Tai got off his bed and grabbed his son lifting into his arms. "Superman!" yelled Tai. His son laughed with gleam as he spread his small arms as if he was superman. "Rescuing the beautiful damsel in distress!"

Sora heard her son and her husband laughing with joy as they came rushing in the kitchen. "Mommy is rescued!" Ein claimed. Sora couldn't help and smile at her two wonderful men in her life. And now she was expecting another child. Her face saddens as the boys settled into their sits at the table. "Mommy, come on and eat with us now." Ein told his mother. She couldn't kept her secret quiet anymore, she need to tell her husband.

"Oh yes." Sora said as she snapped back to reality and replaced her sad face with a weak smile. She took her sit next to Tai and Tai gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek.


Tk watched his angel Kari sleep peacefully between the crock of his shoulder and chest. How angelic she looked as she slept. He looked at the clock that was on the lamp stand. It was 9:30 in the morning. Then the phone rang, he reached for the phone with his free arm and trying not to wake up his sleeping beauty. He picked up the phone. "Hello, this is the Takashi resident."

"Takeru, its me." A familiar voice told him. Tk's facial expression changed into a surprising look, his eyes widened.

"Daisuke..." he said quietly hoping it didn't wake up Kari.

"Hello, Takeru, can we met later. I need to talk to you." Daisuke told him.

"Yeah, sure." Tk replied.

"Met me at the park at 1:30." Daisuke said, "Bye and tell Kari hello for me."

"Ok, bye." Tk said and hung up the phone.

"Tk, who was that on the phone?" Kari asked sleepily.

"No one just a tele-marker." He lied. He kissed her forehead then pulled their bed sheet to cover up their nakedness.


"What do you mean you use to see him Miya-chan?" Ken asked Miyako.

"Please Ken, calm down. It was a long time ago. There's nothing between us anymore." She told him.

"But you just told me, he was just over the other night when I wasn't home." Ken pointed out.

"But Ken, nothing happen." Miyako protested.

"How can I believe you? You lied to me already." Ken shouted.

"I love you Ken! Not him." Miyako cried. Tears started to spill out of her beautiful hazel eyes and running down her lovely face.

"I don't know Miya-chan...I don't know anymore..." Ken said sadly as he try not to look at her. Miyako screamed in frustration.

"You should talk, you're the one that cheated on me with Davis." Miyako pointed at him.

"What!" Ken shouted. "How did you know?"

"Because I slept with him too. That's how I know!" Miyako shouted at him. "Are you wondering why I did it? Because I wanted to get back at you!" Miyako told him. "It happen before you proposed to me." She said sadly. "I love you so much Ken."

"But do you love Koushiro?" Ken asked her. That question caught her off guard. But she already knew her answer; she didn't love Izzy as much as she loved Ken.

"No, Ken, I only love you Ken." She admitted. She wrapped her slender arms around Ken's waist. Her clever hands sneak under his shirt. "Remember Ken?" Ken looked at her like she was a dream. "When I first lost my virginity to you." She said seductively.

"Uh huh..." he stuttered.


She yawned. "Ugh..." she groaned. Her head was hurting but at the same time she felt pleased. What happen last night? She thought to herself. She slowly opened her eyes the bright sunlight that was coming through the blinds was making her squint. She could remember looking at the same bright light sixteen years ago. Then she felt a heavy weight resting on the bottom of her stomach. She began to blink her eyes adjusting to the bright light then slightly letting her eyes trail down to the mysterious heavy object that's over her stomach. She saw it was an arm, but it did not belong to her. Whose arm does that belong too? She thought. Her head was trying to scramble the clues together. Dammit I should not have drunk so much last night. She thought. Her chocolate brown eyes focus at the arm for a long time. As she felt she was being watch she looked up and saw those same sapphire eyes she saw long ago.

"Good morning." Matt said shyly.

"Matt?" Mimi said. Then a high pitch scream filled the room. "Oh my god!"

"Mimi, cool down." Matt told her.

"Cool down!" she became hysterical. She got off the bed standing up all her nakedness. As she noticed, as she was standing naked in front of Matt, she blushed bright red. Then she began to pull at the bed sheet, so she could cover herself. Matt let her take the blanket to cover herself. As she wrapped herself, she saw Matt and all his glory. It made her blush even more.

"Its not like I didn't see all of you last night." Matt teased her.

"Shut up!" she snapped at him. "Where's my panties?" she asked him.

"You mean these?" Matt said as he held up lacey black panties. Mimi tried to grab them from his grasped, but end up in his strong arms. She looked into his sapphire blue eyes. They end up kissing each other again. Then Mimi realized what was happening and stop kissing him quickly before she was going to lose herself to him again.

She grabbed her panties and the rest of her clothes that was on the floor, quickly dressing up and began to head out of the door. She couldn't believe what just happen. She made love to him again. How could this happen? You were drunk that's why? She scolded herself. And she remembered that Matt was trying to be a total gentleman that whole night, but she was the one seducing him. She ran out of the hotel and into the street. The last thing she remembered was his voice shouting, "Mimi!"

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Author's Notes: Forgive me for taking so long to get this chapter due to I was became really busy and I got into trouble with my father. And I am working on a lot of different fanfics at the same time. Like a Taiora w/ a little Mimato in it called My Love Story. Another fanfic I'm working on called Can I Keep You? Chapter 2: A Lance/Kitty fanfic. A fanfic dedicated to Baby Mimrai called Promise me (working on it right now). Another fanfic of Umi/Clef together lemon. And last but not least a fanfic called Dark Powers base on Christine Feehan's Dark Series.


Next Chapter 10: Hit and Run...

What's going on between Anthony and Melody?

What is Sora secret? What is she going to tell Tai?

Is Miyako telling the truth that she only love Ken? Where's Koushiro? Ken slept with Davis and so did Miyako? Whoa!

Davis and Tk? What's the little secret they share? Does Kari know? Is she being faithful?

And what happen to Mimi?

Read & Review if you want me to continue this story....


I have moved my site to geocities, I'll keep you guys posted when I get all my stuff moved there.