Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Destined To Be ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my story so far. I am sincerely glad that all of you like it. Hopefully you'll like this one too. On with the story..
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon (oh, if I could let me have T.K!)

Destined To Be
Part 2

Written by: Fairy Empress

"Mom? Dad?" came the words out of Kat's mouth.

The rest of the group seemed to be just as shocked to see their parents, as Kat was to see hers. For the first time in over nine years she could see her mom and the first time since she was a toddler that she could see her dad, even if they did appear right now to be the age that she herself was. Unconsciously she moved her hand as if to somehow touch the two of them, making sure they weren't just illusions of her imagination.

"I can't believe they were ever that young." Sam stated, glancing at her own parents who were holding hands.

"Are we going to just stare or are we going to do something?" Derek asked, seeing his own father was making him shake off the rush of emotion.

"Like what? Run over there and say, hey Mom, Dad, we're your kids from the future and by the way if Kari and T.K. get together all of you will die?" Morg told him, noticing Kat wince at his words, "Sorry, Kat."

"Don't worry about it. We know what we have to do, but first we need to figure out some other things." Kat told the group, having them nod.

Bella and Jake seemed to be not paying attention and were glancing at the group, Kat glanced over and realized that two of the Digi-Destined were missing. The two just happened to be the Dad's to Bella and Jake, besides Jake's mom who was in America at this time.

"I'm sure that Joe and Izzy are fine, guys. Didn't everyone always say that those two were really wrapped up in their school work when they were young?"

"Mom said that Dad was always trying to figure out some calculation on the computer." Bella agreed.

"Plus my Dad should be in college right now." Jake added.

"Good, then we need to get started," Kat looked at Morg, who saw his own dad still by himself in the group.

"And what are we going to do to get them to break up?" Derek asked, leaning against a tree trunk.

"Simple, make them fall in love with someone else." Kat stated emotionlessly, even though her own heart was breaking.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Izzy finally hit the last button on his keyboard and leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh. Wiping at his forehead from the sweat, he had been working all morning concentrating on the problem and he had fixed the system. He moved his wheeled chair to the counter behind him and took the bottle of water, gulping down the water and as he glanced around his bedroom his eyes rested on the clock. He spit water out, at the last minute turning his head so it wouldn't touch the computer. The clock read 5:46. Oh, man, he thought getting up and quickly throwing on his sneakers, the group is going to kill me. I was supposed to be at T.K.'s game, bad enough I missed Tai and Davis's game last night. He grabbed his jacket, running down the hall to the front door, passing his mom in the kitchen cooking and his dad sitting down with the newspaper.

"Can't talk now, I'm late. I will call later." Were the words that left his mouth as he passed by and the door slammed behind him.

His mom and dad glanced at each other.


Joe was working on part of his Thesis paper, trying to concentrate over the sound of his roommate's loud music. Why do they put quiet people with noisy ones, he thought, how am I supposed to concentrate with all that racket? He knew the answer to the question, the school did it so that both kids would help each other, and he didn't see how since the only time his roommate 'helped' him was when he copied one of Joe's homework assignments so that he could party carefree. Joe had taken Tai and Matt's advice on the matter and started leaving out wrong answer sheets so that the guy copied that one and not what Joe put his time and effort into. After the first time of getting an F, the guy finally stopped trying to copy off Joe and was now paying someone to do his work. Well, I tried to help, thought Joe. Rubbing his shoulder from being in the same chair for so long and then saw the clock, in the form of a beer can on his roommate's side of the room, and groaned. Getting up, he grabbed his sport's coat and headed to the pizza parlor. Thanking Sora silently for warning him if he didn't get to make T.K.'s game that they would be going there afterwards, knowing how much the guys loved pizza.


The other Digi-Destined were sitting at a huge booth table that was in the farthest corner of the place that the year before they had announced was 'Their Spot' since it was the only round booth that would fit all of them, even Mimi when she came to visit from America. With the still missing two Destined, the group had enough room to sit comfortably and joke around until their order came up. Only Cody seemed to notice the six kids that came in the place and sat at the front of the store one girl looking at them with a saddened expression.

But Cody was wrong in his assumption since Kari had noticed the girl as well. Passing the group of six she had sworn she felt concern for the girl with the sad eyes. Like somehow she was the cause of the girl's sadness, but how could that be? She didn't even know the girl. Tai and T.K. are always telling me I blame myself for things I have no control over and for the pain of others, she thought. Joe and Izzy walking in and heading towards them interrupted her thoughts. Kari noticed, as did Sora, that Yolei's facial color changed dramatically the minute she and Izzy's eyes met. Kari and Sora exchanged knowing glances as Davis and Cody moved out of the booth so that now Izzy was sitting next to Yolei, Davis sitting back down after Izzy had positioned himself and Joe sat opposite with Cody.

Sora was holding Tai's hand on the tabletop, keeping him calm while he discussed something with Matt and she noticed that both Cody and Kari seemed to be extremely quiet. Kari sat on her other side; with T.K. on her other side but not even his soothing personality could bring Kari out of her thoughts. Cody was quiet, by his personality but he was even more so not getting the least bit excited about the change in topic about when they all should go visit the Digital World again.

"So how about this coming Friday? Is that okay with everyone?" Tai asked, since he had finally got Matt to agree on the day that didn't interfere with his band practices.

"That's a whole another week." Davis said, disappointed and sulking.

"Gives us something to look forward to during the week." T.K. reasoned.

"Just like you to suck up, T.J." Davis murmured.

"Since we have the whole weekend I was thinking that maybe we should go see a movie tomorrow," Sora thought aloud to get everything off a controversial topic.

"Sure, that would be great." Yolei said, glancing at Izzy.

"If Yolei can go, so can I." Izzy added, grinning at Yolei's face filling with happiness.

"Can't," Matt told them, "I have a gig tomorrow."

"Mom wants me to help Grandpa with his new project." Cody admitted.

"You know I'm always free, Sora." Tai told his girlfriend.

"Expect when you have soccer practice."

Tai winked at her, making her shake her head. Sora turned to Joe, who shook his head and saying something about a test, then noticed that both T.K. and Davis were waiting for Kari to admit if she could go or not. Sora gently nudged Kari, who blinked and looked at Sora.

"How about you, Kari, think you could tear yourself away from photography to watch a movie?" Sora asked.


Then, as Sora expected, both T.K. and Davis agreed to go. She hoped that Kari would soon put Davis out of his misery and tell him that she had a crush on T.K., which she knew Kari did. Although neither of them would say so out loud, for fear of their brother's making their complaints loud and clear about the fear of becoming brother-in-law's one day. Sora and Mimi always joked that although the two of them were so outwardly against their siblings dating one another they both knew they approved of the relationship. Who else would be good enough for Kari and T.K, but each other?

"So then it's Izzy, Yolei, me, Tai, Kari, Davis, and T.K." Sora was making sure and at their nods she sighed. With both Davis and T.K. going you knew it was going to be an interesting outing, but with Tai along to distract Davis with soccer talk maybe it wouldn't be so bad.


Looking at the clock, seeing it was almost ten and most of them needed to be home soon they decided to call it a night. Joe was the first to leave, agreeing to take Cody home first. Izzy offered to drive Yolei home, after Kari whispered in her ear to go on, she nodded to go with Izzy. The rest of them had to walk back to the school to get Matt and Tai's cars. The three older kids walked in front of Kari, T.K. and Davis. Sora looking back to make sure that Kari could handle Davis tonight.

"I hope Izzy asks Yolei out already." Sora told Tai and Matt. Both of which looked at her like she had grown horns, "What?"

"We are talking about Izzy, right? Mr. Losses-Track-Of-Time-Cause-On-Another-Crusade-Of-The-Computer-Kind? Even if he did ask her out I doubt he'd remember half the time to be on time for dates."

"That's mean, Tai. Sure Izzy gets caught up in his computer but you have to remember that Yolei also loves her computer and spends a lot of time on hers as well. I think they go well together."

Matt elbowed Tai, "Better watch it, Tai. She has that Matchmaker look in her eye. Next thing you know she'll be trying to hook me up with one of her friends, and getting Joe to admit his feelings for Mimi when she shows up next week."

"It doesn't hurt to help people admit their feelings. Just cause you have a love affair with your guitar rather than with a girl…" Sora joked, Tai laughed out loud at her comment as Matt glared at her, "I could always get those bunch of girls who scream every time they see you to take turns dating you. One girl for each day of the week?"

"Make her stop, Tai, or you are about to lose one very noisy girlfriend." Matt lightly threatened.

"Oh, come on Matt. She just wants you to have a relationship."

"Why do girls in love think everyone else needs to be?"

"You are no fun, Matt."

"I am a lot of fun, I just don't have time to get involved right now. Plus," Matt glanced behind him at his brother, "I have enough trouble with T.K.'s love life to need one of my own right now."

"What love life? Is T.K. dating someone….Ouch, Sora that hurt." Tai said, rubbing his arm where she had pinched him hard.

"Sometimes Tai you can be really clueless," Matt told him, then with a wicked look in his eye added, "So Sora say you want to dump your clueless boyfriend and us go have a fling together."

Sora touched her chin with a finger as if considering it, "I don't know, Matt. Training another boyfriend takes a lot of work and with you always at practice…"

"Very funny, you two." Tai growled, making them laugh and Sora kissed his cheek.

They all entered the parking lot and Matt offered to take Davis home along with his brother, noticing that Kari was not really paying much attention at the moment. Tai said something about wanting a death wish with both of them being in a car together and he closed his Jeep door after Kari had climbed in back and Sora sat in the passenger side.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kat had a hard time keeping from watching her parents when the six of them had sat in the pizza place for the little while that Morg had allowed them to. He didn't want them looking suspicious considering they still had to find a placed to stay for the night. Finally after a little while of looking, they had found an old abandoned building that was a couple of blocks from the high school. She laid on a blanket that Bella had went and gotten along with some other things with the money she printed up from her laptop, it was the same time period money and went to a store buying blankets, pillows, some food, and other things that they may need. The building still had running water and was somewhat heated. Kat couldn't get her parents off her mind.

"You awake?" Bella asked, she lay on her own blanket about six feet away.

"Not really."

"Me, either. You'd think with all we had been through we'd be more tired. Especially you." Bella told her, keeping her voice in a whisper seeing as how the other four were sound asleep.

"I was thinking about my parents. Seeing them and everything."

"I know what you mean, I can't believe I saw my parents like that. All shy around each other. From everything I remembered before they d…….They were always kissing and enjoyed being around one another." Bella said, thinking back.

"Mine don't even seem to be anything right now, seems like the perfect time to make sure nothing becomes of it." Kat stated, keeping her voice neutral.

"I've been meaning to ask you, Kat," Bella sat up, "how can you be so cold about this? I would hate to see my parents with anyone else but you are acting like it's no big deal. I know you are covering up how you really feel, you aren't that good at hiding your feelings. So why the big pretense?"

"Think about it, the more I get emotional about it the less likely I am to go through with it. I don't want to do it. I need to do it. Do you really want to go back to a future without your parents, where everyone we love is dead? I don't. I don't want any of them," Kat said raising up on her elbows and waving her hand at the four sleeping figures, "to either. So you tell me Bella. Would it be better if I was happy about this? Cry, throw a fit, act like the seven year old who cried at the mention of her parents when they put her mom in the ground? What would you have me do?" Kat said, trying to keep her anger at herself from being too evident.

"I am not saying that you should be like that, but I think you are keeping a big part of you from admitting you want to cry and be selfish and not lose your parents all over again. Keeping it all locked away isn't going to help you anymore when you realize what will happen once this becomes reality." Bella rolled over and went to sleep

"You are missing the big picture, Bella, if this works," Kat's voice barely heard, "I won't exist."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Future

The entire room was lit up with the torches hanging on the wall. Two boys stood in the room, looking through the portal that their friends had traveled through. They couldn't enter it, only look through it to the scenery of a beautiful Tokyo. The taller figure cussed under his breath, as he knew what they had gone to do.

"What do we do now?"

"We need to get them back here. They have no idea what happened after they left or what followed them through the portal. Damn it! I wish she would listen to me when I talk to her."

"But she didn't and neither did the others. Why would she do this without us? Couldn't she wait until Gennai figured out more about what happened?"

"No, unfortunately patience to this sort of thing is not Kat's strong suit."

The ten year old with clear green eyes sighed. He touched a panel of the wall and it opened. They walked down it and into a deeper room where a man with silver-gray hair in a ponytail on the top of his head was sitting in the middle of the room with computer monitors everywhere and a main keyboard on his lap. On the scenes were various scenes of the Digi-Destined's adventures along with scenes of them as adults, holding their kids and other things that made the older kid turn his head.

"Gennai, what are you doing?"

"Waiting for you two to tell me that the six of them went and did what we thought they would."

"Yes, they did it."

"And now, you both feel helpless."

"Could you turn off the monitors?"

"Don't like seeing the Destined, eh, William?"

Gennai smiled at the eldest of all the eight New Destined, before punching a key and all the monitors went to snow screens. The younger boy, Chris, went to a chair made of branches of a tree and sat.

"When they don't exist anymore I don't see why I have to watch them on screens. Especially since.."

"Your own father is not on any of them? Yes, I know. But he wasn't a part of the Destined here; he was like the other American Destined, Michael, not a part of the original package. Even if he did raise you and Kat, moving here to raise you both when the other Destined began to die, as he promised Kari. You are a part of the team, William, and not because you are the oldest or the leader but because you love the girl."

Chris raised his black eye brows. It was hard for him to imagine William loving anyone. He was too cold, too impersonal, and too anti-social to love anyone. His honey-blond hair was combed back but one part of his hair always moved to right above his right eye, his honey colored eyes these gave him the look like a Golden Boy but he was complete opposite to his golden boy looks. He had an ear pierced with little silver spike in it, his black t-shirt, black jeans, and black trench coat. When most people were in clothes that had color, in order to keep themselves out of the gray and black world, William wore it on purpose. How he could love Kat, who wore white and pink bright colors, the opposite of himself confused the ten year old.

"My feelings of Kat have nothing to do with this."

"They have everything to do with this. You know what will happen if she does what she means to. You don't want that to happen anymore than I do. So I have a plan to get you two there."

"You want us to go to the past?" Chris asked, amazed.

"Yes," Gennai moved getting up and walking to the monitor that dominated the others by taking up an entire wall and he touched it and eight objects came out, "but I want you to be more prepared than the others. Here take these." Gennai placed the objects in William's arm.

Eight objects that were two inches in length and width that looked for all purposes like wristwatches. These were different though; each was a different color and had an engraved symbol on them, with a small scene, and five little buttons.

"What are these?"

"Your digi-vices."

"Digi-vices? Like the ones our parents had." Chris said, jumping off his chair and coming up to William looking at them.

"Yes, but these are vastly different from those of the Destined. These will give you the powers of the Digimon that once were your parents' along with other things you might need."

"So instead of having a Digimon, we become the Digimon."

"In a sense, yes. They give you powers, but you don't Digi-volve and you can't use them if the Digimon whose powers you are taking happens to be in the Real World at the time. Then you will have to use your Digi-vice to make them Digi-volve, instead of you."

"Sounds confusing."

"Well, I don't think we'll have a problem with them being in the Real World."

"Unless your parents take them into the Real World which the five younger Digi-Destined can do."

"Anything else? Like why those two creatures followed the six into the past?"

"Raven and Ryder," Gennai seemed to be in deep thought, "Only one reason those who would leave this world for that one and that is to do the same thing that Kat and the others are doing."

"Keeping Kari and T.K. from each other?"

"Not only that, they will either take two steps that your friends won't. They will either kill the two most powerful families of the Destined or they will turn Kari and T.K. against the other Digi-Destined."

"How could they get through the portal in the first place?" Chris asked.

"Because," Gennai explained, shaking his head, "unlike what your friends and you think what happened to Kari and T.K. in the future was not their fault. The world we live in now was not caused by either of them."

"Then if Kari and T.K. didn't cause it what happened?"

"Someone in the past caused the rift that made our world like this, by killing the two of them created this world, not dying by natural means. That's what caused this."

"Kari and T.K. were murdered?"

"Yes. The thing you have to do is to find the person who is going to make this world like it is, the one that infects Kari and T.K. with the virus that kills off the entire Digi-Destined."

"But if the two of them died by a virus, wouldn't Kat be affected? Or any of us?"

"No, this virus was meant to kill them. It didn't seem to take in account the offspring of the Destined. But you have to hurry. If either one of the two is affected, then it will cause the change reaction all over again."

"It's because of the crests, why T.K. and Kari were killed?"

"Exactly. Without Hope or Light in the world what do people have to live for? The person who did this took those crests and when the two died it wiped out any way of getting those two vital things back in our lives. We need to protect those two as well as the other Destined. Who knows what may happen if it affects one of the others instead."
"Right. So how do we go?"

"By using your digi-vices."

William and Chris looked skeptical at the digi-vices until two of them began to glow. The one in gold and the one in green. They took them and placed them on their wrists, William putting the rest in his trench coat inner pockets. They pointed the digi-vices at the wall and a portal opened up. Chris jumped through it but as William went to do the same, Gennai touched his arm.

"You must not let Kat break up her parents, the two of them belong together and the world needs her in it."

"I promise."

With that he jumped into the portal. Gennai watched the portal close.

"I hope you are successful."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, in a dark room high above the Earth's surface sat a woman in black on a throne. She had a nasty smirk on her lips.

"So, Gennai thinks he can undo all the things I have done. I don't think he realizes the extent of my power."

She moved her hand and a bottle of black liquid appeared.

"It will be fun to see how he handles it when I kill off his Destined once again."

* * * * * * * * * *
As promised, the second part of the story. How'd you guys like this one? Did it explain some of the things? I'll try to get the third part out soon. Contact me at thefairyempress@yahoo.com anytime.
~Fairy Empress~