Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digidreams Do Come True! ❯ Disappearance Case Solved! ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I really do apologize for the title of this chapter. I honestly couldn't come up with anything better. That aside, I hope it doesn't take away from the chapter. Now, as always, I do not own anything dealing with Digimon.
Chapter 23: “??????????????£
Tentomon to Parumon no hanashi desu…”
Tentomon & Palmon's tale…” Disappearance Case Solved!
Before Cyberdramon encountered Ken and Miyako...
“Excuse me, is anybody here?” a pink-hat wearing girl called out while enjoying the super powerful cool air blowing throughout the place. She was quite grateful for the air-conditioning after walking out in the open all morning. At least the oasis that she and Koushirou stumbled upon was nice and refreshing. They even had a nice fish dinner. Mimi was quite amused at Koushirou's attempt to catch fish. She'd almost forgotten how amusing it was to watch the redhead in such situations and how much fun she and the others had when with their Digimon partners. “We could use some help!” The only response she got was her own echo. “Where is everybody!!”
Both Koushirou and Mimi had entered the front door of the factory building. The door was unlocked, much to their surprise. It was pretty much empty; the only sounds heard were that of conveyor belts and other machinery.
“I was hoping that someone would've been here. How can a factory run without workers?”
“You know,” Mimi started while investigating her surroundings, “this place sort of reminds me of the factory we went to when Tentomon evolved to Kabuterimon the first time.”
“Yeah, it does. Maybe we'll meet up with Andromon if it is the same place.”
Mimi, at that moment, heard a high-pitched beeping sound. She looked down at her skirt, and unhooked her Digivice from it. “My Digivice is homing onto something.”
Koushirou pulled out his. “It seems so. Somebody else must be in the vicinity who's a Chosen Child.”
“But I'm picking up three signals on mine, and they're very close to us.”
“Yet, they're oddly spread out. Two of the three are obviously together, and a good ways away from our current location, but not by much; the remaining one seems to be extremely close to us. If I didn't know any better, this particular child could be right here in this factory.”
“Do you think these signals could be coming from Michael or Miyako-chan?”
“That would be my guess, but who could this third signal belong to? It couldn't be Meihui-san since she's not a Chosen Child, and I'm sure that the Hoi Brothers Hikari-san and I encountered while in Hong Kong would've mentioned her if she were a Chinese Chosen since she's from there as well, although, she was living here in Japan two years ago.”
“Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's go.”
The two walked a bit more into the labor-less facility, which didn't last for too much longer. Both ran into a cyborg-like Digimon, which caused them to try and take off, but the Digimon leapt and landed in front of them to keep them from doing so.
“No, you don't have to fear me. I'm Cyberdramon, and I'm on your side.” It took a bit more persuasion, which included Cyberdramon bowing down to them, as if worshipping, but the children finally came to trust him. His bowing as if the two were gods was enough for Mimi; Koushirou just went along with her.
“My name is Tachikawa Mimi, and this is my friend, Izumi Koushirou.”
“What did you mean exactly by `our side'?”
“Exactly as I said it,” he responded gruffly. “I am on your side. Since children are here at all, I'm assuming you're two of the many who are in danger.”
“We're in danger?” both asked.
“Yes, now I command you two to leave!” he ordered authoritatively while pointing towards the way the two had come in. “Do not make me have to use force.”
“But our Digivices,” she held hers up, “say that someone is here!”
Cyberdramon could only groan in extreme exasperation. “You are Chosen Children! Your lives are in extreme danger.”
“Why don't you help us, then?”
Before answering, the dark Digimon looked around, making sure he wasn't being watched. “Okay,” he reluctantly spoke up, “I'll help you and your redheaded friend, here. I will also help you to free the other child, but please keep quiet and follow.
“I don't agree with what's going on, and am entirely against it. I just wish I had more Digimon allies to overthrow them, but everyone is too scared to even consider it, and is following them blindly since they do not want to deal with all the conflict and the guardians don't seem to be doing anything, since those responsible for all of this havoc have seemed to gain so much power recently.”
Mimi and Koushirou looked at each other, and then shrugged as they followed behind Cyberdramon. The walk seemed endless since Cyberdramon was being extra cautious and making sure nothing was around to harm the two preteens. At one point, they had to climb some steps, but actually reaching it seemed to take forever.
As they continued their walk throughout the factory, they managed to get a better look at what was on the conveyor belts. They consisted of jars being filled with a strange, thick grayish liquid. Koushirou seemed to be the only one who was mentally exploring the place. The entire process was computerized, which interested him tremendously. His curiosity was actually beginning to get the better of him, and was anxious to try and figure out how everything worked, but soon realized he was beginning to fall behind his friend and guide. 
After a while of ducking and dodging - Cyberdramon warned the two of there being cameras - they finally arrived on the second floor of the place. He led them to a door, which had a pretty long walkway and a metal bridge. At the end of the walkway, was a cell and within it, was a knocked out, incredibly malnourished-looking wavy, blonde-haired boy in clothing too big for him. He looked to be no more than ten.
“Michael!!”  Mimi grabbed onto the cell bars, and stared in with tears in her eyes, growing quite scared over the boy's current shallow breathing. “He looks awful! What's wrong with him!”
“Well, he hasn't had any meals or nourishment since he was brought in yesterday,” explained Cyberdramon regrettably. “The orders were to not give him any food or drink since he disobeyed our orders to be brought in peacefully. He had to be chased before he could be apprehended.”
“We have to get him out of there!” Mimi cried.
“That's going to be difficult to do when you're going to join him,” the three heard a deep voice rumble.
The three turned to see a Digimon at the end of the walkway that they'd entered.
Mimi stared at the giant, grey-plated serpent like creature with metal wings. “Who's that?”
“Oh no,” Cyberdramon gasped, “it's Gigadramon.”
(Digi-Analyzer On)
Gomamon: This big virus goon is known as Gigadramon, a cyborg Digimon who can be really annoying, but powerful. He can swoop down and land an attack on you before you even realize it. (Sighs) Just to think, I was hoping that none of my fellow Digimon would ever have to meet up with this type of enemy again...
(Digi-Analyzer Off)
“Gigadramon...Gigadramon,” Koushirou pondered. “Why does this Digimon seem so familiar...” He stared at the creature before them once again, when it finally hit him. “Mimi-san, a Mugendramon (Machinedramon) had a Gigadramon as one of his henchmen and that particular one almost killed Taichi-san and me when we were trying to get that medication to Hikari-san. It was after we all went our separate ways, and Jou-san stayed behind with you, while Hikari-san, Takeru-kun, and I, stayed with Sora-san and Taichi-san. That particular one was incredibly powerful! I'm going to assume that this one is no different.”
“Good job, Cyberdramon. You have found two more for our master to experiment on.”
Koushirou looked on in a bit of surprise after hearing Gigadramon's words. Mimi, on the other hand, grew hysterical. “How could you! We trusted you! You said you were our friend!”
Gigadramon laughed as he slithered his way towards them. “Could you not see that he was just tricking you? Young humans are very gullible and naïve.”
Cyberdramon seemed to be at a loss for words, unable to defend himself, but he didn't try to make much of an attempt to do so. He feared his colleague just as much as he did his master, especially if he were to get back to Ebemon with the information that he was a traitor to him.
“Lock those two up in the lowest most point with those two Digimon who tried to oppose us, by trying to save that blonde-haired boy.”
Forcing out a laugh, he nodded. Koushirou didn't really find the beast's act too convincing, but Mimi was too blinded and angry to notice, which surprised him. He figured that Mimi of all people would've figured that something just wasn't right with the situation, especially since she was usually a good judge of character.
“You promised to help us! You promised you'd help my friend!” Mimi shrieked, angry tears flooding her clear, innocent eyes. She began to tremble as she tried to find the best words to describe their ex-ally. “*Anata wa...anata wa...anata wa... kokuzoku desu! Jaaku!” She then shouted out with true cruelty, “Hi-hiretsukan!!!”
Koushirou blinked in amazement and, to a certain extent, utter shock. He'd never heard the girl speak in such a manner before. “Mimi-san!”
Cyberdramon shuddered, feeling every twinge of pain for every word Mimi had used for him. `Mimi-chan...'
“Well, what are you standing around here for? Go lock them up! I'll go inform Ebemon-sama of your deed.”
He sighed as he grabbed both Mimi and Koushirou. There was no need, or use, of the two trying to get away, as the Digimon was much too strong for that. He took a different path than what they had earlier to get to the second floor, and headed downstairs to the basement of the factory, which was very dark and dank. The only thing the two children could hear was a faint, dripping sound from the pipes and the whirring of generators. Koushirou thought he saw a couple of rats on the way down, which caused him to grow a bit unnerved.
When they finally reached their destination, Cyberdramon released Koushirou, so that he would be able to open the cell door (which had a computerized, combination lock) with his free hand. The door squeaked loudly as Cyberdramon slowly slid the door open. “Get in,” he emotionlessly ordered. Koushirou obeyed and entered. Cyberdramon then placed Mimi gently inside, and slid the door shut behind him.
“How could you!” Mimi screamed as she rushed to the bars of the cell, angry tears spilling from her eyes. “I thought you were our friend!”
“I am, but I was ordered to lock you two up,” he whispered. “Just listen to me...”
Before he could explain himself properly, Gigadramon made his way down the steps, joining his colleague and their new prisoners. “Our master is pleased with your work and would like to see you.”
“He is? Oh, I mean, he is! He should be.”
“Yes, he's very pleased. Ebemon-sama will deal with them later. He's just checking in with our superior to let him know that we have three of those children here and was going to find out what he wants done with those Digimon traitors. He was planning on just letting them rot, but, like the child upstairs, he felt they've sat around long enough.”
“Yes, now we can be rid of those children for good. They'll stop ruining our plans and meddling in Digimon affairs.”
“Let's go; Ebemon-sama wants to see me too; he has some tasks that he wants both of us to complete regarding the child upstairs.”
Cyberdramon reluctantly followed behind Gigadramon who had flown back upstairs. Before he was out of sight, Cyberdramon turned back to the two cell-mates. `I'm very sorry Koushirou, Mimi-chan...' He then left to join his superior.
Koushirou was still surprised over how aggravated Mimi was and how she was fuming over the situation still since she was the type to find good in most everyone.
“How dare he betrays us!” Mimi was very bothered over the fact that Michael was still trapped, which was also clouding her judgment.
“Mimi-san, I don't think he meant for this to happen.”
“What do you mean!” she stopped pacing and crossed her arms stubbornly. “He's a traitor and that's unforgivable!!”
“I say we give him the benefit of the doubt. Gigadramon caught him off-guard; he couldn't make it look like he had turned on his colleague and superior, so he locked us up to prove his loyalty to them. Everything he did just seemed…incredibly forced.”
“Well, maybe...”
“Mimi-san,” the boy gently spoke, “he even let me keep my laptop. If he was really against us, why would he allow us to keep the objects we came in here with? He even let us keep our Digivices, and he seems to know quite a bit about the Chosen Children and of Digivices, from what he was saying earlier when trying to get us on his side. We can send out distress signals with both; well, we can with our Digivices anyway.” Even though Koushirou's laptop was fully charged and, seemingly, upgraded, he still couldn't manage to contact the human world with it, which he'd tried while at the oasis. He'd tried to e-mail Taichi, Sora, Jou, and even Yamato, but got a mailer daemon saying that the message couldn't go through. He was also having a tough time getting and keeping an internet connection.
“I-I guess you're right, but what do we do now?”
“I don't know, but we'll have to think of something so we can get out of here.”
“I'm a bit tired,” Mimi commented dryly.
“There are some crates in the back of this cell. We could sit there while we try to come up with a plan to get to Michael-san and out of here.”
When heading to the back of the cell, they noticed two figures asleep in the shadows. Mimi was the first to identify the two. “Palmon! Tentomon!”
Rushing over, each child picked up their partners, who looked to have been through quite a bit. It took a while, but both began to stir.
“Mimi?” Palmon asked after opening her opaque eyes.
Mimi smothered her with another hug. “Yes, Palmon, it's me.”
“Yeah, it's me, buddy.”
Palmon managed to stand up weakly along with Tentomon. “Mimi, what are you two doing here?”
“I wish I knew,” Koushirou muttered.
“Palmon, what happened to you two? Why are you here?”
The two looked at each other, Palmon frowning, and Tentomon shifting uneasily. Both then painfully explained their story...
About twenty-four hours earlier...
Palmon was sitting around with Tentomon in his tree house playing cards. “Tento's Place” had been improved upon over the years, as it now resembled a nice, small condo as opposed to how it used to resemble a dinky little clubhouse. Due to both Palmon and Tentomon's areas being so close, she would visit frequently and if anything was to go wrong in her area, she could always get back quickly with no problems.
Gin!” Tentomon declared while slamming some cards down on the fuzzy green poker-like game table.
I'm starting to get the feeling that you're cheating at this game!”
No way; Iplay fair!”
Sure you do,” the skeptic plant-monster scoffed, her vines folded across her chest. “It would be more fun if some other Digimon were here, like Betamon or Gomamon. With them around, we could play poker. I always seem to win, but with only two players, it'd be boring; besides, you'd just cheat!”
Okay, think what you want about my cheating, but---”
Wait, wait; be quiet!”
Did you hear something just now?”
Tentomon stopped arguing, and listened. “What did you hear?”
I thought I heard someone shouting or something just now. It's pretty faint, though.”
They looked out the window to see a young blonde-haired boy running in the distance, pretty much screaming for his life.
That boy looks a little like Mimi's old friend, Michael, but he's too young.”
I guess he's playing or something.” The two returned to their spots, not paying the boy any more mind. “You deal this time, Palmon.”
The two began to play cards again, when it finally hit them, “A human in the Digital World?!”
They then heard another sound, only it was quite frightening. They went to the window, the boy getting closer and closer. Behind him, trees were being knocked over and various Digimon trying to take cover, while bird-like Digimon were flying off to safety. They understood, this boy wasn't playing, he was being chased. Thinking quickly, Palmon used her long vines to pull the young boy into the tree house with them.
Hide behind the chair there,” Tentomon quickly instructed.
The boy just nodded and did as he was told. A big Digimon went right past the tree house, with no intention of searching it. This Digimon was Cyberdramon (who had gotten to the tree house first), and along with him a good ways back, were two other Digimon: Gigadramon and the feared, Nohemon. The three searched for a short while, and went back to the tree house.
Tentomon and Palmon stepped out on the platform where Gigadramon eyed them suspiciously. “You two, did you see a small human child run by here?”
Gigadramon,” Cyberdramon interjected, “why don't we just give up? It's obvious that the human's gotten away.”
You weakling,” Nohemon snarled in disgust. “You never give up on a mission.”
Nohemon is right. Now, you two, did you see a human boy run by here?”
N-no, we didn't see anyone go by,” Tentomon insisted, his voice a bit unsteady. Palmon could only vigorously nod.
Those who act edgy are normally hiding something,” Nohemon commented suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at them sharply as if trying to peer into their souls.
We're not edgy,” Palmon shuddered, not liking the way Nohemon was staring at her. “We were just playing an honest game of Digi-gin! We saw something zoom by, but I'm not sure if it was a human or not.”
The thing that ran by seemed to head north of here.”
Then why are you acting so nervous!” Gigadramon interrogated.
We're sorry,” Tentomon bowed.
It's Nohemon.” Palmon was sweating heavily now. “We're a bit jumpy because of Nohemon-sama,” she bowed as Tentomon had, “please forgive us.”
It is understandable,” Nohemon responded arrogantly, “I am the most skilled Digimon there is. There's nothing I can't kill.”
Don't let all of that fame go to your head.”
Now now, Gigadramon, you know I'm one of the most skilled Digimon around; I'm not the type to lie or gloat. I only state facts. Look at the level I'm on, and I can defeat any Digimon that's thrown at me since I'm smart, cunning, and have done my research. I could even kill you if the opportunity was to present itself.”
It was now Gigadramon's turn to look uneasy and bothered. Did this Digimon just threaten him?
Well, the boy is obviously not here. Why not go back to Ebemon-sama and inform him?”
No, we keep going! You, the Tentomon, which way did you say you saw the boy run!”
N-north, Gigadramon-sama,” he shook while pointing.
Are you sure? I'm quite certain he said that the child was headed east.”
Get your ears checked,” Nohemon snapped at Cyberdramon, “he said north!”
The two took off, with a dejected Cyberdramon following behind. `Failed again, but at least I know the boy is safe. That Palmon and Tentomon are hiding him. I saw the Palmon pull him in before Gigadramon and Nohemon caught up with me.'
Cyberdramon turned to Palmon and Tentomon, and quickly flashed them the “Victory” sign, so that neither Gigadramon nor Nohemon would see, and went to join them. The bug-like Digimon and his plant-based companion only shrugged it off. When the coast was clear, and neither Cybderamon, Gigadramon, nor Nohemon were in sight, Tentomon and Palmon rushed back inside to inform the boy in the over-sized clothing that he could come out from hiding.
Palmon? Mimi's Palmon? It's so nice to see you again! It was terrible! Mimi and I got separated when going through some weird portal, and I, somehow, aged backwards.
I ended up a little ways from here, and that's when I ran into those Digimon back there. Thanks a lot for helping me out.”
Palmon and Tentomon looked at him confusedly. *They were having a difficulty understanding him. “He's speaking English. I don't know English very well. I understood him when he was saying `help' and when he was thanking us, but I'm a bit lost with the other stuff he said.”
I don't know English very well either since I didn't stay with Mimi long in her world, but he seems to know me and Mimi. He also spoke it very fast, so I couldn't catch much.”
Um,” Tentomon started, racking his brain to reply back to the boy, “we do not understand you. English, we don't know much of.”
The blonde boy slapped his forehead. He'd totally forgotten where he was. “Sumimasen,” he apologized bashfully. “I forgot where I was, the Eastern hemisphere of the Digital World, which is connected to other Eastern countries, such as Japan.”
Who are you?” Tentomon asked.
Michael? No wonder you looked so familiar. Where's Mimi!”
Michael animatedly explained to the two of what had happened to him, but time he finished the story, the boy's eyes went wide as an unknown source of electricity coursed throughout his small, fatigued body, which caused him extreme pain. When the shock stopped, he fell to the ground unconscious, a rubber-tipped arrow sticking out of his back.
I knew they were lying,” a voice darkly murmured. “Surely my presence couldn't be all that intimidating.”
Seems you were right,” a second voice concurred.
Tentomon and Palmon looked up. Nohemon had opened Tentomon's sunroof without their knowing, his bow in hand. Behind the scarecrow, was Gigadramon.
What do you suggest we do with these Digimon traitors?”
Well, in my line of work, I would kill them since traitors are extremely expendable,” Nohemon stated bluntly, “but I wasn't paid to harm them. I was paid to kill off the children who enter our world, not counting one, and this kid isn't the one that's supposed to be spared.”
No wait, let's keep this child. Ebemon-sama told us to bring back at least one since he needs someone to practice on. You can tell your client that, and to just contact Ebemon-sama if there are any problems.”
Yes, let's keep him,” Cyberdramon reluctantly agreed. “You, Nohemon, probably have better things to do.”
Yeah, that is true. I still have to find that girl who was with that Kendo boy. I'm out of here.” The scarecrow looking Digimon took off in a flash, leaving Gigadramon and Cyberdramon to deal with both Tentomon and Palmon, who stood in front of Michael's limp body.
You do know that lying can be considered a very dangerous offense,” Gigadramon told the two.
Both gulped. Gigadramon swooped down onto the tree house, attacking the two children-leveled Digimon, which resorted in knocking them out cold, and trashing the home. Neither had a chance against him, and couldn't even get the opportunity to fight back.
When done, Gigadramon, and an indisposed Cyberdramon, took the two back to their master…
“That's awful!” Mimi cried after hearing the disheartening story.
Palmon lowered her head in shame. “We couldn't defend ourselves or protect Michael.”
“Don't feel bad,” Koushirou told the two. “You tried as best you could.”
“That may be true,” they heard a voice growl, “but they still failed!”
They all turned towards the voice, and gasped at the sight…
Author's Notes
Note 1: Quite a few translations needed for this one. “Anata wa” (????) pretty much means, “You are”. “Kokuzoku” (??), if done right, means “traitor”. Jaaku (????) is “Jerk” and is written in Katakana (meaning, it's a foreign word to Japanese, and is spelled for sound emphasis), and “hiretsukan” (???) means “bastard”, if I used that right. I have that she's angry, but do you feel that that would be too out of character for a person like Mimi? Her character is generally polite, which is why I kept stuff like “desu” there.
Note 2: For my fics, well, anime-based ones anyway, everyone is speaking Japanese, but is translated into English for the audiences. How's that? lol