Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Adventure 02: Amnesia and Hidden Secrets ❯ Amnesia ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Takeru hated hospitals. He was never really fond of them when he was younger. Even now as he walks down the hall of Odaiba's hospital he still feels a sense of dread. It was probably a good thing he decided to stay at Daisuke's house when Patamon failed to return to him with Ken the day before. He ended up worrying himself sick with worry all night wondering where were they and if they were safe from the snowstorm? He couldn't help but dread the fact that Daisuke slipped him sleeping pills, forcing him to sleep for a good five hours.

Then again he shouldn't be ungrateful. At least one of them got some sleep. Daisuke was busy comforting Wormmon, yelling at everyone for being so stupid to drive Ken away and making him feel abandoned the day before and even left the apartment early in the morning to look for Ken himself. Takeru will never forget the look on Ken's face when he saw everyone's hateful glares and heard their hateful remarks. What were they thinking? It had taken months for them to build Ken's total trust and friendship. They all tried to assure him that they were really his friends and would do nothing to hurt him; at least he Daisuke tried anyway. Takeru rolled his eyes at that thought. They broke their word and look what happened? Ken got caught up in a storm and ended up sick in a hospital.

Takeru glanced at the tired bagworm digimon in his arms. Ever since Ken ran out of the Motomiya complex Wormmon hadn't eaten or slept, causing his to dedigivolve to Minomon. Minomon had been furious at what the others did to his partner that he attacked them whenever they so much as mention something bad about his partner or got within five feet of him. The only people that Minomon didn't attack were Daisuke and himself. He was glad for that. At least now he can help Daisuke comfort Minomon and what better way to do that then to give him back to his partner.

Takeru smiled at the thought. Daisuke had instructed him that morning that he should stay in the apartment just in case Ken and Patamon returned or called. Takeru didn't argue with the new leader of the Chosen Children. Daisuke was just as worried as he was and he actually wanted to comfort and speak to Minomon along without Daisuke around anyway. Takeru liked the Child of Kindness as more that just a friend. There were many times where he fantasied about taking Ken on dates and making out with him under the Sakura Tree or winning him a prize at the festival and seeing him blush when Takeru gives it to him. Takeru felt his cheeks heat up a little before shaking the thought away. In truth Takeru had asked Minomon about Ken feelings but Minomon refused to tell him. He said that Ken was a private person and deserved his privacy. However, he did hint that Ken did not like girls.

Takeru felt very hopeful about the turn of events but then the memory of Ken's parents' call made him frown. Ken's parents had called around eight that morning asking why Ken was in a hospital? After talking to his parents they asked if he could go the hospital and keep an eye on him since it would take them a few hours for them to get to Odaiba.

Takeru sighed and slowed his pace a bit. He had been nervous ever since he finished talking to Ken's parents. He had emailed Daisuke afterward telling him what happen and that he will meet him at the hospital. Daisuke hadn't replied back to him. He was starting to wonder if Daisuke got his message at all.

Takeru smiled softly as he passed a young woman's room. The young woman was fast asleep. Sitting in a chair near her bed was a young man. The young man was holding her hand as he napped in his chair. They look cute together, Takeru thought to himself. Takeru thought shift to his poor friend. It was bad enough that he was remembering his rape but now he was in a hospital with amnesia. Takeru felt sad for the boy he liked. He didn't know the extent of Ken's memory loss, so it wouldn't be a good idea to confess his feelings to the boy just yet. However, the mental image of him holding Ken's hand as he slept was appealing.

Takeru thought back to what Minomon mentioned about Ken not liking girls. Takeru processed that fact for a moment. If Ken didn't like girls like that, than there was a very good chance that he prefers guys. Takeru felt a spark of hope within him as he continued to work out his thoughts. If that was the case than he will be flattered about having a boyfriend. Then in that case he would not be disgusted when I confess my feelings to him and there is still the possibility that he likes me back. There was no guarantee that Ken liked him back but it was pleasant thought, compared to the alternative, to think about and it kept him happy and hopeful as he walked. Well, until he heard a female's voice coming from Ken's room.

“Ken-san, I know it's a lot to take in, but just try to stay with me. There are other kids like you who have digimon but these Chosen are not nice.” Takeru stood next to the door, but not in front of it for the girl to see him. “They were mean to you. They wanted you to believe that they were your friends. You're a genius so of course they wanted to be your friends. They, unfortunately, wanted to use you. I've seen they way they treated you. It's isn't nice.” Takeru gridded his teeth together and narrowed his eyes in anger and disbelief. That was not true! He didn't care if Ken was a genius or not. He liked Ken for being the kind, caring, gentle person that he is. Who was this girl? How dare she say all these lies about them?

“What's do you mean? I don't understand?” Ken's confused and uncertain voice asked. Takeru kept himself from gasping in surprise. Takeru was informed by the doctor that Ken had amnesia but he wasn't expecting it to be long-term memory loss though.

“I know,” the girl replied softy. “Those other kids pretty much ignored you most of the time. Sometimes it looked like they were excluding you or not acknowledging you were there most of the time.” Takeru frowned. Well the majority of the time when they do group outings it does seem like the others do tend to forget that Ken was with them. Though he had a feeling it was mostly due to the fact that Ken was a quite and reserved person. Most of the time during these gatherings Ken usually stays with Daisuke and talks with him and Wormmon for the majority of the time. There are also times where he joins their little group and joins the conversations. He often wondered why Daisuke also seemed to give him know looks as if he knew why Takeru was joining them and was relieved when he did.

Takeru crept up and looked inside the room, making sure the girl didn't see him, of course. In the room Ken was laying down in a hospital bed with the girl sitting in a chair next to him. Ken was wearing one of those hospital nightgowns that don't feel right, had a nasal cannula under his nose, and had varies tubes sticking into his arm, administering some kind of medicine for him. Takeru noticed the confused and weak look in Ken's eyes, suggesting he just woke up. He also seemed to not understand anything the emerald eye girl was telling him. He seemed lost and confused and tired; scratching a not happy Patamon absently as the girl continued speaking to him.

“Whatever you do don't trust them. They will do nothing but tell you lies. They are going to try to convince you that they're your friends. But-” Takeru had enough. He was not going to stand there and have this girl badmouth him and his friends. Okay she may be right about the others but he would not stand here and allow her to badmouth him and Daisuke. Takeru squared his shoulders and guarded his expression. He didn't want give away that he heard the conversation and was angered by it. “Oh look here's one of them now.” The girl said as he entered the room.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Takeru said coolly. The girl gave him a smug look saying that she knew that he was lying and was well aware that he was eavesdropping. Takeru ignored her and turned to the confused boy. He smiled softly at his friend. “I brought Minomon, Ken-kun. He really missed you.”

“Ken-chan!” Minomon squealed happily as he floated out of Takeru arms and clung to Ken's shoulder, sobbing. Ken smiled fondly at his digimon. “I was so worried about you! I was afraid something bad happening to you after the others yelled at you!”

Takeru smiled warmly at the reunion but frowned when Minomon mentioned the others. Takeru glanced at the girl and saw that she looked ashamed. “Oh Ken-kun!” Takeru forced himself not to bristle in front of her. By all the Holy Digimon, she has some nerve! He couldn't believe what he was hearing. “I forgot about your digimon. I so sorry.”

Ken smiled at her. “It's okay Meya-chan. You didn't-”

“Takeru!” Ken blinked in surprised when Patamon yelled his partner's name. Ken loosened his hold on Patamon allowing him to fly into Takeru's arms. Takeru was relieved that Patamon was okay and was with Ken this whole time. However, he felt hurt when Ken just stared at him curiously. There was no recognition at all. “Ken-kun! This is my partner, Takeru, the Child of Hope!”

Ken smiled shyly at him. “Its nice to meet you Takeru-san.” And there was the pain. Ken hadn't called him -san in years. Why was this happening? Ken doesn't remember him at all.

“Keeeennnn!” Takeru staggered out of the way as the leader of the new Chosen Children bolted into the room and flung his arms around his friend, pulling him into a hug.

“Dai!” Ken exclaimed happily.

Daisuke hugged his best friend; relieved to know that he was alive. He didn't care that Ken wasn't hugging him back. He was still too weak and was not able to lift his arms in order to return the embrace. Daisuke was just glad he was all right.

Takeru watched as Daisuke hugged Ken. Ken remembers him, but why not me? Anger and sadness filled him. Not wanting to scream and lash out in front of Ken. Takeru gave one last look at the girl before turning around and leaving Ken's room.

Tears filled Takeru's eyes as speed walked down the hall and back to the main lobby. Surprising the other Chosen Children were there, looking guilty. Good! They deserve to be, he thought bitterly. Takeru's heart hurt. Ken has no memories, the witch is telling him lie, and on top of that Ken does not remember him. If anyone is to blame for his pain, it would be them.


Hikari Kamiya got up when she saw her friend entered the lobby. But something was wrong with her best friend. He looked upset and angry. Was he angry with them for the awful mistake they did at the meeting yesterday? If he was how angry was he? It scared her to see him this angry?

“Tk, what's-”

“That witch!” Takeru snapped, cutting her off. “She's lying to him. Putting things into his head.” Hikari was stunned at Takeru's outburst. Who was he talking about? “Ken can't remember anything! He's so vulnerable and weak right now and she doesn't even care! He does realize what's going on!” Hikari froze. Ken doesn't remember. But…but…how? Why? What have they done? And who is this out girl Takeru is talking about?

Hikari tried to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. But he simply shook her off, not wanting her to touch him. He had rejected her. “Oh, Tk! I'm so sorry!” She cried; knowing Takeru would listen to her. She felt horrible. She was aware that Takeru was Bi but she never thought that Takeru would reject her like this. He must really care about Ken more than he cares about her.

Hikari went back to her seat and watched, sadly, as Takeru ranted about how the `witch' is taking advantage of Ken's lack of memories and how it was all their fault.


Meya watched as the blond left the hospital room. She hated the Chosen Children for the way they treated Ken. They were no better then those kids who called Ken names and push him down the stairs at school. However, the blond, Takeru was it? And this Daisuke, kid, seemed different, somehow. She remembered that Daisuke was the leader or something and was Ken's best friend. She kind of got that fib from the hugging and concern questions this Daisuke was asking. There was also the fact that Ken remembers him. Odd? She knew she programmed her bots to seal bad memories away.

She felt slightly guilty that she created small bots to prevent him from remembering the bad stuff. However, it was for his own good. He deserves to be happy and not miserable and sad, which is the usual result when hes with those other kids.

Meya watch this Daisuke kid make a joke about something stupid but it made Ken laugh. That was good. Meya smiled behind her hand; trying to hide a laugh. Daisuke really must be nice to Ken-kun. They seem so close, despite Ken not remembering much. She frowned when she thought about the blond. He looked hurt when Ken didn't recognize him. However, his digmon was tasked with finding Ken and bring him back. He must have cared a lot if he sent his own digimon in the storm. He looked very upset and mad when he retreated, though. No one who didn't care about a person would act like that.

Maybe she was wrong about him. Maybe she should tell him he should hang out with Ken more and talk to him to help jog his memory. Yeah that sounds right. She'll ask his Daisuke kid to send his friend a message telling him that. Meya smiled at her plan to help Ken. Once the blond is here Ken will gain those memories back. Everything will turn out just fine. Unfortunately, her plan for helping Ken may have caused more harm then good.