Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: One Bite at a Time ❯ Harmonica ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Characters and series (C) not me.

Title: Harmonica
Season: Adventure 02
Character(s): Gabumon, Yamato
Rating: PG-13
Coupling: Gabuto
Words: 283
Note: This little baby practically cost me my American Literary Contexts exams, but I still like it very much.

The longing notes hung in the late afternoon as Yamato brushed his lips against the cold metal. He felt a presence by his side and stopped playing with a smile.

"Can I?" Gabumon enquired.

"Sure" Yamato handed the musical instrument over.

"You know how much I like playing it, don’t you?" Gabumon asked.

Yamato smiled.

"It’s only because I don’t let you anywhere near my guitar."

Gabumon smiled back.

"You don’t let anybody near your guitar. But me and Takeru can play with your harmonica."

"More like munching on it in your case," Yamato chuckled.

"Hey!" Gabumon playfully protested, "It’s not my fault I have stronger teeth than you!"

"You’re missing the point! You’re not supposed to put it in your mouth in the first place!" Yamato tried to explain. "You’re just supposed to put it against your lips, as if... kissing someone."

Gabumon blinked, then he threw his hands up in the air in annoyance.

"There you go again with that thing! What’s up with humans and kissing? You’re always comparing everything to it."

Yamato stared at his partner as the Digimon pressed the harmonica against his lips.

"You really want to know?"


"Look at me," Yamato requested.


When Gabumon turned toward him, Yamato grabbed the back of the reptile Digimon’s head and brought their lips together. Gabumon first panicked, but eventually calmed down. After thirty long seconds, the teen pulled back.

"So that is what kissing is all about," Gabumon simply said.

Yamato, red as a beet, nodded. Gabumon looked at the harmonica in his paw.

"And you still say I’m not supposed to put it in my mouth?"


"Well, if kissing involves you shoving your tongue in..."