Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: One Bite at a Time ❯ Pathetic ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Characters and series (C) not me.

Title: Pathetic
Season: Post Adventure 02
Character(s): Daisuke, Iori (Hida Michiko)
Pairing: Daiori
Rating: PG
Words: 269
Note: Daiori was my very first foray into both Yaoi and crack!pairings. It's nice to go back to its first love.

When Michiko-san hushed him into her son's bedroom, Daisuke was faced with something he hadn't seen in years. Iori, his fellow Chosen, holder of the Digimentals of Knowledge and Reliability, was crying.

"Hey there," he made his presence know.

"What do you want?" the younger teen choked.

"I want to understand," Daisuke said, closing the door behind him.

It was not in Daisuke's nature to investigate, but he cared for is friend. Seeing the most level-headed person he knew get into a roller coaster relationship that was doomed from the start had hurt. Now he wanted to understand what had happened.

"You can't."

"Try me," he retorted, leaning against the wall.

"I was afraid. Afraid of ending up alone," the boy managed.

In the background, Daisuke's brows disappeared under his hair.

"I was seeing you all move farther away. First the older ones, then Miyako, than you, Takeru and Hikari. And you were all getting involved, and all I could do was stand there and look while you drifted away..." he snorted at himself. "Damn, I sounds pathetic, don't I?"

Daisuke pushed himself away from the wall and walked up to the boy. He rubbed the tears off Iori's cheeks and forced the younger to look him in the face.

"Hey, pathetic people need love too!" he said.

Then he kissed him. Iori had not expected it and Daisuke had counted on that to land his attack and snap the other teen out of his state. What Daisuke had not counted on was for Iori to wrap his arms around his neck and pull him in to deepen the kiss.

Note: Since she was never formally named in the series, I use "Michiko" as Iori's mother's name.