Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digital Awakenings ❯ The Battle of Odaiba ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[AN: My longest chapter yet, and it's all one plot line! Hope you enjoy it.]

Chapter 4:The Battle of Odaiba

Kari was being pulled down, down towards the darkness. The voices hissed into her ear. "You shall be our queen!" "Your life shall not be complete until you take the Throne of Twilight!" "Your world is nothing compared to ours!" They were terrible, slithering voices like snakes. An ocean of snakes pulling her down to the darkness.

Kari fought. She surrounded herself in a bubble of light. She was the Digidestined of Light; she wouldn't be conquered by some measly darkness. But it was powerful darkness. "It is only a matter of time now!" Maybe that was true. It was like falling off a cliff. You couldn't fly back up. The most you could do was try to grab something to stop yourself from falling.

Kari caught a glimpse of such a thing. She wasn't sure what it was, but she wasn't sure what anything was in this abstract world of dark and light. She reached out for it desperately. She could almost touch it . . .just a little bit further . . .

* * *

Taichi sat in the waiting room impatiently. He had been here since this afternoon. Some of the others were here, reading or staring out into space. Sora had gotten time off work. Jou, who worked at the hospital, was on break and waiting with the others.

Kari's boyfriend, a guy name Daisuke, was here too. Taichi didn't like Daisuke, although he didn't quite know why. Probably because he reminds you so much of yourself a voice in his head said, but Taichi ignored it. Daisuke was fidgeting, and Taichi could tell that he was trying to hide something.

"Hey everyone!" a familiar voice said as Matt strode into the room. "How's everyone doing?"

"Matt!" Sora said pleasantly. Previously, her brow had been scrunched in concentration over something. "I thought you were on tour in Europe!"

"Well, we weren't playing any shows tonight, and I figured that I might as well come and check on Kari," Matt explained. "The guys and I pooled our money to buy a return ticket for me." Even thought Matt had once reached celebrity-status as the lead singer of the Teenage Wolves, that band broke up shortly after they realized they were no longer teenagers. Since then, Matt had been in a number of bands that weren't nearly as successful. Still, he had a fair amount of money.

"Good to see you could come," Taichi said brightly. "Kari's still unconscious, but they say she's getting better."

Matt's glance turned to Agumon, pretending to be a stuffed animal on Taichi's lap. "Oh my god, is that…" Taichi nodded, but motioned to the hall outside. They couldn't discuss Digimon with Daisuke here. The two went out into the hall to talk, and Agumon stopped his stuffed animal charade. "What's going on?" Matt asked.

"Wish I knew," Taichi sighed. "A Digimon showed up in the city-it attacked Kari's school, that's why she's in here-and Agumon appeared to help me fight it off." Agumon nodded.

"So, is this just a one time occurrence, or are we going back to the whole 'save the world' thing?" Matt asked rhetorically. "I mean, we can't do this again. We're not kids, we have jobs and responsibilities now. I have a kid, Tai! How does that factor into the whole war thing?"

"I'm not asking you to do anything," Taichi said. "I have a family too, and a job, and all that stuff. I'm just stating the facts. It's not like I had a choice in the matter, I doubt you will either."

Their conversation was interrupted by a scream. Taichi instantly recognized it as Sora's. He rushed towards the sound, ending up in Kari's hospital room. Or at least, it had once been Kari's room. Kari was gone now. All her life support and that other mechanical junk hung loose.

"What happened to her?" Taichi asked in a panic. Sora trembled.

Jou ran into the room, barely acknowledging Kari's absence. "Just saw . . .Digimon . . .out window . . .attacking city . . ."

"What kind?" Agumon asked.

"Not one," Jou panted. "Tons of them."

Sora nodded, looking as if she might cry. "Tai . . . we should get home."

"Why?" Taichi asked. "They're outside, right. Me and Agumon are the only ones who can fight these things."

"What about the kids?" Sora said. Taichi had forgotten about Nick and Anzu. They had left the kids with a babysitter (Taichi didn't think that the kids would take well to sitting in a waiting room doing nothing.) "We have to protect them from those Digimon."

"Which is why I have to fight them," Taichi argued.

"Don't be an idiot Tai," Sora said angrily. "They could already be all over the city. You might not get to them in time.

"But there are tons of people here!" Taichi protested. "We need to save them, don't we?"

"Well I'm going to protect our children," Sora said angrily before storming off. Probably the best, Taichi thought. I don't want to see anything happen to them either, but I know my priorities.

Taichi realized that he was standing around aimlessly, and he ran off to the closest entrance. From the streets he could see several buildings engulfed in black fire. A number of Digimon flew overhead. They appeared to be Birdramon, except that their fire and every part of their body was black.

"Sabirdramon," Agumon muttered. "The token troops of Nightdramon."

Taichi pulled out his glowing Digivice-where had that come from, anyways-and pointed it at Agumon. "You know what to do,"

Agumon nodded. "Agumon warp digivolve to . . .WarGreymon!"

Taichi hung onto WarGreymon's back as the two ascended. "Dramon Destroyer!" WarGreymon shouted, impaling the closest Sabirdramon on his claws. The Digimon let out a final squawk before exploding into data. "Dramon Destroyer! Dramon Destroyer! Dramon Destroyer!" Three more Sabirdramons were deleted.

"Darkness Wing!" the remaining Sabirdramons shouted, shooting out balls of black fire from their wings. The balls hit WarGreymon harmlessly.

"Terra Force!" WarGreymon responded, destroying three enemies with the ball of fire. There was only one Sabirdramon left, and that one was running away. Taichi motioned for WarGreymon to follow. With another Dramon Destroyer, the Sabirdramon was destroyed.

"Dark Side Attack!" a number of voices shouted out from above. A barrage of missiles struck WarGreymon, who cried out in agony as cracks began to form in his armour. A group of Gigadramon, previously hidden by the clouds, laughed maliciously.

"Dramon Destroyer!" WarGreymon ripped upwards and into one of the Gigadramon's chest. The Ultimate cried out in pain as WarGreymon finished him with another shot. "Terra Force!" That attack hit another one of the Gigadramon in the face, sending him to the ground.

The other Gigadramon now ran, but Taichi and WarGreymon pursued each of them and deleted them. Tai hated the killing, but he couldn't let them get away. Then from far off Tai saw new approaches. These creatures seemed to have four legs and were covered in tan fur. Metal rimmed their heads and wings. "Gryphomon!" WarGreymon said. "They're Mega level, Tai!"

"Well so are you," Taichi said, trying to be encouraging. There were three of them flying quickly towards Taichi and his partner.

"Terra Force!" The attack collided with one of the Gryphomon, injuring but not killing the enemy.

"Legendary Blade!" The Gryphomon responded. Blades shot out of its wings, slamming into WarGreymon. Taichi's partner let out a gasp, but continued fighting. The two Megas met in mid-air and began to brawl.

"Nova Claw!

"Legendary Claw!"

Both Digimon were hurt by each other's claws. All of a sudden, WarGreymon spun around into a small tornado. "Nova Tornado!" Caught off guard by the attack, the Gryphomon was struck hard and fell to the ground before being deleted.

Taichi realized he was hearing the sounds of another battle near his. There was a cry from a Gryphomon, and he could practically feel it being deleted. He glanced to his right and saw Matt riding an injured MetalGarurumon.

"Glad to see you could make it," Taichi said with a grin.

"You know I'm too old for this?" Matt said, mimicking Taichi's grin.

"Terra Force!"

"Metal Wolf Claw!"

Caught between the two energy attacks, the Gryphomon screamed as it was destroyed.

* * *

Sora ran towards her car, hoping she could get there fast enough. She imagined the horrors she had seen in the Digital World. She tried to block the images of the horrors confronting her children, but she couldn't. She saw in her head Devimon grasping Anzu with his clawed hand, Myotismon attacking a screaming Nick, both of them being turned into key chains by Piedmon . . .

In her head she knew that all those Digimon were dead, dead for twenty-five years. But she was sure there were Digimon just as bad out there, ones they hadn't destroyed. She had to get home . . . had to protect them.

"Sora!" a voice cried. Sora turned around to see, to her shock, Birdramon standing there.

"Birdramon!" Sora said. She smiled as she remembered all the good times she had with her partner. Then she remembered the present situation. "Listen Birdramon, I need to get somewhere, and I need to get there quick."

"That's what I'm here for," Birdramon said with a smile.

Sora and Birdramon flew low, trying to avoid attention. Most people were concentrating more on the Digimon that were attacking them. "I don't know why all these Digimon are attacking," Birdramon said. "But hopefully we'll find out."

With a couple directions, they found the house. It was your typical, middle-class two-story home. Birdramon landed in the front yard. There was a scream from inside the home. Sora rushed in, to find that it was just the babysitter seeing Birdramon. "It's okay," Sora assured her as she paid the sitter. "She's on our side. Although you might not exactly want to walk home with what's going on. Where are Anzu and Nick?"

"In bed," the sitter answered. "Um, can I kind of stay here until this blows over. Like you said, it's not that safe outside."

"Sure," Sora said before she ran up and woke up her children. Nick was ten, and Anzu was six.

"What's going on?" Nick asked sleepily as he rubbed his eyes.

"Get dressed," Sora commanded. "I'll explain later." At a squawk, she gazed out of Nick's window to see balls of black fire flying at Birdramon. She rushed out the door.

A group of Sabirdramon were circling Birdramon. "Darkness Wing!" The balls of dark fire came again, striking Birdramon. Sora felt a pang of pain as her partner was struck.

Birdramon took to the skies. "Meteor Wing!" The attack hit a couple of the Sabirdramon, but didn't seriously injure them. It was hopeless. There were at least five Sabirdramon, not to mention the mysterious shadow that Sora saw on the rooftop.

Another volley of Darkness Wings brought Birdramon to the ground. Sora rushed over. "Birdramon . . .are you all right?"

"Sora . . ." Birdramon said. "Go. They're too powerful."

"No!" Sora said fiercely. "I'm with you until the end." Sora felt a blast of pain on her chest, and Birdramon started glowing.

"Birdramon digivolve to . . . Garudamon!"

Garudamon now stood up, her injuries cured by the digivolution. The Sabirdramon gulped, they now were facing an Ultimate. "Wing Blade!" A bird of fire formed in Garudamon's wings. The bird flew at the Sabirdramon and deleted two of them. A claw took another-previously injured by Birdramons' Meteor Wing-out. The other two were flying way, but another Wing Blade felled one.

Then there was a malicious chuckle as the mysterious shape moved out of the shadows. "A Gryphomon," Garudamon gasped. "A Mega."

Sora knew that they were in trouble. Whoever was attacking the city had Mega Digimon in their ranks, which said a lot for their own power. "Legendary Blade!" the Gryphomon cried. The blades that shot out of their wings struck Garudamon, knocking her back and almost into Sora's house.

"Wing Blade!" Garudamon gasped. The bird of fire formed and flew right into Gryphomon, but it didn't do much.

The Gryphomon snorted. "Is that the best you've got? Legendary Claw!" With the swipe of one claw, Garudamon reverted to Biyomon and fell to the ground.

Sora knelt by Biyomon, lying wounded on the sidewalk. It occurred to her that this unseen enemy, this battle, threatened to take everything she loved. Taichi, Biyomon, the kids, her home . . . the war wouldn't leave anything for her to love. The thought horrified her.

Sora loved in spite. A love for all her friends and family. A love that could not be broken by the attack of one stupid Digimon. Sora felt energy flow through her, the energy using the love to fuel itself and become more powerful. Sora grinned inwardly. This Gryphomon would regret the day he messed with love.

"Biyomon warp digivolve to . . . Phoenixmon!"

Sora gazed in wonder at Biyomon's new form. It was birdlike like all her others, but this one had four wings, each one covered in golden feathers. A multitude of tails flapped in the wind. Her head seemed to be covered in a golden helmet. All in all, Phoenixmon was a creation of love and beauty.

"What!" Gryphomon practically screamed. "This can't be! I defeated you!"

"Guess again!" Phoenixmon said. "Crimson Flame!" Fire streamed out of her mouth, engulfing the enemy. Gryphomon broke away from the fire burnt. Phoenixmon turned to him. "Star-Light Explosion!" A small orb of light came from Phoenixmon's mouth. Gryphomon easily dodged out of the way, but as he did, the orb exploded. Fire and light engulfed the Digimon, and when it cleared Gryphomon was no more.

Sora heard a whimpering behind her and turned around to see Nick and Anzu standing at the door, shivering. "Come on," she said, and lifted them on to Phoenixmon's back. Then she herself got on. "Let's go find the others,"

As Phoenixmon flew, it seemed as if the night sky were alive. Sora desperately hoped that they would make it there in time.

* * *

"You know, of all of it, I think I hate the killing most," Matt said to Taichi as they flew through the city on their Digimon. "You never know if it's a dedicated soldier or just a poor guy who got pressed into the army. Taichi nodded. The subject had been on their minds as they moved through Odaiba, killing any evil Digimon they found.

"SO," a voice boomed from above. It seemed as if the voice came from all around, yet from nowhere. It made Taichi shiver. "YOU ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE BEEN KILLING MY SOLDIERS."

So this was their leader. Taichi had practically prepared a speech in his head for when he met the leader of the attacking forces, but it melted away as that leader's voice pierced through his marrow. "Wh-who are you?" Taichi stammered.

"YOU MAY KNOW ME AS NIGHTDRAMON!" the voice boomed. And then, all of a sudden, something seemed to emerge from the night sky. It was about the shape of a bird. The creature was bigger than anything Taichi had ever seen before. It could have engulfed two football stadiums and still have room for desert. It was practically invisible against the night sky. Taichi could only see where it was because of the stars it blotted out. "AND YOU MAY KNOW YOURSELVES AS DEAD!"

Taichi knew that WarGreymon would never be a match for this Digimon. Especially in his current state. His armour was broken in several places, and various wounds adorned his body. The same could be said for MetalGarurumon. The two Megas landed on a nearby skyscraper. "YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY FROM ME!" Nightdramon cried.

"We weren't planning to," WarGreymon said. Taichi felt an energy fuel him. WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon began to glow. For some reason, Taichi felt that the tone of the light perfectly matched the energy going through him.

"WarGreymon . . .MetalGarurumon . . .DNA Digivolve to . . . OMNIMON!"

WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon had only fused once before, and that was to defeat Diaboromon over two decades ago. Omnimon looked as gallant as he had on that day, and just as determined. Taichi noticed that all of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon's injuries were gone. "Now you fall!" Omnimon shouted.

The booming voice laughed, a hideous laugh. "YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME JUST BECAUE YOU FUSED? HOW ARROGANT."

"I'll show him arrogant," Omnimon muttered. "Supreme Cannon!" Both of his cannon arms shot out an energy beams. The two beams struck the shadowed body with a giant blast.


A shadow appeared in the sky, about five yards away from Omnimon. The shadow took the form of Omnimon himself-a twisted, despicable Omnimon. This Omnimon shot two shadow beams out of his cannon, perfectly mimicking the attack Omnimon had just used. The two beams struck the fused Digimon, sending him back into the skyscraper Taichi and Matt were on. The shadow vanished.

Omnimon flew up, up until he was parallel with the shadow. A sword appeared in his hand. Taichi had seen this attack before, and he knew it was a powerful one. "Transcendent-"

"DARKNESS WING!" The darkness lashed out, striking at Omnimon. The fusion Digimon was blasted down besides Taichi, and reverted to Koromon and Tsunomon. The two In-Trainings quivered. "DO YOU NOW SEE MY POWER? YOUR ATTEMPT WAS FUTILE! NOW YOU SHALL BE DESTROYED!"

"Star-Light Explosion!" There was an explosion on Nightdramon's side. It seemed to do very little, however. A giant golden bird-like Digimon swooped down besides Taichi, Matt and their partners. On it Taichi saw Sora and, thank God, his children.

"Get on!" Sora shouted. Taichi and Matt wasted no time in complying. The bird took off at high speed, getting as far away from Nightdramon as possible.