Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Diminished Light: Chosens' Quest ❯ Seeking Harmony ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Diminished Light: Chosens' Quest
Chapter 9
Seeking Harmony
Sailor Janus
Everything was finally going well. Catherine sighed dreamily as she strolled along side Takeru, her hand clasped in his. The town they were in seemed charming and peaceful. Everyone treated them with kindness and respect answering their questions helpfully as they wandered around in search of an inn. She wished that she and Takeru could stay in the little town together forever. She could have a little shop for baking or perhaps as a seamstress. Her mother after all made certain that she possessed the various skills of a lady.
“Catherine? Is something wrong?” Takeru glanced at her with concern sparkling in his blue eyes.
“No, nothing is the matter. Why would you ask such a silly question?” She laughed, unaware of the tinge of discomfort that tainted her poor attempt to appear light and carefree.
“Your hand is trembling.”
She blinked and snatched her hand away, biting back an oath. “It's nothing. An unpleasant thought crossed my mind. I am fine now.”
“You don't seem fine. Will you tell me what is bothering you?”
Catherine lowered her eyes and turned away to avoid his gaze. She cursed herself for allowing the thought of her mother's strict rule to affect her mood. No matter how hard she tried to hold onto Takeru's promising words, she had a feeling that once they had succeeded in finding the digimon and returned back to their own world, that she may never see him again. The mere idea of it was enough to shatter her heart into a million pieces.
“Catherine? S'il vous plaît.” He gently took a hold of her chin and made her face him.
He asked me please in my own language. What am I going to do? She closed her eyes as two tears slid down her cheeks.
Takeru stared at her horrified as she silently wept. He sucked in a breath and dropped his hands to her shoulders, rubbing them comfortingly. “It'll be okay. Don't cry. Please don't cry and tell me what is wrong. Is it something I did? Did Daisuke say something? Or Hikari? Or even Jyou for that matter? Did someone else say or do something to you? I did, didn't I? I guess that's what happens when you try to go with your own personality rather than your brother's huh. You make an ass out of yourself.” He cringed as the tears fell faster, though her sobs remained soundless. He pulled her to his chest as panic raced over his face. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry anymore! I don't know what to do to help you!”
“It's not you,” she whispered, her voice muffled by Takeru's shirt.
Catherine lifted her head and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “It's not you.” She pushed away and gave him a tiny smile then bowed her head.
“Then what's wrong?”
She sighed and fluffed out her silver and light green layered skirt. “I just don't know what's going to happen after all this is over. But that's not a concern right now. We need to find the digimon.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oui. Yes.” She hesitated for a moment then kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for caring though. It means a lot to me.”
He nodded with confusion still swimming in his eyes. “If you say so.”
Catherine giggled then grabbed his hand. “Let's go find the inn.”
Jyou leafed through a book a merchant had kindly given him in thanks for saving his son, even though Jyou had no part in it. The elderly man was grateful enough to be able to assist in any form he could.
This is quite fascinating. The country had been split into four parts to be ruled by the children of the King and Queen of the land, which was once united. However after the deaths of the parents, the children vanished soon after. The next in line for the land declared to have four separate kingdoms formed. These would be controlled by the advisors until the Passage of Rites has been accomplished.
Hmm, four kingdoms. Weren't we split up into four groups?
He frowned when suddenly his D Quad began beeping loudly. He pulled it out and nearly dropped it as an unfamiliar voice began talking frantically.
“Hello? It is imperative for you to get your friends out of the town before you are discovered! You must hurry before it is too late. Do not allow them to take her!”
Jyou stared at the digivice as it went dead. There was something about the urgency in the female's voice that made him decide that second guessing the order was out of the question. He didn't know who had issued the warning, but he had to find the others as fast as possible.
Tani squinted at the bright sunbeams reflecting off the ocean. The sun would set soon and she and Koushiro had still not found the others. Her stomach rolled uneasily with the thought that they might never see them again. She glanced at the redhead and sighed. “Any luck?”
“Still not getting anything.” Koushiro frowned at the D-Quad as he turned it over in his hands. “I'm usually good at figuring electronics out, but this thing… I just can't seem to crack it.”
She sighed again. Not knowing what happened to everyone or if her sisters and Taichi were safe gnawed at her backbone. She felt helpless and weak. “Let's just find shelter. Maybe if we find a town, someone will have some information about the others.”
“One can hope.”
“Sure seems like that's all we've got right now.”
Koushiro nodded glumly. It was troubling that the longer they were apart from the others, the more even his worry began to show.
Taichi, what am I supposed to do? I don't know how to save the others or even if it's already too late. Yamato, Ken, Miyako, it'll be my fault if something happens to them because I'm not a strong enough leader. Tani gritted her teeth struggling against unwanted tears. Damn it. I'm so weak.
“Hey, Tani. I think I hear people in the distance.”
“Huh?” She stopped, blinking in confusion at the young man.
“I said I think there might be people further ahead.” Koushiro frowned, shaking his head. “Did you space out again?”
“Yeah, I'm sorry.” She lowered her head regretfully. “I guess I'm not exactly leader material after all.”
“What are you talking about? Look, from what I have seen, being a leader isn't exactly the easiest thing or something that you are born into. In order to be a good leader you have to keep your head in difficult situations but also keep the team together. You have to be the glue and so far, even though we got split up, you have done all you can do.”
Tani pursed her lips as the breeze toyed with the ends of her ponytails. “I suppose so.”
Koushiro cocked his head, studying her. “You really do have a problem with self esteem.”
“What? I do-”
“Calm down. That was not an insult, just a remark. If it helps, Taichi has a similar problem especially when it comes to Hikari. He still questions if he's a worthy enough brother for her.”
She stared at Koushiro in silence before slowly nodding. “I suppose we all have weaknesses involving our own self image.” She smiled in gratitude. “Thank you. I guess I was too lost in myself to realize it.”
“Not a problem-” His eyes widened as a horrified scream filled the air. He and Tani exchanged glances then bolted down the beach in search of the source of the panic.
“Stop it! Stop it! You're brothers!”
The two Chosen came to a halt outside of what looked like a small beach house. Two young men were in the middle of a brawl a short distance away as two girls stood on the sidelines with frightened looks on their faces.
“Please… stop.” The auburn haired girl collapsed to the sand, her tear-streaked face pale.
“Zana!” The brunette girl dropped to her friend's side, struggling to support her as the two men fought unaware of the auburn haired girl's state. Blood stained the sand as the blonde man struck the dark haired one's jaw. The other man howled in pain, drawing a knife from his belt.
“No,” Tani breathed as she gazed in pity at the two girls and the fighting young men. They couldn't have been much younger than she and Koushiro. “He's going to kill him. I have to do something.”
“Tani?” Koushiro gaped as she raced towards the brothers. “What are you doing? You might get killed!”
“Help the girls. Someone's got to knock some sense into those numbskulls.” She ran as fast as her legs could take her. She didn't know the two men or the two girls, but whatever the reason was for the fight, was more than likely not worth dying for. She had to put things to rights.
Koushiro froze as an indigo glow radiated from Tani. A long sword materialized in her grasp as she leapt into the fray. With one smooth move, she blocked the deadly strike of the knife, protecting the other man.
“Are you two going to calm down and think things through or do you wish to see how well you measure against me? One of the girls by the way has fallen ill.” She gestured towards the house where Koushiro was kneeling next to the auburn haired girl.
The blonde man gasped, backing away from his opponent and Tani. The fight completely forgotten, he bolted towards the girl's side . “Zana! Are you alright?”
She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled as he wrapped his arms around her. “You fool, Azi.”
The dark haired man lowered his head apologetically. “I should have never said anything. I didn't realize he'd overact that badly.”
Tani lowered her sword and wavered, suddenly dizzy. “Nothing is worth trying to kill each other for.”
“Thank you, if it wasn't for you- Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just-” she began as the glow and sword disappeared before she fell over.
Koushiro jumped to her feet as the raven haired man caught her. “Tani!”
Rosa shielded her eyes with her hand as she trailed a few steps behind Sora and Michael. The setting sun glinted through patches in the trees. If she didn't know any better, they could be wandering through a normal forest or some wooded park. Of course she wouldn't be dressed as she was in shades of gold. She wasn't accustomed to wearing such a short skirt either. It made her very self conscious.
“So I had a slingshot and saved us all yet I don't remember a thing? That sucks. I wish I could remember such a cool thing like that.” She picked up a leaf and twirled it with her fingertips.
“We think that it might have something to do with the new crests and the way that digimon evolve,” Sora explained.
Rosa froze mid step. “Wait. Does that mean I'm going to turn into a digimon? Can I be a cute one? No offence to Gotsumon, but I don't want to look like that. I'd rather look like something cuddly.”
Michael scowled. “I don't think you're turning into a digimon. Is that even possible?”
“Um, I don't think so. At least I hope not. That would be just strange.” Sora shook out her red locks then ran a hand down her face. “Let's talk about something else. This subject is weirding me out.”
The three fell silent as they continued to wander through the forest. Sora chewed on her lip and sighed. “What are we going to do about Taichi and Mimi?”
Michael's face hardened. Roughly he shoved he buried his hands in his pockets. “Something.”
“But we don't even know where they are.”
“Do you think I don't know that? Damn it.” He kicked a tree trunk in heated anger repeatedly until he couldn't feel the pain.
Sora took his arm gently. “Michael.”
“Just leave me alone. I'll be fine.”
“Maybe we'll hear something in town. Someone should know something then we can form a plan, bust in, and save them like a cheesy movie. Michael will of course get the girl.” Rosa grinned hopeful that Michael would calm down. “I'm sure the others are probably having just as much if not more trouble than we are.”
“It'd help if the Damn D-Quads would actually do what they are supposed to,” the American muttered darkly.
“What do you expect for something we got for free with no user manual?”
Michael stared at her for a moment then chuckled. “Damn straight.”
Sora smiled. “Well, since we agree that the new digivice at the moment is useless, let's see if we can find a town and some food.”
After what seemed like miles, the trio finally reached a small town, which to their amazement was housed in several large oak like trees. Brightly colored autumn leaves rained down upon them as they took in the sights. Rosa squealed happily and spun around as Sora drew in a breath of awe. Michael simply tilted his head and shrugged, silently deciding that the place wasn't half bad.
Mimi would love this. He violently shoved the thought from his head. He couldn't continue wallowing in regret over being unable to protect her. All he could do for her at that moment was find a way rescue her and Taichi.
“Oh! Apples!” Rosa cheered racing towards a shop that displaced a cut out of the bright red fruit. “I am so hungry. Let's get some.”
“I hope we have enough money,” Sora dug into her pouch of what she guessed was money as she trailed after the Mexican girl.
A dark haired teenaged boy stepped down from the shop and smiled at Rosa. “Pretty girl, are you interested in the honeyed apples? I could get one for you.”
Rosa paused, her ponytail swished to the side as she looked at him thoughtfully. “What?”
“That is if you'll marry me.”
Brown eyes widen in shock as her jaw dropped in bewilderment. “What! But-but-but-”
“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and it would be my honor if you would be my bride,” He eloquently said with a bow.
Sora immediately grabbed Michael's arm as she noticed another young man giving her the once over. She laughed weakly. “Sorry, I'm already spoken for.”
“Sora!” Rosa blushed deeply realizing that the red head just snagged her only excuse that she could prove at the moment. She turned back to her suitor and smiled apologetically. “Um, I'm sorry, but you see I already have a boyfriend, I mean a fiancé. He's just not here right now.”
The young man frowned. “I am sorry to hear that. Is he sick or in service? I don't see a promise band either.”
“Um, he's going to buy one.” Rosa inwardly groaned. She hated lying but she didn't want to marry a guy that she had just met, especially since there was a particular Kendo Master that she had her eye on.
“That is odd. A promised woman should have a band or her suitor with her, especially around town. There are grave consequences for not telling the truth.”
“Sorry, but we're not from around here. Anyway, I must go-” Just as Rosa turned to flee, the young man grabbed her hand and slid a ring upon her pinky finger. She gasped in warning as she stared down at the carved copper band. “But-”
“Then I shall set a challenge for your hand. If after seven days he does not accept then his promise shall be nullified. Until then, fair maiden.” The young man took her hand and kissed it before departing leaving a stupefied Rosa in his wake.
It's useless. Akina bit her lip hard as she struggled to move her iced over fingers, but they wouldn't budge an inch. At that point, even moving her wrist was an impossible feat. It was only a matter of time before it reached her elbow, then her shoulder. She wondered what would happen once it spread to her chest. Would her internal organs stop functioning? Would she die? It was a scary thought; one which she did not wish to share with the others. Especially her sisters. It was a likely answer however to the whereabouts of the Ice Princess and why she was never seen from again.
Everyone, I'm sorry. I don't think anyone can save me now. My fate has already been set in motion. She lowered her gaze to her lap. The room she was in seemed quite elegant in rich shades of green and black. It wouldn't be such a bad place to die. She only wished she knew where the others were.
“Is the lady alright?” A brisk yet feminine voice inquired from her side.
“Yes, thank you,” Akina replied politely to the maid.
“You seem troubled. Do not worry. My lord, Gavorn shall meet with you shortly.” She patted a cool cloth to Akina's face then pursed her lips at the sight of the young woman's iced over hand. “So it is true. You suffer from the same fate as the princess.”
“You knew of the princess? Can you tell me anything of her?”
The woman hesitated then took a seat next to Akina. “She was very well liked and well behaved. Quiet, and reserved, but authoritative as well. Her curse came as quite a shock. We knew something was wrong when she began to don gloves which increased in length as the days passed. She did not want to trouble others with her predicament however. She remained strong.”
“Do you know what came of her?”
“No one does. She simply disappeared and hasn't been seen since.” The maid patted Akina's arm gently. “Do not worry. My lord has been working tirelessly on a cure. It should not be long now before it has been perfected.”
Akina watched the woman depart then turned her gaze to her iced hand. “I don't think I have too much longer left to worry either way.”
Author's Notes: As you can probably tell, it's been awhile since the last update. I didn't forget about this story, but a lot of stuff has been going on, some good, and some not so good, so I had to juggle things around. I do intend to finish this series, however, I just need to keep up with my juggling act so to speak and not get sick again.
So far, things are really in motion now. Be ready for something big to happen in the next chapter to one of the four groups. Things are about to go downhill from here.
I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter. Until next time.