Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Double Wedding ❯ Chapter Four: The Wedding ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ML: Here's chapter four in our double wedding fic.
Matt: So, what happened last time?
ML: Well, TK and Tai went to Tai's uncle Dave's strip club, and while the real strippers took the night off, TK and Tai posed as the strippers that were performing at Kari and Sora's bachelorette party! But as they took off their disguises, Kari and Sora dropped the bomb on them by saying that they knew of the plan because Davis and me told them beforehand!
Joe: So where are we at now?
ML: The moment we've all been waiting for. Which is the wedding!
Ken: This is going to get good.
ML: Same disclaimer as the last 3 parts!
Chapter four - The wedding
It had been two months, but the wait was worth it. The day was August fifth. The day that Tai, Sora, TK and Kari were going to be married. I heard the alarm go off at 7:30 AM. I then thought, “What day is it?” I checked my watch and it said, Aug. 5th. The wedding day. I then woke up Darkgabumon and said, “Hey my mon. Today's the day.”
He then said, “You're going?”
I said, “Yeah, I'm going. I got to meet the guys at TK's place.” I washed up, shaved, gelled up my hair, put some cologne on, and got into my tuxedo, which I had rented.
Meanwhile, the girls (Sora and Kari) woke up, washed up, and went to Yolei's to get dressed up. They knew about the superstition about the bride not being allowed to see the groom before she goes to the altar. So, they decided to meet at Yolei's, at 8:00 sharp.
Sora said, “Hey girls, I'm ready.”
Kari said, “I'm ready too. So, let's do it.” Mimi and Danielle got Sora and Kari into the gowns, and waited for 2:00 PM, which was the time. They decided to pass the time by rehearsing their cues and having a quick brunch, and at 1:30, they went to the church, with Sora, Kari, and Mimi in one car, while Jolene and Yolei went in the other car.
Elsewhere, I met up with Tai, TK, and the rest of the guys. There was some rapport, but if we were nervous, it didn't show up on our faces. We were as ready as we would ever be.
I said to Tai and TK, “You guys are going to be two lucky SOBs.”
TK said, “We sure are, aren't we Tai?”
Tai said, “Yep, we sure are.” We had a good laugh at that one, and the clock hit 12:00. We had a quick brunch, and at 1:00, we went for the church in arranged groups. TK, Davis, Ken and me in one car, Cody, Joe, Matt and Tai in another car, and Izzy went by himself in the third car.
Tai, Matt, TK and myself took up our positions at the altar. The guests filed in, not to mention the flower girl was doing her duties. The flower girl happened to be Rosa, The DD from Mexico.
Before the festivities, however, TK said, “ML, There's two guys I want you to meet. ML, this is Willis and Michael. Willis, Michael, this is ML.” We shook, and TK and me went back to our spot. I had the rings for TK and Kari, while Matt had the rings for Tai and Sora. Tai and Matt, speaking of which, entered the church on time.
We waited again. Everything was in place. The priest was waiting, the guests were here, and the cans were tied to the back of the limos. Kari came in first, then Sora came in, with both their fathers walking her down the aisle. The two brides joined their respective grooms, and the priest began. He said, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two couples in holy matrimony.” The priest then led us in prayer, and said, Amen. We said the same thing.
The priest began with Tai and Sora. He said, “May the groom read his vows?”
Tai nodded, and said, “Sora, ever since we first met, I vowed that I would be with you always. I vowed to protect you no matter what happened. That was the case when we were in the Digiworld so many years ago, and when Datamon kidnapped you. Ever since, I knew I would love you always.” The words were short and sweet.
The priest then said, “Will the bride read her vows?”
Sora said, “Tai, you had been my everything since we first met, and now, my ultimate dream has come true. We are about to become husband and wife, and I knew the moment I saw you, I knew that I would be with you forever.”
The priest then said, “Will the groom place his left hand on the bible, and raise his right hand?” Tai did as he was told. Then, the priest asked the question Tai wanted to hear for so long with Sora by his side. “Do you, Taichi Kamiya, take Sora Takenouchi to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, `till death do you part?”
Tai just answered, “I do.”
The priest then turned to Sora, and said the same thing. “Do you, Sora Takenouchi, take Taichi Kamiya to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, `till death do you part?”
Sora said, with a grin a mile wide, “I know I do.”
The priest then said, “Will the best man give the groom and bride the rings?” Matt then gave the rings to Tai and Sora. The priest gave one ring to Tai and said, “repeat after me. With this ring...”
Tai repeated, “With this ring...”
The priest finished, “I be wed.”
Tai finished, “I be wed.”
The priest said, “Now for the bride. Repeat after me. With this ring...”
Sora repeated, “With this ring...”
The priest finished with the same words. “I be wed.”
Sora said, “I be wed.”
The priest then turned to the congregation, and said, “Does anyone in the congregation object to this pairing?” No one dare raised a hand. The priest then said, “By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.” Tai happily obliged.
The priest then turned to TK and Kari. He basically said the same thing when he began with Sora and Tai. “May the groom read his vows?” He asked.
TK obliged, and read, “Kari, we met at the tender age of 8, and we were best friends all our lives. When we hit 13, I gave you my heart, and you gave me yours. I swore I would love you then, and I swear I'll love you now and forever.” TK finished.
The priest then turned to Kari and said, “May the bride read her vows?”
Kari said, “TK, when I first met you, we liked each other at first glance. Now, we stand in front of god and our families and friends, ready to declare our love for one another. I first declared my love for you when I was 13, and now, I swear I will love you for the rest of my life.”
The priest then said, “Will the groom place his left hand on the bible, and raise his right hand?” TK did that, and the priest began to ask the question. “Do you, Takeru Takaishi, take Hikari Kamiya, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, `till death do you part?”
TK smiled at Kari, and said, “I do.”
The priest then asked the same question to Kari. “Do you, Hikari Kamiya, take Takeru Takaishi to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, `till death you part?”
Kari smiled at TK, and said, “I do.”
The priest then asked, “Will the best man give the groom and bride the rings?”
I fished the rings out of my breast pocket, and said, “Here you go, sir.”
He said, “Thank you. The priest gave one ring to TK, and one to Kari. He began with TK first. “Repeat after me. With this ring...”
TK repeated, “With this ring...”
The priest then finished, “I be wed.” TK said the same thing.
The priest then turned to Kari. He said, “Now for the bride. Repeat after me. With this ring...”
Kari repeated, “With this ring...”
The priest finished up with, “I be wed...” Kari finished with the same phrase.
The priest turned to the congregation again, and said, “If anyone objects, say so now, or forever hold your peace.” Davis was about to raise his hand but his parents told him to shut up. So he kept quiet.
The priest, again, turned to TK and Kari and said, “By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.” TK obliged, and we applauded. The happy couples left for the limos, and the handpicked people began to throw the traditional rice in the air. Not to mention the limos with the tin cans that were tied in the back. We left for the cars, and went to our respective homes to rest up, for there was a reception coming up later tonight.
There! One more to go! R&R!