Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Just Friends? ❯ Ishida Yamato ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. So, please don't sue me!!!!!!

Okay… umm, this is going to be between Taichi and Yamato!!!! And this is from an onlooker's perspective. It's a character I made up! She's Yanagisawa Keiko. Please review!


*=elapsed time/scene change

italics=stressed words/thoughts


Just Friends?: Chapter 1-Ishida Yamato

From the first day of school that year, my heart was captured. Definitely, by one guy. Ishida Yamato.

I was new that year. And I discovered the truth.

Yamato was a charming, and handsome boy. He had golden blond hair and blue, blue eyes-the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I felt as if I could tell anything about him from his eyes, but as they say, it isn't in his eyes-eyes are deceiving-but it is in his kiss.

Then again, I wasn't sure if the love was for certain, because I thought many boys handsome. That was the truth, though. As my horse-lover friend said, our school is filled with good-looking boys. However, the most popular and handsome boys in our school were: Ishida Yamato, Yagami Taichi, Imoko Kaji, and Honjo Kai.

What really attracted me to Yamato? I think it was his eyes, but I found out later I truly wasn't smitten with him. I really didn't love him...

"Yo, Yamato!" Yagami Taichi yelled in his naturally high voice, but Yamato didn't pay any attention. (1)

Perhaps he was too busy zoning out, or daydreaming, or flirting with the girls chasing him-or maybe trying to escape from them? Even maybe did Yamato think that Taichi sounded like one of the girls chasing him?

Taichi somewhat snorted. "Too busy, I can see," he muttered. "Hey, Keiko."

I guess I must've had a strange gaze on my face because before I know it, Taichi was glancing at me with a slightly worried look.

"What's wrong?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in a quizzical manner.

Taichi has big chestnut brown hair and dark brown eyes... Some girls say that his gaze is one to die for? He loves soccer and I hear he has a younger sister...

"Nothing...I don't see why girls are chasing him," I simply remarked. "You are talking about Ishida Yamato, right?"

"Uh, yeah..." Taichi replied slowly.

"Well, call him by saying, 'Ishida! Yo, Yamato… yes, you Ishida Yamato' because he always answers to that whenever Hanami yells at him. I can say because that's what she does every morning. Sits down in her seat next to me, pokes at Yamato in front of us, and says that," I explained thoroughly, giving a small, shy smile.

"Here goes nothing," Taichi sighed. "Ishida! Yo, Yamato! Yes, you Ishida Yamato!" he yelled as Yamato slightly turned his head.

"Hey, Taichi! I could've sworn you said what that Hanami says to me everyday…" he muttered.

Taichi grinned. "Thanks, Kei…"

Sure… Kei isn't such a bad nickname, ne?

"Welcome, Taichi," I replied.

My mind wasn't on him, anymore. My eyes were watching Yamato making rather stealthy moves...or was it my imagination?

I blinked and rubbed my temples. They were out of sight, and I had to be getting to class...of course, I had all my classes with Yamato and Taichi-and some other kids like Sora, Kaji, Sakura, Arika, Shizuka, and Tomoko…

I raced after them, and got into the classroom just as the bell rang.

"AGHHHH!!!!" I yelled, realising I was going to collide with Taichi and Yamato. "Watch out!!!!!!"

Yamato was in front, and turned around quickly. Too late to get out of the way...

I collided into Taichi, who crashed into Yamato, who crashed onto the floor. (2)

"Gomen! Sorry! Sorry!!!!!" I shouted, my eyes closed. I opened my eyes. (3)

Because Yamato had turned around, he lay on his back. Taichi was on top of Yamato...and they were inches apart...

A thought came to mind: Oh, kami-sama! They could certainly kiss, if Tai wasn't leaning backwards… (4)

The scene had certainly captured the attention of my classmates.

"Keiko," Yamato muttered. "Remind me that I should never be near the door when you race into the classroom…"

"You know, you guys could kiss right now," Sora mused. "Of course, everybody knows you guys aren't gay, of all people." Then she giggled at the scene. "I'll certainly tell Hikari and Takeru about this. They'll tease you guys an eternity about it," she said with an evil tone. "And I'll definitely stretch the truth…"

When the words hit Taichi and Yamato, they quickly got up from the floor…

Taichi went to Sora. "Please don't tell Hikari… 'Cause I'm the one that's supposed to tease-not her!" he said. He was bright red-embarrassment? Or something else?

The teacher cleared his throat. "You three… Detention!"

"But we weren't late!" I protested.

"But you caused a disturbance in class…" he argued.

Grumbling, I went to my seat. The boys followed my example, and went to their seats as I had, grumbling.


After school, I quickly went to our math teacher's class. Taichi and Yamato were already there, talking quietly and secretively. They stopped talking when I arrived.

The math teacher opened the door and said, "This is detention. No talking!"

We all took our class seats-mine was in the near back of the room, while Taichi's and Yamato's were in the near front.

Through the forty-five minutes, I watched Taichi and Yamato sneaking glances at each other and back at me. I was wondering. Why had they been sneaking glances? Were they plotting against me? Or were they thinking I was watching them?

I was confused by the end of the period.

"Are you two plotting against me?" I demanded in a civilised confrontation.

They gave me strange looks.

"You two kept glancing at each other in a stealthy manner and back at me," I explained. I stopped, looking up at Taichi and Yamato.

Taichi was blushing quite visibly, glaring at me. Yamato was blushing lightly, staring down at the ground.

I really didn't understand. Why had they taken those stealthy glances? Why were they blushing?

"I'll find out someday," I declared. "I really will!"

Then, I stalked away. It was getting late and I still had homework…

So, was that good????? I thoroughly enjoy anything in the Yamato-Sora-Taichi love triangle… anything there, I love… ^_^ Anyways, please review!!!! And I'm sorry that the chapter was so short. Got to go!!!


By the way, in Japan, boy/boy or girl/girl isn't frowned upon. It's something… kind-of regular in their life… or at least I think so…


(1) - Ever hear Taichi's voice? It's high-just like a girl! Of course, his voice seiyuu is Fujita Toshiko, a woman. Just download "Atarashii Taiyou" off www.digitalyume.com and you'll find out how high his voice is. O.o

(2) - I'm not sure if this could happen in real life. I've never tried it before, and I don't think I ever will-unless it's by accident.

(3) - "Gomen" is Japanese for "Sorry".

(4) - "Kami-sama" is Japanese for "Oh, god!"