Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Piedmon's Captive ❯ Love? ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Piedmons Captive
Email: vardametwen@yahoo.com
Rating: G / PG-13
Paring: ...Matt/Piedmon. Other pairing in future.
Summary: Some one is captured by Piedmon. (This takes place before Matt ran away, and met Cherrymon.)
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. But oh how I wish I could.
Warning: Digimon/Human warning. Slash warning.
Notes: I've so very sorry I have not written any in such a long time. But this part was saved on my other computer which had crashed and I only got the file back recently! *sigh*...Maybe I should be more careful with my mirrors...

Piedmons Captive

Piedmon pointed to the large tree; as he did, though, it spoke out in a gruff voice.

"Old! I'm not that old...Now who is this you brought me?"

And suddenly Matt saw it; this was no ordinary tree, he realized that this was Cherrymon. Instead of the tree-looking like, well a tree, it now had eyes. Eyes that were staring at him, and then Piedmon again. The 'tree' also had a mouth, which he was speaking with.

"Ahh, Cherrymon..." Piedmon said, "This is Yam- I mean this is Matt..."

"Oh, now I remember," Cherrymon muttered, "Yes, Puppetmon and you had contacted me two days ago."

Matt wondered what they were talking about when he turned his head back from looking at the large lake; it was so beautiful and the water was glittering. It'd be fun to swim in that lake... A dim thought in Matt's brain as he turned it his head toward the lake again for a second.

Cherrymon turned glaze at Matt then spoke softly to him, "Would you like to go closer to the lake? Of course you would. Well, what are you waiting for?"

As Matt got four steps from the lake so he could almost touch the water and see his own reflection, Cherrymon yelled for him to stop just as he was about to touch the water.

"Now, now!" Cherrymon shouted, "Don't touch the water! Look at your reflection a little while longer!"

"Yes," Piedmon drawled, "The reflection may surprise you..."

Matt stared intently at the water never taking his eyes away from it. He gasped and drew back as the water rippled and took a new shape.

Tai shuddered as they walked, he felt so cold. Like part of him was struggling to get out of a freezing lake and the middle of a snowstorm. But it felt like the part of him that wasn't struggling wanted to stay in the freezing water. Hopping to find some warmth instead of the outside. Tai shivered.

There were still so far away from Piedmon's castle, and the fog seemed to be going worse. The direction Izzy had lead them did no good. The fog had surrounded them, and he wasn't even sure if they were walking straight anymore. He could've sworn he had seen the same tree a million times, but of course he did not mention that.

Izzy still said they were going straight and would be there any second, but there was less enthusiasm in his voice. And he even seemed unsure of himself. But since Tai himself didn't feel much up to taking the leader position today and Izzy was the one who had the computer which would 'lead' them to Matt they all followed Izzy.

Tai sighed. If only Matt were here. He had been so stupid. They shouldn't have been fighting in the first place. They all needed to stick together in this, or they all would fail.

Matt gasped as he saw what the reflection changed into. It had been him...but now it was...Tai! He shuddered but still continued to look at the surface of the water. He couldn't look away. He had so many questions. Why had his reflection turned into Tai? What did this mean? Was this so important? Matt shook his head.

"Ah," Piedmon grinned," Look it! Do you call him your friend?"

...I'm so confused.

"Do you think he's actually going to rescue you?"

Why...why isn't he here yet? Why...hasn't he rescued me?

"He would probably already have been here if you were...Sora or Mimi..."

...That's right...Tai would only care about me enough if I were a girl...I'm nothing important to him.

"Tk isn't even here to save you! No one cares about you...Yamato!"

That's right...no one's here for me. Not Tk...not Sora...not Joe or Mim or Izzy. I thought they cared about me! I thought Tai do-did too.

"No one cares about you Yamato. Especially the ones who you think love you!"

He's right...no one cares about...

"But I can change that Yamato! I can change all of that! I could care about you...if you...let me."

...Some one could actually care about?

"Yes Yamato! I could...nay! I will care about you. But you have to let me! You must let me!"

...Could some one even love me?

"Yamato! Just say you will! I will love you! I will care about you! But you must"


"Yes!" Yamato yelled kicking the water with his foot, distorting the image of Tai," Yes!"

Piedmon smirked and walked closer to Matt, "You see," Piedmon murmured," None of them care about you. But I can, I will."

"...Yes," Matt replied again.

"Good," Piedmon laughed but he turned serious," If I do this for you...will you do something for me?"

Matt nodded.

"Good..." Piedmon said," You will help me destroy the Digi-destines then? The ones who don't care about you? The ones who won't? Especially Tai?"

'Should I?' Matt wondered, ' They don't even love or care about me! ...So why should I care about them?'

"Yes," Matt growled, "Yes."

Piedmon nodded, "Good...let us go back to my castle now...we will have much work to do."

Piedmon offered his hand for Matt to take. Matt did and stood up, and 'accidentally' fell into Piedmon, but Piedmon didn't look angry. In fact he lent down and kissed Matt...and Matt never tried to stop it...he never wanted to. When Matt and Piedmon broke the kiss Matt noticed that they were no longer in the forest...but were in fact at Piedmons Castle.

"Bakuman!" Piedmon shouted at one of the ones that were floating around," Show Yamato here back to his room!"

Matt didn't object to being called Yamato, and obediently followed he Bakumon back to his room. He paused for a second though and turned around," ...But what exactly is going to happen?"

Piedmon whispered," Just wait until tomorrow!"

Matt nodded and continued to walk.

Piedmon waited until Matt was out of sight and turned his attention to the Crest of Friendship that was hanging at his neck. He grinned when he saw it. Instead of it normally being Gold, now the Crest of Friendship had turned into Black with an equally black glow.

'Good,' Piedmon thought,' Yamato has finally turned...all according to plan.'

Tai walked, feeling dread deep in his heart. Suddenly he could see something. Two shadows, that...looked like they were kissing. As he did he saw something around the taller ones neck. He noticed that it glowed gold, and then suddenly it turned black and seemed to change the shorter one's...essence.

Tai gasped as he saw a dark glow enter the shorter one...and the shorter one suddenly had a dark glow around him.

Tai feel onto the ground. It felt like his soul had split in two...he couldn't breathe...he couldn't breathe. He felt so sad...he couldn't see. Dimly he could hear some one shouting his name. He fainted.

Sora was the one to call Tai's name. She ran and put Tai's head in her lap. Tai was gasping, like he couldn't breathe. Joe was trying to help, but she was struggling to hear what Tai was saying. Finally she caught a glimpse of it: 'Oh...god no...Matt!'
