Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Playing the Part ❯ Friendship on the Rocks ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Playing the Part

Abigail Jacobs
Abigail Jacobs
La La Land

Playing the Part

Disclaimer: Digimon… yeah, that show with
the mini digital monsters? Not mine. Never will be either… Sad, ne? *sniff*

A/N: Domo arigato to
all the wonderful people who reviewed! You guys are the best, and so inspiring
too!! I'm glad you liked the last chapter, all the people who didn't
review… Omae o korusu. *sigh* Too much Gundam Wing… Just read away, enjoy and
please…please, review!


Chapter Two: Friendship on the Rocks

"Nice to see you're on time Mr. Ishida."

"Whatever," Yamato crossed
his arms and leaned against the wall, "how long is this going to take? I have
places to go."

Takani-sensei had a
hard time retaining his pleasant smile, "It shouldn't take too long, we can
start as soon as the leading lady gets here."

Sora came running
through the door, a little short of breath, "Gomen nasai! My math teacher was
just explaining our assignment to me."

"It's okay, Miss
Takenouchi, this meeting is just for me to give you guys your scripts - all
your individual lines are highlighted - and to inform you that lines need to be
completely memorised in two months." He handed them each a book, "We've cut
some of the scenes out, all those are marked too. The play would be far too
long if we didn't, however, most of your scenes are still intact."

Sora was flipping
through the book, absent-mindedly making notes on where her lines were,
"There's a lot of lines here."

Yamato just shrugged,
"Two months is plenty of time to learn 'em. Don't worry about it, Sora."

Takani-sensei cleared
his throat noisily, "Uh, Mr. Ishida? You have to be ready to perform in
two months."

"Nani?!" Yamato's jaw
dropped, "You're kidding right? I don't have that much free time! I'm meant to
be at band -"

"Not my concern, Mr
Ishida. You signed on for this, no one twisted your arm."

"But that's exactly
what happened!" Yamato protested violently, "I don't want -"

"Again, that is not
my concern. You were informed about the time this will take at auditions."
Takani-sensei said, coolly, "Didn't you say you had somewhere to be?"

Yamato glared at the
teacher, if looks could kill, Takani-sensei would be sliced and diced,
twitching on the floor, he turned to leave.

"First rehearsal on
Monday, just the two of you. See you there!"

Yamato slammed the
door, obviously in a very bad mood. Damn it! Who does he think he is!
I have a life outside of school. I'm not rearranging everything for a stupid
play that I never wanted to be in!
Angrily, he punched the wall.

"Yamato?" She placed
a hand gently on his shoulder, "Daijobu?"

He sighed heavily,
staring at the ground, "Just fine." He said coldly, "I don't need sympathy
right now, okay?"

Sora stared at him
for a moment, his thick, blonde hair hung messily, obscuring his eyes, "Are you

"I said I'm
fine," he glared at her, "If you'll excuse me, I have band practice," he said,
brushing past her.


You're so good at hiding your feelings,
Yamato. I wish that you'd tell me what's wrong. We're friends, remember?

Her eyes followed his retreating form,
"Yamato no baka," she murmured softly. It isn't good to keep everything
locked up inside.

For all his popularity, there were times
when she saw Ishida Yamato as a rather lonely soul, not willing to open up to
anyone, even his friends. When it came to feelings, he was stubborn as hell,
when it came to girls, he was worse. Despite his rapidly growing fan club, he
hardly ever dated, and when he did, it was always casual, never serious.

She supposed that was what made him
attractive to the hoards of fan girls, the mystery that surrounded him. Not
that he's not cute…
She blushed slightly at the thought, not quite sure
where it had come from. It was probably all this over analysing of Yamato's
characteristics. "You drive me absolutely crazy sometimes, Ishida," she
muttered, heading home, she still had a shift in the flower shop, and then she
had to do her homework.

Absolutely crazy…


"Let's try it again."

"What? We've been over it at least
five times now!" Takehiro whined, "C'mon Yamato, give us a break!"

The Teenage Wolves lead singer glared at
the protesting drummer for a moment, running his fingers through his blonde
hair in a stressed manner, then he sighed, "Fine. Call it quits for today," he
began packing up his guitar.

"Yamato, what's wrong with you today, man?"
Reiji asked, slapping him on the shoulder.

He shrugged the hand off, "It's nothing,
I've just got a lot on my mind," he stood up, "I'm gonna head home, I'll see
you guys tomorrow."

Reiji watched him go, his face belying
his worry for his friend, Hope he's okay…


It was getting dark, he realised, how
long had they been practising? The cool, evening breeze caressed his face, and
he breathed deeply, his anger was still not quite under control.

Usually, music was the one thing that
helped him solve his problems when nothing else worked, today, it seemed that
even his music had abandoned him. The reason he loved music so much was because
it helped to calm him down when he was angry, but it obviously didn't work when
the person he was angry at was himself.

I shouldn't have snapped at Sora. She had just been trying to be a good friend and he had practically
bitten her head off. The wind ruffled his hair slowly and he brushed a few
blonde strands from his eyes. I'm such a baka. She'll probably never want to
talk to me again.
He reasoned silently, he honestly hadn't meant to be so
cold, he just hated it when people saw him lose control of his emotions. I
really don't deserve the Crest of Friendship,
he thought, bitterly, some
friend I am…


His head snapped up in surprise, "Oh,
hey, Taichi. What're you doing out here?"

The tall, brown haired boy shrugged,
"Soccer practise. What're you doing wandering around out here?"

Yamato surveyed his surroundings with
faint surprise; he was now in the park near the school, "I was heading home
after band practise, guess I got a little distracted."

"Distracted, huh?" Taichi grinned,
elbowing his friend, "What were you thinking about? A girl? Bet it's one of
your fan club members!"

"No," he muttered absently, "It's Sora."

"Nani?!" Taichi
exclaimed, "Sora? You guys are just friends…aren't you?
Are you gonna ask her out?"

"No, no one's moving in on your
territory, baka," Yamato scowled at his friend.

"Hey! Sora's not my territory! And
you better not let her hear you referred to her as territory!" Taichi whapped
his blonde friend on the head, "And quit changing the subject! What's up with
you and Sora?"

"I…it's nothing…" Yamato hung his head,
"I just feel kinda guilty."

"Oh, really? What for?" Taichi's face
took on a suspicious cast, "What did you do to her? You didn't try to take
advantage of her did you? She's like a sister to me and -"

"If you'd shut up and listen, I'll tell
you," Yamato snapped, "I just lost my temper, it's not as if I raped her. Kami,
Taichi, are you gonna listen to my problem or not?"

"Why'd you lose your temper?" The big
haired teen asked, "Tired of all the fan mail?"

Yamato glared at him, for a friend,
Taichi could be damn annoying, "No, I was mad at Takani-sensei. Sora came to
see if I was okay and I brushed her off."

Taichi stared at his friend, "Takani-sensei?
The drama teacher? You don't even go near the drama department!
What'd he do to you?"

Yamato sighed irritably, "It's not just
him, it's the whole damn school system and it's policy of all students 'being

"Huh?" Taichi asked, confused, "I thought
you were mad at Takani-sensei."

"I am!" Yamato snapped, "But he's only part
of the problem! Everyone who got me sucked into playing the lead in the school
play is the problem!"

"Geez! I just asked!" Taichi said,
defensively, "Wait a minute…you got the lead in the school play?" He
burst out laughing, "Good one, Yamato! It's not April Fools' is it?"

Yamato resorted to glowering at his
friend, "That is the problem, you baka! I got the lead in the stupid
school play! To top it off, it's Romeo and Juliet…and Sora is Juliet!"

"You-you're the lead?" Taichi was
practically wetting himself, "A-and Sora is playing opposite you?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH-" His round of insane laughter was cut off when his friend
tackled him.

"Ow! Hey -"

"You big haired idiot! I need you to
help, not laugh!"

"Yamato!! Let go of my hair!!" Taichi
yelped, attempting to fight back, "Baka! Let's see how you like it!" He
grabbed a fistful of Yamato's prized blonde locks, "Ha! Take that!"

"Let go! I swear Taichi, if you ruin my
hair, I will hunt you down and kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

Passers-by stopped to stare and the two
teenagers squabbling and screaming obscenities in the middle of the park, but
neither of them took any notice.

"Damn it, Taichi!!"

"Take that!"


"Quit it!"

This fight was going to last awhile…


A/N: Well, I hope that was somewhat
amusing…yet drama-ish. *Cough* Reviews are welcome. (Of course!) Thanks
to all those who reviewed before! Erm…I hope that there was enough Sorato in
this to satisfy you Sorato hungry fans. ^.^ I don't know the names of Yama-kun's
band members, if anyone knows, please email me! smabbi@hotmail.com As another little side
note, I wanna start hosting Digimon fics at my website, so if you have any
fics, send em in to me and I'll let you know if I wanna host them. Arigato! Please
review!! Ja!

~ For Smee-chan, cuz you inspire me ~

© 2001-06-12
