Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Please Take it... ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

-I have to say I'm rather proud of how fast I got this thing finished, and still kept it in decent quality. For anyone who happens to stumble across it, I hope you enjoy.

Warning: Forget this crap! If your clicking on a fic with romance as the genre, and your not looking for fluff then what the heck are you doing here anyway?

Please Take It... Chapter 3

TK stared out his window at the world that at the moment was meaningless to him. His chin rested roughly against his forearm, his eyes red and droopy from 36 straight hours without any sleep. *I don't understand what's going on! First she says she loves me then hangs up on me?! Did she really mean it, or was it something that just slipped lose? Maybe I just dreamed it, or imagined it or something? That's probably the answer. She must've gotten mad at me when I fell asleep so she hung up..., or maybe she really did say it?! I swear Kari you may just be an angel, but your sure putting me through some hell right now!*
"TK!" Matt called him from the kitchen. "TELEPHONE!"
"I'm coming," TK moaned, as he struggled to his feet, and proceeded to blob his way into the kitchen.
Matt noticed his brother had the look of something that just walked out of the Night of the Living Dead. "Man TK! When's the last time you slept?! Christmas?!"
"Very funny! Who is it?"
"It's your girlfriend Kari," he teased, as he handed him the phone.
"Stop kidding around!" TK snapped. He was tired, cranky, and in no mood for wisecracks. "You know she's not my girlfriend!"
"Hey, don't get mad at me! That's what she said, not me!"
"Huh?" TK look confused, as he placed the receiver to his ear. "Hello."
"Hey TK! It's me Kari of course. You holding up okay without me?"
"Yeah I'm holding up fine," TK said, almost falling off the counter he was leaning on.
"Is that what you call that?" Matt chuckled, who was still standing behind him.
"Shut up!"
"Excuse me?" Kari asked.
"Oh, not you Kari! I was talking to Matt ," he said giving his brother an evil eye, causing Matt to laugh out loud. "So what's up?"
"I am silly!" she giggled. "I'm on the airplane right now."
"Oh, so your headed for New York?" he assumed.
"Nope. I'm headed back to Japan as we speak!" she announced cheerfully. "I just couldn't stay away any longer."
"Your coming home?!" TK hunched over, as Matt poked his head over his shoulder.
"He really missed you Kari! He hasn't been able to sleep some nights, and he spends his days staring at that picture of you two at the beach. He's even been sleeping with that goofy stuffed bear you left over here about a month ago!"
Kari blushed. "What?... Oh you mean that old Care Bear? That wasn't mine, that was Tai's."
Matt kind of stood there silently for a moment, his face turning redder with each passing second. All of a sudden he burst out into laughter, and collapsed to the floor. "You mean this entire time I've been sleeping with Tai's bear?!" TK whined. "Not that I've been sleeping with it... Oh boy..."
Kari couldn't hold back her laughter. "Your falling apart without me there aren't you?"
"You know it," TK replied. Hell it was practically the truth.
"I can't believe it! This is to much!" Matt squealed, as he pulled himself to his feet. "Watch out Tai, I've got major blackmail material on you now!"
"Well, at least that got him to leave me alone," TK said.
"Why don't you use the phone in your room?" Kari asked.
TK almost fell over. "That's right I do have a phone in my room don't I?... Oh, I need a nap... I guess it doesn't matter. Matt would be listening in on this phone if I was in my room anyway."
"Well I just wanted to let you know I'm hoping all of you will be there when I arrive at the airport," Kari began. "Tell the others for me, except for Tai who I'm going to call myself. My planes due to arrive at 8:00p.m. okay?"
"Sure thing," TK accepted. "I'll make sure to let the guys know."
"Oh, and TK. You better be the first person I see when I get off that plane, or your going to be in big trouble got me? This time I have something I want to give to you."
TK felt himself go numb. "Uh... Sure Kari..."
"Bye Takeru."
"Bye Kari..." he said, as he hung up the phone.
"Awe, isn't that sweet," Matt teased. "You look like you just swallowed your tongue!"
"Why are you still here Matt?!" he demanded. "Don't you still live across town?!"
"I don't know, you tell me. This is yours and Kari's story not mine."
"What does that mean?!"
"I don't know, ask the person working the keyboard."
"Your insane Yomato!"
"And your blushing."
"That's it! I'll show you!" TK smiled a sinister smile, and started dialing in numbers. The phone rang twice before somebody picked up. "Hi there, how you doing? This is TK. My brother really wants to talk to you. He's been trying to get the nerve to call you all day, so I decided to do it for him."

"TK, what are you doing?" Matt asked
"It's for you," TK said, hading his brother the phone. "Oh by the way, it's Jun. Have fun!"
"WHAT?! YOU LITTLE RAT!" The ecstatic ranting of the jubilant girl caused Matt to pull the phone away from his ear. "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN BROTHER?!"
"Easy, you pissed me off!" TK jeered, as he retreated to his room.
"You mean it!" Davis exclaimed jubilantly. "Kari's coming home early!"
"Yes..." TK muttered.
"It's not that I'm not happy to hear that, but can I ask why?" Yolie wondered. "I mean what would make Kari decide to cut a trip like that short?"
"I guess she was just homesick," TK replied.
Ken noticed TK seemed a little out of character that afternoon. "Is everything okay TK? You seem a little distracted."
"He's right," Cody agreed, noticing the same thing Ken had. "I'd figure you'd be excited Kari's coming home, but you look like something's bothering you."
"No nothing's bothering me," TK said, putting on his best smile. "I'm just anxious over something Kari said to me..."
"Oh, like what?!" Yolie asked, getting nosey as did everybody else.
TK looked at the ceiling of Yolie's apartment, and started to answer reluctantly. "Well..., she told me I better be the first person she sees when she gets off the plane, or I was going to be in big trouble... And that she had something to give me.
TK immediately regretted saying anything, as he was mugged with a million questions for Cody, Ken, but mostly Yolie of course. Davis, on the other hand, stood in the background grumbling to himself. All of a sudden Davis's eyes lit up, as an idea formulated in his head. "Excuse me guys, but I have to go. I have something I need to take care of..."
"Alright Davis, but remember. Airport at 8:00 okay?" TK reminded him.
"Yeah, yeah I'll be there! I wouldn't forget something like that!" he grunted obviously irritated. He smirked evilly, and spoke softly so only he could hear what he said next. "But if I have anything to say about it you won't be..."
Davis dashed out of Yolie's apartment, and motored all the way home. He burst through the door, and dashed into his room. He face faulted as his eyes landed on the small landfill he called his room. Just like his mama always warned him, he finally regretted never cleaning his room. He spent the next twenty minutes tarring into it before frustration finally took over. "Damn it! I can't find it anywhere! Hey Jun! Do you know where that post card Kari sent me from Egypt is?!"
"Yeah, you taped it to your door remember?!" she yelled from another room.
Davis stood silently for a moment, and stared into the empty hallway. He closed his door slowly, and sure enough there it was hanging from his door. "Oh yeah."
Davis cleared some papers away, and found his desk... Well, a small chunk of it surrounded by more junk anyway. He slapped a clean sheet of paper down on the desk, and started scribbling. Davis didn't receive many compliments other than from himself, but one he often got was regarding how nice his handwriting looked. A lot of people even commented that it looked a lot like Kari's. Davis was relying on that heavily if his plan was to work. Lucky for him Kari hadn't written out their names, so all he had to do was whiteout his address and replace it with TK's. A little more than ten minutes later he was finished. He paperclipped the letter to the postcard, and stuffed it into a compartment of his backpack for safe keeping. He slung his bag over his shoulder, and left his apartment headed for TK's.
"It's alright Davis. Your not doing anything wrong. Everything's going to be just fine. You just need to eliminate the competition."
"You can do this Davis! There's no shame in what your doing ," he said, still trying to convince himself what he was doing was right. "Kari might be hurt just a little, but she'll get over it. I know she feels the same way about me that I do for her, I just need to make her see that. TK will be fine. He's got a ton of girls flaunting all over him, so why does he need Kari anyway?!" Davis stared down the Takaishi mailbox, debating whether or not he should really go through with this. He had his hand on the handle, but couldn't quite pull it down.
"Don't do it Davis."
"Who said that?!" Davis spun his head around in every direction, but no one else was in sight. He shook it off, and reached for the handle. "I must be hearing things."
"Don't do it Davis," the voice ordered again. "You know this is wrong."
"Who's there?!" Davis demanded, but he still couldn't find anyone within his line of sight. "How the hell do you even know what I'm doing?!"
"I'm right here Davis. You can't do this. You'll regret it if you do. All your going to do is hurt everyone involved, and you may lose two friends in the process. You better think long and hard before you open that mailbox."
Davis tried his hardest, but he just couldn't place a face to go with the voice. It sounded very familiar to him, but slightly muffled for some reason. "Could it be my conscious?... NO! I have to do this! I can't let him beat me! I won't let him beat me!" With that he opened the mailbox hatch, and shoved the postcard with letter inside. He shut it, and quickly made his getaway before he could change his mind.
"I knew it! I don't even know why I bother with you Davis! Well, don't come crying to me when this blows up in your face! Complete waste of time... Why don't you go ahead and shoot yourself in the other foot, and tell Yolie her glasses make her look funny!"
"Geez my conscious has a serious attitude problem!"
Davis had timed things extremely well for TK had come down to check the mail right after Davis's departure. The only piece of mail he found inside was a postcard with a single sheet of paper attached to it. "Hey it's another postcard for Kari! She must've sent it before she decided to fly home... And there's a letter with it this time?!... I'm almost afraid to look..."
The elevator seemed to take forever to reach his floor, as he stared at the contents of his hand. He wasn't exactly sure why he was so nervous, but a cold sweat started dripping from his forehead and hands soling the paper in his hand. He managed to find his way back to his apartment without looking up once. He took a seat on the couch, he had readied himself for the worst, but nothing could've prepared him for what he was about to read.
Dear TK;

I guess by now you've really been missing me huh?

"God, don't you know it!"
If your reading this letter then I'm already on an airplane headed home, and you must've already received my phone call telling you I wanted you to be the first person I see once I get home. I bet your a bundle of nerves about it to. Well, that's what I'd expect because you always were the gullible type TK.

"Excuse me?!..."
In reality your the last person I want to see there upon my return TK. I thought it would be fun to tug at your heartstrings a little. To tell you the truth I'm rather sick of you little TK, and your pathetic attempt to win me over sickened me!... You've been annoying since you were eight, and you just seem to get worse as you get older. It's been pitiful watching you follow me around like a lovesick puppy everywhere I go. You think I haven't noticed you all those times you stared at me with your mouth lying on the ground, and drool dripping from it like a faucet! It amused me at first, but after a while it got to a point where you just flat out annoyed me. I never thought you'd have the guts to actually go as far as you did. I almost feel sorry for you. Did you actually think I could possibly love you TK? I'll be laughing at that one for years! Get a life TK, and better yet get out of mine! It's bad enough I have to put up with you in the Digital World, so why should I have to every other day of my life? It wouldn't hurt my feelings none if I never saw you again. Well, I guess that's all I have to say to you TK. I wish I could say I wish you a nice life, but I really don't care if you do or not. Good bye, and good ridings!
Love Kari.
P.S. Don't worry about your heart. It's sitting at the bottom of a murky part of the Nile with the rest of the trash right where it belongs.

TK couldn't believe his eyes, despite the tears he felt pushing up against them trying to escape. He knew Kari would never do something like that to him, or anyone else for that matter! Even if she didn't love him back, she'd put him down gently not like... Like this! Still, there it was right in front of his eyes. Word for word written by Kari's own hand, or at least that's the way it appeared to him. If it had been a simple no he could've lived with it, but from the looks of things she viewed five long years of what he thought was friendship as nothing more than a nuisance. A small smudge on the windshield obstructing her view of the road ahead. The reality of the situation wouldn't allow him to hold his tears back for long, and a few finally found their way free as he hurled the letter and card at the floor. He stormed into the bathroom, and found a red eyed, pain filled face staring back at him in the mirror.
"This... This can't be happening! After everything we've been through! It meant nothing to her... I can't believe this! She wouldn't do something like that to me! I know her... At least I thought I knew her." He chocked back hard feeling himself about to lose everything he was trying to hold in. He stared at his reflection hard, and frowned deeply. "Then again. What better could I expect from you!"
Matt decided to take a quick bathroom run at his mother's before picking up TK there, and head for the airport to welcome Kari home. The last thing he expected was to find TK sitting on the couch sulking, an emotionless empty shell replacing what use to be his happy-go-lucky baby brother.
"TK what's wrong?!"
"Nothing much really." He nodded looking at Matt with dead eyes, and not doing much to ease his brother's worries. Matt decided not to dwell on it. They had plenty of time to talk in the car.
"Okay, we have plenty of time to talk on the way to the airport. I have to go to the bathroom real quick, and then we can go..." He started off towards the bathroom, but stopped when he noticed how stern his brother's face had gotten.
"I'm not going," he said coldly.
"Your not going?!" Matt snapped. "And why not?!"
"Because she doesn't want me there."
"And what makes you think that?" Matt asked staring his brother down like he thought he was crazy.
"Because of this!" he said, holding up a single sheet of paper.
Matt walked over to TK, and took the letter from his hand. He read what was inscribed, and his mouth almost hit the floor. "I can't believe it!... Who does that little tramp think she is?! She has some nerve sending you something like this! I tell you I'm going to give her a piece of my mind, and possibly her big brother too if he knows anything about this!"
"Don't worry yourself about it Matt," TK told him. "I'm gona leave her alone from now on like she wants. It's me she has the problem with not you. No need to blow it up any more than it needs to be. You better be on your way. Kari's plane is due to land any minute now."
"No way!" Matt barked. "If your not welcome then I'm not welcome either!"
"Thanks Matt." TK smirked slightly.
"What a second..." Now that Matt had a second to calm down, and think he was sensing something fishy about this situation. "Are you absolutely sure this is from Kari now? This really doesn't sound like something she would do to me. Especially to you I mean. You guys have been pretty close since you were little."
"That's what I thought," he moaned sadly. "I'd really like to believe it wasn't from her, but I can't see how it couldn't be. It's her postcard, and her handwriting. She mentioned things only she could possibly know."
Matt looked at his brother trying to find the right words that might help mend his freshly broken heart, even though he had a feeling nothing he could say could possibly help TK at that moment. "I'm sorry TK. That's all I can say. I know it's going to be tough getting over her, but no one who'd stomp all over your heart like that is worth the trouble anyway. Kari obviously isn't the sweet innocent little girl we all thought she was. She'll be sorry when she realizes what a good thing she could've had then blew it. She isn't worth getting so upset over. You'll get over her in no time. You'll see."
"So you really think it's that easy Matt?!" TK laughed, beginning to tear up again. He really wanted to say something smart, but he held back. His brother was only trying to help him, and didn't deserve to get an attitude for his efforts. "I'm sorry Matt... I'm going to my room. I really need some time to myself, and try to figure out what the hell I've been doing wrong."
"If that's what you want TK," Matt said, as TK headed for his room.
"Oh, and Matt." TK turned to face his brother as he pushed open the door to his room. "Yes she is."
"Oh TK..." Matt sighed, as he watched the door slam behind his brother.
"Well, where are they?!" Tai screeched. He along with Davis, Ken, Sora, and the rest of the Digi-destined were all gathered at the airport to greet Kari on her return home just like she had requested. Matt and TK however, were rather conspicuous by their absence.
"Don't worry so much Tai, I'm sure they'll be here any minute now," Joe tried to convince him.
"Yeah well they better hurry! The plane's due to land any minute now!" What he didn't know was the plane had arrived early, and would be disembarking at any moment. "She was already upset that he stood her up at her party the other week, and she won't exactly be thrilled if he's a no show here too."
"I don't see why he wouldn't be here," Cody jumped in. "He was a little nervous, but he seemed excited she was coming home."
"Maybe he just doesn't care as much as he tries to let on," Davis sneered. "The rest of us are here. If TK's to good to come then who needs him!"
"Of course he cares Davis!" Yolie snapped at him. "I'm sure he and Matt are just running a little late. They'll be here any minute now.
"That's what you think," Davis muttered under his breath. *Yes! It must've worked! Now with just a little more positioning I can have Kari all to myself!*
"Don't act too excited Davis," Davis heard that voice pop into his head again. "Your going to grow to regret it soon enough."
"I will not!" Davis said quietly. "I have nothing to regret! I haven't got a thing to be ashamed of!"
"If that were true than you wouldn't be talking to me right now would you?" the voice mocked.
"Oh what do you know?!" Davis stopped, and blushed as he realized what he was doing. *Oh great. I'm talking to the voices inside my head now! I'm sure it's just stress. It's going to be a little tougher to pull through this than I thought. It'll be alright Davis! It'll be alright!*
A few seconds later passengers started pouring out of the plane, and into the already crowded airport. Tai scanned through the mess of humanity until his eyes finally landed upon the smiling face of his sister who was holding her carryon bag over her shoulder. "Hey Kari! Over here!"
Kari noticed her brother, standing with a group of her friends, waving her over to him. "Tai!" she yelled excitedly, as she dashed towards him. She embraced him first of course, and then exchanged greetings with the rest of her friends that were present.
"It's great to see you again!" Tai said, as she let go of Yolie. "Did you enjoy your trip?"
"Yeah... But I can't help but think I've forgotten something," she replied. "I have no idea what it might be but..."
---------- Meanwhile at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City.----------
"So where is she?! I've been waiting here for almost three hours!" Mimi whined, resting her hands on her hips. "I could've sworn she said she was going to be on that flight that landed two hours ago! Well, I guess I'll give her another ten minutes, but after that she's out of luck!"
"Well I guess it's nothing." Kari looked over the group one more time, and noticed that the person she most wanted to see wasn't present. "Hey guys... Where's TK at?"
"He and Matt never showed up," Davis said quickly. Of course he was the only one there who knew why.
Kari looked disheartened. "He's not here?!... I warned him. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go to him then."
Davis looked about ready to freak out. "What?! He didn't even bother to come greet you, so why should you waste your time going to see him?!"
"I'm afraid I'd have to agree with Davis on this one," Tai said. "He didn't bother to see you off before you left, and he's not here now. I don't know what his story is..."
Kari cut him off. "For your information he did see me off, and don't look at me that way I'll tell you all about it later. I'm sure he has a good reason for not coming. They may even be hurt or worse! I better get over there, and make sure everything's alright!"
Tai stopped her before she could run off. "If that's what you need to do then go ahead, but make sure you go see mom and dad right afterward. They're really looking forward to seeing you too. If you want to go to TK's maybe I should go with you..."
"Thanks Tai, but I really need to do this myself." She gave Tai a look that she'd used to get what ever she wanted out of him since she was a little girl.
"Okay..." Tai gave in without a fight. "Just be careful."
"Don't worry Tai, I'm a big girl! I survived two weeks in Egypt without you there watching my every move, so I think I can survive walking along the streets of my own hometown!" she joked, before turning to go.
Davis watched Kari as she disappeared. He wasn't about to miss out on this. "Excuse me guys, but I've got to get home." Without saying another word or giving anyone a second look he exited the airport, and set off for TK's apartment.
"I've got nothing to worry about," Kari said to the door, trying to build up the courage to knock on it. "Don't even worry about why he wasn't there. Sure your upset about it, but that's not what's important right now. Telling him is all that matters. You already know he loves you, so this shouldn't be so hard... It shouldn't be..., but it is... Oh forget it! Here goes nothing!"
Kari knocked three times, and waited for about a minute without an answer. She reached up to knock again when the door suddenly opened. She found Matt on the other side of the door, and when he saw her he frowned like nobody's business. "What are you doing here?!"
Kari blushed. "Uh... Nice to see you again too... I really need to talk to TK... Is he here?"
"Haven't you said enough already?!" Matt barked. "You sure have your nerve!"
Kari was taken back. She'd seen Matt that angry before, but never at her! She had no idea why, hell she'd only been back in Japan for less than an hour, but she did know she wanted to get as far away from Matt as she could as soon as possible. "Is TK here or not?... I mean if you'd tell me please..."
Matt grunted, and looked away from her. "Yeah he's here. I don't think he has anything to say to you though, but I'll ask him. I'd like to hear you explain yourself anyway!"
Matt slammed the door in her face leaving Kari staring ahead completely stunned. "What did I do?!"
Matt returned a few seconds later a little calmer, but looking no less hostile. "Okay. He said he'd see you, but I swear if you cause any more trouble I'll throw you right out on your ass!"
Matt stormed off leaving the door wide open. Kari cautiously walked in behind him, and closed the door. She watched Matt storm to his mother's bedroom, and slam the door behind him. She made a mental note to avoid going anywhere near there. She walked towards TK's room, and noticed his door was open. She found TK sitting on his bed, staring in the opposite direction from her. She smiled at the sight of him, and snuck in quietly.
"TK. I'm here."
"Why is that?" he asked, without turning his head towards her. "Did you come to make sure you got the job done?"
"What are you talking about?!" Kari giggled. "I wanted to see you. You weren't at the airport so..."
"You didn't want me there remember?!"
"Of course I did!" Kari cried becoming both confused and upset. "What's wrong TK? You sound like you've been crying? TK... Why won't you look at me?"
"Like hell you don't know!" he shouted, refusing to look at her. He didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing how miserable he'd been. "What are you even doing here anyway?! You want to laugh at me a little more? Hell, didn't you say it wouldn't hurt your feelings none if you ever saw me again?!"
"What are you talking about TK?! I never said anything like that?!"
"There's no need to pretend Kari! I got your damn letter!"
"Letter?! I never sent you..." Kari stopped as TK stood up, and looked her right in the face. She stared at him speechless, seeing nothing but anger and misery. A bright pink face, and wet red eyes with his eyebrows sunk so low they almost burned holes in his eyelids. He held the letter and card up to her face, giving her the cue to take it. She did reluctantly, and what she read almost brought tears to her own eyes. Not as much from what it said, as that TK actually thought she was the one who wrote it. "TK! I don't know who sent you this, but I swear it wasn't me!"
"Come on Kari!" he snapped, as he pointed at the letter. "This is your handwriting is it not, and your postcard?! Who else would've known you called me and what you said over the phone, and what I told you at the airport?! Who Kari?! Tell me that much if it's not you!"
Kari examined the letter. It was her postcard, and it did look a lot like her handwriting... "TK I swear I didn't write this! You have to believe me! I swear it wasn't me!"
"I don't know what to believe," he sighed, as he turned his back to her. "I thought we were good friends all these years, but according to that I've just been fooling myself..."
"The only thing fooling you is that stupid postcard!" Kari cried, starting to tear up. "I don't know who sent you this, but it wasn't me! IT WASN'T ME!"
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE! JUST GET OUT OF HERE!... You said you wanted me to get out of your life, and I'm going to grant your wish. You won't have to worry about putting up with me anymore."
"TK NO!"

"You heard him Kari," Matt said, who had suddenly appeared behind her. "You better leave now. If you don't leave on your own power then I will escort you out!"
Kari looked at Matt who stared down on her with cold eyes, and then turned her head to TK who refused to even look at her. Kari burst into tears, and ran out of the Takaishi apartment. Hearing her begin to cry was more than enough to get to TK. "Kari!" he called, as he started to go after her.
Matt stood in front of the door, and blocked his path. "Don't let her play you for a fool TK."
TK looked up at his brother. Unsure of what to do, he hung his head letting the tears begin to flow again.
Kari burst through the exit of the complex sobbing uncontrollably. She hadn't taken more than four steps out when she plowed into Davis knocking herself over, and almost laying him out in the process.
"Kari?..." He looked down at her in disbelief. He had expected her to be somewhat upset, but nothing like she was reduced to right now.
"Davis?..." Needing no other words, she threw her arms around his waist, and started crying into his gut. Davis looked down at her, as that nagging little voice popped into his head again.
"Are you happy now Davis?"
Davis escorted Kari home with her latched on to his arm the entire way. He had always dreamed of the day he and Kari would be strolling along the moonlit street together arm-in-arm, but this wasn't anywhere near how he imagined it. She was clinging on to him more out of necessity than anything else, and everything just felt all wrong. He had no idea what TK had said to make her so upset, but he vowed to make TK pay for it whatever it was. Leave it to Davis to ignore responsibility for his own actions, and place all the blame strictly elsewhere. However, he did admit that if he'd known Kari would react this badly he never would've gone through with it. Tai was the only person present when they arrived at the Kamiya's apartment. She told her brother the entire story, and of course he went absolutely ballistic. He rambled something about having a talk with TK, and something else about ripping whoever sent TK that letter a new hole before storming off into his room. Davis counted his blessings, and turned his attention to the blubbering mess lying in his arms.
"I can't believe the nerve of that guy! He had no right to talk to you like that! I have half a mind to walk right over there, and put my fist into his face!"
"It's not his fault..." Kari whimpered much to Davis's surprise.
"What do you mean it's not his fault?! Don't tell me your going to defend him after what he did to you! He's not worth it, and he's not worth all the tears you've been crying over him either!"
"Yes he is!" Kari sniffed. She released her hold on him, and sat up on the couch next to him. "He honestly thinks I wrote that letter... I can only imagine what he's been feeling thinking that's the way I really feel about him. I'd be devastated if someone I cared about did something like that to me..."
"But he should've known it wasn't from you Kari!" Davis insisted. "He should know you well enough by now to know that's something you wouldn't do to your worst enemy let alone your best friend! He should've listened to you when you tried to tell him it wasn't you, instead of going off on you like that."
"I know... That's why it hurts so much..." Kari's eyebrows furrowed. "I swear if I ever get my hands on whoever sent him that damn!... Who would do something so cruel anyway?!... What did we ever do to them?!"
Kari psychologically slapped Davis right in the face. *She's... She's right. TK's not the reason she's sitting here crying her eyes out... I am... I've been so damn selfish!* Davis looked over at Kari who was crying even harder than before, this time into her hands, after her last outburst. "Excuse me Kari, but I have to go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back I promise."
Kari didn't say a word. She nodded her head without bothering to remove her hands from her face. Davis sighed, and got up to head for the bathroom. He really did have to go, but what he really needed was some time to think. "I don't know what to do..."
"Tell her the truth," a voice said from out of the blue.
"But I can't! I heard what she said... She'd hate me if she knew that I wrote that letter..."
"I'm sure she will for a while, but she's your friend. She'll forgive you in time. Either way, you have to take responsibility for your own actions."
"But I'm so close! Kari was right there lying in my arms confiding in me! I love her, and I can't just give that up! Besides that's just like letting TK win! I can't let him win! I... I..." Davis froze where he stood, and thought long and hard about what he had just said. "Wait a second... Am I doing this because I want Kari, or am I doing this just to beat TK?"
Davis walked back into the living room, and took a good long look at Kari. Her face was still buried in her hands, but at least she'd stopped crying. Davis guessed she must've taped the well dry. He starting asking himself some complicated questions. Did he really love Kari? Maybe so, but in reality he was probably too young to know what real love was. TK and Kari were different from other children their age though, and Davis always knew this. That's the thing that had made him so angry in the first place. Jealously of how TK's destiny so obviously seemed to intertwine with hers so perfectly, never leaving Davis a chance in the world. The lucky bastard. Hell, Kari was the child of light after all. Maybe that's what attracted Davis to her in the first place. He suddenly found it ironic that he claimed to care about her so much, but yet he was the one thing keeping her from truly being happy.
"Kari... Could you please stand up, and look at me for a moment. I've got something I need to tell you."
Kari removed her face from her hands, and looked up at him. Davis's heart fell at how red and puffy her eyes were from all the crying she'd been doing. She thought over his request for a moment before standing up. "Okay Davis... From the look on your face, I'm guessing this isn't going to be good."
"You've got that right," Davis mumbled. "This is hard for me to tell you, because your probably going to hate me for this for a long time. I did something I'm not proud of. In fact now that I think about it makes me down right sick to my stomach. You know I care about you a lot Kari, and sometimes that makes me do stupid things without considering all the consequences of my actions. Well, I did, and I wound up hurting someone I really didn't want to hurt..."
"What did you do Davis?..."
"I... I gave TK that letter Kari!" he sputtered, as a few tears escaped from his eyes. "I'm so sorry Kari! I know it was selfish, and I'd do anything if I could go back and stop myself from going through with it! I never meant to hurt you, and it was never my intention to hurt TK either. I just honestly thought everything would work out for the better, and I realize know how stupid that was. You should go and tell him that, and try to make things right between you two. If there's anything I could do that would possibly make things right again Lord knows I'd do it an heartbeat! I'm so sorry Kari..."
Davis looked back at Kari who was staring a whole through him. He couldn't say she looked angry, and actually looked like she was feeling a combination of things. Davis braced himself for the worst as Kari approached him, but what she did next surprised him. She grabbed him by the sleeve, and then gave him a quick peck on cheek. Davis blushed, and looked down at her with a bewildered look on his face.
"That's for being honest, and coming clean. I know that wasn't easy..." All of a sudden she yanked down on his arm, so his head was low enough for her to yell into his ear. "AND THIS IS FOR BEING A ROTTEN, NO-GOOD, BACKSTABBING SNEAK!"
Kari reached down and grabbed the most sensitive area on any man's body, and squeezed and twisted them in a horrid vice grip. Davis's face turned blood red, as he collapsed to the ground from the pain. He grabbed his crotch, and started rolling around on the floor panting and wheezing.
"I deserved that..." Davis squeaked, as Kari headed for the door.
"What's going on in here?!" Tai burst out of his bedroom upon hearing Davis scream. He found Davis rolling in agony on the floor, and Kari already halfway out the door.
"Make sure he doesn't leave!" Kari ordered, right before slamming the door. "I want to strangle him when I get back!"
"What the heck happened?!" Tai asked Davis who was still on the floor nursing his injury.
Davis rolled over on his back, and managed to cough out an answer. "Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned, but even hell's never experienced nothing like the wrath of Kari Kamiya..."
Matt anchored his butt to the couch giving his brother ample room to pace around the apartment, and TK used every inch of it. Matt watched in amazement as TK had three of the most abrupt mood swings he had ever seen from one human being. He went from angry and vengeful to sulking and whining in a matter of minutes, and finally sunk into a strange almost panicky state.
"I can't believe I talked to her like that! What was I thinking?!... And I made her cry! I'm such an asshole!"
"Hey, what you did to her was nothing compared to what she did to you!" Matt reminded him. "Remember the letter? That's the reason you were so upset with her!"
"But she swore it wasn't from her!" TK argued. "I should've listened to her instead of just ignoring it! I mean what if it wasn't from her, and I just did that to her for no reason! Why would she swear so vividly that it wasn't her if she had written it! She even ran out of her crying over it because I wouldn't believe her!"
"And what if she's lying, and did send it to you TK?!" Matt fired back. "She could be setting you up again for all you know, just to rip your heart into more pieces then she already has! I don't want to see that happen to you bro!"
"I know but... I can't take that chance! If it is just a setup for her to hurt me even more than so be it! It'll hurt a hell of a lot worse if I find out later that she really didn't, and I let her walk out of my life! I can't take that chance, and I won't take that chance!"
"I still think your way to young to be this gone over a girl TK," Matt sighed. He looked into his determined blue eyes, and peered deep down into Takeru's soul. "But you two have never exactly been normal have you... Not even as far as Digidestined go... Do what you have to do TK. I won't try to stop to you."
"Thanks for understanding Matt," TK said right before flying out the front door.
"TK!" TK poked his head back in the door at hearing his brother call his name. "I thought you said you could live without her?"
"I did, but I also said I didn't want to. I'll be damned if I'm going to if I don't have to!" he said right before he disappeared from the doorway.
"Good answer TK... And good luck."
Davis flew into a secluded alleyway, and propped himself up against the wall of the building panting heavily. He poked his head out from behind the building and looked in front of him, then in back of him, and finally across the street all with no signs of Tai. After Davis had finally come to Tai had forced him to admit he was the culprit that had sent the letter to TK, more importantly to Tai the reason that his sister was so upset, and Tai had been chasing him around Obadia ever since. Since Davis was a fellow Digidestined Tai had at least given him a ten second head start, even though it was the 1, 2, 5, 9, 10 type of deal. "I guess I lost him..."
Davis slid down until he plopped on his butt. He really must've been tired at the moment because he almost swore he heard his book bag grunt. "I guess I had this coming. Oh well. At least I can always brag that I out ran Tai Kamiya."
"Doesn't it feel better to get all that off your chest though," that little voice popped into his head again.
"I haven't had time to think about that! The only thing I'm worried about right now is dealing with two angry Kamiya's!" Davis stood up, which he immediately regretted as he felt a sharp pain in-between his legs. "Did she have to squeeze so hard?!"
"You know what they say Davis... Ah... Ah-coo!"
"Bless you."
"Uh... Thank you."
It was then Davis realized something. "Wait a second? Consciences can't sneeze!"
Davis finally recognized the squeaky slightly muffled voice. He took off his backpack, he had wondered why it had felt heavier today than normal, (Don't ask me why he's wearing it outside of school! It's just for the purpose of moving along the story!) and quickly unzipped the main compartment. He reached inside, and pulled out a small white and blue creature who stared back innocently at him.
"Hey Davis! Long time no see..." it laughed nervously.
"I'm sorry!" Demiveemon cried, as he started to squirm. "Gatomon made me do it! She said she'd use me as a scratching post if I didn't!"
"Why didn't you tell me something sooner!" Davis barked at him. "You may have been able to stop me before I even put that letter in TK's mailbox, and this whole mess could've been avoided!"
"Well it's good to see you to Davis! What would've been the point if I had to stop you anyway! I was hoping you'd stop yourself... The other's might not believe it, but I know your not bad like that Davis! You just made a mistake, and I decided after that I had to let you get through this yourself... I originally thought you knew it was me when I started talking to you, but you surprised me when you said I was you conscience. I felt like one of those actors in those movies you humans like so much, and well I couldn't resist!"
Davis stared at his little partner for a moment, before bursting out into laughter. "I'm sorry Demiveemon. It's good to see you too. What are you doing here anyway?"
"Well, the other day me and the others decided we really wanted to see you guys," the little Digimon explained. "We wanted to surprise you tonight, but I just couldn't wait. I came early without the others, and heard you talking about what you were going to do to TK. I went back and talked to the others, and Gatomon warned me that I needed to find a way to work things out or else."
"Or else?"
"She didn't say what or else was, but knowing Gatomon I wasn't taking any chances!"
Davis laughed. "If she's anything like Kari I can't blame you one bit little buddy!"
"Hey Davis," Demiveemon whispered. "Are you going to be okay? I mean I know how much you like Kari."
"I'll be alright Demiveemon," he said with a slight sigh. "I may never get over her but..."
All of a sudden a rather attractive young lady caught Davis's eye, and his mouth almost hit the pavement. She noticed him staring at her, and giggled slightly as she winked at him. Davis's face flustered. "Whoa man! Did I just see that!"
Demiveemon looked up at him. "Does never always come around this fast in the human world?"
"There you are!" Tai caught his breath, as he suddenly appeared in the alley behind Davis.
"Oh crap! Let's get out of here!" Davis bellowed while he took off in the other direction.

"Remember I'm an innocent party in all of this!" Demiveemon called to Tai who was speeding off after them.
Pat Tamon sat on a park bench with his eyes fixated on the stars above. He remembered countless nights he and his love would sit in that spot, and stare at the sky for hours when they weren't admiring each other. His head jerked to the side, as he thought he saw something out of the corner of his eyes. His eyes widened as they landed upon the very person he'd been pinning over all night.
"Pat!" She rushed over to him, and they embraced in a typical cheesy fifties romance movie sort of way. "It's so good to see you again!"
"It's good to see you too!" he said, as he touched her face. "Why are you back so early? I thought your trip was supposed to last another two weeks?"
"It was cut short at the last minute. I wanted to surprise you, so I'm sorry I didn't give you any warning. I figured you'd be here on a night like this, so here I am!"
"Well I sure am surprised! I really missed you Gato, and it's sure good to have you home."
"You know your fur kind of looks nice when the moonlight shines off it Gatomon."
"Oh, stop it Pattamon! Are you trying to flirt again?"
"No, I'm just being honest."
"Oh really?"
The two young lovers parted and went on their way exposing the large tree directly behind them, and the two odd creatures perched on top of it.
"I wonder who those two people were?" Pattamon asked.
"Who cares. Let's go find TK and Kari." Gattomon leapt from the tree with Pattamon flying close behind.
The old Obadia subway station was the halfway point in-between the Kamiya residence, and the Takaishi's. Since TK and Kari both left around the same time, they both happened to be walking by it at the exact same time. They were both so lost in their thoughts at the moment that they almost walked right past each other. They did a double take, and whirled around to find themselves staring right into each other's eyes.
"Kari! I was just going to see you and... I... Can we go someplace a little more quiet and talk?"
"So, you want to talk now?... What happened to staying out of my life?" Kari asked, but not completely sure why she did. Maybe only to find out just how mad he still was at her.
"Kari... Can we just forget about all that for a minute?!" he begged. "This has nothing to do with that!... Well, it does, but I really need to talk to you. Could you please follow me?"
TK led her to a spot overlooking the subway tracks. He knew the place was usually empty at that time of night, and today was no exception.
"Kari I'm so sorry for the way I acted. I had gotten the letter only a few hours before, and I was really upset. It broke my heart to think that's what you really thought about me. I should've at least been willing to listen to you, and I'm sorry." TK gently took Kari's hands in his. "If you'll look me in the eyes, and tell me you didn't write that letter then I'll believe you this time. I promise."
Kari did look up into his eyes. They were a sea of red surrounding two circles of blue, that still seemed beautiful to her somehow. TK was seeing the same thing, only hers were brown. "I didn't do it TK. Davis did. I guess he felt guilty about it, so he admitted it to me. That's why I was coming over to see you..."
"Davis! Wait till I get my hands on that little...!"
"Just forget about Davis for a minute!" Kari pleaded with him. "I think he's learned his lesson anyway."
TK's anger gave way to sadness when he thought about what he'd done to her. "Oh Kari... I should've known you'd never do something like that to me! And I treated you like dirt for it! I'm so sorry Kari, I don't deserve to be breathing the same air as you! I blew up, and I hurt you..."
Kari cupped her hands around TK's chin, and directed his head so they were face to face. "It's not what you said to me that hurt me TK. I would've reacted the exact same way if I thought you did something like that to me. It was the thought that you could actually think I could do something like that to you that killed me TK! We've been through so much together, and the friendship I've shown towards you was never an act! I care about you too much to ever try to hurt you that way... Please don't ever think that way again!"
TK stared down into her eyes, and noticed they were trying to fight back more tears. He smiled weakly, and removed her hands from his face before extending his hand to her. "I won't Kari. Friends?"
Kari looked him in the face, and smiled. "No."
TK thought his worst fears were coming true right before his eyes, but boy was he wrong. Kari jumped up, and pressed her lips to his completely clearing everything else from his mind. His arms fell limp to his sides, as Kari's lips fused in deeper with his. When they parted she literally had to hold TK up to keep him from falling over from shock.
Kari blushed brightly. She threw her arms around his waist, and rested her head against his chest. "Sorry if that was too sudden, but I had to do it now before I lost my nerve."
"So, that's what you wanted to give me?" he asked.
"No that's just a small piece."
"So than what was it you wanted to give me then?"
Kari smiled seductively, and pushed her face up close to his. She was about to speak when she felt a faint itching at her nose. "TK I... Ah-choo!"
TK's head jerked back after getting a face full of Kari's mucus. All either did was blink, as they stared at each other. "That was payback wasn't it?" TK joked.
"No, I swear that wasn't what I was planning on!" she giggled.
TK pulled out his handkerchief, but Kari insisted on cleaning him off herself. "We might want to consider watching out for that from now on."
"Okay now where was I? Oh yeah. I'm sorry I can't be as romantic as you, but I can't give you my heart," she sighed.
"Why is that?" TK asked nervously.
"Because you stole it away from me a long time ago."
Now TK was blushing bright enough to light up any dark room. "I did?"
"Yeah," Kari sighed. "Now there's really only one thing I can give you."
TK was afraid to ask, but he did anyway. "What?"
Kari leaned upward so her face was just inches away from his. "Me."
"Just what I always wanted." TK smiled right before their lips found each other's again. This time they wouldn't be done for a while.
"Hey Gatomon! There they are!" Pattamon said, as he pointed at their friends.
Gatomon noticed them too, but also noticed they seemed a little preoccupied at the moment. "Uh-oh! I think we just walked in on something."
The two Digimon stood, and flapped, there watching the kids go at it for about a minute.
"What's up? Are they stuck?" Pattamon asked.
"Possibly," Gatomon replied. "It doesn't seem like they'd care if they were though."
"Should we stop them? They're not in any danger by doing that are they?"
"Don't worry. The only thing they're in danger of is swallowing each other's tongues."
"What does that mean?" he asked curiously.
"You should know that already," Gatomon giggled. "Well, we'd just be getting in the way here, so let's go find some way to amuse ourselves while they're busy. If they're not done in an hour we'll break them up, and escort them home." Gatomon bounded off leaving Pattamon flapping there still wondering what she had meant.
"Swallow each other's tongues? I wonder if that has anything to do with what Gatomon showed me...... Oh!" Pattamon blushed, and flapped away.
