Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Level ❯ Unexpected Events ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Hey, TOEI owns Digimon. Yes, it's hard to understand but it's the truth...

Alan, Chris, Reilmon, Tsuki and Ryu and characters made by me, do not try anythingwith them, from stealing to using, whatever, without my consent.

Kitsunemon however is property of Talismon2k1. I decided not to post his mail to avoid him any mail coming from my stories.

This story happens 10 years after the events of "2nd Run", which happens 8 months after "A Love Story", which happens 4 months after "A New Story".

This story will contain crossbreeding relationships (NOT lemons though, only the feeling itself), and then result of the deep love between a couple of humans and Digimons if you know what I mean...

The Next Level - Chapter 3 - Unexpected Events

Sequel to "A New Story", "A Love Story" and "2nd Run".

Tsuki and Ryu had returned from school, discussing the matter of the mysterious Digimons that attacked them in school. They all had already eat, Tsuki and Ryu had just finished their homework...

"Tsuki! Ryu!" yelled Alan across the apartment.

"Yes?" said Tsuki exiting Ryu's bedroom, quickly followed by him.

"We are going out, we'll be back in about two hours, ok?" said Chris this time.

"Ok, take care!" said Tsuki as she waved her hand and the others exited the apartment.

"Well... There's got to be something good on TV... I hope..." said Ryu as he walked towards a couch placed in front of a TV.

"Yeah..." added Tsuki as she joined Ryu.


The two hours had already passed, so it wasn't too long before they came back.

"Well, they should be coming soon..." said Ryu as he walked besides a window.

"Ye..." Tsuki started to say but was cut off.

"Ack!" yelped Ryu as a dart got him in the arm.

"Ryu!" yelled Tsuki as she ran to grab her falling friend, but another dart flied and got her in her arm too.

"Da...mn..." Tsuki managed to say as she fell asleep on the floor, falling right besides Ryu.

Four of the mysterious black Digimons entered the room, the door had no lock, so they didn't had to force it open. Two of them lifted Tsuki and took her down, the other two did the same with Ryu, then they placed them inside a black truck.


"There wasn't much to see. Wasn't it?" said Alan as they were getting closer to the apartment complex. Reilmon eyes suddenly shifted up towards the direction of the apartment.

"The door is open... I wonder if...Oh no!" said Reilmon as she quickly teleported in front of the door, a couple of footprints could be saw in the floor, and those weren't Ryu's and Tsuki's. A truck starting the engine could be heard.

Reilmon quickly dashed to the window and saw a black truck, a black clothed Digimon entering it. She quickly warped back to the others...

"They've got them, I'm pursuing them, I'll be back as soon as I discover where they'd took them!" she said as she quickly warped again and started to race through the building's rooftops pursuing the black truck...

The chase continue for about ten minutes, but for someone possesing Reilmon's dexterity, that was nowhere near tiring her.

The truck entered a building at last, it looked like any normal corporation building.

"Umm... Well, at least I know where they took them... But I won't be able to do anything alone, I better go back..." said as she disappeared into air.


Inside a building, 4 Digimons were carrying the still asleep Tsuki and Ryu. They opened a door, revealing a large room, inside were another 4 half-breeds or hybrids.

In a matter of seconds, both Tsuki and Ryu were already flying towards the ground, but were catched by two other hybrids.

The door made a loud noise at it closed,

"Nice catch Shiroma!" said a half-breed. He looked about 8 years old, he was about 1 meter tall. With long ears reaching a little below the shoulder, at the end shaped like triangles, they were white colored with green stripes on them. He had light green haid, his hairstyle almost identical to Jen's. He wore a short, reaching a little below his knees, and a blue t-shirt with strange symbols on them. He obviously was a cross of a Terriermon.

"Thanks Teria" said a girl back to him. She was 9 years old, about 1.10 meters tall. Her hair reaching her shoulder in a orange/red color, about the same color as a lion's mane, she had a tail too, about 50 centimeters long, in the end a small ball of fur, same color as her hair, she had pointy ears, not long though. She wore a pair of jeans, normal type, and a red t-shirt. She was a cross of a Leomon.

"Hey, what about me!?" whined a little girl, apparently 7 years old. About 1 meter tall too. She had long pointy cat-like ears, all white with purple stripes, her hair was blond, reaching to the middle of her upper body. She had a small tail, about 30 centimeters long, also white with purple stripes, with a small collar hanging on it. She had two small gloves, yellow colored, but in a deeper tone, with red triangle stripes at the sides, same as Tailmon's. She wore a long skirt, plain blue colored, a white button shirt and a red vest over it. She deffinitely was a cross of a Tailmon.

"You too did a good job, Noriko" said now a boy, 8 years old. He was a little less than a meter tall. He was wearing a short sleeve blue shirt, the sleeves white colored, just like Takeru's. A common pair of jeans. The only noticeable Digimon trait were his long red wings, with white at the bottom, exactly like Aquilamon's wings. Leading one to believe he was a cross of an Aquilamon.

"Thanks, Han" said Noriko back at the boy.

"I still wonder why are they trying to destroy us..." said the lion-girl, Shiroma.

"Well, I don't know, and don't want to, we have to make an escape..." said Han.

"Hey, they are waking up!" said Noriko, who was watching Ryu and Tsuki sleep, none of them knowing their names.

"Ugh..." Ryu was the first to say something...

"Ahh!" scremed Tsuki as she saw the other 4 half-breeds.

"Don't worry, we are not going to hurt you, we've been also captured by them..." said Teria.

"Sorry, I was just startled..." apologized Tsuki.

"Who are you?" asked Ryu.

"Noriko" she said lifting an arm showing a glove.

"I'm Teria" he said placing his ears behind himself.

"Han" he said spreading his winds.

"Shiroma" she said moving her tail around.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tsuki" she said standing up.

"And I'm Ryu, nice to meet you too" said Ryu.

"What is this place?" asked Tsuki, hoping they knew the answer.

"Project Eradication HQ... Well, you can call it that..." said Teria in a sad tone.

"We've been trying to find a way to escape, but we can't seem to come up with anything..." said Shiroma now, alsp changing her tone to a sad one.

"Well, you are lucky to have me with you!" said Tsuki. "Just give me a minute, and..." she said as she suddenly disappeared.

"Hey! How did you got here!?" yelled someone on the other side of the door, not that they could see, but the could hear.

"Just trying to get the key... Flaming Arrowhead!" Tsuki yelled. She soon positioned in a profile stance, her left foot in front, and raised her right hand, lifting her two first fingers, creating a white-glowing leaf, she swirled and threw the leaf, exploding on contact, deleting the Digimon guarding the cell. A key falling into the ground. She picked it up and opened the lock, letting all other five exit...

"Well, now we are out, but we still need to find a escape route..." said Ryu.

"Follow me, don't ask why, but I have this feeling..." said Noriko as she started to run, followed by the other 5.

"It's better than nothing I think..." said Tsuki as she tagged along...


Reilmon had already gone back for the rest, and all 4 had made their return to the place where they had taken Ryu and Tsuki.

"Looks like a normal building..." said Alan walking closer to the building.

"Even so, we can't be careless..." added Reilmon.

"Let's go in then!" said Chris. Just as they got closer to the door some voices could be heard...

"Hey, here's the exit!" yelled a girl.

"Can't believe you did it!" now yelled a boy. The door started to move but didn't opened.

"Ugh.. The door is locked..." said the first voice.

"Stand back... Flaming Arrowhead!" yelled another femaled voice.

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Kitsunemon also took that advice and stepped back, the door suddenly blasted into bits of glass.

"Let's go!" yelled another male voice. Whoever was inside exited the building. The other four recognizing two faces, and two of them did too.

"Tsuki!" yelled Alan and Reilmon at the same time as Tsuki dashed towards them.

"Ryu!" also yelled Chris and Kitsunemon as Ryu got closer.

"I thought something had happened to you..." said Alan as Tsuki lossened the grasp she had on both him and Reilmon.

"We were fine, they just locked us in and then we managed to escape..." said Tsuki.

"May I ask who are them?" asked Chris at her son.

After the presentations were done, a small discussion took place...

"But what are we gonna do then?" asked Shiroma.

"We can take you with your families" offered Alan.

"Mine... were killed by them..." said Noriko sobbing.

"...Sorry to hear that..." said Chris.

"It's ok, I moved on, but spending here one month didn't helped much..." she said again.

"From what I've heard, mine moved to another country... Which one, I don't know..." said Teria.

"I don't know about mine, I've been here for about 3 months" said Shiroma.

"They shot at my father in mid-air, both I and my mother falling with him, I was the only one that survived they took me here..." said Han droping his head...

"Man... Can't believe they did all that just to get four childs..." said Alan.

"We have to destroy them..." said Kitsunemon clutching his fists.

"We should still go back, we weren't planning on doing that at the moment, we should first think how to do that and then we'll return..." said Chris.

"Yeah, you're r.." started to said Alan but was cut off by his cellphone.

"Yes?... Yes, this is Alan... Ok, thank you..." he said between pauses as he hung up.

"We'll, they just fixed the door of my apartment" said Alan.

"Umm... Can you excuse us for a minute?" said Chris as she, Alan, Reilmon and Kitsunemon stepped away from all the kids.

"What are we gonna do then, two don't know the whereabouts of their families and the families of the other two were killed by them..." said Chris.

"I suppose we should take them in for now, we'll think later..." said Alan.

"But we all can't fit in only place..." said Reilmon.

"Why don't you two take two of them, and we the other two?" offered Kitsunemon.

"It works for me..." said Alan, "And since tomorrow is saturday, I have no problems" he added.

"Ok, still, we should let them decide" said Chris.

"Yeah..." said Alan as they went back to them.

"Well, for the time being we are going to take care of you, if that's fine with you at least..." said Alan.

"Thanks" said the other four kids.

"Ok, still, we can't take all of you to the same place, so we have to split you in two groups of three..." said Chris.

"It's ok for me" said Noriko.

"Yeah..." added Teria. The other two only nodded.

"We'll let you decide, although I'm pretty sure how it'll end..." said Alan.

After a couple of minutes, the groups were decided.

"Yep, just as I thought..." said Alan standing besides Reilmon, Tsuki, Shiroma and Noriko.

"Hahaha..." Chris laughed but soon dropped it as she saw Kitsunemon, Ryu, Han and Teria besides her...

"We should go back" said Reilmon, they were not in front of the building, but only a block away.

"Stop!" yelled someone, whoever it was, it was coming from the building.

"Not again..." said Alan as Reilmon and Kitsunemon went to the front.

Two black digimons appeared from the building, Reilmon and Kitsunemon readied for the fight...

"Let us handle this, consider it a vengeance..." said Noriko with a grin on her face.

"Are you sure?" said Reilmon. She didn't liked the fact too much, but for all they had gone through, they couldn't be blamed...

"Yes" added Han.

"Ok, we shall support you if you need..." said Kitsunemon standing back. Both he and Reilmon knew those kids would be able to take them, even though they were one, two or three years younger than Ryu and Tsuki, half-breeds were powerful with just training.

"Wing Tornado!" yelled Han as he opened his wings as started to fly at an incredible speed towards one of the Digimons, he started to spin around it creating a tornado which lifted the Digimon about 10 meter up, then started to plummet but it would have never touched the ground because...

"Cat Slash!" yelled Noriko, entering into action, she jumped about 7 meters, her nails suddenly shifter into long claws, as sharp or even more than those of a cat, she slashed the Digimon splitting it into data in seconds, she then landed, quickly followed by Han.

"Hurricane Burst!" yelled Teria as he dashed towards the other Digimon, who had no chance to respond as he was already receiving a barrage of very fast punches by Teria, he quickly delivered an uppercut sending the Digimon flying above 4 meters above the ground.

"Hunting Arrow!" yelled Shiroma now, she jumped and grabbed the Digimon with her hands and threw it into the ground, then stomping on it with all her weight, and with the point of her feet, her hair lifting while falling made the image of an arrow. The Digimon bursted into data.

"Well, that was fast..." said Alan.

"We should go before more come..." added Chris as all ten rushed through the streets, after a certain point splitting, each group heading towards their own destination...

They had once again destroyed whatever plan Project Eradication had thought of, but it was not over yet.

They still had to counter-attack, for once and for all, they had to end that group, not only for the safety of each one's child since they were half-breeds, but to protect any other half-breed from future attacks, and to avenge those who had already suffered.

By the time both groups had reached their home, it was night already, but not late though, each group spent some time knowing each other, and by the time they ended it was late, so they all went to sleep...

*Slams head against laptop* Man, was it hard to come with the names... If you wonder how I came uo with them, I'll listen them below at the end.

Well, it'll just probably take me one or two more chapters to end this...

Alan, Chris, Reilmon, Tsuki and Ryu and characters made by me, do not try anythingwith them, from stealing to using, whatever, without my consent.

Shiroma, Teria, Noriko and Han were also made by me, don't steal them too.

Kitsunemon however is property of Talismon2k1. I decided not to post his mail to avoid him any mail coming from my stories.

This story happens 10 years after the events of "2nd Run", which happens 8 months after "A Love Story", which happens 4 months after "A New Story".

Alan "Haiiro Kitsune" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com

Chapter 4: Eradication

Shiroma: At first I was gonna name this character Shiroshi, but since I wanted this one female, I had to change it. "Shishi" means lion, that why I decided that. Shiro means white too, btw...

Han: Han means fly... So it was simple enough to come with, and also works as a name.

Teria: Terriermon's japanese name actualy is Teriamon. Most fics that say they only use strict japanese names still have this one wrong... But anyway.

Noriko: I wanted to make this one include "Neko" on it, that means cat, but I was never able to do it, either separating it or however you wanted, closest thing I got was Noriko, and I liked that one...

They all seem rather simple once you read the description but it took me about half hour to make them all...