Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Nigth n Gale ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Night n Gale Chapter 12

The Night n Gale was docked at the Basura docks. Jyou, Koushiro and Taichi walked the streets browsing. "I thought you said we have to meet with the King, Taichi." Koushiro commented. "We do." He replied.

"Taichi! Come over here!" Hikari called him the girls were up a head of them and had apparently stopped at one of the vender stands. "They found something." Jyou said laughing.

Taichi and company walked to over to the girls. "Look at this…" Taichi looked at it. "No way." He replied. "Taichi…. he will be all mine." Hikari looked at him with pleading eyes. "Brother you won't regret it. I spoke with him he said he will be good." She told him utter most confidence.

"You spoke to him?" Koushiro questioned, "That's Impossible." He said to her. "Impossible to you maybe be but I did speak to him." Hikari said. "She is right…I remember when she talked to a squirrel in the village where everyone had that illness. It told her that a monster lived at the village." Sora explained.

"Aye maybe so…but doesn't mean you can have him." Taichi said a hint of uncertainly. "Here Hikari, I have a good feeling about this bird." Jyou gave her some coins. "Ten gold colds he is." The old lady said to them.

"Well then ten gold coins you have." Jyou put them out on the table; the lady took one and bit it. "Thank you very much." She said and gathered the coins into her pocket. The five now six went along their way to the palace. "That was very uncalled of you Jyou." Taichi said to him.

"Not at all there's something about the hawk." He replied. "Something?" Sora and Koushiro questioned. "Something as in good? Or bad?" Taichi asked.


Hikari held her new hawk buddy, he was on her hand of course she was wearing a handling glove so that his talons didn't pierce her skin. She watched his eyes intently she frowned. "I can't understand you." She whispered.

Taichi looked at her exasperated "I can't believe she is talking to a dumb bird." He commented annoyed so that neither Hikari nor the hawk heard him. "Taichi…I think she really can talk to it. For real." Sora told him fatly.

"But…aw forget it." Taichi dropped the subject. "So what are we going to meet the King about?" Koushiro asked. "Something about Catherine I believe." Taichi said. "God that woman has nerves." Sora whispered as she started to grab onto the handle of her sword. With out no where a girl came running around the corner and ran right into Jyou and Taichi.

"Whoa are you okay?" Jyou questioned the girl removed her hood "Quick you got to help me please! My friend he's ill!" she cried, she had long brown hair her eyes were hazel. Sora gasped. "Mimi?" she questioned. Taichi, Jyou and Koushiro looked at her. "Mimi?" they replied.

"Sora oh my god!" she gave her friend a hug. "What's wrong Mimi? Why were you so frantic?" she questioned. "No time to explain follow me." She ran the others followed her.


Mimi lead them to a room, she unlocked the door and opened it. Yamato lay in bed he looked very ill, Sora ran to his bed side felt his head. "Oh my god…Yamato?" Sora knelt down beside his bed. "What's wrong?" she asked frantic. Taichi was a little jealous. But he knew that he shouldn't be because Yamato was her best friend only.

"Sora…what…your…doing…here." he whispered, his eyes closed there was a damp cloth on his forehead. "I don't know what happened we came here to Basura to get married. The second day we where here he started to develop these symptoms…I don't know what to do." She cried.

Hikari's hawk flew right next to Yamato bed and sat there. Hikari came up to him. "Maybe just maybe I can heal you." She replied Sora stood back with Taichi, Jyou and Koushiro. Mimi was on the other side of his bed. "Hikari are you sure you know what you are doing?" Taichi questioned his sister. "Of course I do or else I would have said that I could." She told him.

Hikari concentrated she had her hands over top of him just above him not touching him. Hikari closed her eyes white light started to form underneath her hands. She stopped suddenly and fell, Koushiro grabbed her before Hikari fell to the ground.

Mimi gasped, "Is she okay?" she asked. "Yeah…she just passed out it's regular of her to do that when she uses up too much of her magic." He said Taichi angered. "What do you mean…to heal him it took that much energy from her?" he asked. "I guess…but I again don't believe in magic." He explained.

"God Taichi you realized this now?" Sora commented. "No…. never mind." He said pushing off the subject. Taichi walked over to the window of the room he looked out, Sora eyed him in the corner of her eye then turned her attention to Hikari who was coming to.

"Hikari?" Jyou asked he looked her in her eyes. "Yeah…" she whispered tiredly. "Are you okay?" he asked her holding her up by her shoulders. Hikari frowned she shook her head a bit and swallowed. "Yeah fine…Yamato is cursed I couldn't cure him something or some one is making him ill." Hikari explained.

"No." Mimi cried she took his hand in hers. "He can't die I love him too much." She whispered Sora looked away tears threatening to fall. "Hikari do you know who's behind it?" she asked not looking at her directly.

"Black magic of some kind." Hikari said. "It better not be Catherine." Sora whispered heatedly. "I don't know, it's weird." She replied she closed her eyes and thought for a moment.
"No…not Catherine darker then her magic." She whispered her eyes still shut. Taichi turned and walked over to where they were all. "What else can be more darker then her." He asked. "The devil himself." Hikari said.



Catherine watched as Hikari said that last line she grew angry and threw stick that was in front of her onto the ground "YOU SAID YOU DIDN"T GIVE YOURSELF AWAY!" she shouted angry. "Hey, hey little miss you throw quite a tantrum." Scratch told her he smiled and patted her on her shoulder. "Get you filthy hand off of me." She demanded.

"A little catty aren't we." Scratch teased. "SHUT UP!" she screamed. "Relax girl, I'm doing my job so they figured out someone evil is behind it but they can't tell who it is can they." He said and laughed he then vanished. "I do what I fancy Miss. Temper tantrum." His voice echoed.

"Father! He is very incapable! Why did we side with him." She demanded, "He's going to restore my head back to my body is why. You want that don't you darling? Then when I'm back to my full self then we can concur the world." Seroas told her a sly smile appeared on his face.


"That's is impossible as well!" Koushiro exclaimed, "Why isn't it? That's what I'm feeling." Hikari told him. "The devil can't possibly exist! There is no scientific facts." He explained.

"Scientific facts or not my fiancé is sick, how do we help him if she couldn't heal him." Mimi said to them. Sora looked to Mimi and Yamato then to Taichi. "Taichi, there's got to be a way we can't lose him he is one of my best friends."

"Wait I think…." Hikari got up and went into Koushiro's bag of supplies and pulled out her book she sat down at the table and looked through it. "What are you going to find in there?" Jyou asked he sat next to her, he watched her look through the book. "Maybe there is a way to reveres what ever has taken him ill." Hikari whispered she read through the spells.

"We'll do something Sora." Taichi told her, Sora hugged him. "Thanks Taichi." she whispered Taichi closed his eyes. As they held each other for a while until realizing what they were doing and pulled away quickly. "Sorry." They replied at the same time.

Mimi watched the whole thing unfold, as did Yamato "See Yamato she was in good hands." She whispered to him quietly so none of them heard them only he did. Yamato nodded agreeing.

"I found something!" Hikari announced, she eyed the page carefully. "Yes this is it." She said then brought it over to the bed.

Koushiro was still a little skeptical of the devil theory, and just stood their hands across his chest. "When will everyone realize magic is non sense." He watched from the end of the bed.

"Okay here it goes." Hikari said to them she got herself ready at Yamato's bedside she stood holding the book and began to recite the spell.

"Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza. Hagar, Imo, geza."

A screeching voice was heard, it screamed of agony "NOOOOOOOOO" then the voice diminished.

Hikari opened her eyes looked at Yamato. "Are you okay?" she asked Yamato could now sit up, he walked to Mimi picked her up and swung her around once. He put her down. "Yeah I feel like nothing ever happened to me." He replied. Sora laughed and gave him a welcoming hug. "My god I'm so glad to see you both." She replied a big smile on her face.

"We are too believe me…how long has it been…about almost nine months since you left home, what have you been doing all this time?" Yamato asked looking at her. "Mimi, Yamato these are the crew I joined. I assume you already know who this is. We have been quite busy." She pointed to Taichi. "No actually I forgot." Yamato said Mimi shook her head "No, no I remember him your Taichi." she said.

"Yeah Tai-." Taichi was interrupted by Sora. "This is Captain Taichi now of the Night n Gale. The girl right here is Hikari his sister, that's Koushiro very, very not on the magic side, and that's Jyou very level headed person." She replied.

"Sora, how could you forget this guy?" Hikari asked pretending to be angry at her she held her new pet up. The Hawk squawked. "And that's…Hikari you didn't name him. What is his name going to be anyways?" she asked

"Kuro." She said smiling. "God, and now the bird is part of the crew." Taichi replied looking annoyed at it. "Taichi's is just finding it hard to accept the bird as a new member." Jyou put in. "I am not I just don't think that a bird is going to stay well on a ship." He replied.

"Sure it took you long enough to agree to it." Hikari put in. "As you must know we are running late on a meeting…" Koushiro trailed.

"Oh man, let go guys quick." Taichi left. "Taichi I'm staying but give my regards to the king."

"Sora we will come back here later okay." He told her before he left. "Okay Taichi." she smiled and waved at him, after he had left. Mimi smiled at her friend "Sora is there something you want to tell us?" she questioned. "What do you mean? There is nothing to tell you about."

"Taichi…." she trailed off. "Taichi? What about him?" she asked confused. "Come on your denying it now." Yamato said "What am I denying?" she asked. Yamato and Mimi frowned. "Taichi and you there is something going on isn't there?" they both asked. "Ugh….not this again I get it on a daily on the ship I don't need it from you two now." She replied.

"You can confide in us can't you?" Mimi questioned. "Nothing so more then a kiss happened and nothing other then that will happen." She replied.


"Ah so you are Yagami, Taichi." the king extended his hand out to Taichi who took his hand and they shook. He turned to Jyou and Koushiro shook there hands as well and hugged Hikari then kissed her on her hand.

"Welcome to Basura. I'm and King Tobruan" He greeted them; the king frowned suddenly realizing something. "Excuse me I don't want to seem rude but you said there where five of you…but there is only four care to explain?" he asked.

"Yes sir, well we are missing one crewmate she had some personal matters to deal with. She wanted me to let you know that she regrets not being able to meet you." Taichi said to the king who nodded understandingly. "Well that's fine." The King walked over into the big dinning room.

That image of them appeared in a large bowl that had water in it. "Humph…he failed." She replied then knocked the bowl off the table. "Father I'm off to do something after all they did leave behind Sora." With the snap of her fingers she was gone.


"Well then when did you guys decide to get married?" Sora questioned them as they walked around the city. "Um a two months back." Yamato said. "That's great dose that mean I get to see the wedding?" she asked. "Sure and if you bring you're your friends it will be fine." Mimi said smiled as she held Yamato's hand in hers.

A lady walking with a black hooded shawl walked right into Sora knocking her down. "HEY WHAT GIVES!" Sora replied she got back up was ready to pull out her sword out on the lady but through better of it. "You should watch where you are going." The woman replied and walked away from them.

"Sora you okay?" the two of her friends questioned her, Sora eyed as the woman turned the corner. "….yah." she trailed off. 'Something about her.' Sora thought. "Well come on let's go back to our room." Mimi suggested. "Okay you guys go ahead and I'll meet you later." Sora suggested to them. "Okay Sora. Bye." They waved at her and left there own way.

"I'm not giving up till I find that lady." Sora went the way the lady had gone. As Sora turned the corner into the ally way the lady was waiting for her. "I knew you would come after me." She replied.

"Of course you don't just bump into some old lady that doesn't watch where she is going and accuse me of standing in the way. "Old lady…. not quite." She lifted the hood of her shawl. "Catherine! You whore." Sora exclaimed.

"Ouch that insult wasn't needed Sora." She warned angrily. "Sure it was when you chase after Taichi the way you do… he doesn't like you get over it." She told her straight out. Catherine threw some kind of dust into Sora's face she coughed "What hell?" she questioned "See if you live long enough now." Catherine grinned. Sora felt her self-shrink down to not even three-inch's tall. Catherine stood like a high-rise building in front of her. " I would squash you know but…it wouldn't be any fun I like to see my enemies surfer before they die." She walked away. "Grrrr I"LL GET YOU CATHERINE!" she shook her fist at her. "I need help…but…I won't be able to find my way back to the cabin…." She trailed off.


Taichi, Hikari, Jyou and Koushiro walked back to where Sora's friends cabin was. Kuro came flying down and landing on a railing. "Kuro, where did you go?" Hikari questioned him. He squawked at her.

Hikari gotten images in her mind suddenly, it was of Sora and a lady then she saw Catherine. And showed what Catherine did to her.

She gasped causing the three to look at her. "Hikari?" Jyou questioned. "Something happened to Sora and Catherine did it." She replied. "What? What happened to her." Taichi demanded.

"Taichi please!" Hikari cried at him. "If Sora's in trouble we have to help her." He replied. "All I know is that Kuro showed me some images…. Catherine shrunk her." She whispered. "How are we going to find her now?" Koushiro questioned they all looked at the ground. "Sora?" Taichi got right down on the ground and looked to see if he could see her.


"HELP!" Sora shouted as loud as she could. "Damn witch." She whispered she walked forward deciding no use for her to lose her voice as well as being shrunken. "If I get to see her again I'll kill her." She fumed.

There was and squeak that made Sora stop she turned around there wasn't anything there, in the shadows eyes glowed, they watched her every move. "Who's there!" Sora replied she pulled her sword out and held it in front of her protectively.

Four rats came out of there hiding spots they surrounded her. "Oh god…" she trailed off. "TAICHI!! SOMEONE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" she shouted as loud as she could.

They circled her "This would be so much easier if I knew some magic." She replied to herself.

Two jumped at her she quickly ducked making the two rats crash into each other, spinning around rapidly she slashed the one to the right of her then killed the other two who were out of it.

There was now one remaining it eyed her then lashed out at her catching her arm. Sora gripped her wounded arm. Then watched, as the rat started at her but then was swooped up into the air, Sora turned and sighed "Kuro!" she looked up next and was nearly squashed by Taichi and Hikari.

"Whoa wait…we could have stepped on her." Hikari said she got down on her hands and Knees, as did Taichi. "Sora?" she called. "Sora?" Taichi called after her. Sora made herself known to him she kicking his hand. "Ow!" He looked down at his hand and saw Sora holding her arm.

"I found her." He replied "Sora climb into my hand." He told her. "No Taichi, after you nearly stepped on me." She shouted at him in her tiny voice. "I'm sorry I didn't see you." He cried. "Jyou! Help me up there." She called to him. He bent down Sora got into his hand and he lifted her up onto the crate.

Taichi stood up and Hikari came to look at her. "Okay, I got to some how reverse this." She replied. "Whoa…Catherine did that huh." Koushiro replied looking at Sora. "That woman is crazy." He said.

"No kidding." Sora commented, she looked over at Hikari. "Hurry please. The damn rat scratched me and I'm being to feel faint a little."

"Okay…stay back guys." Hikari pushed Taichi, Jyou and Koushiro back. "I don't see the reason for this." Taichi began. "Ah quiet." She shushed him.

"From the evil that originated reverse this spell and return her to the way she was before." Hikari closed her eyes and repeated the phrase over again this time saying it louder.

Sora returned to her normal size again. "Hikari!" Sora gave her a hug "You did it." She cried. "I knew I could." She replied the two pulled away. "Sora, you have to get that checked out." Koushiro said pointing to shoulder "Yeah." She hopped off the crate "Come then." Sora said.

Taichi sighed rolled his eyes and followed her Jyou joined him and put an arm around his friends shoulder "Something wrong Taichi?" he questioned. "Million and one things wrong." He answered.

"What's wrong with her any ways? Not like I meant to almost step on her I couldn't see her." He whispered keeping the conversation just between the two of them. "I don't think that's the reason." Jyou stated.

"Then what's the reason?" he asked confused. "You two have to admit that you like each other. That's where the problem is if you can't admit that then you both having feeling for each other." He told him. "That's because there is no feelings." he replied.

"Then what was with the kiss?" Taichi looked at him and shook his head "No, that was nothing it wasn't even a real kiss between any one more then friends." He told him. Jyou sighed, "Taichi…this I want I'm talking about your avoiding any possible feelings that arise when she kissed you and it's obvious to almost everyone that you have feelings for her."


"They make me sick talking about Taichi and Sora." Catherine replied watching Jyou and Taichi's conversation from her mirror that was on the wall of her rental room she had gotten earlier.

"She should have died! Damn the hawk." Catherine got off her fancy bed and walked over to the window. "Taichi, Taichi, Taichi…things would have been so much different if you just agreed to marry me but looks like I might as well destroy all of your friends and you. To bad huh." She whispered looking out the window. "Or maybe I didn't try hard enough." She pondered.


"And I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said, Mimi and Yamato kissed Sora and her friend clapped. "Congratulations" Sora replied hugging both Yamato and Mimi. "Congratulations." Taichi said extending his hand to Yamato and Mimi they shook.

"A very wonderful ceremony but we got to get going back to the ship…we have a job to do." Koushiro. "Thank you all of Sora's new friends." Mimi exclaimed.

Yamato pulled Taichi to the side. "Taichi…although I knew you for little amount of time take care of Sora." He said Taichi said nothing but nodded agreeing.

"Good." He said smiling.

To Be Continued….

(Authors note: Not the greatest chapter…but I promise it will be more interesting in the next chapter…no review because I don't know what I'm going to write the next chapter about.)