Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Nigth n Gale ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Night n Gale Chapter 15

On a white sand beach that panned along for only about two miles until rocky shore interrupted the smoothness. The hot sun beat down in the early morning hour, Taichi lay on the beach unconscious a few feet away from him lay debris from the ship various cargo boxes that had washed on shore as well. The Night n Gale remained a float in the deep waters away from the island.

Taichi groaned he turned over on to his back then pushed himself up from the ground he opened his eyes, they slowly adjusted to the day light he look in front of himself and saw the ship off the coast. "What the hell?" he questioned he looked at his surroundings then he remember the storm. He jumped up from his spot "HIKARI!" he shouted walked up the shoreline hoping that maybe she washed onto shore like he had. "Hikari!" he shouted again. "Taichi!" he turned to where the voice came from, he saw Sora and ran over to her. "Taichi you went overboard last night I was so worried." She explained she gave him a hug. "Did you find Hikari?" he asked.

Hikari appeared in front of all of them. "Don't worry I'm alive." She smiled Taichi gave her a huge hug "Thanks god your okay." He replied. "Taichi…your hurting me." She replied he let go of her and smiled. "Ah Taichi…. the Night n Gale's hull is greatly damaged Jyou told him. "What?" he asked he looked over to where Jyou was pointing.

"Damn it." He cried he looked around the island shook his head "What do we do know?" he asked Hikari whistled and Kuro came flying toward her and landed on her protected arm. "I could be able to fix it." Hikari replied in thought.

The crew was being watched from with in the forest line, a arm takes a arrow out then aims with it's bow the arrow is sent flying in Sora's direction.

"Maybe if we collect some wood and repair it that way...OW!" Sora cried she nearly fell when Koushiro and Jyou caught her. an arrow had embedded it's self in her shoulder. "Sora!" Taichi cried he went next to her, Koushiro and Jyou had her sit down. Taichi looked into the woods then back at her.

Hikari looked to where Taichi had been looking. Kuro took off from her hand and flew overhead of them and over the forest to see if there is a person in there.

"Sora it's going to hurt just for a moment I got to pull the arrow out." He told her. "No! It hurts enough." She cried. "It's got to come out." He told her strongly Taichi knelt down in front of her "Sora he's right. I can hold you if you want me too." He suggested she nodded hugging him Taichi held her but didn't touch her shoulder. Koushiro put his hand on the arrows shaft then broke the end off of it. "Sora I'm sorry that I'm going to do this but it has to be done." He replied he then pushed it further into her she screamed in pain having a tight hold on Taichi's arm. Koushiro pulled the arrow out from the back of her shoulder.

He handed the arrow to Jyou then examined her wound. "I'm going to let Hikari bandage your wound she knows what to do." Koushiro told her Sora nodded Hikari came to her. "Lets go behind the rocks and I'll bandage it." She helped her up then the two walked behind the big rock that was on the shore just a few feet away from them.

Jyou examined the arrowhead, Sora's blood still on it he didn't want to wash it because what if it was a poisoned arrowhead that thought lingered in his mind he hadn't wanted to think about it but it could be a possibility. "Jyou what's that look for?" Taichi asked he looked at his friend concerned.

"I can't be sure but Taichi we have to consider the possibility of the arrowhead being poisoned is possible." He said to his friend he looked concerned he then shook his head. "No that's non sense, if the arrow head was poisoned then she could have…. not made it now." He explained.

"But Taichi there are poisons where it could make her delusional the kind of poison that was meant not to kill but to make the person hit in effective." Koushiro told him.

"I don't get it, who would do that?" he asked his friends shrugged their shoulders, the two girls came from out behind the rock "She's all bandaged up, it not that serious." Hikari said to them they sighed in relief.

"It's just a little sore." Sora replied looking at the guys who were watching her. "What?" she wondered, "Jyou and Koushiro think that the arrow might have been laced with poison." Taichi explained to her.

"I feel fine, I don't think it was poisoned at all if it were wouldn't I be down by now." Taichi frowned he grabbed her by her arm and continued further Sora was struggling to stop him. "TAICHI!" she cried Hikari, Jyou and Koushiro rolled they're eyes and followed. "Will you stop dragging me!" she cried "No I'm taking you to see one of my father's old friends he should live around here some where." He replied the stopped then let her go "Okay fine." She whispered, "Besides I can walk my self you know." "Sorry." Taichi said to her when Hikari and the others caught up with them.

"Taichi she's hurt you can't just drag her around roughly like that." Hikari stressed Sora stopped for Hikari so she could look at the wound it was bleeding through the bandage she sighed. "Who are you looking for?" Hikari shouted her brother was a little ways a head of them he was searching for something. "I believe he's looking for Aro, your fathers old friend." Jyou said

"Taichi that's crazy he was dying the last time we saw him how do you know he's alive?" Koushiro questioned. "NO! He has his daughter don't you remember her?" he shouted at them as he searched. "A daughter?" Sora and Hikari said at the same time.

"A daughter…who?" Koushiro asked.


A girl with long purple hair looked at Koushiro he smiled at her, "Koushiro do you want to see something." She asked her face was blurred but he remember her voice clearly. "A they're they are." Taichi's father waved to the two children, Taichi ran out to greet them…they were all about the age of eight.

"What are you guys doing?" the younger Taichi asked "We are hanging out I was showing Koushiro all the herbs that grow here did you know he was just a interested as my father is?" she questioned Taichi who grinned "Naturally he always saying that someday science with conquer over magic isn't' that right?" Taichi asked his friend.

"Ah, Young Taichi as someday you are destined to take your fathers ship as Capitan, Miyako will do the same as me take over my house of medicine." Aro's said to him.

End of Flashback…

"That's right." He remembered he blushed slightly then looked at his friend "Oh I see now." He relied. "MIYAKO!" he called.

Hikari smirked then whispered to Sora "You know he has a crush on this girl we are looking for." Sora smiled at him "Ah so that's it." "Girls don't make trouble." Jyou commented as he walked by them they only giggled.

They heard a big explosion they all turned and saw smoke coming from somewhere inside the forest. "That was a big explosion maybe something happened?" Koushiro wondered. "Yah and it came from over there!" Taichi pointed he ran a head quickly Koushiro followed "GUYS!" Sora cried she wanted to run but it hurt her shoulder when she moved quickly.

"Ow…why can't they just not hurry?" she wondered. "I should go if there is fire I can put it out with my magic." Hikari replied she ran after them leaving Sora with Jyou. "Come I'll accompany you then." he said to her "Thanks."


Taichi and Koushiro came to a house in the forest there was smoke coming from the open window but there was no fire. "IS THERE ANYONE IN THERE?" Taichi hollered. "Yes, but I'm fine!" a girls voice replied to him, she came out from the house.

Koushiro's eyes widened seeing her. "Miyako?" he wondered, the girl with purple hair and wearing a green dress, she looked at him weirdly "How did you know my name?! You better not be a evil mind control person." She replied she pulled out a staff and held it out at them in a protective stance.

"No…you don't remember us?" Taichi asked shocked. "No…" she now looked worried and ran back into her home. "Miyako!" Koushiro ran forward to the door "it's us, Koushiro and Taichi." Taichi came up to the door as well. "You remember the Night n Gale…" he said to her.

They heard the door unlock then she opened the door and gave each of the a huge hug "Oh my god!!! How long has it been I didn't even recognize you both!" she squealed happily.

"A while we haven't seen each other since we were ten." Taichi replied she turned to Koushiro and pinched his cheek "Oh Koushiro your so grown up from the last time I saw you." She replied. "TAICHI!! KOUSHIRO!" Hikari came running she stopped as the two where talking with a girl.

"Is everything okay?" she asked coming up to them. "Yup…guess who we found?" Taichi asked her she frowned "I don't want to play games." Miyako eyes light up suddenly. "Hikari!" she cried, Hikari frowned and looked at her confuse.

"Remember its Aros daughter Miyako." Taichi told his sister she put on a look of realization "OH! Miyako!" the two girls hugged "Oh wow, I haven't seen you in a long time." Miyako eyed her out fit "But what's with your dress you cut it so it's way above your knee and look at the sleeves there's none." She pointed out.

"I know it's actually Sora's idea." Hikari said to her she looked at the girl uncertain "Sora?" Hikari grinned then whispered in her ear "Taichi's girlfriend." She looked at Taichi and smiled "When do I get to meet her?"

"HIKARI!" a voice came from the forest then a red headed girl and Jyou came out from the foliage they came toward them. "Why did you just run like that?" Sora questioned Jyou walked away from her covering his ears. "Sora you talk to much." He complained "Jyou!" Miyako gave him a hug "it's been along time!" she cried. "Yeah it has, how are you Miyako?" he wondered "I'm doing fine how about yourself?" Jyou nodded "Very well thanks."

"And you are Sora right?" Miyako questioned her "That's right how did you know?" she questioned Miyako whispered something in her ear then turned to look at Hikari evilly. "Oh Sora your hurt?" Sora snapped out of her glare then looked at Miyako she was looking at Sora's shoulder.

"Yeah and that's why we came here to find you to help her." Taichi explained, "Oh I see…but who would try to hurt you?" she wondered. "We don't know." Jyou told her he pulled out the arrow that hit Sora. "This is the arrow that hit her" Miyako examined it carefully she looked at all of them. "Come on inside, there is something that we need to go over."


In a village…

The archer who shot Sora came up to his king he bowed to him. "King, I found one. But she was with some help." He replied.

"Where was she taken?" he asked, "I don't know but I believe they are finding the medicine lady." He king looked at the top of his staff there was a small skull with a red jewel underneath it. "Then distract the others and get her. We need the a red head for the sacrifice the gods answered our players last night." He replied

The man bowed to the king he got up. "Very well we shall get her for the sacrifice."


"What!?" Taichi stood from where he was seating he looked at Sora "It is as I said Taichi, it's unfortunate that they saw your friend." Miyako looked at Sora "You know I won't let no one take me that easily." Sora replied she looked her uncertainly. "You don't understand." Miyako replied Taichi looked at his friend worried.

"What don't we understand?" Jyou asked "That monster comes to they're village every ten years and this year is the tenth year he's going to come and want something from the villagers. So instead of sacrificing one of there own they look for someone else…and apparently they have to have red colored hair."

"What so I'm going to be a snack for a monster!?" Sora questioned annoyed Taichi shook his head "No we can kill it how hard could it be?" he wondered.

A tremendous roar was heard it was deafening, again it was heard. Taichi and them looked between each other. "That sounds like a huge monster." Jyou replied. "How big is it?" Hikari questioned, "It's big…very big." Miyako replied. "An estimate would be appreciated." Koushiro told her.

"Forty feet high." Taichi looked worried he racked his hand through his hair. "Okay so we defeated a fleet of Harpies an sea monster, what else?" he wondered "I'm not that powerful yet Taichi." Hikari told him.

"Even with my powers I can handle just very little…I'm mean a fleet of Harpies no problem but a forty foot monster! I can't." she furthered explained. "No it's okay we will think of something."

With out warning a ball of some kind came flying into the house from an opened window it then leaked a red liquid into the room fumes began to rise from it, Miyako looked at it "No this is bad…come on." She replied she fainted before she could get out of there, soon Koushiro, Jyou, Taichi and Hikari were passed out Sora fought it as best as she could when the door burst open and native people came it they saw Sora. "NO!" she cried she was weakened by what ever was thrown into the house, "Taichi…." and passed out as a Native threw her over his shoulder and took her away.


The group woke up from the involuntary nap, "Sora!?" Taichi called he got up supporting himself against a chair slowly they all awoken. "SORA!" he called he was more alert now noticing his friend wasn't here any more. He ran out of the house. "SORA!" he was distraught he turned and went back into the small house. "Miyako you must now where they took her!" he cried, "I do but we have to be cautious they out number us greatly." She replied.

"It's okay I got my magic." Hikari said still weak from the fumes they inhaled from that red stuff. "What is that stuff?" Koushiro asked Miyako looked at him. "It's a sleeping gas…and they have a huge bowl of that stuff, Sora will be helpless if they make her drink it." She told them.

"So lets go and find this village." Jyou suggested Taichi, Hikari and Koushiro nodded.


Sora was put on a stone pedestal. Her wrist and ankles were tied down so she couldn't move. The King of the tribe came to them he motioned for them to give her some of the red potion. They took a spoon and came to Sora who was groggily waking up from the sleep.

They forced the spoon into her mouth making her drink the red stuff. Sora coughed "What is that crap!" she cried out. They didn't say anything to her; they looked at the sun it was setting. "COME HE WILL COME SOON!" he called to all of them.

She was dressed in a white robe that was trimmed with blue and gold coloring; she was out of it, before she could call for help. The villagers had soon left the village from the mountain caves came an arising roar but this time there came the sound of movement from the cave as if what ever it was coming now.

Taichi and the others were hidden with in the forest they watched everything Jyou and Koushiro had to hold Taichi down from keeping from running out there. "Let's go there is less and we stand a chance." Miyako said to them she had her sword with her as well Hikari wasn't going to use her sword deciding she'd use magic instead.

Taichi was first he went right to where sora was, Koushiro and Jyou followed behind him. "Sora?" he questioned her she wasn't answering, "No use talking to her she's out of it." Miyako replied. While Taichi was untying Sora Koushiro went over to the big pot of red stuff he looked at it. "Maybe we can use this." He got a few emptied gourds and filled them up with the potion.

The roar came again it was coming closer and closer toward them, they could clearly hear the foot steps now Kuro came playing down and perched on top a look out tower he squawked. "He's with in a mile" Hikari told them. Taichi finished cutting Sora loose from the restrains "Sora?" he shook her impatiently the monster was coming closer to them.

"ARRR!" three tribe's people came at Jyou and Taichi a bolt of lighting stopped them dead in their tracks. "Thanks Hikari." He replied he then looked at Sora "Come on wake up." He begged Miyako came over to him "Here if you give her this, it should wake her up now." She handed him a vile of clear liquid. He uncapped it and had Sora drink it.

"What are you doing?" Hikari asked Koushiro as he spooned up some more of the red liquid in to an emptied gourd. "Collecting, we might need them." he replied Hikari made a face the stuff stank like something that had rotted.

"Sora come on wake up!" Taichi cried he looked to the forest backing any time now the monster will be coming he couldn't wait for that to happen, she groaned. "Taichi?" she asked groggily. "No time can you walk?" he asked she nodded "Okay come on." He helped her off the pedestal when her feet touched the ground they buckled on her he caught her before she fell. "I'm sorry Taichi." she replied she held on to him for support she finally planted her feet on the ground.

Kuro came back he perched on the look out tower and squawked franticly; with out warning a huge Monster came breaking through the trees it roared the monster stood forty feet high it looking like an tyrannosaurs rex only his mouth was long and an narrow as camion it has sharp rows of jag teeth and it slouched when it walked.

"Oh damn!" Jyou cried "Come on let's head to the beach!" he cried Sora and Taichi looked to see the creature it was about as how big Miyako has described it. "Taichi go, come on go!" she cried the two began to run Miyako had ran pasted them as well as Koushiro. "Hikari!" Jyou called to her.

"Wait I have to slow it down even though my magic may not work on him." she told them the monster was walking toward her. She formed a fireball in her hand then launched it at the monster. It's just made the monster loose his balance and fall over with a big thud. Hikari jumped off the alter and ran toward the beach, Sora was now able to run herself.

"CAREFUL DON'T STEP ON THE GOURDS!" Koushiro shouted "WHY?" Taichi asked confused. "Me and Miyako have an idea and if it works the monster will be sleeping." He said to his friends as they joined back up. Kuro flew down and landing on Hikari's protected arm she ruffled his feathers.

"Okay he should come any second." Koushiro replied as he watched. Then monster came charging onto the beach it went forward toward them, Sora was in the boat the others pushed the long boat out to the ocean as a fast as they could.

The monster stepped on the gourds every time fumes were come up it made him feel drowse but he didn't seem to slow down. "Shit!" Taichi cried. Koushiro stopped an threw another one out on to the beach it broke and more fumes rose, by this time the beast began to swagger drunkenly but still was on his feet, her lurched forward his foot now on the surf. And began towards they're boat.

Taichi, Jyou, Koushiro, Hikari and Miyako all jumped aboard the boat. They began to paddle toward the ship further away from the monster, which in frustration let out a horrendous cry from the shore he charged in but when he was just with in thirty feet of the long boat he collapsed into the water making a huge splash, which nearly capsized the boat, they were in.

They watched as the monster drowned in the deep water, bubbles raised to the surface then they stopped.


Back at Miyako's home…

"What are you doing all by yourself on this island?" Taichi asked Miyako she shrugged "Didn't want to leave it was my fathers house." she explained. "Well we have room aboard the ship." Koushiro said to her.

"Taichi is that okay with you?" she asked, he nodded "Why not we can use your help as well." He replied, "Yah, I think we can use all the help we can get with that witch." Hikari replied angrily just the mere thought of her made her angry.

"Witch?" Miyako questioned confused "Yeah Catherine, the one that's so obsessed about Taichi." Sora put in Miyako looked at Taichi "She is?" she wondered "Yeah." Taichi replied "But what about it?" he asked.

"It's a deal, let me pack some stuff up then we can get going." She replied and disappeared into her small home. They all looked at Koushiro "What?" he asked "Nothing." Sora said she crossed her arms across her chest.

"What's that supposed to mean!" he cried. "It's only fair that I bug you now that you have your girlfriend on board the ship." She replied smiling. "I never bugged you." He complained "Ah…you have." Taichi replied.

"Well I wouldn't have to if you two where so stubborn about liking each other!" he got glares from the two of them, Hikari and Jyou held in their laughs. "That's because we don't!" Sora shouted at him. "Exactly as she said." Taichi agreed. "Okay sure you believe that." Hikari budded into the conversation she began to laugh. "What's so funny Hikari?" Sora asked.

"Oh um….haha it's just I never meet someone so much like my brother." She replied, "I'm not stubborn!" They both shouted at the same time then looking at one another they blushed. "See it's times like this that are memorable." Jyou commented. "What about that kiss?" Koushiro replied Sora and Taichi just blushed they hadn't said a word.

"SEE your both speechless, now how come you can't admit that?" he asked. "Simple because frankly we don't love each other that kiss was just a…a….um….a slip right Sora?" he asked her she nodded right a way. "It was just a friendly kiss nothing more." she agreed.

Koushiro growled annoyed "Never mind my head hurt talking to you both!" he exclaimed.

"I'm ready!" Miyako replied happily she had two bags of stuff with her. "What's in those?" Jyou asked he went to lift on it was extremely heavy. "You expect me to carry this?" he asked annoyed. "That's my box's of medicines." She replied and the next bag only has some clothing.

"Okay let's get back to the ship." Taichi replied. "Yup. And we can make it to Demon Island by next week." He replied.

To Be Continued….

Next....There jounery is about to come to an end when the crew finaly get the power they need to destroy all evil, but the question is will Catherine go easy on Taichi and others?

Next time on Night n Gale Chapter 16 (Part 1 of a 3 mission)