Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Quest for Hope ❯ Night ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Ok, I got inspired last night so I wrote this. It's short, but it's something….. And I still don't own Digimon. Shucks.

Jyou looked over at Yamato. He was sleeping. He checked the clock by his bed. It said it was three am. The blond was curled up around him. Jyou turned over quietly trying not to wake him up. Yamato muttered in his sleep and Jyou ended up on his back with Yamato laying half on the bed and half on him. Jyou sighed and stroked Yamato's hair and thought about their relationship.

Yamato was definitely creative in bed. He really wanted to find ways to please Jyou and considering everything that had gone on in the last week or so, he didn't think Yama would run out of ideas anytime soon. However, other things bothered him. Yamato seemed to be trying too hard. Jyou didn't have any desire to leave his Yama, but Yamato always acted like he was on the verge of leaving. He was going to have to try to find a way for Yamato to understand that Jyou had no desire to leave ever.

Jyou had finally found his Fay after all of these years. He didn't know what he was going to do if they didn't find a way to fix the bridges. Would he go with Yama or would Yama find a way to be a part of his world? The idea of the two of the separating was not something Jyou wanted to think about. Jyou kissed the top of Yamato's head and settled down to sleep.

Ken looked over at Takeru. He had somehow created a hammock-bed. He had promised Ken that he would have it disappear in the morning. Ken wouldn't have believed that Takeru could do something like that if he hadn't had seen it with his own two eyes. Takeru was sleeping by his windows. Ken thought that he looked beautiful sleeping in the moonlight streaming in the windows. Ken sat up and shook his head at the thought. Beautiful? Where did he get that idea? He sighed and looked at Daisuke who was snoring on the futon on the floor. He thought about shaking him in order to get him to change positions and stop snoring, but decided not to. He quietly got up and stepped over Daisuke. He walked over to where Takeru was sleeping. He sat down on the floor beside him.

What was it that kept drawing him to Takeru? Was it the fact that he was different from other people? Was it the fact that he could do magic, real magic not illusions? Or was it what Takeru said, that they were soulmates? Ken really didn't know. He knew few things about Takeru. What was strange to him was the fact that after he denied the fact that Takeru was his soulmate, even saying that he didn't exist, Takeru didn't press the issue at all. He would think that Takeru would try to convince him that he was wrong, but he did nothing. Takeru just waited. He didn't think that he would have that kind of patience. How could Takeru just wait for him when he had pushed him away?

Ken reached over and ran his fingers through Takeru's hair while he was thinking about all of this. Takeru woke up and looked at Ken. Ken had a thoughtful appearance on his face, but his gaze wasn't focused on Takeru. His eyes were gazed over like he was focusing on something else. Takeru wondered if Ken even knew what he was doing.

"Ken?" asked Takeru. "Is something wrong?"

Ken shook his head and then really looked at Takeru. "No. I was just thinking. Sorry I woke you up."

"Don't worry about it," said Takeru. He realized that Ken's hand was still stroking his hair. "Is there something that I can help you figure out?"

Ken shook his head again and looked out the window. Takeru studied Ken. He looked like an angel. The moonlight had made a kind of halo on the top of this head. Whatever was bothering Ken would have to wait until later. Takeru was realizing that Ken liked to figure things out on his own. He wished that Ken would trust him enough to tell him, but maybe soon. Takeru settled down to go back to sleep, maybe real soon. Takeru went to sleep with Ken still absentmindedly stroking his hair.