Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: This isn't the first fanfic I've ever written, but it is the first Digimon one I've written. I think it's pretty good so far. I changed it from the original hard copy which actually starts with the scene Daisuke explains to Takeru, but I thought it was better this way. R&R please. Pretty please? Flames are good too!

I do not own Digimon. Big scarey companies (Toei, Saban, Fox, and possibly Time Warner) own it. God forbid the hell I would create, if it should ever belong to me.
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"Anyon e home?!" Taichi banged on the door for the third time. "Damn it."
"Hey Tai," a far too chipper Daisuke made his way quickly to the door and his very annoyed friend. "Not answering huh?"
"Like always," Taichi replied in exasperation.
"Lemme try," Daisuke slyly stepped up to the door, making no effort to bang on it with his fist. "HEY TAKERU OPEN THE DOOR OR I'LL TELL YOUR MOM WHAT YOU AND HIKARI DID AT HOMECOMING!!!"
"Wow," Taichi replied, wide eyed at what Daisuke had just said. "I'm quite impressed my little protégé."
Just then the door opened to reveal a very disgruntled Takeru, still in his PJ's. "Damn it Daisuke..."
"Aw just let us in," Taichi stepped in nuggying Takeru. "Where's Yamato?"
"In his room," Takeru replied tartly. "Duh."
"And I presume he is waiting for me?" Taichi continued.
"How would I know? But one would presume so. Go on in. I don't care."
"Hey Takeru, why'd you call me up at midnight to tell me to "get my ass over here" 8 and a half hours later?" Daisuke inquired of his sleep deprived friend.
"Just shut up and I'll tell you in my room." He replied leading the utterly confused Daisuke to the afore said room.
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Taichi walked down the hallway to the guest bedroom Yamato used when he stayed at Takeru's. Man I hope he's not still mad about last week. I really didn't mean to upset him like that. His thoughts were interrupted when he walked into Yamato's room. A very perverse smiled crossed his lips at the site of the other boy wearing nothing but his boxers.
"AHH!" Yamato shrieked. "What are you doing?! Don't you know how to knock?!"
"Takeru told me to just come on in," Taichi shrugged.
"And you actually believed him?"
"Do you think I care? I just saw you in nothing but your boxers. I should go pay him."
"Listen Taichi, unlike you I do not get pleasure or satisfaction in seeing the male body. I am straight as a nail damn it!"
"I'm sure," Taichi retorted calmly.

"I am!"

"That's it!" He jumped Taichi, wrestling him on the bed before ultimately falling to the floor, with Taichi sitting on top of him. Just like when they were kids. He couldn't help but smile at the insanity of it. Here they were nearly 6 years after the fact, still wrestling and unintentionally groping one another (though with Taichi, it was probably somewhat intentional). He knew he must have looked like he was getting pleasure from the whole experience, which he was although he didn't want to admit it to himself. He noticed Taichi staring down at him with that big cocky grin of his, and was pulled instantly back into reality. He rubbed the pink from his cheeks and sat up. I feel so stupid, he thought. Here I am with this guy I've known for about half my life, that I know I can tell anything to, but yet I can't tell him I'm in love with him, even though he already admitted his feelings for me. I am so stupid. He reluctantly took the hand Taichi offered and stood up.
"Hey Yamato," Taichi said softly, knowing perfectly well the thoughts going through his friend's mind. "That brought back some interesting memories, didn't it?"
"Yeah," Yamato sighed, looking wistful. "And if I told you I didn't enjoy it, I would be lying."
"At least you can admit that much," Taichi replied in a slightly annoyed voice. "But you know the last thing I'm going to to do is force you."
"There are some things a person has to come to terms with on his own before he can admit them to others," Yamato stared at the wall opposite the direction of taichi.
"I understand," Taichi put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I should probably go now."
"No, don't," Yamato turned to face Taichi. "I never said I wanted you to leave."
"Well," Taichi replied looking away and removing the hand from Yamato's shoulder. "I guess I sort of expected that you would want to be alone. I know I did when I started questioning myself..."
"Taichi," Yamato replied with a soft laugh. "That's you. You should know by now we're like complete opposites."
"Yeah, I guess so."
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Takeru pressed his ear against the wall in hopes of more blackmailing material. Nothing. Yamato, why do you always have to take short cuts, and avoid talking these things out? Grrr. Oh well, I really don't have any business knowing this. Takeru reluctently stole his ear away from the wall to see Daisuke looking far more interested in the events of the other room.
Daisuke rammed his head into the wall out of suprise, fell back from the pain, and found himself launching at his best friend. "Don't do that!!" He cried as he missed Takeru. "Do you have any idea how hard that wall is?!"
"Gah! Sorry Daisuke!" Takeru managed to keep from yelling as Daisuke hurled himself at him. "Listen, I don't want to end up like the events in that room!" Takeru tapped the wall.
Daisuke laughed. "What? Afraid you'll want to bang me?" He teased in his usual idiotic way. He could tell Takeru was close to losing it. "OK, OK I'll stop. Don't blow a gasket Takeru!"
"I think you'd feel the same way if Hikari had a groping fight with your sister after proclaiming lesbianism," Takeru shot back.
"Dude, don't even go there," Daisuke shook the horrible thoughts from his head. "I get the point."
"Hey I know this is going to sound way off the subject," Daisuke quickly changed the subject. "But have you ever had your mind on someone to the point your brain was feeling numb?"
"Of course I have," Takeru deffinately knew the feeling. "Why?"
"Well..." Daisuke sighed. Should I really be telling him this? After what we just heard in Yamato's room? He sighed. I guess it's now or never though. At least I'm not in love with him or anything. "...Last night..well you know how Hikari and I were supposed to have a date?"
"Yup," Takeru leaned in. "Go on."
"Well she never showed up," Daisuke continued. Man this is awkward..why did he have to show up? "You will never guess who showed up."
"Oh?" Takeru was inches from Daisuke's face. "Who?"
Takeru fell off the bed.
"Are you OK?"
"I'm just in a LITTLE bit of shock. Ow."
"I'll take that as an 'I don't know, dumbass'"
Takeru got up and sat on the edge of his bed, trying to catch his breath. "Warn me next time OK?"
"Hey you're the one who wanted to know who showed up," Daisuke rolled his eyes. "I'm not finished though."
"Anyhow," Daisuke faltered slightly. "This is going to be even more scarey. Brace yourself."
"How can anything be anymore scarey than what you just told me?" He braced himself anyway.
"I think Ken was coming on to me."
Takeru fell off the bed again.
"You weren't kidding..."
"There's more.."
"Oh dear God."
Daisuke laughed nervously. How the hell am I supposed to tell him I enjoyed what Ken did to me? Why do I hafta be the one dealing with this? I'm not as confident in myself as a person as Taichi is. He has no problem telling the world he's gay. But then again, he has Yamato. There is nothing he can tell Yamato that Yamato won't accept. I hope Takeru is that accepting of me. Maybe this isn't just a test of my heart, my self-acceptance, but a test of my friendship with Takeru as well. He breathed in deeply. "I-I think..I think i enjoyed what Ken did to me...the way he dragged his index finger across my shoulders...the way he looked at me, inhaling my physical being...Damn it, why am I telling you this Takeru?!" He burried himself in the pillow at the head of the bed, inhaling Takeru's scent from it. He uses aftershave? I never knew that. I should ask what kind later on. Daisuke thought as he let himself cry into the pillowcase, not caring about Takeru's reaction.
"Daisuke? Daisuke, don't hide yourself. I'm not going to condemn you for that...your sexual orientation shouldn't have anything to do with our friendship. But I'm glad you let me know," Takeru didn't even have to look at Daisuke to know he was crying.
Daisuke pulled his head up just enough to see the caring eyes of his friend. "You mean..even after what you just heard in your brother's room?"
"Don't worry yourself about it. The last thing I would do would be abandon you while you're lost." Takeru put a hand on Daisuke's back. "And you sure sound confused."
"...Sometimes I don't know what I would do without you, Takeru."
Takeru pulled Daisuke to a sitting position and wiped his eyes with the sheets. "That's why you have friends, dummy"
"Why the hell are you so nice about everything?" Daisuke smiled.
"It's just the way I am, I guess."
"Well, don't ever stop, OK?"
"Don't worry. I don't plan on it." Takeru grinned.
"Hey I gotta get going," Daisuke glared down at his watch. I don't really know if I can face Hikari after all that..."I'm supposed to be meeting Hikari right about now."
"Alright," Takeru sighed. The thought of going to see her, much less in a date situation must be killing him. "I'll see you later."
"Hey you could come if you want to," Daisuke offered. "Please?"
"Alright," Takeru grinned. "Only because I know that going on a date with her is the last thing your mind needs."
"Thank you. You are too good to me Takeru."
Takeru scribbled a note for Yamato so he wouldn't worry about him, and ran out the door after Daisuke, almost forgetting his jacket in the process.
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A/N: So what do you think? I don't know whether to make this into a Daikeru/Taito or a Kensuke/Taito. Give me oppinions! Please? ^_^; This story is going to come in bits. So be patient. I'm in the process of writing a Taito involving Sora (did that make as little sense as I thought it did?). So stay tuned o_O.