Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: This is going up faster than I'd hoped. Hehe, I bought the Veemon digivolving playset and discovered that you can shove four humans into the digiegg thing inside it (just think: Taichi, Yamato, Daisuke, and ken havin' an orgy o_O). Needless to say, I've been on a fangirl type high..

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape, or form own Digimon. I only hope that the people who do are mentally stable (although I doubt it..*ahem*). I can do little but fear the kinds of things they may do in season 3.
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"Hey Yamato," Takeru poked his head into his brother's room. "Where's the phone?"
"In here somewhere I'll bet," Taichi laughed. "Yamato is like a girl when it comes to the phone."
"Shut up," Yamato hissed. "And yes, it is in here. It's over there somewhere."
Takeru stepped over the corner that Yamato had motioned to. "You've got to be kidding me."
"And don't expect me to help you look for it."
"Sometimes," Takeru picked up what looked to be a sock and threw it aside. "Sometimes, I want to sick Jun on you, just see you scream."
"Takeru, you're evil."
"I know."
"Will you hurry up and find it so you can leave?"
"It's not my fault you can turn a room into a toxic waste dump overnight," Takeru saw the antenna of the cordless receiver sticking out of a pile of unidentified clothing. "Found it!"
"Yay," Yamato monotoned. "Now get out."
"I'm going, I'm going!"
When Takeru had left, Yamato sighed and turned to Taichi. "Sometimes, I'm glad we only live together on the weekends."
"Oh he's not so bad," Taichi closed the door so they could once again have privacy. "If you're lucky, someday your female fans will want him instead of you."
"Good point," Yamato watched Taichi saunter back over to the chair which he had claimed earlier. God, he's magnificent. I wish I could tell him that. And he's willing to wait for me to make up my mind, even if I end up rejecting him. Even though we both know I won't...but what if? What if I end up deciding I'm not? What if he takes back what he said? No, I don't want to think about that. Although I know I should be prepared to face the impossible idea of one or both of us deciding that it's either not worth it, or that we just aren't that way. I guess I'm just so sure that everything will work out, regardless of what happens between now and the happy ending that I hope to see. Reality came rushing back to him when Taichi pinned him to the floor.
"Wake up," Taichi whispered. "I've never seen you so lost in thought before."
"Ow," Yamato looked up to meet Taichi's big brown eyes. "I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be," Taichi moved himself into a more comfortable position on top of his friend. "You've got a lot on your mind."
"Why are you sitting on me?"
"Taichi, you're impossible."
"I know."
Yamato couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of Taichi's warm body so close to his own. He let his head fall gently to the floor and closed his eyes. Taichi could see the pleasure written on Yamato's face. I know I shouldn't do this, after what happened last time when all I did was say it. But he looks so...happy, he has the most contented expression on that gorgeous face. I'm not sure I've ever seen him with an expression quite like that. And I don't care. All I care about right now is the moment, this blip in time that I know I'll never forget. I have to do this, and I have to do it right. Here goes. He slowly sat up bringing Yamato with him, keeping their bodies in contact with one another. He lifted Yamato's face to meet his own. He brought his face closer to Yamato's, very slowly, inch by inch until their lips were millimeters apart. He could feel his own heart pounding in his chest as well as Yamato's very lively pulse. He froze for a moment, with his and Yamato's lips in limbo with one another, almost touching but too afraid to go further. Before he realized it, he had dropped Yamato, and turned away trembling.
"Ow," Yamato sat up and rubbed his head. "Taichi.."
"I'm sorry," Taichi whispered. He stood up and walked to the door, not looking at Yamato once. "I'm sorry. I'm a terrible person."
"What? Taichi come back here."
"I just tried to take advantage of you," Taichi whispered again. "And you still want me near you. You should hate me."
"No," Yamato stood up and began to slowly make his way over to Taichi. "Why should I hate you?"
"Because," Taichi could feel the tears stinging at his eyes. "I know you didn't want me to do that."
"So?" Yamato was only a couple feet away from Taichi and could almost feel his trembling. "That's not a reason to hate you."
"Yamato," Taichi whispered again, as he winced when he felt a hand grasp his shoulder. "I don't deserve you. Not as a friend, and certainly not as a lover."
"That's not true," Yamato turned Taichi around to face him. "When you care about someone, it doesn't matter whether or not you deserve them as long they care about you."
"Huh?" Taichi's eyes widened as they were met by Yamato's kind blue ones. He shook his head. "What exactly are you trying to say?"
"I'm not sure," Yamato put a hand to one of Taichi cheeks, wiping the tears before they fell. "I'm not sure if I love you, but I know that care about you. A lot."
Taichi closed his eyes and smiled. "I still shouldn't have done that."
"The moment carried your mind and heart away from one another," Yamato put both his hands on Taichi's shoulders. "Sometimes things just..happen. Don't worry about it."
"What would you have done if I had actually gone through with it?"
"I don't know. That's something that I'm sure will come up later though."
"Come on," he stepped away and walked to the center of the room. "Let's get this place cleaned up so you'll have somewhere to sleep."

-Takeru's room-

"Daisuke?" Takeru nudged his friend's still body. "I guess he got worn out from all that, which means I'm going to have to call his house. Great." He dialed Daisuke's number and listen to the other end ring. Jun answered.
"Hi, this is Takeru, Daisuke's friend. Is this Jun?"
"Can you let your parents know he's going to spend that night at my house?"
"Sure thing. You're Yamato's little brother, right?"
"Can you put him on?"
"If I could, I would. But he's..um...indisposed at the moment."
"Damn it. Alright then."
"Byebye, Yamato's little brother."
He hung up the phone. "That girl sure is weird. But Daisuke's right, she really isn't that bad."
Daisuke groaned and rolled over, ending up with his head resting on one of Takeru's legs. Takeru could see that the sheets where Daisuke's head had just been were still damp. "Poor guy." He unconsciously began stroking Daisuke's hair. "You just rest. I won't let anyone bother you."
Daisuke grimaced and let out a slight moan, as if he were in pain. He awoke with a Jump and fell off the bed. Takeru was doing all he could not to fall off the bed laughing.
"It's not that funny!"
"Sorry," Takeru grinned. "Are you OK?"
"Yes I-ow-am."
"Sure you are," Takeru help Daisuke back up onto the bed. "I'm hungry."
"Me too," Daisuke nodded. "Let's order a pizza."
"Good idea."
"Hey Takeru," Daisuke suddenly remembered that he had no idea why Takeru had asked him to come over the first time. "Why did you call me last night? I mean what did you want me to come over for?"
"Oh, um, I just didn't want to be the only one spying on Yamato. Share the blame ya know?"
"If you say so," Daisuke knew better than to believe him, but he also wasn't about to argue.
"And what's that mean?"
"There wasn't any other reason."
"Again; Huh?"
"Look, forget it," Takeru dialed the number of the pizza place. "Hello? I'd like to order a supreme sized meatlover's pizza. With extra cheese. Thank you."
"You are so hiding something from me."
"I am not hiding anything," He responded stiffly. Am I? My mind was a blur last night. I had so many weird things floating around my mind that I'm not even sure what it was that caused me to call him in the first place. Maybe it was that weird daydream about him. I still don't know where that came from, and more importantly, why I enjoyed it so much. Maybe I should tell him... No. I can't. I don't want to make him worry about me. I'll talk to Hikari about it tomorrow, after he goes home.
"Hey you OK?"
"You dropped the phone and zoned out on me. Takeru, please tell me what's up with you."
Takeru shook his head. "I'm fine. I don't want you worrying about me."
"I'm going to worry about you until you tell me."
"You'd be even more worried if I did. End of discussion, Damn it!"
Ding Dong.
"Pizza. I'll go get it," Takeru got up and walked out of the room.

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A/N: End chapter 3! ...Finally. -Ahem- I'm not sure how long this will be, but I can say that right now, it's far from finished. Nowhere near. I may have Sora turn into a jealous villain type, to put in some action. Maybe Iori can be her henchman, I dunno. *shrugs* just tell me what ya thought of the Taito goodness. *sweatdrops* (*update* I just realized that's the fastest I've ever seen a pizza get delivered.. o_O)